Run For The Hungry 5K

2501 Loretto Road, Jacksonville, FL 32223

Saturday, April 26, 2025

8 AM for 5K and 9 AM for the 1 Mile Fun Run


Rotary Club of Mandarin was established in 1975 and is proud of our 50 years of accomplishments in the community promoting “Service Above Self.” With the valued support of our local businesses and residents, we have been able to provide significant financial support to charities doing great work – both locally and internationally.

With your help, over the last few years, we have been able to provide the Mandarin division of Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department with seven thermal imaging cameras, grants to K-9s for Warriors, donations to Polio Plus, a van to the Mandarin Food Bank at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, and thousands of dollars to dozens of other local charities.

Last year, we donated over $36,000 to local charities, including a combined $25,000 to the Mandarin Food Bank at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church and the Daily Bread Food Pantry at Mandarin Presbyterian Church. This year, we hope to do more!

The 4th Annual Race for the Hungry 5k and 1 Mile Fun Run, which will be organized by 1st Place Sports, and held on Saturday, April 26th at Mandarin Presbyterian Church. Once again, the Race will be primarily for the benefit of the Mandarin Food Bank at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church and the Daily Bread Food Pantry at Mandarin Presbyterian Church (some proceeds will be reserved for other non-profit charities in

Race Features

  • Medals to all finishers
  • Shirts to all participants
  • chip timing
  • Scenic course
  • Overall and Age-group awards
  • Post race food and drink

Entry Fees

5K1 Mile Fun Run
Through March 31st$30$15
April 1st - April 19th$35$15
April 20th- April 25th$40$20
Race Day$50$20

You can help feed the hungry by bringing a canned good to packet pickup or on race day.  You can also donate to our charities during registration or donate by clicking the link below.

Race will be primarily for the benefit of the Mandarin Food Bank at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church and the Daily Bread Food Pantry at Mandarin Presbyterian Church (some proceeds will be reserved for other non-profit charities in the Mandarin Area

Donate to help feed the hungry

Register Now!


Click Here to Register Online

Online registration closes early. After online registration closes, you can still register in any 1st Place Sports store or on Race day.

In person:

You can register at any  1st Place Sports location on store kiosks with no processing fee.

Packet Pickup

Packets will be available for pick up at the 1st Place Sport- 3931 Baymeadows Road  on Friday, April 25th from 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM. All unclaimed packets will be moved to the race site for race day pick up beginning an hour before the race.

Baymeadows Store: 3931 Baymeadows Road, Jacksonville, FL 32217
Race Day  at Mandarin Presbyterian Church


Awards will be presented to the top three men and women overall, first master’s male and female overall, and the top three in each of the following male and female age groups: 10 & under, 11-13, 14-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80+.



You will receive race instructions the week of the event. These will include your assigned race bib number and your selected pickup location where you will need to pick up your race packet.  The email will also contain updated information for the event including parking instructions. Be sure that our 1st Place Sports emails are not going to your junk folder to ensure that you receive this important email.


Presenting Sponsor
Pace Setter Sponsor
Pace Setter Sponsor
Pace Setter Sponsor
Pace Setter Sponsor
Pace Setter Sponsor

Other Sponsors

Front Runners
Harby Jewelers
North Florida Surgeons