Hope Starts Here 5K

Operation New Hope, 1830 N. Main Street, Jacksonville 32206

Saturday, May 17, 2025

1 Mile Fun Run at 8:30am and 5K at 9:00am

About this Race

The Hope Starts Here 5K is a great race for runners looking for a route steeped in Jacksonville history and benefitting an amazing cause.  A lovely trek through the Emerald Trail that begins and ends at Operation New Hope – housed in one of Springfield’s most iconic buildings – the Hope Starts Here 5K helps Jacksonville build safer communities, stronger economies, and more stable families. Hope Starts Here 5K shirts will be given to all participants, and custom designed finisher medals will be presented to all 1 Mile and 5K finishers at the finish line.  


The proceeds from the Hope Starts Here 5k will benefit Operation New Hope. At Operation New Hope, we believe that we are all better than our worst mistake, worst day, or worst decision. We believe in people’s ability to learn from their errors and transform their lives through commitment and hard work. For over 20 years, we have worked to build a stronger community by creating opportunities for people with a criminal history to realize second chances by reconnecting to the workforce. Funds raised will be used to provide workforce training, mental health services, and job placement for people affected by the criminal justice system.

Entry Fees

5K1 Mile Fun Run
Through February 29th $30$15
March 1st - April 30th$35$15
May 1st - May 16th$40$20
Race day$50$25

Sorry, refunds or transfers are now allowed!

Register Now!


Click Here to Register Online

Online registration closes early. After online registration closes, you can still register in any 1st Place Sports store or on Race day.

In person:

You can register at any  1st Place Sports location on store kiosks with no processing fee.

Packet Pickup

Packets will be available for pick up at the 1st Place Sports location on Friday, May 16th from 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM. All unclaimed packets will be moved to the race site for race day pick up beginning an hour before the race.

Baymeadows Store: 3931 Baymeadows Road, Jacksonville, FL 32217
San Marco Store: 2018 San Marco Blvd., Jacksonville, Fl 32207


Race starts and finishes on Main Street and runs out and back along the Emerald Trail S-line.

Course Map


Medals to all finishers .

Award  plaques to the top three men and women overall, first place masters male and female and three deep in each of the following male and female age-groups.  10 and under, 11-13, 14-19, 20-24, 25-29, 34-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79 and 80 & over.


Parking at Operation New Hope and Wells Fargo.



You will receive race instructions the week of the event. These will include your assigned race bib number and your selected pickup location where you will need to pick up your race packet.  The email will also contain updated information for the event including parking instructions. Be sure that our 1st Place Sports emails are not going to your junk folder to ensure that you receive this important email.

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