Chuze Fitness | Bailey’s Mandarin Run

Chuze Fitness | Baileys - Mandarin: 11740-2 San Jose Blvd

Saturday, November 8, 2025

8:00 AM

About this Race

Please join us for the 45th running of the Mandarin Run. This race features a 10K and a 5K on one of the fastest and scenic courses in Jacksonville.

The 10K is the featured JGP event for all age-groups.

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Entry Fees

Through September 30th$35$35
October 1st - October 31st$40$40
November 1st - November 15th$45$45
Race Day$50$50

The entry fee for 13 and under and 65 and older is $5.00 less until race day

Sorry, there are absolutely no refunds or transfers!



You will receive race instructions the week of the event. These will include your assigned race bib number and your selected pickup location where you will need to pick up your race packet.  The email will also contain updated information for the event including parking instructions. Be sure that our 1st Place Sports emails are not going to your junk folder to ensure that you receive this important email.

Register Now!


» Click Here to Register Online

In person:

You can register at any of our 1st Place Sports stores on our in-store computers with no processing fee.

Packet Pickup

Packets will be available for pick up at your selected 1st Place Sports locations on Thursday, November 14th from 10:00 am – 6:00 pm,  and Friday, November 15th from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM. All unclaimed packets will be available at the race site for raceday pick up beginning an hour before the race.

Baymeadows Store: 3931 Baymeadows Road, Jax, FL 32217
San Marco Store: 2018 San Marco Blvd., Jax, FL 32207
St Johns County: 2220 CR 210, St Johns, FL 32259 (904) 484-7641


Finisher Medals: Custom medals will be given to all finisher of the 10K and 5K.

10K: Prize money will be awarded to the top three men and women overall as follows: 1st Place $200, 2nd Place $150, 3rd Place $100, 1st Masters $50. Age group awards will be presented to the top three finishers in each of the following male and female age groups as follows: 19 and under, 20-24. 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80+.

5K: Awards will be presented to the top male and female overall and to the top three finishers in each of the above age groups plus 10 and under, 11-13 and 14 to 19.



10K: The race will start and finish at the Bailey’s Gym on San Jose at Loretto Road (11740 San Jose Blvd.). The course is flat and fast, runs through a nice residential neighborhood. There is a 1.5 hour course limit.

5K: The 5K starts at the 10K starting line and runs an out and back course along Flynn Road.


Parking is available in the Mandarin South Shopping Center where Bailey’s Gym is located. Please do not park in front of Winn Dixie and Brooks Rehab across the street from Baileys.  Clay Eye Institute located next to Bailey’s will also be open so do not park in their lot.  You could be towed.

Jacksonville Grand Prix Race

This event is a race on the Jacksonville Grand Prix schedule. Runners who finish in the top ten of their age group will receive points to be counted in the overall series. Over $5,000 in cash and prizes will be awarded at the end of the series. For more information about the Grand Prix, click here.