Amelia Island Pirate Invitational 2015 JV RAce
Amelia Island, FL
Oct. 17, 2015
Results by 1st Place Sports
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Last updated Oct. 17, 2015 10:10 AM Open Women's Teams ID# PLACE FINISHER TIME 1. Fleming Island Hs 523 1 Audrey Millican, 9 22:25 512 2 Mariam Samuel, 12 22:54 522 3 Mackenzie Meagher, 9 23:42 514 4 Halie Bourre, 11 23:44 519 5 Sydney Nelson, 10 23:51 516 6 Mallory Corless, 10 24:25 518 7 Kayla Dulke, 11 25:36 Total Time = 1:56:36 Total Places = 15 2. Fernandina Beach Hs 585 9 Lily Basse, 10 26:38 588 10 Amber Sell, 10 28:45 590 12 Faith Twiggs, 9 29:46 586 13 Emily Gelis, 10 29:50 589 15 Sydney Williamson, 10 30:59 Total Time = 2:25:58 Total Places = 59 3. Matanzas Hs 602 8 Briana Rodriguez, 12 26:27 606 11 Rain Marti, 10 28:46 609 14 Jazzmyn Falloon, 10 29:51 613 16 Hannah Masher, 10 33:33 607 17 Erin Tice, 11 33:43 611 18 Sam Howell, 12 34:15 Total Time = 2:32:20 Total Places = 66 TEAM ID# PLACE SCORE FINISHER TIME TEAM Individuals 523 1 1 Audrey Millican, 9 22:25 Fleming Island Hs 512 2 2 Mariam Samuel, 12 22:54 Fleming Island Hs 552 3 Grace Fulmer, 7 23:28 Providence School 522 4 3 Mackenzie Meagher, 9 23:42 Fleming Island Hs 514 5 4 Halie Bourre, 11 23:44 Fleming Island Hs 519 6 5 Sydney Nelson, 10 23:51 Fleming Island Hs 551 7 Elizabeth Crosby, 10 23:56 Providence School 533 8 Sydney Lewis, 10 24:00 Stanton Prep 532 9 Hannah Carolan, 10 24:08 Stanton Prep 516 10 6 Mallory Corless, 10 24:25 Fleming Island Hs 535 11 Sara Rosenblum, 9 25:07 Stanton Prep 518 12 7 Kayla Dulke, 11 25:36 Fleming Island Hs 520 13 8 Tabitha Singh, 10 25:51 Fleming Island Hs 531 14 Catherine Bealle, 11 26:09 Stanton Prep 602 15 9 Briana Rodriguez, 12 26:27 Matanzas Hs 585 16 10 Lily Basse, 10 26:38 Fernandina Beach Hs 588 17 11 Amber Sell, 10 28:45 Fernandina Beach Hs 606 18 12 Rain Marti, 10 28:46 Matanzas Hs 590 19 13 Faith Twiggs, 9 29:46 Fernandina Beach Hs 586 20 14 Emily Gelis, 10 29:50 Fernandina Beach Hs 609 21 15 Jazzmyn Falloon, 10 29:51 Matanzas Hs 566 22 Cameron Dennis, 6 30:41 Baldwin Middle- 589 23 16 Sydney Williamson, 10 30:59 Fernandina Beach Hs 546 24 Rachel Dennis, 9 31:21 Yulee Hs 545 25 Kristen Brainard, 11 33:32 Yulee Hs 613 26 17 Hannah Masher, 10 33:33 Matanzas Hs 607 27 18 Erin Tice, 11 33:43 Matanzas Hs 611 28 19 Sam Howell, 12 34:15 Matanzas Hs 544 29 Sylvie Veillard, 11 36:54 Yulee Hs 599 30 Tiffany Jones, 12 40:13 Bradwell Institute 494 31 Gabrielle Bunch, 12 40:20 Baker County Hs 496 32 Rena Howie, 11 45:15 Baker County Hs 51 finishers among Open Men 32 finishers among Open Women 51 male finishers 32 female finishers 83 total finishersClick here for data on boys
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