Lace Up Local 
Where you buy matters. Locally owned stores are more than just the corner store. They are the foundation of our economy. The places where communities unite… and ideas thrive. They account for 75% of all new jobs and employ over half of all workers in America. They reinvest in the local economy at a 60% higher rate than chains.
Every dollar you spend at a local business creates 3 1/2 times more local economic benefit than dollars spent at a chain or online. Make your purchases matter. Put your money where your house is and support your friends and neighbors.
We, local running stores, eat, sleep, and breathe running and fitness. We have dedicated our livelihoods to making sure you get exactly what you need.
Why Shop Local?
Excellent customer service
We have individualized fittings and in-depth knowledge of all things running.
Learn how to train
We are the best and least intimidating place to learn about training for your race, whether it be your very first 5K or your fourth full marathon!
Learn from experienced employees
Our employees eat, sleep, and breathe running!
Get your questions answered
We have clinics with coaches, sports medicine experts, yoga instructors, massage therapists, etc. to answer all your questions about health, injuries, rehab, recovery, training, etc.
Help the local economy
If you spend $100 at a locally owned business, on average, $68 goes back to the local economy.
We know all about running
Would you go to a bakery to get new windshield wipers? There’s no sense going to a store that sells football and hockey gear if you are trying to buy running shoes or apparel.
Support local races, schools, and causes
Our stores and race events support local charities, schools, and running programs!
Group runs and in-store events
We offer free group runs every week and special in-store clinics and events regularly!
Get shoes you can’t get anywhere else
We often have running shoes that aren’t sold at larger sporting good stores or national chain retailers.