Jacksonville Grand Prix

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The Jacksonville Grand Prix is a series of Jacksonville’s best races. The series starts with the Seacoast Bank Celebration Run on July 4th and ends with the Run for the Pies in June. Runners accumulate points based on their performance in each event.  Each race is scored independently.   The series is scored in two  halves (Fall and Spring).  There will be  8 to 10 races in each half, but only the eight best scores will be counted in each half.  Overall scoring will be determined by using age-graded performance factors (these factors are determined as a percentage of the current age record for each age based on information supplied by USA Track and Field). Age group points are based on scoring in the top ten of each age group.

Winners will be determined based on accumulating points for the top eight grand prix scores for each half.


If you finish ten of the races during the season, you will receive a custom designed glass mug.


The Jacksonville Grand Prix is a series of Jacksonville’s best road races. These races are top quality, established events. The courses are measured accurately. Each event offers race results to the finishers, and the events are conducted by groups or individuals that have experience and expertise in the field of road racing. As a participant in a Grand Prix event you can rest assured that you are running a worthwhile race.


Any runner can compete in the Jacksonville Grand Prix. You do not have to register to take part. All you have to do is run the events. 1st Place Sports will score each race to see if you have accumulated points in the series. The Grand Prix is designed to determine the top Jacksonville area runners, given the age differences. There are two ways to score points. First, in the overall competition based on age-graded performances and second, by finishing in the top ten in your age group. The age group and overall competition are scored separately. The scores are not combined!


Cash awards will be given to the top five overall finishers. It is important to note that in this scoring system, males and females are combined. The cash awards are as follows:

1st place: $1,000
2nd place: $600
3rd place: $400
4th place: $200
5th place: $100

Prize money will not be awarded to anyone below the 20-24 age group unless they have completed their college eligibility.


Points will be awarded ten deep in each age group. After we have determined who the top five runners are for the cash awards we will determine an age-group champion in each of the age-groups as outlined in the rules section. Grand Prix awards will be given to the top three of each age group, but to qualify a runner must accumulate at least 200 points in either the first or second half of the season.


  • Runners will compete for points in their age-groups. Points are earned by placing in the top ten of the male and female divisions.
  • Points will be awarded for placing in the top ten of an age-group as follows
    • : 1st: 100, 2nd: 85, 3rd: 70, 4th: 55, 5th: 45, 6th: 35, 7th: 25, 8th: 20, 9th: 15, 10th: 10.
  • Overall scoring will be based on age-graded performance factors as determined by USA Track and Field.
  • Points as calculated by 1st Place Sports will be official.
  • Points for the 10 and under and 11-13 age-groups will be based on the accompanying 5K race with the Pumpkin Run, Thanksgiving Distance Classic 1/2 Marathon, Winter Beach Run and the Jacksonville Marathon.  We do not encourage 13 and under participation in races of 10 miles and longer.
  • There will be eight to ten races in each half. A participant’s score will be determined by taking the eight best scores for that half.
  • A runner can compete in both halves of the series.
  • A participant’s score will  be the higher 0f the points accumulated in either the Summer-Fall or Winter-Spring half.
  • The two half are compared to each other to determine the winners.
  • All runners will count in scoring no matter where they reside, unless the runner is receiving financial assistance from the race as an invited runner.
  • There will be two separate competitions: Overall & Age Group. Overall points will be scored by age-graded factors. Points scored in the age groups will be based on finishing in the top ten of each age group.
  •  In the case of ties at the end of the season. The runner with the best finish overall will be the winner.
  • The schedule of events and the dates of these events as outlined are tentative.
  • A runner’s age-group for age-group championship tabulations will be based on age of the person when they compete in their first race of each half of the season
  • Prize money will not be paid to anyone under the age of 21 years.
  • Overall winners will be removed from the age-groups at the end of a season.
  • To qualify for an age-group award, a runner must accumulate 300 points in a half.