Mckenzies Run 2015 New 5K Finish

Jacksonville, FL

Nov. 22, 2015

Results by 1st Place Sports

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                                                  Last updated Dec. 17, 2015 11:27 AM
              TEAM                               CLOCK         NET    
  ID#  PLACE SCORE           FINISHER            TIME         TIME     PACE        TEAM

Open Men
 1596     1        Terrance sessoms, 16           16:04        16:03    5:11                       
 1387     2        Cody Pontius, 26               16:25        16:25    5:17                       
 1954     3        Buay Deng, 17                  16:31        16:31    5:19                       
Open Women
  761     1        taylor rogers, 31              18:11        18:11    5:52                       
 2738     2        Caitlin Collier, 16            19:25        19:22    6:15  Bolles               
  687     3        elle baker, 23                 19:34        19:30    6:17                       
Masters Men
 2787    20        Gregory Brown, 42              19:02        18:55    6:06  EverBank             
Masters Women
 2895    20        Carol Mikell, 45               22:34        22:31    7:16  Pvps Cares           

              TEAM                               CLOCK         NET    
  ID#  PLACE SCORE           FINISHER            TIME         TIME     PACE        TEAM

Men Under 3
 3587    96        James Andrews, 2               23:04        23:04    7:26                       
  475   120        John Zurn, 1                   23:54        23:49    7:41  Chargers on the Run  
  483   486        Carson Carnes, 1               35:24        34:26   11:06  Chargers on the Run  

Men 3 - 10
  498    81        Miles Yates, 10                22:47        22:40    7:18  Chargers on the Run  
 1717   109        Lamont Tillery Jr., 10         23:43        23:28    7:34  Fnf                  
 1561   122        Turner Glenn, 8                24:23        23:50    7:41                       
 2345   169        Gavin Hibbard, 8               25:23        24:59    8:04                       
  588   170        Michael Caron, 9               25:05        25:00    8:04  Atoms Family         
  536   201        Julian Barre, 9                27:18        26:13    8:27  Jcds                 
 1189   212        Ben Burk, 10                   26:34        26:34    8:34  Team Isabella        
 2340   222        Reece Pittman, 9               27:31        26:52    8:40                       
  505   238        Jacob Harvey, 10               27:44        27:15    8:47  Chargers on the Run  
 3698   271        Dylan Moore, 3                 28:25        28:00    9:02                       
  540   274        Tate Lueck, 8                  29:07        28:03    9:03  Jcds                 
 1583   289        Carson Stoudt, 7               29:02        28:22    9:09                       
 1229   303        Kade Law, 8                    29:21        28:47    9:17  Wallace Dg           
 2371   311        Jackson Morreale, 7            29:07        28:58    9:21  PwC                  
  494   316        Adam Harvey, 9                 29:33        29:03    9:22  Chargers on the Run  
  479   322        Noah Cordeace, 10              29:42        29:11    9:25  Chargers on the Run  
 3849   324        Charlie Morreale, 7            29:26        29:14    9:26  PwC                  
  490   332        Sean Sakimukai, 9              29:55        29:26    9:29  Chargers on the Run  
  476   333        Manas Gandepalli, 10           29:58        29:27    9:30  Chargers on the Run  
 1984   337        Zac Dennie, 8                  29:43        29:38    9:33  Believe              
  163   346        Braiden Whitaker, 9            29:53        29:53    9:38                       
 3148   363        Patton Avera, 8                30:41        30:30    9:50                       
 3927   364        Logan Whitaker, 7              30:42        30:32    9:51                       
 1424   366        Chad Schmachtenberger, 9       31:13        30:37    9:52  Schmach              
  219   378        Ronan Bozeman, 10              34:09        30:49    9:56                       
 3772   380        Spencer Surface, 10            31:19        30:56    9:59                       
 1614   388        Alexi Hernandez, 9             31:10        31:07   10:02  Marc                 
  603   406        Patrick Mulvey, 10             36:05        31:52   10:17  Team Mulvey          
  542   407        Kiran Parekh, 6                36:33        31:52   10:17  Jcds                 
 1806   409        David Rafalski, 8              35:37        31:54   10:17  Annas Dragons        
 1718   413        Ahmad Tillery, 10              32:49        31:58   10:19  Fnf                  
 1752   416        jacob acree, 9                 32:17        32:03   10:20  Sacred Heart         
 1800   424        Pj Ramdas, 6                   35:36        32:17   10:25                       
  450   433        Aidan Mark, 9                  36:23        32:34   10:30                       
  497   436        Charles-Vincent Phillip, 10
                                                 33:12        32:41   10:32  Chargers on the Run  
 1227   440        Robbie Thomas Jr, 8            33:29        32:50   10:35  Wallace Dg           
 2453   449        Jake Ross, 10                  33:56        33:05   10:40  Ross                 
  925   454        Zak kornick, 7                 34:09        33:13   10:43  Kornick              
 1874   474        Colin Maxwell, 9               37:08        33:52   10:55                       
  485   478        Jonathan Elliott, 9            35:11        34:10   11:01  Chargers on the Run  
 1269   489        Bryden Speeg, 8                35:15        34:34   11:09                       
 1417   491        Garrett Lawrence, 8            35:19        34:39   11:10                       
 2842   492        Adam Francesconi, 7            35:20        34:40   11:11  Jbe100mileClub       
  539   500        Jake Davis, 8                  37:15        34:53   11:15  Jcds                 
 1574   504        Trent Hoy, 10                  39:13        35:03   11:18                       
  484   506        Kaden Hooker, 9                35:57        35:04   11:19  Chargers on the Run  
  478   508        Charles Dicey, 9               36:08        35:11   11:21  Chargers on the Run  
  506   512        Evan Fader, 10                 36:15        35:16   11:22  Chargers on the Run  
  495   513        Brandon Kayser, 9              36:13        35:17   11:23  Chargers on the Run  
 3168   535        Kaleb Thorpe, 10               37:03        35:58   11:36  Insane Bolts         
 1705   551        Joshua Buford, 9               39:31        36:33   11:47  Buford Family        
  487   567        Jayce Lam, 9                   38:24        37:28   12:05  Chargers on the Run  
 1782   579        Noah Witt, 8                   39:32        38:20   12:22                       
 1104   582        Spencer Haak, 9                47:24        38:21   12:22  Hope's Closet        
 1833   588        Logan Pittman, 7               39:36        38:34   12:26                       
  268   605        Camden Budd, 9                 40:26        39:12   12:39  Budds                
 3172   615        Landon Dickinson, 8            42:57        39:38   12:47  Dickinson Technologie 
  214   620        Connor Crane, 9                41:35        40:03   12:55                       
 1096   623        Zane Wilson, 8                 43:57        40:11   12:58  Hope's Closet        
 2931   629        Rocco Yaccino, 5               47:33        40:27   13:03  Team Yaccino         
 1893   639        Macky Crenshaw, 8              41:28        41:28   13:22                       
 1061   641        parker beane, 9                48:54        41:29   13:23  EverBank             
 2158   642        Daviam Barnes, 8               42:49        41:34   13:24  Morgan & Morgan      
   86   645        Silas Magdalein, 5             51:56        41:43   13:27  Morgan & Morgan      
 1862   656        Montez Amberson, 9             50:54        42:43   13:47                       
  890   657        sean reichard, 3               42:46        42:46   13:48  alluvion staffing    
  780   671        Zayne Dockery, 10              45:29        43:46   14:07                       
 2269   677        Lj Worsdell, 5                 44:27        44:27   14:20                       
  492   680        Dylan Grubbs, 9                45:40        44:40   14:24  Chargers on the Run  
  503   681        Ethan Lezhak, 9                45:40        44:41   14:25  Chargers on the Run  
 1588   692        McKay England, 10              50:33        45:34   14:42                       
 1587   693        Jordan England, 8              50:33        45:34   14:42                       
 2387   709        Alexander Bryant Jr, 4         48:04        47:14   15:14                       
 1056   711        Cj Dumas, 6                    48:21        47:17   15:15  Eleven22             
 2341   725        Landon Pittman, 7              48:55        48:15   15:34                       
 1776   753        Sean Eller, 7                  58:01        50:15   16:12                       
  956   755        Marcos Laureano, 9             57:46        51:07   16:29  SlowPokes            
 1713   759        Miguel Muniz, 9                51:44        51:44   16:41  EverBank             
  486   778        Jackson Lee, 10                54:26        53:20   17:12  Chargers on the Run  
  727   785        Bowen Body, 8                1:01:45        54:03   17:26                       
 3580   801        Clay Magyar, 7               1:02:25        54:41   17:38                       
 1751   802        joshua acree, 10               54:55        54:49   17:41  Sacred Heart         
  377   817        Liam Bristol, 7              1:00:57        56:30   18:13  Zoo Crew             
  378   819        Owen Martin, 6               1:00:57        56:33   18:14  Zoo Crew             
 2752   820        Carson Shaffer, 6            1:03:02        56:35   18:15  Chets Creek          
  489   821        Griffin Merchant, 10         1:03:53        57:07   18:25  Chargers on the Run  
  524   830        Vincent A Correale, 5        1:03:08        59:27   19:11  Chargers on the Run  
  732   832        Aiden q Ford, 8              1:04:17        59:29   19:11                       
  926   838        Teigen Kornick, 5            1:00:46        59:50   19:18  Kornick              
  541   842        Alexi Parekh, 6              1:06:00      1:01:17   19:46  Jcds                 
  838   846        Andy Urbano, 5               1:11:39      1:03:32   20:30                       
 3188   847        Grady Courtis, 6             1:10:04      1:03:36   20:31  Chets Creek Elementar 
 1317   850        Parker Lyle, 7               1:11:35      1:04:06   20:40                       
 2838   854        Matthew Shuster, 10          1:12:15      1:04:27   20:47  Ironman              
  857   855        Anthoni Smith, 8             1:05:00      1:05:00   20:58                       
 3818   856        Jake Cumber, 4               1:11:51      1:05:28   21:07                       

Men 11 - 13
 2026    21        Cole Rutkowski, 13             19:00        18:59    6:07  Bolles               
  884    47        Zachary Wagner, 12             22:09        21:07    6:48  Assumption           
 2020    49        Michael Teal, 13               21:27        21:14    6:51  Assumption           
   20    50        Aidan Ryan, 11                 21:20        21:15    6:51  Bolles               
 1430    65        Mason Lee, 11                  22:37        21:55    7:04  Team Mason           
  663    70        daniel rivera, 13              22:20        22:18    7:11                       
 1488    79        Jamie Cronin, 12               22:41        22:36    7:17  Remy Turns 15        
 1477    88        Colin Duhnoski, 12             23:13        22:54    7:23  Bolles               
 2018    89        Kristian Tucker, 13            23:07        22:55    7:23  Assumption           
  797    90        Mathew Alangadan, 13           22:57        22:56    7:24                       
   26   121        Matthew McClure, 12            25:07        23:49    7:41  Bolles Middle        
 1983   130        Jacob Dennie, 11               24:05        23:59    7:44  Believe              
  668   132        Tanner Griffith, 12            24:00        24:00    7:44  Assumption           
  813   142        William Camp, 13               24:23        24:17    7:50                       
 1719   144        James Wilson, 12               24:35        24:20    7:51  Fnf                  
 2277   148        Jacob Reeves, 12               25:19        24:26    7:53                       
  796   149        Brett Stambaugh, 13            24:35        24:28    7:53                       
  938   153        Nolan Zaepfel, 13              24:45        24:38    7:57  Team Bolles          
 1398   154        Jace Crawford, 13              25:15        24:39    7:57                       
  949   177        Dawson Omdahl, 11              26:24        25:20    8:10  Omdahl               
 1636   188        Clark Fannin, 13               25:56        25:42    8:17  Team Fannin          
 1762   190        Keneth Ray Santonil, 12        25:47        25:44    8:18  Sacred Heart         
 2177   193        Aidan Rizk, 13                 25:52        25:49    8:20  Sacred Heart         
 1615   200        Christopher Hernandez, 11      26:15        26:12    8:27  Marc                 
 2441   226        Grant Reidy, 12                28:53        27:03    8:43  Sparkly Marshmallows 
 2438   239        nicholas elksnis, 13           27:23        27:16    8:48  Bolles               
 1961   245        Aakash Kc Manandhar, 12        28:14        27:23    8:50                       
 1879   251        Chapman Maxwell, 12            28:35        27:35    8:54                       
  523   258        Joshua Frisbee, 13             28:16        27:43    8:56  Chargers on the Run  
 2979   287        Chase Toonk, 12                32:40        28:20    9:08                       
  784   307        bobby crouch, 13               28:56        28:55    9:20                       
  245   309        Ross Candelino, 12             29:04        28:57    9:20                       
 1517   312        Matthew Anderson, 13           29:04        28:58    9:21                       
 1981   336        Blake phillips, 13             29:43        29:37    9:33  Believe              
 1811   339        Jacob Poudrier, 12             32:41        29:39    9:34  Doominators          
  263   347        Andrew McLauchlan, 11          30:26        29:57    9:39  #TeamLegacyTrust     
 2015   352        Andy White, 12                 30:40        30:06    9:42  Assumption           
  746   360        connor bowman, 13              30:44        30:25    9:48                       
  510   383        Anuraag Gandepalli, 11         31:49        30:58    9:59  Chargers on the Run  
  804   387        Haakon Valberg, 12             31:21        31:07   10:02                       
 2960   415        Davis Warren, 11               33:46        32:00   10:19  Web com              
    5   427        Aiden Laurie, 13               33:44        32:20   10:26  Acosta               
 1494   441        Brandon Purvis, 13             33:25        32:52   10:36  Fierce Turkies       
  561   443        joshua soffler, 13             36:54        32:57   10:38  super-supers         
 1584   446        Cole Thompson, 11              33:43        33:00   10:38                       
 1761   447        Michael Aguila, 12             33:25        33:02   10:39  Sacred Heart         
 1598   459        Shep Mitchell, 11              33:38        33:25   10:47                       
 2218   460        Caden Rice, 11                 35:39        33:25   10:47  Team Together        
 1592   465        Ander Kelley, 11               33:46        33:33   10:49                       
  808   467        Denny Vohs, 11                 33:51        33:37   10:50                       
  230   472        John Bradley, 13               35:02        33:50   10:55                       
  482   509        Nicholas Frisbee, 11           36:10        35:12   11:21  Chargers on the Run  
  213   511        Patrick Crane, 13              36:44        35:13   11:21                       
  363   552        Cody Kopp, 13                  37:33        36:40   11:50  Team Hew             
 1188   571        Beau Burk, 13                  37:53        37:53   12:13  Team Isabella        
  357   572        Christian Pellum, 12           38:18        37:54   12:13  Sacred Heart         
  989   576        Andrew Ang, 12                 38:33        38:09   12:18  Sacred Heart         
 1851   577        Sean Carter, 13                38:39        38:15   12:20                       
 3171   585        Gavin Dickinson, 13            39:39        38:30   12:25  Dickinson Technologie 
 2928   590        Nino Yaccino, 12               45:42        38:37   12:27  Team Yaccino         
  266   610        Jackson Budd, 13               40:38        39:24   12:42  Budds                
 1939   616        Ryan Seiler, 11                43:05        39:45   12:49  Dickinson Technologie 
 1590   631        Ken Soteesan, 13               41:53        40:38   13:06                       
 1859   632        Colin Pratt, 13                41:24        40:39   13:07                       
 1860   654        Montrae Amberson, 12           50:50        42:37   13:45                       
  812   655        Jonathan Odom, 13              50:47        42:43   13:46                       
  781   660        Ethan Sharpe, 11               44:40        42:57   13:51                       
 1945   669        Matthew Hill, 13               44:57        43:45   14:07  Hill Party of 4!     
 2852   682        Conor Emsley, 12               54:36        44:48   14:27  Kkc                  
 2849   690        Zach Joslyn, 13                49:53        45:30   14:41  Joslyns Rock         
 1591   713        Taiwo sogbesan, 13             49:45        47:18   15:15                       
 1682   714        Carlos Cruz, 13                49:09        47:19   15:16  Marc                 
 2291   735        Andrew Smulan, 13              49:16        49:06   15:50                       
 1184   774        Michael Hilbert, 11            58:40        52:28   16:55  Team Hh              
 1906   775        Jackson Halliburton, 12        58:45        52:33   16:57  Team Hh              
 1753   803        Kenneth Colina, 11             54:55        54:49   17:41  Sacred Heart         
  170   825        Larry Brown, 12              1:06:12        57:29   18:33                       
  738   834        Carlos Mendoza, 13           1:04:17        59:31   19:12                       
  737   849        Louis Mendoza, 12            1:08:28      1:03:41   20:32                       
  975   853        Phillip Riddering, 11        1:12:08      1:04:20   20:45  Ironman              

Men 14 - 19
  750     5        Charles Hicks, 14              17:16        17:15    5:34                       
  577     6        Chase Rivera, 15               17:17        17:17    5:34  Bolles               
  871     8        Alex Maniatis, 16              17:27        17:26    5:37  Bolles               
  605    10        Alexander Turnock, 17          17:55        17:54    5:46  Bolles               
  792    11        Christian Glover, 16           17:56        17:55    5:46                       
 1150    12        Bear Schickel, 16              18:08        18:07    5:51  Schickel             
 2911    14        Benjamin Foltz, 15             18:18        18:17    5:54  Team Foltz           
 2737    16        nicholas Maniatis, 16          18:32        18:31    5:58  Bolles               
 2013    18        John White, 16                 18:45        18:44    6:03  Assumption           
 1866    19        Wyatt Farance, 15              18:46        18:45    6:03                       
 1160    25        David Angelo, 18               19:25        19:14    6:12  Team Angelo          
 2300    29        Adam Bibeault, 17              19:29        19:28    6:16                       
 1595    30        Luke Welborn, 16               19:30        19:29    6:17                       
 2310    33        Ryan Buczkowski, 17            19:54        19:54    6:25                       
 1487    35        Remy Cronin, 15                20:05        20:00    6:27  Remy Turns 15        
  982    37        Michael Palmer, 17             20:17        20:16    6:32  Bradfords Best       
 2175    41        Aren Biala, 19                 20:37        20:35    6:38  Sacred Heart         
 2409    43        Shane Kilker, 16               20:44        20:40    6:40                       
  948    44        Camden Omdahl, 14              22:00        20:57    6:45  Omdahl               
 1436    59        Jacob Young, 16                21:40        21:29    6:56  James Family         
 1757    62        Cole Sprunt, 16                21:51        21:46    7:01  Sacred Heart         
 2176    63        Aldren Biala, 16               21:50        21:46    7:01  Sacred Heart         
 1701    66        Frankie Collier, 16            22:08        21:57    7:05  Bolles               
 1651    69        Josh Cooper, 14                22:14        22:12    7:10  Assumption           
 2014    73        Fred White, 14                 22:29        22:27    7:14  Assumption           
  559    83        Caleb Moore, 14                22:56        22:44    7:20  Drinkers with a runni 
 1433    87        Christopher James, 15          23:01        22:50    7:22  James Family         
  667   112        Kyle Griffith, 17              23:36        23:33    7:36                       
  873   124        Kody Fisher, 15                23:56        23:52    7:42  Ask                  
 2332   126        Harrison Santiago, 14          24:07        23:54    7:42                       
  689   138        Gray Creed, 17                 24:29        24:08    7:47                       
  662   143        Austin Amato, 17               24:34        24:20    7:51  Action News          
 3061   152        Jason Saladeen, 18             24:49        24:37    7:56                       
 1311   155        Josh Carney, 17                24:56        24:40    7:57                       
 1506   172        Max Weaver, 18                 25:25        25:00    8:04  Chets Creek          
  232   194        Michael Malone, 17             27:21        25:49    8:20                       
 1459   202        Ivan Mayfield, 17              27:15        26:15    8:28  Mayfields for McKenzi 
  921   229        Kevin Jin, 16                  27:08        27:06    8:44  Team Bartram         
 1218   249        Pearson Toomey, 14             36:33        27:34    8:53  Tina Toomey          
 2829   250        Preston Willingham, 17         27:42        27:34    8:54  Hew                  
 2705   252        Jack Phipps, 17                28:11        27:35    8:54  #TeamLegacyTrust     
 1268   255        Tyler Carney, 14               28:18        27:38    8:55                       
 2450   257        Trey Oliver, 14                27:44        27:42    8:56  Team Go!             
 3006   260        Justin Nguyen, 15              30:50        27:45    8:57                       
 1758   267        Jake Sprunt, 14                31:02        27:57    9:01  Sacred Heart         
  946   275        Austen Omdahl, 18              29:30        28:03    9:03  Omdahl               
  116   292        J  Paul Schellenberg, 14       29:49        28:24    9:10  Team Schellenberg    
  749   295        Austin Parrish, 14             29:14        28:29    9:11                       
 2008   299        Triston Smith, 15              28:54        28:35    9:13  Assumption           
 1764   321        Sam Dulka, 16                  29:13        29:09    9:24  Team   Ask           
 1912   323        Matthew Wilder, 15             31:44        29:11    9:25  Wilder               
  601   341        Connor Mulvey, 14              35:59        29:45    9:36  Team Mulvey          
 2168   342        Cooper P Sullivan, 15          36:00        29:46    9:36  Photobrate           
 2202   343        Tac Chown, 15                  29:51        29:49    9:37  Team Go              
 1183   348        John Hilbert, 14               36:00        30:02    9:41  Team Hh              
 1907   349        Austin Stillwagon, 14          36:00        30:02    9:41  Team Hh              
 1756   350        Hogan Litwin, 14               30:05        30:02    9:41  Sacred Heart         
 2208   368        Chase Scovill, 17              33:24        30:38    9:53  Team Hew             
  355   386        Patrick Carter, 14             31:17        31:06   10:02  Sacred Heart         
 1670   391        Davis Johnson, 17              32:30        31:13   10:04  Pvhs McKenzie        
 1754   400        Garrett Braun, 14              31:46        31:36   10:11  Sacred Heart         
  762   403        Maguire Kelly, 15              33:39        31:49   10:16                       
 1403   405        Dalton Ammerman, 14            32:36        31:51   10:16                       
 1287   438        Max Mcbride, 14                33:40        32:44   10:34                       
 2406   456        Jake Nance, 15                 34:06        33:17   10:44                       
 2227   457        Joey Sahi, 16                  33:49        33:18   10:44  The Jaguars          
  113   462        Cameron Williams, 14           33:59        33:27   10:47  Team Savannah        
  920   464        David Chen, 19                 42:59        33:30   10:48  Team Bartram         
  272   473        Blaine King, 15                34:25        33:50   10:55  Chicken Wangs        
 1157   477        Jacob Lowinger, 14             35:06        34:09   11:01  Team 320             
 2836   488        Blake Massey, 16               36:17        34:33   11:09  Interline Brands     
 1604   507        Jamal Beal, 14                 37:01        35:10   11:20  Marc                 
 2408   521        Nick Kramarich, 15             41:19        35:29   11:27                       
 1665   532        Avery Debelen, 14              41:15        35:51   11:34  Debelen              
  724   537        Alex Olson, 17                 36:56        36:01   11:37                       
 2416   539        Robert Schuster, 16            43:29        36:11   11:40  Ab4st                
 2087   540        Christopher Peters, 15         40:12        36:13   11:41  Fnf                  
 1412   547        Isaac Shumer, 14               42:20        36:29   11:46                       
 1694   554        Juan Manuel Garcia, 15         38:34        36:45   11:51  Marc                 
 2971   559        Robert Devine, 14              38:49        37:03   11:57                       
  819   565        Justin Oleary, 14              38:38        37:23   12:03                       
 1957   589        Tyler Weeks, 15                40:11        38:36   12:27                       
  843   591        Jordan Harrison, 17            41:25        38:38   12:28                       
 1826   597        Dylan Fletcher, 14             40:40        38:47   12:31  Fletcherunners       
  785   601        davey crouch, 15               44:32        39:01   12:35                       
 2789   621        Jack Wagner, 16                45:24        40:06   12:56  EverBank             
  110   628        Robert Carney, 17              46:20        40:26   13:02  Team Lacrosse        
  563   633        jack cromer, 15                44:47        40:50   13:10  super-supers         
  733   637        Isaiah Ford, 15                45:56        40:58   13:13                       
  828   646        Luis Alonso, 15                49:53        41:47   13:28                       
  927   650        John Quick, 18                 49:08        42:17   13:38  #TeamLegacyTrust     
 1390   665        Ben Cashman, 14                44:03        43:22   13:59                       
 2130   675        Trey Freitas, 17               45:35        44:01   14:12  Interline Brands     
 3611   685        tamarcus blanco, 15            45:52        45:00   14:31                       
 1990   708        Antonio Miller, 14             47:41        47:06   15:11  Team J A L K.        
 1626   710        Daryl Martinez, 14             49:04        47:14   15:14  Marc                 
 2407   742        Hunter Barco, 14               55:09        49:30   15:58                       
 1425   761        Samuel King, 15                57:14        52:01   16:47  Team King            
  730   767        Luke Tipton, 14                57:13        52:08   16:49                       
 1953   768        Alexander Magevney, 14         57:12        52:08   16:49                       
 2257   770        Tyler Long, 16                 57:16        52:12   16:50                       
 1251   781        Anders Amlie, 14               59:32        53:41   17:19                       
 1838   794        William Levinson, 16           59:54        54:22   17:32                       
 1426   804        Walker King, 15                59:54        54:50   17:41  Team King            
 2322   808        Jared Nabers, 17             1:03:58        55:17   17:50                       
 1265   809        Tyler Dingee, 15             1:00:21        55:19   17:50                       
  736   828        Jose Mendoza, 17             1:04:17        59:19   19:08                       
 2940   836        Douglas Vielguth, 16         1:06:47        59:40   19:15  Web com              
 1674   841        Lloyd Woods, 19              1:10:20      1:00:55   19:39  Miley                
 2455   843        Luke Kobrin, 14              1:08:12      1:01:58   19:59                       
 1680   845        Alexander Scholl, 14         1:11:39      1:03:15   20:24  Marc                 
  827   848        Nate Green, 18               1:08:27      1:03:39   20:32                       
  826   857        Brandon Torres, 17           1:11:08      1:06:10   21:21                       
 1512   860        Nathaniel King, 15           1:13:53      1:07:22   21:44  TeamKing             
  847   861        Stefan Mostovych, 14         1:13:54      1:07:40   21:49                       
  616   863        Jack Munoz, 15               1:14:44      1:08:13   22:00                       
  775   864        Matthew Fitzgerald, 15       1:14:35      1:08:31   22:06                       

Men 20 - 24
 3024    13        Derek Byrnes, 24               18:17        18:14    5:53                       
 2046    17        Julian Backus, 24              18:43        18:41    6:01  EverBank             
  874    27        Kyle Fisher, 20                19:23        19:19    6:14  Ask                  
 3049    45        Daniel Gulbransen, 24          21:00        20:58    6:46                       
 1548    48        Michael Maker, 21              21:25        21:12    6:50                       
 1970    78        Patrick Simon, 21              23:20        22:33    7:16  Simon                
 1539    84        Brandon Kumm, 23               23:05        22:47    7:21                       
   70    94        Justin Kuhlman, 23             24:29        23:04    7:26  Miller               
 2290   134        Quinn Berry, 23                25:15        24:05    7:46                       
 2857   211        Ryan Mahoney, 21               26:42        26:32    8:33  Mahoney              
  972   246        Dan Clayton, 21                36:52        27:27    8:51  Miley                
 2117   290        Ricky Davis, 23                28:51        28:23    9:09  Interline Brands     
  102   294        Brian Reese, 24                35:20        28:27    9:11  Squid Squad          
 3183   319        Garrett Hogencamp, 20          32:55        29:06    9:23  Web com              
 1639   329        Erik Corrigan, 22              32:43        29:21    9:28  EverBank             
  315   353        Breck Strawbridge, 24          39:17        30:09    9:43  Miley                
  373   418        Taylor Hudson, 24              32:31        32:08   10:22  Unf Dpt Team         
 3190   498        Erik Carson, 22                35:38        34:49   11:14  Web com              
 1650   530        Ross Clements, 20              36:16        35:45   11:32  EverBank             
 1832   534        Michael Francisco, 23          43:02        35:56   11:35                       
  969   549        shane hall, 22                 37:35        36:32   11:47  portside marc        
 1678   575        daniel clark, 24               47:38        38:03   12:16  Otf hodges           
 1914   596        Justin Hartley, 23             39:40        38:46   12:30  Coe22                
 2775   603        Jacob Shearer, 21              40:27        39:05   12:36  Destiny Church of Jac 
 2106   607        Kyle Smoot, 20                 40:43        39:22   12:42  Grillman's           
  771   638        Casey Czapla, 24               43:20        41:14   13:18                       
 1565   647        James O'Malley, 24             45:51        41:58   13:32                       
 2765   659        Zachary Teele, 22              43:43        42:49   13:49  Coe22                
 3215   676        Thomas Richardson, 24          52:01        44:04   14:13  Bo-Deezy             
  632   730        Matt Bicki, 24                 49:19        48:27   15:38                       
 1994   737        Tyler Honeycutt, 23            59:56        49:17   15:54  Boobs and Weenies    
  595   765        Duffy Flynn, 23                57:34        52:06   16:48  Mint Magazine        
  596   766        Will Zirzow, 21                57:36        52:07   16:49  Mint Magazine        
  282   784        Pat Fuentes, 24              1:02:47        53:54   17:23  Deloitte             
 1211   786        Jake Raiken, 24              1:03:16        54:08   17:28  Teamtori             
  802   805        Colby Peters, 21               58:23        54:51   17:42                       
  883   806        Cavan McGee, 22              1:04:16        54:51   17:42  Miley                
 2865   815        Karson Gingrich, 20          1:03:54        56:25   18:12  Morgan & Morgan      
  317   840        Paul Numbers, 22             1:10:17      1:00:52   19:38  Miley                
  830   844        Drew Roberts, 24             1:11:14      1:02:29   20:09                       

Men 25 - 29
  172     7        Tyler Hall, 26                 17:24        17:23    5:36                       
  993     9        Johnathon Honeywell, 25        17:46        17:45    5:44  Team Wrecked 'em     
  614    24        Charles Boswell, 28            19:13        19:12    6:11                       
 2796    31        William Kelly, 26              19:46        19:37    6:20  EverBank             
 1968    53        Timothy McAleenan, 27          22:08        21:22    6:53  Simon                
 1196    58        Andrew Gall, 27                21:30        21:27    6:55  Team Kelly           
  447    60        Ryan Pesce, 29                 21:32        21:29    6:56                       
  389    67        Vladimir Rivas, 27             27:08        22:04    7:07                       
 1599    71        Nathan Barnes, 27              22:31        22:19    7:12                       
 2934    75        James Holloway, 27             22:43        22:30    7:15  The Justice League   
 1336    85        Weston Hayes, 27               22:54        22:48    7:21                       
 2320    98        Luis Quiles, 25                23:19        23:07    7:27                       
  368   102        Carlos Olivera, 27             23:13        23:13    7:29  The Jaguars          
 2767   106        Matthew Feryus, 26             23:36        23:26    7:33  Crcrun               
  646   113        Andy Pica, 28                  24:42        23:34    7:36  Interline Brands     
  365   125        Ben Vertz, 26                  25:38        23:53    7:42  Team Kelly           
 1399   131        Mike Lang, 29                  24:31        23:59    7:44                       
  810   137        Alex Morris, 26                24:38        24:08    7:47                       
 1748   140        Jovanne Montanez, 27           24:20        24:16    7:49  Sacred Heart         
  401   157        Allen Miller, 25               25:14        24:43    7:58                       
  438   158        Greg Prisby, 29                25:53        24:43    7:58                       
  366   160        Dan DeMartini, 26              26:33        24:49    8:00  Team Kelly           
  440   179        Jace Hester, 25                25:55        25:24    8:11                       
  656   185        Ean Nelson, 26                 26:40        25:36    8:15  EverBank             
 2956   187        Joey Stevens, 27               25:56        25:39    8:16  Web com              
 2110   191        Casey Bessemer, 25             27:06        25:48    8:19  Grillman's           
 3159   198        Kevin McEntee, 25              26:15        26:06    8:25  Interline Brands     
 1086   203        Josh Yon, 28                   29:18        26:18    8:29  Hew                  
 1025   220        Alex Dumas, 28                 30:03        26:49    8:39  Ce Broker            
 2349   223        Grant Bledsoe, 25              27:39        26:56    8:41                       
 2946   225        Jon Lopez, 28                  32:29        27:03    8:43  Web com              
 2312   230        Carlos Galarza, 28             27:19        27:07    8:45                       
 1261   231        Filiberto Cuevas, 27           32:18        27:10    8:46                       
 1745   247        Adam Perkins, 27               33:44        27:30    8:52  Morgan & Morgan      
 3005   253        Justin Hueber, 28              29:54        27:37    8:55                       
 3124   277        Justin Riddell, 28             28:43        28:04    9:03                       
 2969   279        thomas Greene, 28              28:06        28:06    9:04  Web com              
 1503   280        Michael Scuncio, 27            28:07        28:07    9:04  Team Bella           
 1055   282        Ron Armstrong, 27              29:15        28:12    9:06  Eleven22             
 3052   325        Matthew Sidoti, 28             32:32        29:14    9:26                       
  741   344        John Dominey, 26               30:38        29:50    9:37                       
  418   355        michael koster, 26             30:58        30:15    9:45                       
 2156   356        Antonio Luciano, 27            33:17        30:17    9:46  Morgan & Morgan      
 1351   361        Reese Wilkens, 29              33:46        30:27    9:49                       
 3120   367        Brian Newell, 27               31:02        30:38    9:53                       
 3057   374        Alonzo Blackmon, 28            31:58        30:44    9:55                       
 1480   384        Daniel Niedzwiecki, 29         39:08        31:02   10:00  Florida Blue         
  310   398        Jon Krakower, 27               34:34        31:35   10:11  Hew                  
 1193   414        Austin Flagg, 27               35:01        31:59   10:19  Team Kelly           
 2116   448        Kyle Bugdal, 28                33:32        33:02   10:39  Half-letes           
 3059   455        Sherard Saladeen, 28           33:27        33:14   10:43                       
  987   494        Bryson Hendricks, 28           34:45        34:45   11:12  Tiny Hope            
 3164   496        Nicholas Parks, 25             35:50        34:48   11:13  Cmy5k                
 1908   503        Josh Cobb, 29                  38:18        35:02   11:18  Ce Broker            
  313   536        Jk LaCoste, 28                 40:51        36:00   11:36  Jwa                  
  269   543        Justin Mann, 26                39:46        36:18   11:42  Ce Broker            
 2770   574        Adam Lindsley, 25              41:42        37:59   12:15  Deloitte             
 2925   587        Trace Shreves, 28              39:48        38:32   12:26  Team Shreves         
  255   626        Bify Abraham, 26               44:25        40:18   13:00                       
 2359   652        Andrew Schellenberg, 27        51:25        42:33   13:43  PwC                  
 3184   679        Casey Preston, 26              46:21        44:37   14:23  Web com              
  621   722        Matthew Young, 27              51:49        48:02   15:29                       
  703   729        Justin Suss, 28                52:08        48:26   15:37                       
  923   764        Josh Maxwell, 29               52:05        52:05   16:48  Hew                  
  324   776        Brad Marreno, 29             1:02:35        53:03   17:06  Morgan & Morgan      
 1030   789        Joshua Classen, 25           1:01:25        54:14   17:29  Cirque de Sore Legs  
  413   790        Damion Harris, 27            1:03:13        54:15   17:30                       

Men 30 - 34
 1034    22        Joshua Smith, 30               19:10        19:08    6:10  Coe22                
 3204    32        Nick Hochstein, 34             19:43        19:40    6:21  1st Place Sports     
 1616    36        Lorenzo Hernandez, 30          20:11        20:09    6:30  Marc                 
   23    56        Steven Stam, 33                21:28        21:23    6:54  Bolles               
   34    72        Chad Vlaeminck, 31             22:21        22:21    7:13  Chadley              
 2365    80        Ryan Trzasko, 32               22:46        22:37    7:18  PwC                  
  855    95        David Andrews, 32              23:04        23:04    7:26                       
  139    97        Parker Gilbert, 30             23:24        23:05    7:26                       
  369   101        Jeff Miranda, 31               23:12        23:12    7:29  The Jaguars          
 1578   103        Ty Gordon, 32                  23:19        23:19    7:31                       
 2318   105        Blake Peterson, 31             23:35        23:25    7:33                       
 3063   111        Todd Miller, 32                23:42        23:32    7:35                       
 1979   114        William Magevney, 34           23:40        23:40    7:38  everbank15           
 2460   123        Eric Walden, 30                23:57        23:51    7:42  Burns                
 1842   127        Russell McCormick, 32          24:28        23:54    7:42                       
  288   133        Matthew Dobbins, 30            24:24        24:04    7:46  Deloitte             
 1355   136        Brad Davis, 30                 24:17        24:07    7:47                       
   32   156        Doug Carlisle Jr, 33           24:58        24:41    7:58  Chadley              
  928   162        John Hollingsworth, 30         25:25        24:51    8:01  Chicken Sticks       
  119   175        Tim Cullen, 31                 25:32        25:12    8:08  The Bolles School    
 2799   182        Nick Goodwin, 34               25:51        25:30    8:13  EverBank             
 2923   186        Ezekiel Orillaza, 33           25:46        25:38    8:16  Team One Call        
 1620   195        Ali Aljubouri, 34              26:05        25:56    8:22  Marc                 
 2806   196        Paul Pugh, 33                  25:57        25:57    8:22  EverBank             
  823   205        justus downey, 30              27:18        26:21    8:30                       
  456   206        Anwar Mack, 30                 26:37        26:22    8:30                       
 1378   210        Matt Summers, 31               26:38        26:27    8:32                       
 3088   213        Steven Rebidas, 33             26:59        26:34    8:34                       
 1910   237        Greg Barnett, 32               28:01        27:14    8:47  Team Hew             
 2871   261        Jon Poblacion, 32              30:35        27:46    8:57  Morgan & Morgan      
 2952   268        Alan Hatcher, 32               27:57        27:57    9:01  Web com              
 1389   269        Hunter Evans, 31               33:08        27:58    9:01                       
  455   272        Nathaniel Sutter, 30           28:01        28:01    9:02                       
 1841   273        Mitchell McCormick, 30         28:37        28:02    9:02                       
 2187   276        Jacob Swords, 31               28:32        28:04    9:03  Slow Down for What?  
 2375   340        Jeremy Wilson, 32              38:21        29:40    9:34  PwC                  
 2220   362        Mauricio Ruiz, 32              34:39        30:29    9:50  The Jaguars          
 2167   370        Zach Pike, 30                  33:43        30:39    9:53  One Call Care Managem 
 1330   401        Daniel Johnson, 34             31:43        31:43   10:14                       
 1750   412        jonathan acree, 31             32:15        31:57   10:18  Sacred Heart         
 1586   420        curtis curry, 30               32:15        32:13   10:24                       
 1053   425        Seth Stines, 31                33:22        32:18   10:25  Eleven22             
 2864   439        Eric Martinez, 31              34:16        32:47   10:34  Morgan & Morgan      
 1843   452        Jordan Smith, 32               34:20        33:08   10:41                       
 1050   461        Ryan Stone, 31                 33:25        33:25   10:47  Eleven22             
 1676   469        chris olmstead, 33             43:22        33:46   10:53  Otf hodges           
 2298   475        Jay Miller, 34                 37:21        33:56   10:57                       
 3010   505        William Shore, 31              40:03        35:04   11:18                       
  514   514        Matt Franklin, 34              36:15        35:19   11:23  Chargers on the Run  
 2140   517        Charles Townsend, 32           36:38        35:22   11:24  Interline Brands     
 1404   526        Ryan Blaum, 32                 36:52        35:38   11:29                       
  157   529        Chris Blair, 34                37:18        35:42   11:31                       
 1462   557        Barry Fleming, 34              44:22        36:59   11:56  Alluvion             
 2378   560        Grant Howarth, 31              37:15        37:15   12:01  PwC                  
  613   602        Mike Pirrone, 34               39:53        39:03   12:36                       
 1656   622        Andy Le, 34                    50:11        40:08   12:57  Lauren's Kids        
 1256   630        Jeremy Rigdon, 34              44:41        40:28   13:03                       
  127   649        Stephen Fowler, 31             47:37        42:12   13:37  Web com              
 2354   664        Craig Barrington, 31           45:20        43:19   13:58                       
 2042   670        John Passwater, 30             51:15        43:45   14:07  Deloitte             
 2951   695        Daniel Escalada, 31            51:33        45:58   14:49  Web com              
  555   699        Ken Jones, 33                  46:15        46:15   14:55                       
 1245   704        Michael Ilog, 34               46:50        46:50   15:06                       
 2400   706        Charles Lee, 30                46:57        46:57   15:09                       
 2237   719        Fran Mirmina, 32               54:35        47:40   15:22  Walking Warriors     
 3021   724        Jacob Damewood, 32             52:42        48:11   15:32                       
  295   726        Adam Johnson, 34               48:17        48:17   15:35  EverBank             
  457   727        Justin Sorrell, 31             53:03        48:18   15:35                       
 2138   732        Tripp Ferrer, 31               48:36        48:36   15:40  Interline Brands     
 1303   740        Roman Lacanilao, 31            53:41        49:24   15:56                       
 2284   747        Justin Jones, 32               49:51        49:51   16:05                       
  224   751        James Langlois, 33             50:04        50:04   16:09                       
 1647   762        Sean Reid-Foley, 31            52:05        52:05   16:48  Hew                  
  930   763        Brett Howell, 34               52:05        52:05   16:48  Hew                  
  387   783        victor nicaragua, 32         1:00:34        53:52   17:22                       
 1714   822        William Torres, 31           1:04:04        57:13   18:27  EverBank             
 2193   833        Kyle Medeiros, 31            1:06:09        59:31   19:12  Step Up For Students 
 2942   835        Ryan Melanson, 33            1:06:45        59:39   19:14  Web com              
 2192   839        DeAndre Deer, 30             1:07:19      1:00:42   19:35  Step Up For Students 
  896   859        Jeremy Muirhead, 33          1:17:30      1:06:49   21:33  Boobs and Weenies    

Men 35 - 39
  469     4        Matthew Nelson, 35             16:33        16:33    5:20                       
 1850    34        Tyler Vincent, 36              19:57        19:55    6:25                       
 2411    39        Shelby Robb, 36                20:44        20:30    6:37                       
   81    42        Eric Graybeal, 37              20:37        20:37    6:39  Mint Magazine        
  694    52        Dan Schreurs, 35               21:32        21:17    6:52                       
 2324    55        Leonard McAneny, 38            21:44        21:23    6:54                       
 2399    64        Dan Yoder, 36                  21:54        21:50    7:02                       
 2709    68        Dwayne Gatlin, 37              22:34        22:10    7:09  Action News          
  600    74        Mike Mulvey, 39                22:53        22:28    7:15  Team Mulvey          
 1569    86        Scott Simmons, 39              22:51        22:48    7:21                       
  397    99        Robert Paige, 39               23:27        23:08    7:28                       
 1744   118        Michael Hofheins, 38           29:25        23:43    7:39  Morgan & Morgan      
  189   119        Mike Dillon, 36                23:58        23:47    7:40                       
 3134   150        Cameron Lenhoff, 38            24:38        24:34    7:55                       
  111   159        O'neil Legaspi, 35             24:55        24:47    8:00  Team One Call        
 2457   165        Tysen Duva, 39                 25:24        24:56    8:02  Providence           
 2057   167        Fontaine LeMaistre, 37         25:21        24:56    8:02  EverBank             
 2344   168        Noel Hibbard, 38               25:23        24:58    8:03                       
 2289   183        Philip Zeller, 38              25:56        25:31    8:14                       
 2927   209        Mario Yaccino, 37              33:31        26:26    8:32  Team Yaccino         
 2362   219        Jake Brown, 35                 26:46        26:46    8:38  PwC                  
 2195   228        Bryan Laudenslager, 36         33:31        27:04    8:44  Step Up For Students 
  406   232        Jason Hildreth, 38             27:30        27:11    8:46                       
 1642   236        Tannon Krumpelman, 37          28:56        27:13    8:47  Ubs                  
  120   248        Michael Bachman, 38            28:01        27:33    8:53  The Bolles School    
 1773   281        Michael Monahan, 38            28:09        28:08    9:04                       
 1878   286        Shawn Maxwell, 39              29:20        28:19    9:08                       
 2724   291        Brian Maguire, 37              28:23        28:23    9:09  Assumption           
 1228   304        David Law, 37                  29:21        28:48    9:17  Wallace Dg           
 3040   306        Patrick Kinnan, 36             34:58        28:54    9:19                       
  606   314        Timothy Bianconi, 39           30:11        29:02    9:22  Afcwhat!             
 1810   338        Rick Poudrier, 37              32:41        29:39    9:34  Doominators          
 2377   357        Kevin Fincel, 36               39:14        30:20    9:47  PwC                  
  739   377        Matt Olsen, 37                 37:40        30:46    9:55                       
 1241   379        Chad Kirk, 35                  31:55        30:53    9:57                       
 1457   395        Patrick Johnson, 35            36:34        31:25   10:08  Afc What?!           
  615   396        Phil Nover, 36                 31:32        31:26   10:08                       
  558   397        Jeffrey Hamblin, 39            32:05        31:29   10:09  Drinkers with a runni 
 2937   419        Jeffrey Baker, 39              34:34        32:10   10:22  Web com              
 1793   422        Pedro Ramdas, 36               35:36        32:16   10:24                       
 1167   426        Brian Hoffmann, 37             32:20        32:20   10:26  Team Chunn           
 1716   437        Lamont Tillery, 39             33:32        32:42   10:33  Fnf                  
 2071   442        Chris Petranick, 38            35:57        32:53   10:36  EverBank             
 3089   466        Elan Santiago, 36              36:44        33:36   10:50                       
 2779   470        Brian Hagist, 37               33:46        33:46   10:53  Eleven22             
  649   471        Richard D'Angelo, 35           37:55        33:48   10:54  EverBank             
 2114   479        David Mantilla, 36             38:52        34:14   11:02  Grillman's           
  250   485        Thomas Lannen, 39              37:59        34:22   11:05                       
  327   487        Jason Corse, 35                37:43        34:33   11:09  Morgan & Morgan      
 2034   499        Preston Oughton, 39            37:14        34:51   11:14  Boyd & Jenerette     
  156   502        Natalie Bussey, 37             36:38        35:01   11:17                       
 2917   520        John Lucey, 39                 43:58        35:27   11:26  Team Lucey           
  683   522        Wayne Cordeau, 39              36:02        35:30   11:27                       
  443   528        Marty Hadden, 38               39:48        35:40   11:30                       
 1641   542        Chris Sanger, 36               37:57        36:13   11:41  Ubs                  
 3216   556        Robby Vick, 38                 44:53        36:57   11:55  Bo-Deezy             
  842   562        Patrick Harrison, 37           40:03        37:15   12:01                       
  192   564        Andre Bannis, 38               44:21        37:17   12:01                       
  578   594        Josh Pearson, 39               41:26        38:40   12:28  Atoms Family         
  267   611        Garrett Budd, 37               40:38        39:25   12:43  Budds                
  161   614        Marcus Whitaker, 37            39:38        39:38   12:47                       
   88   666        Griffith Brown, 39             44:09        43:24   14:00  Ncp Solutions        
 1589   691        Nate England, 36               50:34        45:34   14:42                       
 3212   698        Aj Pandey, 39                  51:31        46:07   14:52                       
  202   701        John Ryan, 38                  46:17        46:17   14:56                       
 1864   712        Scott Blasko, 36               49:09        47:18   15:15                       
 2206   723        Nick Hatchett, 36              57:59        48:06   15:31  Team Go              
 1365   731        Nathan Hayes, 35               48:35        48:35   15:40                       
  403   734        Xaviar Bankhead, 37            50:08        49:02   15:49                       
  880   739        Matthew Pollack, 35          1:00:02        49:21   15:55  Boobs and Weenies    
  955   758        Pedro Laureano, 35             58:01        51:22   16:34  SlowPokes            
 3095   811        Tom Blizzard, 35               59:06        55:53   18:02                       
  380   816        Steven Bristol, 35           1:00:57        56:29   18:13  Zoo Crew             
 2997   823        Jonathan Pelkowski, 36       1:06:12        57:16   18:28                       
 1125   824        Jamie Hennessy, 39           1:06:12        57:16   18:28  Morgan & Morgan      
 2311   827        Brian Baker, 37              1:07:22        58:44   18:57                       
  526   831        Vincent Correale, 39         1:03:08        59:28   19:11  Chargers on the Run  

Men 40 - 44
  610    26        Mills Ramseur, 43              19:20        19:19    6:14  1st Place Sports     
   19    28        Tyler Hodges, 41               19:32        19:26    6:16  Bolles               
 3174    54        David Horn, 42                 21:32        21:22    6:53  Crcrun               
 2308    93        Mark Baum, 41                  23:16        23:03    7:26                       
 1003   110        Jeff Tyrrell, 40               23:29        23:29    7:34  #TeamLegacyTrust     
 1597   147        David Jordan, 41               24:35        24:25    7:53                       
 1177   151        Greg Helms, 44                 24:51        24:37    7:56  Team Helms           
 2254   189        Marc Norton, 44                25:53        25:43    8:18                       
 1809   197        brent driskill, 41             26:22        26:03    8:24                       
 1972   217        Chris Kennelly, 43             27:09        26:41    8:36  Kennetic productions 
 2161   221        Keith Massa, 41                30:47        26:52    8:40  Morgan & Morgan      
 1520   233        ken lollar, 43                 27:53        27:11    8:46                       
 2987   240        Patrice Harvey, 43             27:43        27:16    8:48                       
 3524   244        Irfan Trto, 44                 27:51        27:22    8:50                       
  548   270        Ian Nyquist, 43                29:07        28:00    9:02  Jcds                 
 3142   278        Chuck Parker, 44               28:51        28:05    9:03                       
 2025   283        Pete Zahner, 40                28:15        28:15    9:06  Assumption           
 2913   293        Ben Snyder, 44                 29:00        28:26    9:10  Team Hew             
 1763   297        Kevin Law, 43                  29:16        28:34    9:13  Step Up For Students 
 2062   298        Vladimir Zidovec, 44           28:58        28:34    9:13  EverBank             
 1780   300        Jerry Turner, 44               28:53        28:39    9:14                       
 3048   310        jamie estberg, 43              38:44        28:57    9:20                       
 3099   317        Hiawatha Tiller, 41            29:50        29:05    9:23                       
  984   320        Clinton Caulder, 41            30:00        29:08    9:24  Team Bac             
  362   331        Jeff Kopp, 44                  30:19        29:25    9:29  Team Hew             
  399   358        Brian Warfield, 40             30:33        30:22    9:47                       
 2717   359        Pete Dunn, 43                  35:27        30:24    9:48  Afc What!            
 1724   373        Michael Williams, 44           35:35        30:44    9:55  Heavy Breathers      
  393   375        Ben Cline, 40                  31:46        30:45    9:55                       
 3026   376        Michael Kelly, 40              31:30        30:46    9:55                       
   48   382        John Surface, 43               31:19        30:56    9:59  EverBank             
  123   389        Brian Kee, 42                  33:21        31:08   10:02  Van Kee              
  466   393        Michael Kennedy, 42            32:42        31:16   10:05                       
  546   408        Mehul Parekh, 42               36:34        31:53   10:17  Jcds                 
  428   411        David Hunt, 43                 33:33        31:57   10:18                       
 1432   423        Brian James, 44                34:54        32:17   10:25  James Family         
 2436   428        Matthew Brown, 43              41:19        32:22   10:26  Buns on the run      
  453   432        Chad Mark, 41                  36:22        32:33   10:30                       
  112   463        Dan Williams, 44               34:01        33:28   10:48  Team Savannah        
 3019   476        Aaron Anderson, 41             34:53        34:04   10:59                       
 1921   482        Mark Harvey, 41                34:51        34:18   11:04  Harvco               
 2714   483        Rainy Burris, 41               39:23        34:20   11:04  Afc What!            
 2841   490        erik fran, 41                  35:18        34:37   11:10  Jbe100mileClub       
 1464   493        Joseph Heller, 42              36:12        34:41   11:11  Knight Gliderz       
 1101   524        Scott Haak, 40                 44:39        35:34   11:28  Hope's Closet        
  392   527        John Hamby, 44                 37:38        35:40   11:30                       
 1450   533        Michael Sullivan, 41           35:51        35:51   11:34  Your Pace or Mine    
 1069   563        Robert Vannoy, 44              38:38        37:16   12:01  EverBank             
 2812   570        Orion Gallant, 42              38:20        37:43   12:10  Galloping Gallants   
 1783   581        Mark Witt, 40                  39:32        38:21   12:22                       
 1875   595        Dale Dixon, 43                 44:09        38:44   12:29                       
  807   600        Dan Vohs, 43                   45:03        38:56   12:33                       
  630   604        Tim Sawyer, 43                 44:12        39:11   12:38                       
 1760   617        Bard Santonil, 44              40:12        39:50   12:51  Sacred Heart         
 2267   625        Jeffrey Worsdell, 40           40:13        40:13   12:58                       
 1537   627        Neil Phelps, 43                47:36        40:26   13:02                       
 1058   640        cameron beane, 43              48:54        41:28   13:22  EverBank             
 1538   643        Jowell Olson, 41               42:34        41:39   13:26                       
 1892   651        Mccarthy Crenshaw, 40          42:21        42:21   13:40                       
  886   658        sean reichard, 42              42:46        42:46   13:48  alluvion staffing    
  862   662        Dan Moss, 43                   50:09        43:10   13:55  Team Wolfson         
 1942   672        quentin hill, 44               44:58        43:48   14:08  Hill Party of 4!     
 1475   686        Tyler Dennis, 44               49:20        45:09   14:34  Bolles               
 3025   694        Amie Kelly, 42                 48:57        45:43   14:45                       
 1410   720        Craig Tomeo, 44                52:24        47:42   15:23                       
 2977   721        Rc Toonk, 42                   52:28        48:00   15:29                       
 2747   746        Richard Dehlinger, 41          57:40        49:44   16:02  Cec Turtles          
 2302   750        David Rogers, 40               57:45        50:02   16:08                       
 2816   756        Stephen Garrett, 40            57:26        51:14   16:32  Garrett              
 1200   773        Tony Robbins, 44               54:32        52:19   16:52  Team Patches         
 1725   798        Jamey Wilkes, 44               59:24        54:33   17:36  Heavy Breathers      
  425   799        Demetrius Foster, 43           58:23        54:35   17:36                       
 1672   800        Christopher Edwards, 42      1:01:48        54:39   17:38  The Bolles School    
  983   858        Joey Egly, 40                1:17:31      1:06:30   21:27  Boobs & Weenies (My c 

Men 45 - 49
 2309    46        Keith Buczkowski, 49           21:07        21:04    6:47                       
 2704    51        Greg Phipps, 46                21:22        21:17    6:52  #TeamLegacyTrust     
  607    57        Mike Prangley, 46              21:27        21:25    6:54  Chargers on the Run  
  777    61        Taylor Williams, 48            21:58        21:44    7:00                       
 1474    76        Carl Duhnoski, 46              22:32        22:31    7:16  Bolles               
 1148    82        Jj Schickel, 45                22:51        22:40    7:19  Schickel             
 1346    91        Matt Rapp, 47                  23:10        23:01    7:25                       
 1331    92        Jay Monahan, 45                23:10        23:01    7:25                       
 1867   104        Dave Farace, 46                23:26        23:20    7:32                       
 2255   129        Jb Long, 46                    24:08        23:58    7:44                       
  678   161        David Littleton, 49            24:50        24:50    8:01                       
 3195   171        Casey Middleton, 48            25:38        25:00    8:04  Middleton            
 3149   173        Steven Webster, 45             25:18        25:04    8:05                       
  237   192        Joel Shapiro, 47               26:16        25:48    8:19                       
 1951   208        Wade Alliance, 49              27:05        26:24    8:31                       
 2422   241        Adams Ropp, 46                 27:44        27:21    8:49  Bolles               
 1267   254        Steve Carney, 47               28:17        27:37    8:55                       
  757   256        robert zamorano, 45            28:28        27:40    8:55                       
  747   263        Paul Crawford, 47              28:44        27:48    8:58                       
  229   264        William Bradley, 49            29:04        27:51    8:59                       
  516   265        Troy Hershner, 47              28:39        27:53    9:00  Chargers on the Run  
 2019   266        Jason Teal, 45                 28:08        27:53    9:00  Assumption           
 2847   284        Jeff Joslyn, 48                29:15        28:16    9:07  Joslyns Rock         
 2279   288        John Donahoo, 45               28:44        28:21    9:09                       
 3176   301        Mike Rolewicz, 45              29:22        28:46    9:17  Coe22                
 2442   302        Rick Reidy, 47                 30:38        28:47    9:17  Sparkly Marshmallows 
 1830   318        John Crowley, 45               30:24        29:05    9:23                       
 1755   330        Joe Braun, 49                  29:45        29:24    9:29  Sacred Heart         
 3101   345        Peter Lankowicz, 45            31:09        29:51    9:38                       
 1252   354        Karsten Amlie, 46              33:53        30:13    9:45                       
 3123   381        Robert Wilkerson, 47           36:55        30:56    9:59                       
 2384   390        Corey Green, 47                31:50        31:11   10:03                       
 2157   392        James Gordon, 46               36:43        31:14   10:04                       
 1402   404        David Ammerman, 46             32:35        31:50   10:16                       
 2174   417        Eugene Biala, 48               32:26        32:05   10:21  Sacred Heart         
  699   429        Scott Ross, 47                 32:47        32:24   10:27                       
  187   430        Matt Laurie, 47                33:49        32:25   10:27                       
  590   434        Hugh Caron, 45                 35:22        32:36   10:31  Atoms Family         
 2726   444        Glenn Lumpkin, 47              34:10        32:59   10:38  Assumption           
 1585   445        Cl Thompson, 45                33:43        33:00   10:38                       
 2452   451        Sam Ross, 45                   33:59        33:08   10:41  Ross                 
  353   458        Vincent DiRito, 47             34:28        33:20   10:45  Pvhs                 
   27   468        Auburn McClure, 46             35:00        33:38   10:51  Bolles Middle        
 2059   480        Jim StJohn, 47                 34:47        34:15   11:03  EverBank             
 3147   495        Steve Avera, 46                34:57        34:45   11:12                       
 1955   501        Saint Currin, 47               39:18        34:55   11:16                       
 1669   510        Bryan Parker, 46               36:29        35:12   11:21  PvhsmcKenzie         
 1259   516        Dean Wille, 48                 43:13        35:21   11:24                       
 2329   525        Bryan Prematta, 48             40:33        35:35   11:28                       
  508   538        Sudhakar Gandepalli, 45        36:59        36:06   11:39  Chargers on the Run  
  547   544        Sean Lueck, 45                 39:08        36:20   11:43  Jcds                 
  952   545        Robert Krott, 46               39:44        36:24   11:44  Zorro Financial      
 1829   550        Clifton Buford, 48             39:31        36:33   11:47  Buford Family        
 2040   561        Jason Patz, 45                 45:24        37:15   12:01  Crcrun               
 1380   569        Gary Beckenbaugh, 46           37:35        37:35   12:07                       
 3036   578        Ron Smith, 45                  45:28        38:17   12:21                       
 1911   580        Scott Wilder, 46               40:59        38:20   12:22  Wilder               
 3169   586        Brad Dickinson, 46             39:40        38:32   12:26  Dickinson Technologie 
  454   592        Tony Pittman, 48               39:40        38:38   12:28                       
   10   593        David Reichard, 45             38:39        38:39   12:28  Alluvion             
 1363   606        Douglas Powell, 45             41:34        39:18   12:40                       
 1186   653        Greg Arcuri, 46                42:37        42:37   13:45  Team Isabella        
 3127   678        David Mordecai, 48             50:17        44:30   14:21                       
  211   689        Brian Malone, 48               46:47        45:16   14:36                       
 2054   696        Ken Tew, 49                    49:58        46:02   14:51  EverBank             
  919   702        Joey Hudson, 48                56:04        46:35   15:02  Team Bartram         
  151   707        John Dullano, 47               56:23        46:58   15:09                       
 3076   716        Indir Avdagic, 46              55:30        47:36   15:21                       
 1044   748        Bill Rieger, 45                57:53        49:53   16:05  Eleven 22            
 1900   749        Tim Quirk, 47                  52:17        50:01   16:08                       
  676   772        Anthony Candelino, 48        1:02:28        52:18   16:52                       
  748   779        Ed Parrish, 48               1:00:43        53:40   17:19                       
  225   796        Derek Gaff, 46                 59:45        54:29   17:34                       
 1975   813        Robert Iovino, 45              57:11        56:05   18:05  Iovino               
  924   837        craig kornick, 45            1:00:42        59:46   19:17  Kornick              
 1315   851        Robert Lyle, 47              1:11:40      1:04:11   20:42                       
   37   862        Rush Cowherd, 47             1:12:00      1:07:52   21:53  EverBank             

Men 50 - 54
 2739    23        Frank Collier, 54              19:21        19:09    6:11  Bolles               
   24    38        Tony Ryan, 52                  20:26        20:22    6:34  Bolles               
  240    77        George FitzGerald, 51          22:56        22:32    7:16                       
 2314   100        Andrew Barr, 50                23:38        23:10    7:28                       
  661   107        Phil Amato, 54                 23:41        23:26    7:33  Action News          
  569   115        macky weaver, 50               24:05        23:41    7:38  Alluvion             
  164   116        Stephen Hanson, 50             23:44        23:41    7:38                       
 1078   128        Andy Ramlochan, 54             23:59        23:54    7:43  GonzalezB            
 2447   135        Hiram Martinez, 50             24:21        24:06    7:46                       
 1428   141        Brian King, 53                 24:45        24:17    7:50  Team King            
   12   145        Cole Wesley, 51                24:49        24:24    7:52  Bolles               
 2265   164        Terry Watterson, 51            25:11        24:53    8:02                       
 1079   174        Steve Morgan, 51               25:26        25:05    8:05  Half-letes           
  639   184        Charles Bruce, 52              25:43        25:34    8:15  Landolpho            
 2381   199        Tim Carless, 50                26:35        26:06    8:25  PwC                  
 1885   204        Jim Bistron, 53                26:34        26:21    8:30                       
 2280   207        Philip Hughes, 51              26:49        26:24    8:31                       
  944   215        Jay Omdahl, 50                 27:41        26:36    8:35  Omdahl               
 2856   218        Dan Mahoney, 52                26:53        26:44    8:37  Mahoney              
 3029   224        Jerry Hulshult, 54             27:21        27:01    8:43                       
 1458   234        John Mayfield, 53              28:12        27:12    8:46  Mayfields for McKenzi 
  795   242        Glenn Stambaugh, 53            27:41        27:21    8:49                       
 1144   259        Joe Rocchi, 51                 28:05        27:44    8:57  Rocchi               
   67   262        Scott Miller, 50               29:11        27:48    8:58  Miller               
 1729   296        Ed Ellison, 54                 28:41        28:31    9:12  Interline Brands     
 1991   305        Warren bLack, 51               30:08        28:53    9:19  Rytech Fc            
 1401   313        david rudd, 51                 36:58        29:00    9:21                       
 1600   326        Victor Soler-Sala, 54          30:39        29:20    9:27                       
 1113   335        Kevin Landolfo, 54             31:58        29:33    9:32  Landolfo             
  844   371        Nick Poulos, 51                31:28        30:40    9:53                       
   56   372        Robert Dew, 50                 31:39        30:41    9:54  Hope's Closet        
  764   431        Bill Stafford, 51              33:19        32:33   10:30                       
 2339   435        Leonard Pittman, 53            33:36        32:40   10:32                       
 2905   450        Paul Cox, 53                   34:07        33:06   10:41  Team Cox             
  729   484        steve pollock, 53              35:18        34:22   11:05                       
 1721   515        Rick Armstrong, 51             36:56        35:21   11:24  Grillman's           
 2141   518        Al Lactawen, 51                36:38        35:23   11:25  Interline Brands     
 2357   546        mark kramer, 53                37:05        36:27   11:45                       
   76   553        Ken Moody, 53                  37:52        36:43   11:50  Mint Magazine        
 2044   555        Michael Kilgallon, 50          42:24        36:47   11:52  EverBank             
  682   558        Dan Karolewicz, 51             41:15        36:59   11:56                       
 2367   566        Tim Davis, 54                  37:57        37:27   12:05  PwC                  
 2808   568        rey soria, 53                  38:11        37:35   12:07  EverBank             
 1161   573        Marc Angelo, 52                47:31        37:59   12:15  Team Angelo          
 2822   608        Jeff Parisi, 54                44:05        39:22   12:42  Grillman's           
  706   635        david brown, 51                48:53        40:53   13:11                       
 2331   636        Juan Santiago, 50              42:47        40:57   13:12                       
 2835   663        Andy Massey, 51                48:29        43:18   13:58  Interline Brands     
  121   667        Ken Odom, 51                   51:38        43:34   14:03  Us Assure            
 1356   683        Jay Reister, 51                54:37        44:49   14:27                       
 3192   687        Kent Taylor, 54                48:13        45:10   14:34  Bff's                
 1342   688        Gary Proctor, 52               52:04        45:13   14:35                       
 1131   697        Jon Podany, 50                 50:23        46:05   14:52  Pappas Wealth Managem 
 2222   705        Rick Kiral, 53                 55:53        46:51   15:07  The Jaguars          
  900   715        John Caraher, 51               51:15        47:20   15:16  Pvhs                 
 1845   718        Mike McDermand, 50             54:52        47:37   15:22                       
 3125   738        Chris Bermacki, 50             59:37        49:19   15:54  BoOb And Weenies     
 2120   769        Bill Lindholm, 50            1:00:57        52:09   16:49  Interline Brands     
  980   771        Michael Harris, 52             58:14        52:17   16:52  One Direction        
 1500   777        Mike Cobb, 50                1:00:39        53:07   17:08  Team Cobb            
 1768   782        John Williams, 50              54:52        53:45   17:20  Team Logan           
  448   788        Gregory Robinson, 52         1:03:11        54:11   17:29                       
  471   793        Richard Burke, 51              57:45        54:22   17:32                       
 1484   795        Bruce Edwards, 52            1:01:34        54:26   17:33  Bolles               
 1271   826        Brett Lucas, 53              1:06:15        57:45   18:38                       
  970   852        brett duncan, 51             1:04:17      1:04:17   20:44  portside marc        

Men 55 - 59
  849   117        Mark Mostovych, 55             23:53        23:42    7:38                       
 1130   146        Harry Pappas, 55               24:56        24:25    7:52  Pappas Wealth Managem 
 2209   163        steven boyne, 57               25:08        24:53    8:02  Team Princess        
   30   166        Doug Carlisle, 59              25:13        24:56    8:02  Chadley              
  671   178        Mike Wallace, 59               25:41        25:22    8:11                       
  665   180        Gary Mann, 57                  25:34        25:24    8:11  Ce Broker            
 1297   181        steve stransky, 57             25:54        25:29    8:13                       
 1702   216        Robbie Best, 57                27:05        26:40    8:36  Bradford's Best      
  686   227        Brian Wilson, 55               27:30        27:03    8:44                       
 3070   243        Gary Zarkis, 55                27:38        27:22    8:50                       
  347   308        Chris Bracken, 56              29:44        28:57    9:20  One Direction        
 1442   328        John Perkner, 58               30:26        29:20    9:28  Team Perkner         
   39   369        Carl Zart, 55                  31:49        30:39    9:53  EverBank             
  673   385        Richard Buxton, 56             33:43        31:06   10:02  Buxton               
 3218   394        Brian Vaselaros, 59            39:19        31:21   10:07  Bo-Deezy             
 1807   410        John Rafalski, 55              35:37        31:55   10:18  Annas Dragons        
 1310   421        Brian Carney, 55               32:30        32:14   10:24                       
  182   481        Richard Blankenship, 58        35:02        34:17   11:04                       
 3200   523        Billy Hyder, 55                38:46        35:31   11:27                       
 1217   531        Rich Toomey, 55                44:49        35:49   11:33  Tina Toomey          
 1298   548        David Woods, 58                37:27        36:31   11:47                       
 1133   583        Richard Fisher, 59             42:53        38:27   12:24  Pipparippa           
  344   584        Kevin Fitzgerald, 59           48:08        38:30   12:25  On Board             
  383   599        Keith Kolmetz, 58              39:44        38:49   12:31                       
   42   618        Wade Nield, 57                 46:09        39:53   12:52  EverBank             
  175   648        Michael Gorman, 57             42:03        42:03   13:34                       
 1511   668        Bob Bayley, 59                 53:46        43:36   14:04                       
 2335   684        John Pataky, 58                51:14        44:51   14:28                       
  133   733        Jeff Graley, 55                52:06        48:57   15:47                       
 1499   736        Ed Wall, 58                    59:02        49:06   15:50  Tiny Hope Children's 
 1523   744        Bill Fehling, 58               51:50        49:42   16:02                       
 3002   745        Bradley Clark, 55              50:18        49:43   16:02                       
  582   752        Jim Turnbach, 56               51:58        50:14   16:12  Deerwood             
  293   780        David Hadley, 56             1:00:45        53:41   17:19  EverBank             
  765   791        William Westrate, 55           57:44        54:20   17:31                       
 1821   829        howard cummins, 58           1:07:53        59:25   19:10  Cummins              

Men 60 - 64
  176    40        Bob Thompson, 60               20:33        20:30    6:37                       
 1391   108        John Moore, 61                 23:29        23:26    7:33                       
 1373   214        Dan Bredl, 60                  27:08        26:35    8:34                       
 2181   315        Jerry Daniel, 61               29:31        29:03    9:22                       
 2238   334        Fran Mirmina, 61               36:25        29:31    9:31  Walking Warriors     
 1300   399        David Moffett, 63              32:30        31:35   10:11                       
 2075   453        William Westington, 60         35:17        33:08   10:41  EverBank             
 2325   541        jess simmons, 61               37:10        36:13   11:41                       
  664   609        Tom Brandies, 60               39:37        39:24   12:42                       
 3081   644        Bill Platko, 63                45:44        41:42   13:27                       
 1016   717        John Finotti, 60               56:16        47:37   15:21  Beam's Team          
 3007   728        Mike Sweeney, 60               55:49        48:20   15:35                       
  262   754        Rodney McLauchlan, 62          59:34        50:40   16:21  #TeamLegacyTrust     
  740   807        Thoms Collins, 63              58:24        54:52   17:42                       

Men 65 - 69
 1004   139        Robert Frary, 67               24:27        24:15    7:49  1stPlcSports         
 2985   176        Herb Armstrong, 67             25:27        25:18    8:10                       
 1997   497        Mary Strickland, 69            35:45        34:48   11:13                       
 3209   674        Dan Lee, 66                    48:45        43:59   14:11                       
 3213   703        Indra Pandey, 67               52:13        46:49   15:06                       
 3177   743        harris faulk, 65               54:36        49:33   15:59  Afc What?            
 1207   797        Chuck Wyckoff, 69              56:08        54:29   17:34  Team Wyckoff         
 1210   810        John Hourihan, 65            1:05:01        55:50   18:01  Teamtori             

Men 70 - 74
  125   402        Rick van Brederode, 70         33:58        31:44   10:14  Van Kee              
 3156   634        Pepe (patrick) Femia, 71       50:05        40:53   13:11                       
  338   787        Rocco Marrese, 72              59:56        54:08   17:28  Morgan & Morgan      

Men 75 - 79
  381   327        Joe Fournier, 75               30:14        29:20    9:28                       
 1785   624        charles wagner, 78             40:59        40:12   12:58                       
  260   760        George Mosely, 75            1:00:39        51:54   16:44                       

              TEAM                               CLOCK         NET    
  ID#  PLACE SCORE           FINISHER            TIME         TIME     PACE        TEAM

Women Under 3
 3851   653        Mackenzie Howarth, 2           37:15        37:15   12:01  PwC                  
 1190   861        Isabella Arcuri, 2             42:37        42:37   13:45  Team Isabella        

Women 3 - 10
  107    24        Grace Ivey, 10                 23:01        22:45    7:20  Team Ivey            
  500    64        Lilly Clarke, 10               25:07        24:52    8:01  Chargers on the Run  
 2843   125        Katherine Wallace, 10          27:29        27:14    8:47  Jlcp McKenzie Club   
  496   151        Skylar Hershner, 9             28:39        27:52    8:59  Chargers on the Run  
 3697   157        Emily Moore, 5                 28:25        28:01    9:02                       
 3844   173        Sadie Zahner, 7                28:15        28:15    9:06                       
 2891   234        Amelia Jones, 9                29:17        29:13    9:25  Pvps Cares           
  100   279        Cecelia Duncan, 10             30:24        30:03    9:41  Sacred Heart         
 2718   296        Anna Dunn, 9                   35:27        30:25    9:48  Afc What!            
   28   303        Elizabeth McClure, 8           31:53        30:32    9:51  Bolles Middle        
 3182   314        Catalina Perry, 8              31:37        30:45    9:55  Chets Creek          
 1801   318        Natalia Ramdas, 10             34:08        30:49    9:56                       
  358   341        Charlotte Pellum, 9            31:46        31:21   10:07  Sacred Heart         
 1456   346        Eva Johnson, 6                 36:34        31:25   10:08  Afc What?!           
 1808   364        Anna Rafalski, 10              35:37        31:55   10:18  Annas Dragons        
 1455   376        Maddie Johnson, 9              37:13        32:06   10:21  Afc What?!           
 2814   391        Abigail Gallant, 8             32:56        32:20   10:26  Galloping Gallants   
 2005   399        Ava Charboneau, 9              33:32        32:23   10:27  Assumption           
 2503   420        yabsera yared, 9               32:52        32:48   10:35  Shcs                 
  537   425        Siena Barre, 7                 35:04        32:49   10:35  Jcds                 
    7   434        Reagan Larson, 10              38:11        33:04   10:40  Afc What!            
 3108   452        Morgan Duong, 9                34:21        33:20   10:45                       
 1005   464        Kyra Wakefield, 9              34:13        33:33   10:49  Assumption           
  756   471        Amelia Fannin, 5               33:49        33:40   10:51                       
  530   472        McKenzie Pritchard, 10         33:49        33:42   10:52  Jcds                 
 3661   473        Abby Park, 10                  33:49        33:43   10:52                       
    9   492        Roxy Mathews, 9                39:19        34:12   11:02  Afc What!            
 2716   500        Peyton Burris, 8               39:19        34:16   11:03  Afc What!            
  481   504        KellyAnne Correale, 10         35:24        34:26   11:06  Chargers on the Run  
 1318   511        Payten Lyle, 7                 42:23        34:34   11:09                       
 1396   519        Isabella Fischer, 7            35:20        34:46   11:13                       
  183   524        Bridget Currin, 10             39:18        34:56   11:16                       
  529   525        Nina Lueck, 10                 37:44        34:56   11:16  Jcds                 
 2846   529        Camille Stelly, 10             36:49        34:58   11:17  Jlcp McKenzie Club   
  501   540        Kate Franklin, 9               36:06        35:11   11:21  Chargers on the Run  
  502   544        Whitney Howard, 10             36:15        35:19   11:23  Chargers on the Run  
 1448   562        Ella Fanning, 9                35:39        35:39   11:30  Your Pace or Mine    
 2006   572        Elle Charboneau, 9             37:06        35:56   11:35  Assumption           
  534   594        Brooke Trager, 10              39:08        36:19   11:43  Jcds                 
  544   610        Summer Taylor, 9               37:39        36:35   11:48  Jcds                 
 3850   651        Adeliene Howarth, 4            37:15        37:15   12:01  PwC                  
 2813   667        Hannah Gallant, 10             38:21        37:44   12:10  Galloping Gallants   
  538   681        Poppy Bliss, 8                 40:20        38:02   12:16  Jcds                 
  567   708        Delanee Reichard, 7            38:38        38:38   12:28  Alluvion             
  888   710        Lauren Reichard, 9             38:39        38:39   12:28  alluvion staffing    
 3155   720        Virginia Anderson, 9           42:17        38:51   12:32                       
  809   726        Olivia Vohs, 9                 45:03        38:56   12:34                       
  631   735        Annabelle Sawyer, 10           44:12        39:11   12:38                       
 2929   783        Gianna yaccino, 10             47:35        40:26   13:03  Team Yaccino         
 2930   786        Nia Yaccino, 7                 47:36        40:29   13:03  Team Yaccino         
 1536   787        Maya Richey, 6                 47:36        40:30   13:04                       
 1818   810        Amelia O'Neill, 8              49:02        41:07   13:16  Ahg                  
  543   816        Shalya Satya, 8                43:35        41:15   13:18  Jcds                 
 1895   819        Windsor Crenshaw, 9            41:29        41:29   13:23                       
 3773   823        Isabella Clark, 6              51:49        41:37   13:25                       
 3530   825        Savannah Cumbo, 5              51:52        41:38   13:26                       
  889   831        Kate Reichard, 9               41:41        41:41   13:27  alluvion staffing    
  114   832        Dewayne Cumbo, 5               51:56        41:41   13:27  Team Savannah        
 1896   841        Wiley Crenshaw, 5              41:53        41:53   13:30                       
  637   849        Fallon Bonner, 10              42:23        42:05   13:34                       
  836   854        Carol Urbano, 10               50:20        42:17   13:38                       
  451   872        Ava Mark, 8                    47:00        43:08   13:55                       
 2721   873        Payton Messmer, 10             50:37        43:09   13:55  Alluvion             
  863   877        Jenna Moss, 9                  50:09        43:10   13:55  Team Wolfson         
 1746   879        Cortini Rogers, 9              52:24        43:11   13:56  Morgan & Morgan      
 1612   890        Daira Hernandez, 6             43:57        43:35   14:03  Marc                 
 1203   917        Ainsley Robbins, 9             46:28        44:20   14:18  Team Patches         
  700   934        abigail hersh, 8               45:07        44:46   14:26                       
  535   965        Eli Trager, 10                 48:24        45:36   14:43  Jcds                 
 3956   991        Jessica Pandey, 9              51:34        46:10   14:53                       
 1247  1003        Mikayla Ilog, 8                46:48        46:48   15:06                       
 2086  1028        Olivia Peters, 10              51:32        47:32   15:20  Fnf                  
 1634  1050        Sammie Rudbach, 9              53:51        48:09   15:32  Church of Eleven22   
 2304  1068        Courtney Rogers, 8             48:32        48:32   15:39                       
  816  1078        Oliv James van rensburg, 9     49:34        48:40   15:42                       
 3203  1081        Keilani Mallinson, 9           54:49        48:54   15:46  Chicken Wangs        
 1772  1086        Shelby Thompson, 5             57:09        49:05   15:50  Thomley              
 1770  1087        Allison Conley, 5              57:16        49:11   15:52  Thomley              
 2713  1097        Elizabeth Faulk, 8             54:35        49:32   15:59  Afc What!            
  533  1103        Kaleigh States, 10             51:59        49:45   16:03  Jcds                 
  531  1108        Sophia Quirk, 10               52:03        49:48   16:04  Jcds                 
  532  1111        Alexandra Selevan, 10          52:10        49:53   16:05  Jcds                 
 1046  1112        Kate Rieger, 10                57:53        49:55   16:06  Eleven 22            
 3043  1133        mathedlyn Ruiz, 9              54:37        50:33   16:18                       
 2817  1140        Holly Garrett, 8               57:26        51:14   16:31  Garrett              
  598  1143        Triniti Gamble, 8              56:07        51:25   16:35  Grillman's Franks    
 3044  1160        kailee hopkins, 5              56:09        52:04   16:47                       
  942  1165        Abigail Schupler, 9            54:30        52:06   16:48  Schup's              
 1931  1214        Julia Perry, 7                 59:58        53:20   17:12  teal7                
 3607  1374        shyan simmons, 10            1:00:04        59:01   19:02                       
  837  1415        Venus Urbano, 7              1:11:19      1:03:13   20:23                       

Women 11 - 13
 2027    12        Catherine Kunz, 12             20:39        20:35    6:38  Bolles               
  576    15        Layne Rivera, 12               21:30        21:12    6:50  Bolles               
 2740    19        Hastings Kate, 13              22:25        22:23    7:13  Bolles               
 1820    25        jaelyn canova, 12              22:48        22:46    7:21  Bradford Best        
  259    35        Laurel Day, 13                 23:29        23:25    7:33                       
   15    40        Sydney Pollock, 12             23:45        23:39    7:37  Bolles               
 1473    43        Sophie Mitchell, 12            24:09        23:57    7:43  Bolles               
 2024    44        Taylor Alligood, 11            24:15        23:59    7:44  Assumption           
  185    46        Haley Anderson, 13             24:09        24:02    7:45                       
 1563    51        mackenzie glenn, 12            24:24        24:18    7:50                       
  586    52        Katie Creveling, 12            24:31        24:24    7:52  Bolles               
 1423    56        Lucy Schmachtenberger, 13      24:46        24:34    7:55  Schmach              
  806    59        AnnaMarie Vohs, 13             24:54        24:43    7:58                       
 2844    63        Sydney Stelly, 13              25:07        24:52    8:01  Jlcp McKenzie Club   
 1332    65        Sophie Monahan, 12             24:56        24:54    8:02                       
   22    76        Abigail Kent, 12               25:43        25:22    8:11  Bolles               
  866    77        Carlie Davis, 12               25:53        25:31    8:14  Team Davis           
    3    86        Lily Wetherell, 11             25:49        25:44    8:18                       
  981    87        leah toney, 12                 26:06        25:49    8:19  Assumption           
 2504   102        Casey Cusick, 12               26:34        26:17    8:29  Assumption           
 2023   107        Madison Alligood, 13           26:42        26:26    8:31  Assumption           
 1019   110        Soraya Davani-Bata, 13         26:54        26:47    8:38  Bolles               
 1877   111        Nicole Scarbrough, 13          27:04        26:48    8:38                       
  753   112        mary mcmahan, 11               27:04        26:48    8:39                       
  752   114        emma mcmahan, 12               27:07        26:52    8:40                       
 3126   121        Kristen McGrath, 13            28:52        27:03    8:43                       
 2883   129        Marisa Dill, 11                27:41        27:16    8:48  Providence Mckenzie C 
 1009   150        Riley Rojahn, 13               27:52        27:51    8:59  Beach Buddies        
 1938   161        JoJo Broussard, 11             28:09        28:05    9:04  Chet's Creek Elementa 
 2899   163        Mallory Logue, 13              28:26        28:06    9:04  Sacred Heart         
 3152   170        Lisa Kavalieros, 12            29:08        28:12    9:06                       
  962   177        Kate Isaac, 13                 28:58        28:19    9:08  Assumption           
 1532   184        Caitlyn Boyer, 13              28:46        28:23    9:09                       
  723   185        Anna Donahoo, 13               29:38        28:24    9:09                       
 2912   188        Anneliese Foltz, 13            28:48        28:26    9:10  Team Foltz           
  932   192        Reagan Sheffield, 12           29:06        28:28    9:11  Assumption           
  941   193        Alexandra Schupler, 13         29:06        28:29    9:11  Schup's              
 1562   207        Abby Whitcomb, 12              29:00        28:45    9:16                       
 1490   208        Brooke Purvis, 13              29:19        28:47    9:17  Fierce Turkies       
 1158   219        Samantha Lowinger, 12          29:53        29:00    9:21  Team 320             
 1655   220        Ashley Noon, 12                29:52        29:00    9:21  320                  
   98   221        Jordan Sabo, 13                29:08        29:01    9:21  Sabos                
 1011   228        Megan Rolison, 12              29:09        29:07    9:24  Beach Buddies        
   78   230        Leah Moody, 13                 29:11        29:09    9:24  Mint Magazine        
 3047   233        brynn estberg, 12              29:11        29:10    9:24                       
 1008   243        Helen Harris, 13               29:57        29:23    9:29  Beach Buddies        
 1581   246        Katie Stoudt, 12               30:05        29:24    9:29                       
 3151   251        Mila Kavalieros, 12            31:15        29:25    9:29                       
  965   262        Emily Singleton, 12            29:54        29:38    9:33  Assumption           
   97   269        Lindsey Sabo, 13               29:58        29:50    9:37  Sabos                
 2390   282        Elizabeth Zamorano, 13         30:56        30:08    9:43                       
  609   307        Ella Schellenberg, 12          32:02        30:36    9:52  Team Schellenberg    
 2446   315        Ingrid Skiles, 13              31:06        30:46    9:55                       
 2007   317        Ally Smith, 13                 31:06        30:47    9:56  Assumption           
 1580   353        Tori Bray, 12                  32:12        31:32   10:10                       
    2   360        Lauren Wetherell, 13           33:41        31:48   10:15                       
  220   383        Lily Bozeman, 12               35:39        32:13   10:23                       
  994   412        Hadley Hodge, 13               33:16        32:38   10:31  Bolles               
 1435   436        Sarah James, 11                33:44        33:10   10:42  James Family         
 1632   441        Sarah Hutchinson, 11           41:19        33:15   10:43  Hutchtechs           
 1630   442        Angelina Madera, 12            41:19        33:15   10:43  Hutchtechs           
  745   449        Margaret Hagarty, 13           37:08        33:19   10:45                       
 3107   451        Lindsey Duong, 11              34:19        33:19   10:45                       
   99   465        Margaret Duncan, 12            33:53        33:33   10:49  Sacred Heart         
 2016   470        Katie White, 12                34:13        33:39   10:51  Assumption           
 2179   479        Reilly Meehan, 11              33:57        33:51   10:55  Sacred Heart         
 2425   482        Lucy Williams, 11              34:17        33:57   10:57  Bolles               
 2420   483        Kate Bailey, 11                34:15        33:59   10:58  Assumption           
 1759   485        Ashley Santonil, 12            34:11        34:02   10:59  Sacred Heart         
 1868   487        Isabelle Crapo, 13             41:44        34:06   11:00                       
 2029   491        catherine kramer, 13           34:50        34:11   11:02  Bolles Bartram McKenz 
 2182   493        Stacia Daniel, 12              34:37        34:12   11:02                       
 2178   505        Danielle Caldwell, 12          34:46        34:26   11:06  Sacred Heart         
 1114   531        Oliva Landolfo, 13             36:55        35:02   11:18  Landolfo             
  228   532        Leila Roberts, 13              36:54        35:02   11:18                       
  634   533        Danya Rukab, 13                36:55        35:03   11:18                       
  587   536        Sofia Caron, 12                36:56        35:06   11:19  Atoms Family         
 2918   551        Alexandria Lucey, 11           43:55        35:23   11:25  Team Lucey           
 1103   557        Mya Haak, 13                   44:39        35:35   11:29  Hope's Closet        
 1507   571        Ellie Weaver, 13               36:42        35:52   11:34  Chets Creek          
 2010   587        Mary Jackson Kirk, 12          36:49        36:15   11:41  Assumption           
 2405   597        Aubrey Ramey, 13               37:35        36:20   11:43                       
 1891   598        Madison Hancock, 12            36:28        36:20   11:43                       
 1788   601        Brooke Geddes, 13              37:36        36:22   11:44                       
  194   602        Samarra Taplin, 11             37:28        36:23   11:44                       
 2022   608        Julia Nichols, 12              37:04        36:30   11:46  Assumption           
  935   619        Hunter Capelli, 13             37:23        36:46   11:51  Fierce Turkeys       
 1527   621        Camryn Williamson, 13          36:46        36:46   11:52  yourpaceormine       
  961   623        Sarah Swan, 13                 37:24        36:48   11:52  James Family         
  648   625        Emma Horvatincic, 13           40:03        36:51   11:53  Jlcp McKenzie Club   
 2437   626        Jillian Noel, 13               40:02        36:51   11:53  Jlcp McKenzie Club   
  803   632        Lena Neal, 13                  40:10        36:58   11:55                       
  474   636        Lawer Prangley, 11             37:20        36:59   11:56  Chargers on the Run  
 2999   648        Averie Kammerdiener, 13        39:22        37:14   12:00                       
  811   654        Hayleigh Stone, 12             39:24        37:17   12:02                       
  553   659        Amelia Emas, 13                38:38        37:23   12:03                       
  239   691        Lauren Chang, 11               38:16        38:16   12:20                       
 3621   692        nyayiik chan, 13               39:07        38:17   12:21                       
  929   721        Caroline Harding, 13           39:31        38:52   12:32  Bolles               
  897   725        Alice Creed, 13                39:35        38:56   12:33  Bolles               
 2343   754        Kylie McNeil, 13               41:48        39:50   12:51                       
 3150   773        Hannah Gray, 12                41:06        40:15   12:59                       
 1534   782        Ella Phelps, 11                47:35        40:26   13:03                       
  793   789        Fatima Samb, 13                41:53        40:37   13:06                       
 1816   808        Chloe O'Neill, 11              49:00        41:05   13:15  Ahg                  
 1817   809        Grace O'Neill, 13              49:01        41:07   13:16  Ahg                  
 1495   842        Ella Burgess, 13               41:56        41:54   13:31  Fierce Turkies       
   79   843        Berkleigh Mahan, 13            41:56        41:54   13:31  Mint Magazine        
   80   844        Isabelle Thomas, 13            41:56        41:54   13:31  Mint Magazine        
  845   856        Abby Morris, 13                46:59        42:22   13:40                       
 1629   863        Ashley Hutchinson, 13          50:53        42:40   13:46  Hutchtechs           
 3023   867        Jazmine Chan, 12               47:05        42:52   13:50                       
  235   901        Sydney Bagrow, 13              44:43        43:52   14:09                       
 1202   916        Caroline Robbins, 12           46:28        44:17   14:17  Team Patches         
 1219   974        Makenna Toomey, 12             54:44        45:46   14:46  Tina Toomey          
  899  1021        Emily Caraher, 12              51:15        47:21   15:16  Pvhs                 
 1358  1024        Ella Reister, 11               57:17        47:30   15:19                       
 2853  1026        Kaitlyn Emsley, 12             57:18        47:31   15:20  Kkc                  
 2088  1027        Lillie House, 11               51:32        47:32   15:20  Fnf                  
  359  1040        Bela Sparks, 11                47:59        47:51   15:26  Sacred Heart         
 1847  1041        Victoria Rackley, 11           47:59        47:54   15:27                       
 1635  1048        Chloe Rudbach, 11              53:49        48:07   15:31  Church of Eleven22   
 3000  1051        Jasmine Damewood, 11           52:42        48:11   15:33                       
 1890  1067        Victoria McBe, 13              48:39        48:31   15:39                       
 1045  1105        Lucy Rieger, 13                57:46        49:46   16:03  Eleven 22            
  719  1106        Meghan Hart, 12                57:47        49:47   16:03                       
  244  1195        Olivia Candelino, 13           55:10        52:43   17:00                       
 1213  1196        Anni Hort, 13                  55:13        52:46   17:01  The Bolles School    
 1959  1220        amelia anderson, 13            59:28        53:41   17:19                       
 1427  1222        Meredith King, 13              59:30        53:42   17:19  Team King            
  788  1226        Vason Lyerly, 13               59:30        53:42   17:19                       
 1976  1299        Isabella Iovino, 13            56:44        55:36   17:56  Iovino               
  376  1318        Rieley O'Rourke, 11          1:00:36        56:13   18:08  Zoo Crew             
 1628  1320        Maelah Pedro, 12             1:05:29        56:20   18:10  One Call Care Managem 
 1316  1329        Jordan Lyle, 11              1:04:00        56:31   18:14                       
 1666  1357        Jaida Debelen, 11            1:03:37        58:12   18:46  Debelen              
 3599  1375        Kayla Blackman, 13           1:00:05        59:02   19:03                       
 2941  1395        Elena Vielguth, 11           1:07:04        59:58   19:20  Web com              
  881  1406        Morgan Nicholls, 13          1:04:00      1:02:01   20:00  Jlcp McKenzie Club   

Women 14 - 19
  584     4        Mackenzie Wilson, 18           19:41        19:37    6:20  Bolles               
 1449     5        Allison Hajda, 16              19:50        19:45    6:22  Bolles               
   16     6        Rachel Shapiro, 16             20:01        19:57    6:26  Bolles               
 1461     7        Brittany Wilkinson, 16         20:05        20:01    6:27  Bolles               
 1544     8        Suzanne Dannheim, 18           20:14        20:10    6:30                       
   17     9        Aoife O'Riordan, 16            20:21        20:16    6:32  Bolles               
   18    10        Maeve O'Riordan, 15            20:23        20:18    6:33  Bolles               
 1472    11        Skye Mitchell, 15              20:38        20:34    6:38  Bolles               
   21    21        Brooke Kent, 15                22:44        22:40    7:18  Bolles               
  592    22        Jordan Bunn, 14                22:47        22:41    7:19  Bolles               
 1673    23        Caroline Holland, 14           22:47        22:41    7:19  Bolles               
  583    30        Andrea Hakim, 15               23:10        23:05    7:27  Bolles               
 2423    32        Emilyn Ropp, 15                23:15        23:11    7:28  Bolles               
 2735    37        Katie Terry, 15                23:34        23:29    7:34  Bolles               
  415    42        Lilly Van Liew, 14             24:06        23:51    7:42                       
 3071    45        Kali Miller, 16                24:06        24:00    7:44                       
  153    50        anna csikai, 14                24:23        24:17    7:50                       
 2418    67        sally calhoun, 14              28:07        24:56    8:02  Jlcp McKenzie Club   
 1476    75        Madeline Duhnoski, 15          25:27        25:21    8:11  Bolles               
 2036    80        Taylor Aguayo, 19              27:45        25:33    8:14  Boyd & Jenerette     
 1819    84        emily canova, 14               26:06        25:40    8:17  Bradford Best        
 1489    95        Emily Purvis, 14               26:17        26:01    8:23  Fierce Turkies       
  904   113        Vale Eraso, 19                 36:04        26:51    8:40  Team Bartram         
 2756   131        Isabella Wagner, 16            27:52        27:19    8:48  Chicken Wangs        
 1884   132        Madison Park, 14               27:28        27:21    8:49                       
  977   133        Courtney Crawford, 15          27:57        27:22    8:50  Chicken Wangs        
 2888   138        Chloe Churchwell, 14           27:32        27:29    8:52  Pvps Cares           
  669   162        Caroline Medley, 15            28:22        28:06    9:04                       
 1765   172        Abby Dulka, 14                 31:18        28:14    9:06  Team Ask             
 2327   175        Nancy Hudmon, 16               28:32        28:16    9:07                       
 2278   180        Libby Donahoo, 15              28:44        28:22    9:09                       
  701   181        Charlotte Rosenberg, 14        29:36        28:22    9:09                       
 1905   196        Kathryn Lahey, 17              28:55        28:30    9:12  Chicken Nugs         
 1903   198        Savannah Halil, 17             28:55        28:31    9:12  Chicken Nugs         
 1767   211        Caroline Williams, 14          29:59        28:52    9:19  Team Logan           
   52   236        Mereille Bishop, 18            33:00        29:17    9:26  EverBank             
 1434   238        Taylor James, 14               29:56        29:18    9:27  James Family         
  643   239        Makenzi Kopp, 17               30:12        29:19    9:27  Providence Mckenzie C 
 2784   244        Savannah Gibson, 14            30:41        29:23    9:29  EverBank             
 2828   254        Ally Barrett, 14               29:36        29:29    9:30  Hew                  
 2783   256        Emery Gibson, 17               30:53        29:32    9:31  EverBank             
 2060   257        Abigail StJohn, 14             30:05        29:33    9:32  EverBank             
 1886   284        Kayln Pate, 17                 32:41        30:11    9:44                       
 1017   289        Ana Finotti, 16                31:16        30:18    9:46  Beam's Team          
 1492   322        Ali Peterson, 15               31:12        30:55    9:58  Fierce Turkies       
 1491   324        Skylar Bennet, 15              31:13        30:56    9:58  Fierce Turkies       
  675   333        Angel Fuentes, 17              33:43        31:06   10:02  Buxton               
  124   336        Emma Kee, 15                   33:21        31:08   10:02  Van Kee              
  882   358        Jullia Reidy, 17               32:50        31:45   10:14  Sparkly Marshmallows 
 2180   398        Bianca Loor, 18                32:25        32:23   10:27  Sacred Heart         
  642   404        Megan Arnold, 17               34:56        32:26   10:27  Bolles Team          
 2456   415        Emma Savell, 15                33:08        32:42   10:33  Providence           
  964   430        Charlotte Kenski, 17           35:34        32:54   10:37  jay jay              
 2143   431        Hasley Pitman, 18              35:34        32:54   10:37  jay jay              
  273   438        Alexis Durlacher, 15           34:10        33:12   10:42  Chicken Wangs        
 2434   446        Hannah Bell, 15                33:49        33:18   10:44  The Jaguars          
 2342   454        Catherine Cooper, 14           34:11        33:22   10:46                       
 2039   459        Ashley Gunter, 15              34:25        33:28   10:48  Chicken Wangs        
  565   461        kim cromer, 14                 36:41        33:29   10:48  super-supers         
 1645   467        Jordyn Stoddard, 17            33:45        33:34   10:50  Storytellers         
 3201   478        Kameryn Mallinson, 14          34:25        33:50   10:55  Chicken Wangs        
 1460   486        Jordan Mayfield, 16            35:03        34:04   10:59  Mayfields for McKenzi 
  909   495        Ivy Lou, 15                    43:45        34:15   11:03  Team Bartram         
  908   496        Flora Xiao, 17                 43:45        34:15   11:03  Team Bartram         
  354   497        Elise DiRito, 18               35:24        34:15   11:03  Pvhs                 
  721   528        Lindsey Ginter, 17             35:06        34:57   11:16                       
  234   530        Quincy Bagrow, 15              35:49        34:59   11:17                       
 1944   534        Kayla Hill, 15                 36:17        35:04   11:19  Hill Party of 4!     
 1640   541        Addie Sutton, 16               36:29        35:12   11:21  Coe22                
 1668   542        Martha Parker, 17              36:30        35:13   11:21  PvhsmcKenzie         
 2328   558        Sydney Prematta, 16            40:33        35:36   11:29                       
  635   565        Martine Gelb, 15               36:27        35:47   11:32                       
 1407   580        Elise Courtney, 16             43:29        36:11   11:40                       
 1869   586        Amaya Gagin, 16                43:54        36:14   11:41                       
 1059   591        caleigh beane, 15              36:57        36:17   11:42  EverBank             
 1958   595        Sydney Alliance, 17            37:01        36:19   11:43                       
 2972   599        Haley Bowmaster, 14            37:35        36:20   11:43                       
 1549   605        Katie Nicholson, 15            43:13        36:29   11:46                       
 1952   606        Julia Sessions, 16             43:13        36:29   11:46                       
 2757   607        Sarah Allen, 16                37:28        36:30   11:46  Chicken Wangs        
 1296   609        Madelyn Woods, 15              37:28        36:30   11:46                       
  910   616        Angela Sun, 15                 46:15        36:44   11:51  Team Bartram         
  312   627        Amelia Frost, 14               40:03        36:52   11:53  Jlcp McKenzie Club   
  714   638        Anna Grace Pahlow, 15          37:50        37:00   11:56                       
  963   641        Alexandra Hess, 15             37:50        37:01   11:56  Team Lacrosse        
 1137   647        Margaux Guy, 15                37:39        37:13   12:00  Providence Mckenzie C 
  791   671        Kaitlyn Mays, 15               38:00        37:52   12:13                       
 3038   672        willow Thompson, 15            38:01        37:53   12:13                       
 3180   673        Chelsea Forbes, 16             41:38        37:53   12:13  Team Forbes          
  848   677        Sophia Mostovych, 16           40:48        38:00   12:15                       
  684   679        Grace Gilligan, 16             40:49        38:02   12:16                       
 1094   696        Sumer Furlong, 15              47:28        38:24   12:23  Hope's Closet        
  779   707        Mikala Dockery, 15             40:12        38:38   12:27                       
 2980   711        Rayven Toonk, 16               43:09        38:41   12:29                       
 3027   714        Kamara Kelly, 14               41:57        38:44   12:29                       
  688   722        Arabella Mccart, 14            39:32        38:53   12:32                       
 1149   723        Marley Schickel, 15            44:32        38:53   12:33  Schickel             
 1870   730        Victoria Edwards, 16           46:43        39:04   12:36                       
 1799   736        Megan Hofheins, 16             44:54        39:11   12:38                       
 1062   739        mackenzie beane, 14            44:55        39:19   12:41  EverBank             
  798   745        Jillian Awad, 14               39:59        39:31   12:45                       
  713   747        Julie Camps, 14                39:59        39:32   12:45                       
  564   752        kate cromer, 14                41:43        39:45   12:49  super-supers         
 1551   759        Rowan Wolf, 14                 40:36        39:55   12:53                       
 1121   760        kiara harmon, 14               40:37        39:56   12:53  Montoya & Associates 
 2211   798        amanda boyne, 15               41:36        40:54   13:11  Team Princess        
  697   800        Ellie Ross, 14                 41:20        40:56   13:12                       
 2440   811        Olivia Reidy, 14               44:47        41:07   13:16  Sparkly Marshmallows 
 2443   812        Abby Frederick, 15             44:46        41:07   13:16  Sparkly Marshmallows 
 2444   813        Sammy Intorcia, 14             44:46        41:07   13:16  Sparkly Marshmallows 
 1493   827        Anna Chattaway, 14             41:55        41:38   13:26  Fierce Turkies       
  947   846        Lauren Omdahl, 16              43:23        41:56   13:32  Omdahl               
  912   864        Katie Gibbons, 17              51:53        42:46   13:48  Team Bartram         
 1973   871        Nicole Krott, 16               46:25        43:07   13:54  Zorro Financial Inc  
 1707   876        Melahna Goodsby, 17            43:10        43:10   13:55  Buford Family        
 1974   883        Kate Young, 15                 46:38        43:20   13:59  Zorro Financial Inc. 
 1408   891        Grace Courtney, 16             50:51        43:36   14:04                       
 1313   893        Adair Fant, 16                 50:52        43:37   14:04                       
 2145   902        Morgan Chupp, 14               47:05        43:52   14:09  Jlcp McKenzie Club   
  386   906        Courtney Matey, 16             51:14        43:58   14:11                       
  718   909        mary margaret flynn, 15        51:15        44:03   14:12                       
  728   920        Kailyn Moore, 15               51:36        44:23   14:19                       
  898   935        Anne Caraher, 14               48:23        44:46   14:26  Pvhs                 
 2336   937        Hannah Pataky, 17              51:13        44:50   14:27                       
 3167   938        Asia Thorpe, 16                45:58        44:52   14:28  Insane Bolts         
 1359   939        Hope Reister, 16               54:39        44:52   14:28                       
 1468   940        Evy Hines, 16                  50:01        44:53   14:28  Sweet Team           
 1452   941        Mae Merritt, 15                51:23        44:53   14:28  Bolles               
 1522   952        Rachel Proctor, 15             51:59        45:09   14:34                       
 2742   967        Kalee Reichard, 16             55:09        45:40   14:44  Buns on the Run!!!   
  647   973        Samantha Joslin, 15            51:21        45:46   14:46  Pvhs                 
 1441   975        Cara Gillespie, 15             51:21        45:47   14:46  Pvhs                 
 1516   977        Elizabeth Anderson, 15         51:23        45:51   14:47                       
  865   979        Makayla Dorner, 17             52:56        46:00   14:50  Team Wolfson         
  906   980        Margaux Harvey-Read, 15        51:03        46:00   14:50  Team Bartram         
  907   981        Jolie Tanner, 15               51:02        46:00   14:50  Team Bartram         
  801   983        Shannon Bomar, 14              46:53        46:02   14:51                       
 2919   986        Caitlynn Lucey, 14             46:54        46:04   14:51  Team Lucey           
 1553   990        Lauren Valenti, 15             47:00        46:10   14:53                       
 3056  1019        Kate Hogan, 14                 49:46        47:19   15:16                       
 1033  1023        Kierstyn Granzow, 17           52:05        47:30   15:19  Coe22                
 2213  1042        stephanie azor, 15             48:39        47:55   15:27  Team Princess        
 2212  1043        victoria pawlick, 15           48:38        47:55   15:27  Team Princess        
   45  1045        Kendra Cole, 17                54:23        47:57   15:28  EverBank             
 1989  1066        J'ne Curtis, 16                49:07        48:29   15:38  Team J A L K.        
 3055  1096        Claire Hogan, 15               55:09        49:29   15:58                       
 2305  1116        Caitlin Rogers, 18             57:44        50:01   16:08                       
  905  1123        Fabi Cruz, 16                  59:22        50:09   16:11  Team Bartram         
  911  1124        Serena Cui, 16                 59:23        50:10   16:11  Team Bartram         
  913  1125        Karina Bautista, 16            59:23        50:10   16:11  Team Bartram         
  767  1126        Ally Taylor, 19                51:31        50:13   16:12                       
 1071  1138        Tara Robinson, 14              56:17        51:13   16:31  EverBank             
 2736  1145        Maggie Terry, 15               58:45        51:34   16:38  Bolles               
  709  1152        Tori Robinson, 15              57:03        51:59   16:46                       
  933  1156        Megan Keene, 17                55:16        52:03   16:47  Pvhs                 
 2505  1158        Cassie Moore, 16               55:15        52:03   16:47                       
 2507  1159        Clara Humberg, 16              55:15        52:03   16:47                       
  711  1167        Phoebe Mori, 15                57:15        52:10   16:50                       
 2258  1169        Ashley Long, 14                57:16        52:11   16:50                       
 1147  1174        Ally Rocchi, 17                59:16        52:20   16:53  Rocchi               
  971  1183        Grace Conley, 16               55:43        52:32   16:57  Pvhs                 
  953  1184        Callie Brown, 16               55:44        52:32   16:57  Pvhs                 
 2506  1185        Sydney Parker, 16              55:43        52:32   16:57                       
 1182  1197        Viktoria Hilbert, 16           59:19        52:56   17:04  Team Hh              
 2210  1199        morgan boyne, 15               53:45        53:01   17:06  Team Princess        
 1834  1200        Rosa Cuevas, 14                53:44        53:01   17:06                       
 2214  1201        mallory mastronardi, 15        53:45        53:02   17:06  Team Princess        
  657  1202        Megan Hammett, 19            1:00:34        53:04   17:07  Cobb                 
 1501  1206        Abbey Cobb, 14               1:00:36        53:06   17:08  Team Cobb            
 1545  1212        Chantz Whettstein, 16        1:00:28        53:16   17:11                       
 1546  1213        Kiki Revles, 15              1:00:28        53:17   17:11                       
 2389  1225        Lily Hauser, 14                59:30        53:42   17:19                       
  893  1230        Lauren Wiele, 17             1:01:09        53:50   17:22  Pvhs                 
  241  1231        Brittany Fowler, 19          1:01:40        53:51   17:22                       
 1637  1232        Diana Akabekjan, 19          1:01:40        53:51   17:22  Bolles               
  641  1233        Kelly Duffy, 17              1:01:12        53:52   17:22  Pvhs                 
  640  1238        Luiza Serrano, 17            1:01:15        53:56   17:24  Pvhs                 
 2820  1261        Kelli Urbanek, 16            1:00:41        54:17   17:30  Gone Running         
 2819  1262        Colby Dunkley, 16            1:00:42        54:18   17:31  Gone Running         
  325  1271        Jessica Luciano, 17          1:04:01        54:29   17:34  Morgan & Morgan      
 1140  1272        Gabriela Ramirez, 17         1:01:53        54:33   17:36  Pvhs                 
 2884  1273        Ellie Lanza, 17              1:01:55        54:35   17:36  Pvhs                 
  166  1277        Jenny Hanson, 15             1:02:36        54:45   17:40                       
 1482  1284        Grace Edwards, 19            1:02:03        54:56   17:43  Bolles               
 1481  1285        Lilly Edwards, 16            1:02:03        54:57   17:43  Bolles               
 2385  1289        Gillian Barber, 15           1:03:58        55:17   17:50                       
 2402  1290        Gracie Phillips, 15          1:03:58        55:17   17:50                       
 2315  1294        Khloe Carmichael, 15         1:03:58        55:19   17:51                       
 1139  1302        sophia bracken, 19           1:03:11        55:44   17:59  Pvhs                 
 1021  1312        Alayna Zanghetti, 15         1:01:31        55:59   18:03  Bolles Team          
  818  1313        Kavi Kerner, 15              1:01:31        55:59   18:03                       
  252  1330        Dina Fetner, 19              1:04:22        56:31   18:14                       
 2429  1336        Emmy Fraleigh, 16            1:07:35        56:45   18:18  Fraleigh             
  708  1337        Katie Smith, 15              1:07:36        56:46   18:18                       
 1164  1338        Anna Callaway, 15            1:07:36        56:46   18:19  Team Callaway        
  850  1339        Thea Tutor, 15               1:07:36        56:47   18:19                       
 2386  1342        Scout Slaughter, 15          1:05:52        57:12   18:27                       
 2388  1343        Anzley Trawick, 15           1:05:52        57:13   18:27                       
  169  1347        Daysia Brown, 17             1:06:13        57:28   18:32                       
 1098  1351        Caroline Riedel, 15          1:01:40        57:59   18:42  Hope's Closet        
  841  1359        Alexis Dominguez, 17         1:03:06        58:19   18:48                       
 3636  1367        amber montgomery, 16           59:46        58:44   18:57                       
 3618  1377        kiara brown, 15              1:00:23        59:20   19:08                       
 1887  1405        Mandy Miller, 15             1:08:12      1:01:58   19:59                       
  670  1407        Anna Medley, 14              1:04:00      1:02:01   20:00  Landon Mackenzie Club 
  552  1408        Jacqueline Emas, 14          1:08:12      1:02:02   20:00                       
 2430  1409        Abi Dannheim, 14             1:08:11      1:02:06   20:02  Peabody McCoy        
  840  1417        Zenaida Morales, 18          1:08:35      1:03:48   20:35                       
  814  1430        Andersen Leake, 14           1:13:50      1:07:18   21:42                       
  716  1431        Claire Haskell, 15           1:13:50      1:07:18   21:43                       
  799  1432        Julia Preuss, 15             1:13:50      1:07:39   21:49                       
  978  1434        Mary Preston Singletary, 14
                                               1:14:35      1:08:03   21:57  Peabody McCoy        
 1679  1438        Caitlyn Clowe, 17            1:11:09      1:11:09   22:57  The 3 Walkateers     

Women 20 - 24
 2965    16        Amanda Harmer, 24              21:31        21:25    6:54  Web com              
 1191    39        Julie Lechner, 22              23:58        23:37    7:37  Team Kelly           
  851    54        Regan Cohen, 24                24:42        24:30    7:54                       
 2037    55        Lexi Taylor, 22                26:44        24:32    7:55  Boyd & Jenerette     
  283    57        Courtney Carver, 21            24:51        24:37    7:56  Deloitte             
  400    60        Ann Clements, 24               25:15        24:45    7:59                       
  817    66        Kameron Stilwell, 24           25:05        24:54    8:02                       
 1937    73        Sarah Kincart, 22              25:48        25:17    8:09  Team Hew             
 1299    99        Vita Bobelis, 24               26:52        26:10    8:26                       
 1159   100        Amy Angelo, 20                 27:31        26:11    8:27  Team Angelo          
  611   101        Allison Archer, 24             26:23        26:13    8:27                       
 1085   103        Kaylee Quint, 24               29:18        26:18    8:29  Hew                  
 2350   116        Carly Bledsoe, 23              27:39        26:57    8:41                       
  878   120        Jill Hayes, 24                 30:22        27:02    8:43  Unf Dpt              
 3163   127        kristin Ehler, 24              30:35        27:15    8:47  Unf Dpt              
 1394   128        Kaliyani Curley, 20            28:19        27:16    8:48                       
 1110   130        Kendra Walker, 22              28:58        27:18    8:48  Jwa                  
 1001   136        Kristen Whitnable, 24          27:59        27:27    8:51  #Squadgoals          
  188   141        Nicole Doherty, 23             28:07        27:36    8:54                       
 1577   143        Melissa Moser, 24              28:06        27:36    8:54                       
 1146   145        Andrea Rocchi, 22              28:01        27:39    8:55  Rocchi               
 3162   152        Hope Higginbotham, 24          30:21        27:55    9:00  Team Kelly           
  264   169        Laura DeAlexandris, 24         37:02        28:11    9:05  #TeamLegacyTrust     
 2449   171        Cameron Saffell, 20            28:56        28:12    9:06  Team Go!             
  117   189        Kay Schellenberg, 24           29:51        28:26    9:10  Team Schellenberg    
 3189   229        Brooke Haley, 22               29:55        29:08    9:24  Web com              
 2766   237        Anna Teele, 22                 30:11        29:18    9:27  Coe22                
 2795   247        Lija Zurovskis, 24             30:14        29:24    9:29  EverBank             
 2185   261        Courtney Witt, 24              30:04        29:36    9:33  Slow Down for What?  
  744   283        Jessica Hagarty, 21            33:59        30:10    9:44                       
  658   294        Megan Mallo, 20                39:32        30:24    9:48  Miley                
 2920   298        Aimee Mushrush, 23             40:05        30:27    9:49  Team Mushrush        
 1550   305        Haley Plumb, 23                31:20        30:34    9:51                       
  115   309        Lydia Schellenberg, 23         32:04        30:38    9:53  Team Schellenberg    
 1593   325        Darby Dame, 22                 32:31        30:57    9:59                       
 1594   326        Brooks Dame, 22                32:31        30:57    9:59                       
 2153   335        Kelsie Bartlett, 22            32:32        31:08   10:02  Last Place Scenario  
  349   340        Katy Crolius, 20               35:05        31:14   10:04  One Direction        
 1941   345        Corrine Palmer, 24             38:16        31:24   10:08  #TeamLegacyTrust     
 1525   367        Ali Fehling, 23                34:02        31:57   10:18  Pb&Joy               
 1526   368        Lillian Garrison, 23           34:02        31:57   10:18  Pb&Joy               
  105   374        Allyson Corona, 24             38:55        32:01   10:20  Squid Squad          
  374   381        Devon-Leigh Hudson, 23         32:34        32:11   10:23  Unf Dpt Team         
 2111   405        Praises Vega, 23               33:49        32:29   10:28  Grillman's           
 2962   419        Erica Hershey, 22              38:14        32:48   10:35  Web com              
 1230   427        Anna Kihns, 23                 33:29        32:51   10:36  Wallace Dg           
 2002   460        Ashley Plotts, 24              34:01        33:29   10:48  #Squadgoals          
 1828   469        Savanna Barker, 23             36:04        33:38   10:51  Team Kelly           
 1136   480        Kristen Hughes, 24             34:57        33:55   10:56  Pri Divas            
 1638   490        Kalynn Higginbotham, 23        37:35        34:10   11:01  EverBank             
 2109   499        Kristina Diogo, 22             35:36        34:16   11:03  Grillman's           
  654   506        Sarah Griffin, 22              39:55        34:27   11:06  Victorious Secret    
 3028   515        Victoria Harrell, 23           36:05        34:43   11:12                       
 3121   522        Jean Newell, 24                35:20        34:54   11:15                       
  499   543        Hailey Fletcher, 22            36:14        35:16   11:22  Chargers on the Run  
  391   547        Jessica Bloodsworth, 24        36:07        35:21   11:24                       
  103   576        Kelly Alderman, 24             43:02        35:57   11:36  Squid Squad          
 2151   583        Caleigh Bartlett, 22           37:37        36:12   11:41  Last Place Scenario  
 2152   585        Devin Baxter, 22               37:37        36:13   11:41  Last Place Scenario  
  968   611        bailey duncan, 20              37:39        36:35   11:48  portside marc        
 1471   612        Tayler Quick, 23               43:32        36:36   11:48  #TeamLegacyTrust     
 3178   640        Katelyn Raulerson, 22          37:51        37:01   11:56  Hew                  
 3211   678        Kelly Foy, 21                  41:44        38:00   12:15  Deloitte             
 2759   686        Karina Crane, 22               45:27        38:06   12:17  Church of Eleven22   
  891   700        Audrey Clowe, 23               46:37        38:29   12:25  Marc                 
  655   712        Jessica Smith, 23              44:12        38:43   12:29  Victorious Secret    
 2764   718        Lindsey van Tartwijk, 21       39:41        38:48   12:31  Coe22                
 1796   728        Melissa Fink, 24               46:17        39:00   12:35                       
 2774   731        Ashley Shearer, 21             40:26        39:04   12:36  Destiny Church of Jac 
  879   740        Lauren Hutchison, 20           43:34        39:19   12:41  Web com              
 1576   741        Kayla Wilson, 22               43:34        39:19   12:41                       
 2108   769        Seohee Won, 24                 41:36        40:09   12:57  Grillman's           
  242   771        Katie Pollari, 22              41:26        40:14   12:58                       
 3214   805        Chelsie Richardson, 23         49:00        41:02   13:14  Bo-Deezy             
  770   815        Morgan Yonge, 20               43:19        41:13   13:18                       
  903   817        Marina Yue, 20                 50:49        41:19   13:19  Team Bartram         
 1295   824        Ali Quinn, 24                  46:47        41:38   13:26                       
 2107   839        Jenna Molloy, 23               43:09        41:51   13:30  Grillman's           
 3145   851        Courtney Birkholz, 22          45:13        42:09   13:36                       
 1345   923        Danielle Powell, 22            49:36        44:27   14:20                       
  612   943        Lauren Eury, 20                51:13        44:53   14:29                       
 1469   945        Taylor Dunnigan, 22            50:01        44:54   14:29  Sweet Team           
 2824   949        Monnet Kennedy, 22             50:23        45:08   14:33  Heart &Sole          
  839   961        Elizabeth Theiss, 21           50:25        45:28   14:40                       
  916  1009        Abby Denmark, 22               47:00        47:00   15:10  Team Bartram         
 2246  1013        Sara Higginbotham, 23          49:15        47:11   15:13                       
 1090  1017        Erica Bejarano, 21             47:15        47:15   15:14  Hew                  
   44  1044        Kiersten Cole, 22              54:23        47:57   15:28  EverBank             
   43  1056        Jenny Nield, 22                54:35        48:19   15:35  EverBank             
 2159  1057        Kaitlyn Butler, 21             57:50        48:19   15:35  Morgan & Morgan      
  633  1069        Rachelle Jivoin, 24            49:22        48:32   15:39                       
  330  1121        Alyssa Wear, 24                53:09        50:06   16:10  Morgan & Morgan      
 2112  1122        Chaunterria Jackson, 23        51:27        50:08   16:10  Grillman's           
  735  1134        Brooke Putnam, 23              54:53        50:33   16:18                       
  231  1135        Kelsey Hendricks, 22           54:53        50:34   16:18                       
 1897  1146        Leila Bateh, 20                52:10        51:41   16:40                       
 2831  1147        Brianna Grimes, 20             51:42        51:42   16:40  Hew                  
 1898  1148        Kylie Tillman, 20              52:11        51:43   16:41                       
 3181  1151        Megan Forbes, 20               55:43        51:58   16:46  Team Forbes          
  660  1203        Courtney Cobb, 20            1:00:34        53:04   17:07  Team Cobb            
 2149  1208        Claire Shealy, 20              57:39        53:10   17:09  Kenz's Dawgs         
 2150  1210        Grace Weisiger, 20             57:40        53:11   17:09  Kenz's Dawgs         
  286  1235        Victoria Allman, 23          1:02:47        53:54   17:23  Deloitte             
 2215  1240        Natalie Shatley, 24          1:01:42        54:00   17:25  Team Together        
 1192  1245        Brittany Jeanis, 23          1:03:16        54:08   17:28  Team Kelly           
  285  1249        Jacey Warner, 23             1:02:45        54:12   17:29                       
 1646  1255        Lynneth Ventura, 23          1:01:24        54:15   17:30  Cirque de Sore Legs  
 1031  1256        Rachel Schrader, 21          1:01:24        54:15   17:30  Cirque de Sore Legs  
  936  1282        Alyssa Ferlin, 20              58:24        54:52   17:42  The Bolles Team      
  319  1283        Lindsey Woods, 21            1:04:17        54:53   17:42  Miley                
 1292  1303        Jennifer Davie, 23           1:02:56        55:45   17:59                       
 1496  1304        Megan Jones, 22              1:01:32        55:47   17:59  One Direction        
 1127  1307        Clare Harris, 22             1:01:32        55:48   18:00  One Direction        
 2869  1322        Kendall Gingrich, 22         1:03:55        56:25   18:12  Morgan & Morgan      
  316  1340        Amanda Langston, 21          1:06:14        56:50   18:20  Miley                
 1273  1348        ashley lucas, 20             1:06:15        57:45   18:38                       
  197  1388        Katherine McManus, 24        1:06:55        59:56   19:20                       
  198  1392        Candace Baughman, 23         1:06:56        59:57   19:20                       
  320  1398        Sarah Longhta, 21            1:10:21      1:00:55   19:39  Miley                
  318  1399        Nikki Taylor, 21             1:10:20      1:00:55   19:39  Miley                
  321  1400        Alexis Woods, 24             1:10:20      1:00:55   19:39  Miley                
  829  1410        Anna Shelton, 22             1:11:12      1:02:28   20:09                       
 2751  1413        Sarah Constande, 20          1:11:34      1:02:59   20:19  Chets Creek          
 1909  1437        Noelle Sapp, 22              1:11:09      1:11:09   22:57  The 3 Walkateers     

Women 25 - 29
 2247    13        Jade Cognetti Mukri, 28        21:01        20:57    6:45                       
 3205    14        Lydia Hochsein, 28             21:00        20:57    6:45  1st Place Sports     
 1057    18        Amber Senna, 25                22:00        21:47    7:01  Eleven22             
  772    31        Alex O'Donnell, 26             23:15        23:05    7:27                       
 1180    58        Amanda Stucki, 27              25:02        24:42    7:58  Team Hew             
  463    74        Danielle Coburn, 28            25:17        25:17    8:09                       
 2955    83        Brittanie Stevens, 28          25:56        25:39    8:16  Web com              
 1375    85        Courtney Davis, 29             25:51        25:41    8:17                       
  309    89        Reese Bauler, 28               28:55        25:55    8:22  Hew                  
 3160    96        Ali Kirwin, 26                 26:15        26:06    8:25  Interline Brands     
  287    98        Serina Hedrick, 29             26:26        26:07    8:25  Deloitte             
 1328   104        Chelsey Bogan, 25              27:38        26:20    8:30                       
 1956   108        Cortney Baller, 26             30:15        26:27    8:32                       
  311   117        Jane Pica, 26                  28:06        26:58    8:42  Interline Brands     
  650   124        Veronica Rockwell, 25          32:41        27:14    8:47  Victorious Secret    
 1827   134        Alex Roach, 26                 29:48        27:23    8:50  Team Kelly           
 1324   135        Rachel Krasnow, 27             27:35        27:27    8:51                       
 3004   144        Sarah Hueber, 27               29:54        27:37    8:54                       
 1633   148        Emmy Earnhardt, 25             29:03        27:45    8:57  Alluvion             
 3014   153        Lauren Pickett, 28             28:46        27:55    9:00                       
 2867   158        Heidi Day, 29                  31:00        28:04    9:03  Morgan & Morgan      
 1881   168        Carrey Evans, 26               28:08        28:08    9:04                       
 2898   174        Samantha Tanner, 29            28:37        28:15    9:07  Remy Turns 15        
  794   191        jessica scheidler, 25          29:24        28:28    9:11                       
 1054   194        Caitlin Armstrong, 27          29:33        28:29    9:11  Eleven22             
 1024   195        Angie Cardona, 29              31:53        28:30    9:11  Ce Broker            
 1967   201        Ariane Simon, 28               29:23        28:37    9:14  Simon                
 1026   202        Morgen Fletcher, 25            31:54        28:40    9:15  Ce Broker            
 2160   203        Nicole Cruz, 29                31:41        28:40    9:15  Morgan & Morgan      
 3054   205        Jenn Cefalu, 27                29:25        28:45    9:16                       
 2879   206        Stephanie LaTulip, 25          29:46        28:45    9:16  One Call Care Managem 
 2893   235        Lindsay Taylor, 25             29:17        29:14    9:26  Pvps Cares           
 1165   242        Katherine Callaway, 25         34:42        29:20    9:28  Team Callaway        
 2186   255        Amanda Lazenby, 29             29:58        29:31    9:31  Slow Down for What?  
   33   272        Erin Vlaeminck, 28             30:13        29:54    9:39  Chadley              
 2067   274        Lauren Conover, 29             31:26        30:00    9:40  EverBank             
 2368   276        Carly Thurston, 29             30:01        30:01    9:41  PwC                  
  419   285        victoria koster, 26            30:58        30:14    9:45                       
 3013   287        Anna Khoor, 28                 31:08        30:17    9:46                       
  867   291        Elizabeth Dellinger, 27        33:40        30:20    9:47  Unf Dpt              
 1352   300        Kc Kane, 25                    33:46        30:29    9:50                       
 2219   302        Milena Vasconcelos, 28         34:40        30:30    9:50  The Jaguars          
 2410   308        Tiney Rahilly, 28              32:53        30:37    9:52                       
 3058   313        Ashley Pope, 28                31:58        30:44    9:55                       
 2755   327        Jaclyn Earnest, 27             39:08        31:01   10:00  Chets Creek          
 2712   328        Kristen Dressel, 26            33:05        31:02   10:01  Action News          
 3137   332        Marisa Mariano, 29             31:43        31:05   10:01                       
 1950   342        Gracie Simendinger, 26         32:40        31:22   10:07                       
 1857   344        Alyssa Smith, 25               34:01        31:24   10:08                       
  135   348        Tabitha Bartchlett, 28         31:32        31:26   10:08                       
  856   355        Hope Andrews, 29               31:35        31:35   10:11                       
 3053   356        Kristina Sidoti, 26            34:56        31:38   10:12                       
 1194   372        Rebecca Flagg, 28              35:01        31:59   10:19  Team Kelly           
 2239   384        Kristin Ruffell, 29            33:04        32:13   10:23                       
  441   385        Danielle O'Neil, 25            35:12        32:15   10:24                       
 3009   393        Alexandria Klempf, 27          33:05        32:21   10:26                       
 2850   400        Nikkie Miller, 28              32:24        32:24   10:27  Jwa                  
 2890   403        Nicole Jones, 26               32:29        32:25   10:27  Pvps Cares           
 1337   406        Bree Silhavy, 27               33:37        32:29   10:29                       
 1965   408        Holly Hepler, 26               33:16        32:31   10:29                       
  342   409        Sarah Cramer, 25               33:19        32:31   10:29  Murphy Mixed         
 1969   410        Olivia Simon, 26               33:21        32:33   10:30  Simon                
 1732   413        Angela Muratalla, 28           36:49        32:40   10:32  Las Chicas           
 1996   421        Bobbie Boyter, 25              38:18        32:49   10:35  Victorious Secret    
  126   422        Julie Fowler, 29               38:15        32:49   10:35  Web com              
  549   423        Ashley Smith, 28               35:04        32:49   10:35  Jcds                 
 2115   433        Jennifer Phillips, 27          33:32        33:02   10:39  Half-letes           
 1858   440        Katy Brown, 29                 34:26        33:14   10:43                       
 3114   450        Jessenia Lopez, 27             39:21        33:19   10:45                       
 2113   463        Risa Portnoy, 27               38:08        33:30   10:48  Grillman's           
 1377   484        Nikki Haywood, 25              34:42        34:00   10:58                       
 2798   502        Christina Nguyen, 27           36:10        34:22   11:05  EverBank             
 2996   512        Jennifer Obrien, 29            43:23        34:36   11:09                       
 2296   513        Sarah Weaver, 29               35:52        34:36   11:10                       
  986   517        Lauren Hendricks, 26           34:44        34:44   11:12  Tiny Hope            
  364   539        Allie Pulos, 25                35:31        35:10   11:20  Team Kelly           
 2800   552        Shelly Chen, 27                37:09        35:23   11:25  EverBank             
 1405   559        Ashley Blaum, 29               36:51        35:37   11:29                       
 1873   561        Kelly Bermel, 29               38:55        35:39   11:30                       
  384   577        Rachel Korzeb, 27              36:58        36:09   11:39                       
   74   581        April Parker, 26               43:56        36:11   11:40  Mint Magazine        
 2947   593        Jennifer Lopez, 27             41:44        36:18   11:42  Web com              
 1226   617        Lindsey Thomas, 28             37:23        36:44   11:51  Wallace Dg           
  710   622        Andrea Clark, 26               38:00        36:46   11:52                       
 3073   643        Mina Rahmanovic, 29            38:24        37:09   11:59                       
 2382   652        Sarah Howarth, 29              37:15        37:15   12:01  PwC                  
 3136   660        Meghan Martin, 27              38:06        37:27   12:05                       
 2376   663        Melissa Mayotte, 26            46:25        37:29   12:05  PwC                  
 2749   683        Ashley Hollis, 28              42:06        38:03   12:16  Chargers on the Run  
 2760   685        Keri Waldron, 26               45:26        38:06   12:17  Church of Eleven22   
 2761   687        Sayhe Loyaza, 26               45:27        38:07   12:18  Church of Eleven22   
 1863   694        Kristen New, 28                40:13        38:21   12:22                       
 2435   701        Paula Rubman, 25               44:04        38:31   12:25  Cmy5k                
 1712   703        Dennisse Muniz, 29             38:34        38:34   12:26  EverBank             
  186   704        Melanie Thompson, 28           41:09        38:35   12:27                       
 2961   705        Sokuonthea Ny, 26              44:03        38:36   12:27  Web com              
 2926   709        Heather Shreves, 27            39:55        38:39   12:28  Team Shreves         
  742   727        Sarah Dominey, 25              39:45        38:58   12:34                       
  137   737        Katherine lilkendey, 27        45:55        39:17   12:40                       
 2326   742        Mandy Fama, 25                 43:43        39:21   12:41                       
 1720   743        Hailey Vander Linden, 25       44:06        39:22   12:42  Grillman's           
 2413   746        Katelyn McEntire, 25           47:18        39:32   12:45                       
 2809   749        Vanessa Niedzwiecki, 29        47:50        39:39   12:47  Florida Blue         
  104   762        Peter Haroldson, 26            46:57        39:59   12:54  Squid Squad          
  943   763        Katie Penkala, 29              46:57        39:59   12:54  Squid Squad          
  341   764        Camille Murphy, 26             44:36        40:05   12:56  Murphy Mixed         
  424   765        Jayme Scott, 29                44:36        40:05   12:56                       
 1657   767        Lauren Dean, 27                50:11        40:08   12:57  Lauren's Kids        
 1418   779        Sarah Azroff, 29               45:46        40:25   13:02  Montoya & Associates 
 1255   784        Darrah Rigdon, 29              44:41        40:28   13:03                       
 2744   788        Bonnie Cobb, 26                43:52        40:37   13:06  Ce Broker            
 1573   799        Joanna Mcavoy, 28              42:12        40:55   13:12                       
 2064   801        Michelle Wilson, 29            45:03        40:57   13:12  EverBank             
 2066   802        Michelle Denamrk, 28           45:04        40:57   13:13  EverBank             
 2065   803        Alysia Spiegel, 29             45:04        40:58   13:13  EverBank             
 2366   806        Rachael Sellers, 26            50:00        41:03   13:14  PwC                  
 1312   814        Mackenzie Hill, 27             45:34        41:11   13:17                       
 1617   820        Basma Alawee, 29               41:40        41:32   13:24  Marc                 
 2862   828        Paige Dooley, 27               49:25        41:40   13:26  Mint Magazine        
 2861   833        Erin Alterman, 27              49:26        41:42   13:27  Mint Magazine        
 2364   860        Jessica Mason, 28              46:16        42:35   13:44  PwC                  
 1840   865        Kirsten Mimms, 26              46:41        42:51   13:49                       
 2826   866        Jessica Harrison, 26           46:42        42:52   13:49  Hew                  
 2994   868        Kay Hood, 26                   50:35        42:56   13:51                       
 1243   881        Ashley Barrington, 29          45:20        43:19   13:58                       
   89   884        Michele Zorn, 27               44:08        43:24   14:00  Ncp Solutions        
 3185   928        Jessica Hammond, 27            46:21        44:36   14:23  Web com              
 2839   936        Krista Klehm, 29               44:46        44:46   14:26  Isaiah 40:31         
 2954   948        Jelena Begovic, 26             50:17        45:04   14:32  Web com              
 1478   950        Dianne Duhnoski, 27            49:20        45:09   14:34  Bolles               
 2823   951        Leilanie Miranda, 27           50:24        45:09   14:34  Heart & Sole         
 1722   954        Michelle Bright, 25            50:27        45:12   14:35  Heart & Sole         
 2781   955        Ely Smith, 27                  46:58        45:12   14:35  EverBank             
 1234   969        Stephanie Imray, 28            49:39        45:43   14:45                       
 1253   970        Kathleen McCarthy, 27          49:39        45:44   14:45                       
 2950   978        Sabina Escalada, 29            51:23        45:51   14:47  Web com              
 1962   982        Jessica Yearwood, 28           48:47        46:02   14:51                       
  869   989        Celeste Sherrod, 26            55:14        46:07   14:52  Sherrod              
  289  1020        Christine Hrdlicka, 27         48:21        47:19   15:16  Eleven22             
  622  1049        Anna Young, 26                 51:56        48:08   15:32                       
  294  1052        Sarah Johnson, 28              48:16        48:16   15:34  EverBank             
  138  1061        Julie Levy, 26                 55:02        48:22   15:36                       
   40  1115        April Kier, 29                 54:54        50:00   16:08  EverBank             
 2104  1144        Green (Maiden: Taylor), 29     56:07        51:26   16:35  Grillman's           
 2184  1170        Ashley Adkins, 26              52:17        52:17   16:52  Shine                
 2183  1171        Amanda Barnett, 27             52:17        52:17   16:52  Shine                
 2286  1179        Lindsey Weeks, 27            1:02:30        52:27   16:55                       
 2123  1181        Simone Jerrell, 27             54:05        52:31   16:56  Interline Brands     
 1654  1188        Jami Houston, 28             1:01:27        52:36   16:58  Tiny Hope            
 2121  1204        Katie Neel, 28               1:02:31        53:05   17:07  Interline Brands     
 2122  1205        Jennifer Highsmith, 28       1:02:30        53:05   17:07  Interline Brands     
  249  1234        Erica Harding, 26            1:01:41        53:53   17:23                       
 1208  1244        Brighid Hourihan, 25         1:03:16        54:08   17:28  Teamtori             
 2772  1252        Riya Patel, 27               1:02:46        54:14   17:29  Deloitte             
  284  1259        Chante Dawston, 26           1:02:47        54:15   17:30  Deloitte             
  329  1270        Caitlin Davis, 25            1:04:00        54:28   17:34  Morgan & Morgan      
 2190  1279        Alyssa Washington, 28          59:24        54:50   17:41  Sole Sistas          
 1195  1310        Kelly Kristoff, 25           1:05:01        55:52   18:01  Team Kelly           
  331  1316        Kirsten David, 25              56:06        56:06   18:06  Morgan & Morgan      
 2860  1319        Lindsey Burch, 27            1:04:05        56:18   18:10  Mint Magazine        
 2363  1334        Heather Fisher, 25           1:05:41        56:44   18:18  PwC                  
 2361  1335        Leah Nowak, 27               1:05:40        56:44   18:18  PwC                  
 1715  1344        Laura O'Brien, 28            1:04:04        57:13   18:27  EverBank             
 3165  1366        Jen Arevalo, 28              1:04:15        58:39   18:55  Cmy5k                
 1823  1379        Brooke Bozek, 25             1:07:53        59:25   19:10  Cummins              
 2858  1391        Jordan Mihavics, 28          1:08:52        59:57   19:20  Miles to Martinis    
 2313  1421        Normarie Aleman, 26          1:05:11      1:05:11   21:01                       

Women 30 - 34
 2880    26        Marjorie Orillaza-pedro, 30
                                                 22:49        22:48    7:21  One Call Care Managem 
  209    27        Luyen Tran, 33                 23:06        23:00    7:25                       
 2319    28        Anna Katherine Peterson, 30
                                                 23:10        23:00    7:25                       
 1579    33        Kristina Gordon, 31            23:19        23:19    7:31                       
   14    72        Adriana Stam, 32               25:35        25:14    8:08  Bolles               
 2003    79        Mariah Verseput, 30            25:33        25:33    8:14  #TeamLegacyTrust     
 2939    88        Inese Froese, 32               25:50        25:50    8:20  Web com              
 1949    90        Miranda Hillebrand, 32         26:07        25:56    8:22                       
 2807    92        Jena Pugh, 33                  25:59        25:59    8:23  EverBank             
 2728   109        Angela Maguire, 30             26:39        26:39    8:36  Assumption           
 2500   118        Kasie Crawmer, 32              27:07        26:58    8:42                       
  416   137        Julie Jacob, 31                28:06        27:28    8:51                       
  636   140        Stephanie Eason, 30            28:06        27:35    8:54                       
 2986   147        Ashley Mahaven, 30             28:00        27:44    8:57                       
 1446   149        amber katada, 34               28:40        27:49    8:58  Bac crew             
 2723   159        Lindsey Pesca, 31              28:10        28:04    9:03  Alluvion             
 1502   164        Tiffani Scuncio, 33            28:07        28:07    9:04  Team Bella           
 1504   165        Breanna Tivvis, 30             28:08        28:08    9:04  Team Bella           
 3206   178        Cyndi Butler, 34               34:18        28:21    9:08                       
 2266   179        Loraine Solomon, 32            30:39        28:21    9:08                       
 2935   183        diane mclennon, 34             28:36        28:23    9:09  The Justice League   
 2259   190        Cadey Wincek, 33               30:46        28:27    9:10                       
 2017   231        Jessica Tripp, 33              30:19        29:09    9:24  Assumption           
 1521   232        Kristi Garvey, 33              31:46        29:09    9:24  Hew                  
 2786   240        Laura Dedeker, 32              29:27        29:20    9:27  EverBank             
  652   241        Natalie Johns, 31              29:20        29:20    9:28  #TeamLegacyTrust     
 2711   248        Romney Smith, 32               31:27        29:24    9:29  Action News          
  118   249        Kelly Cullen, 32               29:44        29:25    9:29  The Bolles School    
 2372   264        Elsa Martin, 33                31:01        29:40    9:34  PwC                  
 2877   267        Amanda Behnam, 30              31:59        29:45    9:36  One Call Care Managem 
 2373   275        Heather Horovitz, 31           30:00        30:00    9:40  PwC                  
 2374   277        Joana Berling, 31              30:02        30:02    9:41  PwC                  
  314   280        Brittany Bozeman, 30           34:54        30:04    9:42  Jwa                  
 2165   304        Kimberly McLaughlin, 34        31:04        30:33    9:51  Murphy Mixed         
  206   306        Merriane Lahmeur, 34           31:19        30:36    9:52                       
 2234   310        Melinda Stivers, 34            38:56        30:41    9:54  Us Assure            
 2753   311        Denise Evanko, 30              31:37        30:42    9:54  Chets Creek          
 1919   321        Sarah Locke, 31                34:45        30:55    9:58  Web com              
 2964   331        Nikki Guillette, 34            33:26        31:03   10:01  Web com              
 2288   337        Caitlin Zeller, 31             31:09        31:09   10:03                       
  439   349        Kelly Isolda, 30               32:39        31:29   10:09                       
 2346   354        Shannon Coles, 31              32:55        31:34   10:11                       
  402   359        Kristen Paige, 34              32:33        31:45   10:14                       
 2734   362        Cheryl Kelly, 34               32:31        31:51   10:16  Bkfs                 
 2360   370        Jill Smith, 34                 34:51        31:59   10:19  PwC                  
 2938   380        Crystal Bouziden, 30           34:34        32:10   10:23  Web com              
 1530   396        Pam Supan, 32                  32:22        32:22   10:26  ProvidenceMcKenzieClu 
 1734   414        Monique Bernard, 31            36:49        32:40   10:32  Las Chicas           
 1733   416        Isabel Montes, 33              36:49        32:42   10:33  Las Chicas           
  181   417        Tara Sikes, 30                 33:08        32:42   10:33                       
  140   424        Enza Lobusta, 33               33:34        32:49   10:35                       
  409   432        Casey King, 32                 33:45        32:59   10:38                       
 1844   444        Jenny Smith, 31                34:28        33:16   10:44                       
 1049   456        Blair Stone, 32                33:25        33:25   10:47  Eleven22             
 2105   462        mandy yoder, 30                38:09        33:29   10:48  Grillman's           
 2810   468        Renita Russell, 32             41:46        33:36   10:50  Florida Blue         
 2778   474        Jenny Hagist, 34               33:44        33:44   10:53  Eleven22             
 2032   489        Nicolle Von Roenn, 31          36:30        34:08   11:01  Boyd & Jenerette     
 2297   494        Lindsey Miller, 31             37:38        34:13   11:02                       
  520   501        Lynn Elliott, 33               35:20        34:20   11:04  Chargers on the Run  
 1395   518        Heidi Fischer, 33              35:19        34:45   11:13                       
 2033   520        Kathryn Oughton, 34            37:14        34:51   11:14  Boyd & Jenerette     
 2301   526        Shawn Wilkes, 32               36:15        34:56   11:16                       
 1419   545        Jaime Burnett, 31              35:20        35:20   11:24  Team Hew             
 2780   549        Stacy Morris, 32               37:09        35:23   11:25  EverBank             
   82   554        Tara Howard, 33                38:10        35:28   11:26  mint15               
 2988   555        Helen Sem, 32                  37:10        35:29   11:27                       
 1966   560        Shannon Bryan, 32              37:20        35:39   11:30                       
 1519   566        jennifer wright, 33            35:48        35:48   11:33                       
 1451   570        Kristin Scheurer, 34           35:51        35:51   11:34  Your Pace or Mine    
 2881   573        Heather Johnson, 30            38:10        35:56   11:35  One Call Care Managem 
  396   578        Sotheary Seng, 33              36:58        36:09   11:39                       
 3035   582        Ashley DeLance, 32             37:25        36:12   11:40                       
 1749   584        catrina acree, 31              39:01        36:13   11:41  Sacred Heart         
  256   628        Soniya Upadhyay, 30            44:53        36:53   11:54                       
  141   629        Karen Acierno, 34              43:32        36:54   11:54                       
 2945   642        Reagan Michaelis, 34           39:20        37:03   11:57  Web com              
 3075   644        Dijana Draganovic, 33          38:27        37:12   12:00                       
 3074   645        Nirvana Alijagic, 30           38:27        37:13   12:00                       
 1940   656        Kira Lamb, 34                  38:12        37:20   12:02  Coe22                
 1644   658        Betsy Sale, 32                 39:15        37:22   12:03  Storytellers         
  473   661        Mary Campbell, 33              38:24        37:27   12:05  Chargers on the Run  
 2870   666        Alma Martinez, 33              39:15        37:42   12:10  Morgan & Morgan      
 2248   669        Christina Malone, 32           37:45        37:45   12:10                       
 3001   682        Shilloh Crawford, 33           47:38        38:02   12:16                       
  160   748        Julia Riffle, 34               39:38        39:38   12:47                       
 2100   753        Alana Petree, 32               48:49        39:47   12:50  God's girls          
 3217   756        Kate Bodden, 31                47:52        39:53   12:52  Bo-Deezy             
 2758   758        Nicole Ridley, 32              42:10        39:54   12:52  Church of Eleven22   
  253   770        Sarah Hobbs, 32                42:46        40:11   12:58                       
 2189   785        Tia Crankfield, 31             47:34        40:28   13:03  Sole Sistas          
  707   797        amanda brown, 31               48:52        40:53   13:11                       
 2164   822        Michelle Ramirez, 32           42:49        41:34   13:24  Morgan & Morgan      
 1236   826        Rachel Landis, 34              46:47        41:38   13:26                       
   87   885        Abbie Kelly, 32                44:08        43:25   14:00  Ncp Solutions        
  835   888        Marisol Leon, 33               51:55        43:32   14:03                       
 1613   892        Margharita Hernandez, 33       43:57        43:36   14:04  Marc                 
  854   899        Erika Burgess, 33              48:55        43:48   14:08                       
  388   910        Alina Shirshikova, 32          47:26        44:04   14:13                       
 1445   912        tammi woods, 32                51:42        44:05   14:13  Bac crew             
 3031   913        Michelle Thomas, 33            47:26        44:05   14:13                       
 2099   942        Kate Shields, 31               53:55        44:53   14:29  God's girls          
 1231   959        Becca Cooper, 34               45:22        45:22   14:38  Your Pace or Mine    
  628   995        Amy Cosgrove, 34               53:55        46:32   15:01                       
 3161   997        Laura Crum, 31                 46:34        46:34   15:01  Web com              
  159   999        Tonya Summers-Cruse, 30        46:37        46:37   15:02                       
  158  1000        Tara Tukes, 30                 46:38        46:38   15:02                       
 3133  1007        Jill Lenhoff, 32               46:57        46:57   15:09                       
 1052  1018        Sarah Senesac, 30              48:20        47:16   15:15  Eleven22             
 1447  1022        frances hyde, 33               55:05        47:28   15:19  Bac crew             
 1738  1035        Crystal Hein, 30               54:01        47:44   15:24  Morgan & Morgan      
  458  1053        Nancy Sorrell, 34              53:03        48:18   15:35                       
 3030  1070        Crystal Carr, 34               48:33        48:33   15:39                       
 2832  1074        Prisci Alfaro-Barrantes, 33
                                                 48:37        48:37   15:41  Hew                  
 1364  1076        Jessica hayes, 33              48:38        48:38   15:41                       
 1122  1082        Christina Bland, 32            54:15        48:55   15:47  Montoya & Associates 
 1771  1085        April Thompson, 34             57:08        49:03   15:49  Thomley              
 1087  1109        Rosalia Iannucci, 34           49:50        49:50   16:04  Hew                  
 2283  1110        Ashley Jones, 30               49:52        49:52   16:05                       
 1915  1117        Shannon Bergh, 34              50:02        50:02   16:08  EverBank             
  222  1130        Michelle Langlois, 32          50:24        50:24   16:15                       
  957  1141        Monarie Lacanilao, 33          58:01        51:22   16:34  SlowPokes            
  922  1161        Tiffany Maxwell, 31            52:05        52:05   16:48  Hew                  
   73  1162        Lauren Vancore, 32             57:33        52:05   16:48  Mint Magazine        
 2859  1166        Ashley Allen, 32               57:35        52:08   16:49  Mint Magazine        
 1653  1182        Jenna Toffaletti, 30         1:01:28        52:31   16:56  Tiny Hope            
  950  1186        Stephanie Odom, 33           1:01:32        52:34   16:57  Hope's Closet        
  693  1193        Mandi Miller, 31             1:01:32        52:41   17:00                       
  333  1211        Joy Low, 33                  1:02:45        53:14   17:10  Morgan & Morgan      
  934  1219        Lindsay Franks, 30           1:02:52        53:41   17:19  Church of Eleven 22  
  894  1224        Stacey Lewitzke, 31          1:02:53        53:42   17:19  Church of Eleven22   
 2949  1227        Lauren Beck, 31                56:38        53:43   17:19  Web com              
 2217  1239        Amber Mecimore, 33           1:01:42        54:00   17:25  Team Together        
 1671  1276        Kristin Edwards, 30          1:01:48        54:42   17:39  The Bolles School    
  954  1278        Erika McCoy, 31              1:04:01        54:49   17:41  Church of Eleven 22  
 1438  1293        Kimberly Roberts, 33           55:19        55:19   17:50  Eleven22             
  917  1297        Noelle Cooper, 34              55:33        55:33   17:55  Team Bartram         
 3544  1317        Jessica Tanner, 31             56:06        56:06   18:06                       
  375  1332        Kristin O'Rourke, 34         1:01:00        56:36   18:15  Zoo Crew             
 1882  1354        Natile Irie, 34                58:07        58:07   18:45                       
 2990  1356        Amanda Cole, 31              1:03:15        58:12   18:46                       
 1664  1358        Trina Agustin, 34            1:03:39        58:12   18:46  Debelen              
 1711  1364        Lauren Trump, 30             1:04:14        58:37   18:54  EverBank             
 2194  1384        Kaitlyn Laudenslager, 30     1:06:08        59:32   19:12  Step Up For Students 
 2944  1387        Nelly Luong, 34              1:06:44        59:38   19:14  Web com              
   65  1389        Brandy Sigal, 34             1:08:51        59:56   19:20  Miles to Martinis    
   66  1390        Ashley Lombard, 31           1:08:51        59:56   19:20  Miles to Martinis    
 2216  1394        Brandy Mills, 33             1:07:40        59:58   19:20  Team Together        
 2333  1426        Patricia Doratt, 30          1:06:09      1:06:09   21:20                       
  148  1436        Amy Haydon, 33               1:17:18      1:10:34   22:46                       

Women 35 - 39
 1518    17        Michelle McCullough, 37        21:33        21:30    6:56                       
 1329    38        Megan Johnson, 35              23:52        23:32    7:35                       
   35    41        Mandy Yates, 37                23:56        23:48    7:41  Chargers on the Run  
 2011    49        Alicia Henderson, 39           24:33        24:17    7:50  Assumption           
 1233    53        Christine Goldsmith, 35        24:38        24:30    7:54  Your Pace or Mine    
 1040    71        Lorraine Hernandez, 35         25:09        25:09    8:07  Doudna               
 1002    78        Holly Tyrrell, 39              25:33        25:33    8:14  #TeamLegacyTrust     
 2882    81        Maribeth Dill, 38              26:00        25:34    8:15  Providence Mckenzie C 
  106    82        Angela Ivey, 38                25:51        25:34    8:15  Team Ivey            
 2323    91        Tiffany McAneny, 38            26:21        25:58    8:22                       
 2914    94        Brooke Stone, 37               27:10        26:00    8:23  Team Lacrosse        
 2299   106        Jennifer Medina, 38            26:47        26:24    8:31                       
 2889   146        Corinne Howard, 37             27:48        27:40    8:55  Pvps Cares           
 2063   154        Colleen Zidovec, 39            28:24        28:00    9:02  EverBank             
  356   156        Rachel Pellum, 38              28:25        28:00    9:02  Sacred Heart         
 2127   166        Shelbi MacDonald, 38           28:35        28:08    9:04  Interline Brands     
   75   200        Crystal Craybeal, 36           28:36        28:36    9:13  Mint Magazine        
  554   216        Christy Jones, 39              30:54        28:59    9:21                       
  203   217        Katie Ryan, 36                 30:54        28:59    9:21                       
  885   225        Lisa Wagner, 39                30:12        29:02    9:22  Assumption           
 2995   227        Lani Smith, 37                 29:50        29:05    9:23                       
  227   259        Robyn Roberts, 38              31:58        29:34    9:32                       
 1327   260        Stephanie Baez, 38             35:44        29:35    9:32                       
 3138   268        Anne Pokelwaldt, 37            30:17        29:47    9:36                       
 1239   270        Nicole Murrell, 37             30:12        29:52    9:38                       
 1388   316        Amber Manos, 37                35:56        30:47    9:56                       
 3093   334        Amanda Kellermeier, 35         31:19        31:06   10:02                       
  557   350        Ashley Doyle, 37               32:06        31:30   10:10  Drinkers with a runni 
  581   351        Heather Sheckels, 37           32:06        31:30   10:10  Drinkers with a runni 
 2715   357        Laurie Guenther Burris, 38     36:43        31:39   10:12  Afc What!            
    1   361        Amanda Wetherell, 38           33:41        31:48   10:15                       
 2887   363        Jessica Churchwell, 36         31:59        31:55   10:17  Pvps Cares           
  786   369        Heather Lohbeck, 35            34:50        31:57   10:18                       
   71   375        Theresa Dallas, 37             34:38        32:03   10:20  Mint Magazine        
 3102   386        Sara Reyes, 38                 36:05        32:15   10:24                       
 2811   389        Donna Gallant, 39              32:55        32:18   10:25  Galloping Gallants   
 1166   392        Tirzah Hoffmann, 38            32:20        32:20   10:26  Team Chunn           
 3065   397        Danielle Ray, 39               35:07        32:22   10:26                       
 3132   407        Melanie Lehmann, 37            33:32        32:30   10:29                       
 2070   429        Kate Durant, 35                35:57        32:53   10:36  EverBank             
 1836   448        Kate Brunson, 38               33:54        33:19   10:45                       
 1006   466        Heather Wakefield, 38          34:13        33:33   10:49  Assumption           
  328   508        Melina Del Rosario, 39         37:43        34:33   11:08  Morgan & Morgan      
  521   535        Melissa Hooker, 38             35:57        35:05   11:19  Chargers on the Run  
 2139   550        Kristian Townsend, 35          36:38        35:23   11:25  Interline Brands     
 1575   553        Shannan Hoy, 35                39:38        35:26   11:26                       
  196   563        Amanda Paster, 37              36:56        35:42   11:31                       
 1528   567        Brandi Hunter, 36              35:48        35:48   11:33                       
 1848   568        Luchanna Estopier, 38          40:19        35:48   11:33                       
 2916   569        Crizeida Lucey, 36             44:21        35:49   11:33  Team Lucey           
 2433   630        Lori Yarbrough, 39             37:22        36:56   11:55  Interline Brands     
 2897   631        Beth Griffin, 39               37:04        36:56   11:55  Pvps Cares           
 2091   637        Shannon Glocker, 39            37:46        37:00   11:56  Glock's girls        
 1454   664        Carey Johnson, 35              42:45        37:35   12:07  Afc What?!           
 3094   665        Amanda Brad, 38                38:27        37:40   12:09                       
 1852   680        Beth Bliss, 39                 40:20        38:02   12:16                       
  513   684        Liz Zurn, 36                   42:08        38:05   12:17  Chargers on the Run  
  326   688        Elaine Carlos, 35              41:18        38:11   12:19  Morgan & Morgan      
  208   690        Amanda Bozeman, 38             41:42        38:16   12:20                       
 1781   693        Colleen Witt, 38               39:31        38:20   12:22                       
 2235   702        Kari Robbins, 35               46:52        38:33   12:26  Us Assure            
 3143   706        Anna Webster, 37               44:54        38:36   12:27                       
 3154   719        Heidi Anderson, 38             42:17        38:51   12:32                       
 2773   732        Tishri Nelson, 36              40:26        39:04   12:36  Destiny Church of Jac 
 3207   738        Suzy Sivley, 36                45:15        39:18   12:41                       
 3170   755        Phuong Dickinson, 39           43:12        39:52   12:51  Dickinson Technologie 
 2788   768        Jenny Wagner, 39               45:27        40:08   12:57  EverBank             
 2932   781        T'ra Yaccino, 37               47:35        40:26   13:02  Team Yaccino         
 2915   791        Gretchel Vasquez, 35           46:42        40:43   13:08  Team Lacrosse        
 1041   794        Lesley Curry, 37               40:47        40:47   13:09  Doudna               
   83   830        Heather Cumbo, 38              51:55        41:41   13:27  Morgan & Morgan      
   85   835        Amy Magdalein, 37              51:56        41:43   13:27  Morgan & Morgan      
 2840   837        carey francesconi, 39          41:48        41:48   13:29  Jbe100mileClub       
 1894   840        Addy crenshaw, 39              41:52        41:52   13:30                       
 2355   850        Jennifer Abrams, 36            43:34        42:06   13:35                       
 2924   869        Sarah Jane Neff, 38            52:12        43:01   13:52  Team One Call        
 2720   874        Amy Messmer, 39                50:36        43:09   13:55  Alluvion             
  452   875        Marcy Mark, 39                 47:00        43:09   13:55                       
 1704   878        Marilyn Buford, 39             43:10        43:10   13:55  Buford Family        
 1741   880        Jessica Rogers, 35             52:31        43:17   13:58  Morgan & Morgan      
  142   889        Kristen Anglin, 36             50:10        43:33   14:03                       
 1397   898        Angela Crawford, 39            48:55        43:48   14:07                       
 3078   904        Megan Raithel, 37              44:49        43:54   14:10                       
 3022   918        Sokha Chan, 35                 48:34        44:21   14:18                       
 2268   922        Lacey Worsdell, 36             44:27        44:27   14:20                       
 2282   957        Sheila Murphy, 36              49:08        45:19   14:37                       
 1372   966        Ellen Thigpen, 35              48:27        45:40   14:44                       
 2741   968        Melody Reichard, 37            55:09        45:40   14:44  Buns on the Run!!!   
  717   984        Julie Baker, 37                48:46        46:02   14:51                       
 2722   996        Andrea Cabral, 38              53:56        46:33   15:01  Alluvion             
 2077   998        Megan Bryant, 38               46:37        46:37   15:02  EverBank             
 1246  1004        Sandy Ilog, 36                 46:49        46:49   15:06                       
  152  1008        Chrissy Dullano, 36            56:23        46:58   15:09                       
 1032  1025        lisa jennings, 37              52:06        47:31   15:19  Coe22                
 2236  1031        Shannon Crady, 37              54:33        47:38   15:22  Walking Warriors     
 1409  1033        Lori Tomeo, 39                 52:24        47:42   15:23                       
 2205  1047        Megan Baldwin, 35              57:59        48:06   15:31  Team Go              
 1988  1055        Lorri Roberson, 38             48:57        48:19   15:35  Team J A L K.        
  101  1062        LaToya Washington, 39          55:27        48:22   15:36  Sole Sistas          
 2818  1065        Kristina Samuel, 36            54:53        48:25   15:37  Gone Running         
 2303  1071        Ashley Rogers, 39              48:35        48:35   15:40                       
   60  1072        Chrissy Ferrer, 35             48:36        48:36   15:41  Interline Brands     
 3202  1083        Kay Mallinson, 36              54:54        48:58   15:48                       
 1769  1088        Amy Conley, 37                 57:20        49:15   15:53  Thomley              
 1948  1089        Benisha Edmonds, 37            59:37        49:19   15:54  Boobs and Weenies    
 1302  1093        Darcey Gray, 39                53:41        49:24   15:56                       
  459  1129        Serena Eller, 38               58:02        50:16   16:13                       
 2815  1139        Emily Garrett, 37              57:26        51:14   16:31  Garrett              
   64  1189        Jennifer Porter, 38          1:01:32        52:36   16:58  Miles to Martinis    
 1736  1190        Leann Schwiebert, 37         1:01:33        52:38   16:58  Miles to Martinis    
 1737  1192        Jennifer Forron, 35          1:01:35        52:39   16:59  Miles to Martinis    
 1652  1194        Carol Kegley, 37             1:01:29        52:42   17:00  Tiny Hope            
 3103  1241        Anna Harper, 35              1:01:23        54:05   17:27                       
 1917  1264        Jonyka Boger, 38             1:01:32        54:24   17:33  Spicy Spaghetti      
 2903  1281        Conchita Moody, 38           1:01:29        54:51   17:42  Step Up For Students 
  734  1295        Jodi Byrd, 38                1:04:05        55:20   17:51                       
  902  1300        Cyndi Trapnell, 37             55:36        55:36   17:56  Team Bartram         
 1934  1315        Sharon Iovino, 36              57:12        56:06   18:06  Web com              
 1739  1323        Kelly Hofheins, 36           1:03:55        56:26   18:12  Morgan & Morgan      
 2754  1331        Jessica Shaffer, 36          1:03:02        56:32   18:14  Chets Creek          
 1126  1345        Amanda Hennessy, 35          1:06:12        57:16   18:28  Morgan & Morgan      
  915  1355        Caroline Morris, 37            58:08        58:08   18:45  Team Bartram         
  522  1381        Debbie Phillips, 39          1:03:08        59:28   19:11  Chargers on the Run  
 2943  1396        Mery Melanson, 38            1:07:05      1:00:00   19:21  Web com              
 3041  1402        Carolina Hopkins, 37         1:05:46      1:01:30   19:50                       
  985  1404        Melissa Balaguer, 35         1:01:31      1:01:31   19:50  Tiny Hope            
  207  1420        Nicole Roberson, 39          1:12:35      1:04:46   20:53                       
 2334  1422        Tonya Smith, 35              1:05:19      1:05:19   21:04                       
  892  1429        Mary Hodapp, 35              1:17:28      1:06:47   21:33  Boobs and Weenies    
  147  1435        Khristine Gray, 38           1:17:13      1:10:31   22:45                       

Women 40 - 44
 1073    47        Michelle Branham, 44           24:21        24:08    7:47  Focus Fitness        
 1266    61        Heather Park, 42               24:55        24:49    8:00                       
  515    62        Jimmy Clarke, 43               25:06        24:50    8:01  Chargers on the Run  
 1835    68        Sarah Svhaefer, 42             25:30        24:56    8:02                       
 1338    70        Jill Streit, 42                25:24        25:09    8:07                       
  257   105        Krissy Hartless, 44            26:48        26:24    8:31                       
 2351   122        Cale Chambers, 42              27:45        27:13    8:47                       
 2419   123        Desiree Bailey, 40             27:30        27:13    8:47  Assumption           
 2827   142        Tina Barrett, 43               27:43        27:36    8:54  Hew                  
 1107   155        Jen Moore, 40                  28:25        28:00    9:02  Isaiah 40:31         
 2725   176        Tammy Lumpkin, 43              29:27        28:16    9:07  Assumption           
 1582   182        Marcy Stoudt, 43               29:01        28:22    9:09                       
 3046   215        tami estberg, 41               38:46        28:59    9:21                       
 1010   222        Kathy Rolison, 41              31:25        29:01    9:21  Beach Buddies        
 1479   250        carrie reichley, 42            30:08        29:25    9:29  Team Mason           
  507   252        Laura Willis, 44               29:56        29:26    9:29  Chargers on the Run  
  131   253        Odette Sheppard, 42            29:43        29:26    9:30                       
 1294   265        Karen Davidson, 42             30:25        29:43    9:35                       
 1429   266        Marian Lee, 43                 30:27        29:44    9:35  Team Mason           
 3140   273        Heather Starus, 41             30:59        29:58    9:40                       
 1505   288        Beckee Price, 42               31:06        30:17    9:46  Chets Creek          
   11   290        Brooke Thorson, 40             32:27        30:20    9:47  Alluvion             
 2921   297        Josie McDonald, 44             40:05        30:26    9:49  Team Mushrush        
 3146   299        Erin Avera, 42                 30:41        30:29    9:50                       
   25   312        Cathy McClure, 41              32:05        30:43    9:54  Bolles Middle        
 1178   329        Deanna Helms, 44               31:16        31:02   10:01  Team Helms           
 2383   339        Michelle Roper, 44             31:50        31:10   10:03                       
 1422   347        Lesli Schmachtenberger, 44     32:04        31:26   10:08  Schmachtenberger     
 2959   371        Jodi Lehrmann, 41              33:46        31:59   10:19  Web com              
 2768   373        Lunetta Williams, 44           40:09        32:00   10:19  Crcrun               
 1960   378        Sushma Kc Manandhar, 43        33:02        32:08   10:22                       
 1568   387        Marla Anderson, 42             32:38        32:15   10:24                       
  974   388        Reshma Zukowski, 44            32:53        32:17   10:25  JaxJags              
 1431   390        Molly James, 44                34:54        32:18   10:25  James Family         
 3064   394        Lisa Carter, 41                35:07        32:21   10:26                       
 2038   395        Amy Merrills, 40               41:20        32:22   10:26  Buns on the Run!!!   
 3079   447        Lorrain Ley, 44                37:06        33:18   10:44                       
  352   453        Dawn DiRito, 40                34:30        33:21   10:45  Pvhs                 
  442   475        Irina Tyre, 43                 34:17        33:46   10:53                       
 1123   476        Lora Harmon, 43                34:30        33:49   10:54  Montoya & Associates 
 2035   488        Billie Jo Taylor, 44           36:30        34:07   11:00  Boyd & Jenerette     
  512   503        Tiffany Carnes, 40             35:24        34:25   11:06  Chargers on the Run  
 1920   507        Shana Harvey, 41               34:59        34:27   11:07  Harvco               
 1463   516        Nateasha Heller, 43            36:14        34:43   11:12  Knight Gliderz       
  760   521        Juli Davis, 43                 37:15        34:53   11:15                       
 1042   523        jenniffer taylor, 42           35:58        34:55   11:16  Eleven 22            
 2845   527        Vanessa Stelly, 42             36:47        34:56   11:16  Jlcp McKenzie Club   
  122   537        Anissa Stechschulte, 42        43:23        35:08   11:20  Us Assure            
 3118   556        Stephanie Kellem, 42           41:12        35:32   11:28                       
 2004   574        Vikki Charboneau, 42           37:04        35:56   11:35  Assumption           
  177   590        Rebekah Selevan, 41            38:40        36:17   11:42                       
 1155   600        Brenda Lowinger, 43            37:19        36:21   11:43  Team 320             
  190   603        Marilyn Harmon, 41             43:29        36:25   11:45                       
  193   613        Kamaria Evans, 41              37:43        36:38   11:49                       
 2009   614        Amanda Kirk, 41                37:15        36:41   11:50  Assumption           
 2821   618        Becky Gonzalez, 44             42:13        36:46   11:51  GonzalezB            
 2041   650        Melanie Patz, 44               45:24        37:15   12:01  Crcrun               
 2953   668        Suzanne Hogencamp, 40          41:38        37:44   12:10  Web com              
  431   675        Rachelle Widaman, 44           42:29        37:57   12:14                       
  238   697        Dawn Chang, 40                 38:24        38:24   12:23                       
 1444   698        sara vallese, 40               46:05        38:25   12:24  Bac crew             
  805   729        Kim Vohs, 43                   45:08        39:01   12:35                       
 3130   733        Tara Stanek, 44                40:13        39:05   12:36                       
 1362   750        Stacey Powell, 41              41:55        39:39   12:47                       
 2439   757        wendy clevinger, 43            41:06        39:54   12:52  evervank             
 3129   777        Claudia Asberry, 40            41:36        40:23   13:01                       
 1326   778        Erin Fogarty, 41               46:19        40:25   13:02                       
 1535   780        Melinda Richey, 40             47:36        40:26   13:02                       
 2777   793        Christine Doudna, 41           40:47        40:47   13:09  Doudna               
 1060   795        amy beane, 43                  48:16        40:51   13:10  EverBank             
 1815   807        Megan O'Neill, 41              49:00        41:05   13:15  Ahg                  
 2948   818        Amy Osterman, 44               44:14        41:19   13:19  Web com              
  887   836        Beth Reichard, 41              41:45        41:45   13:28  alluvion staffing    
  945   845        Alyssa Omdahl, 44              43:23        41:56   13:31  Omdahl               
   72   858        Yeseenia Argiros, 44           45:14        42:30   13:42  Mint Magazine        
 1092   859        Brandi Kartzmark, 41           43:47        42:33   13:43  Hope's Closet        
 2169   887        Stephanie Hamlow, 41           46:58        43:28   14:01  Photobrate           
 1779   895        Melanie Frenzel, 40            44:40        43:39   14:05                       
   51   900        Michelle Dockery, 40           45:30        43:48   14:08  EverBank             
 1943   903        Rosabel Hill, 44               45:06        43:54   14:10  Hill Party of 4!     
 2863   905        Kerry Shewchuk, 40             44:50        43:55   14:10  Mommy Mafia          
 3032   911        Stacey Mozo, 41                47:27        44:05   14:13                       
  698   931        melissa hersh, 42              45:06        44:44   14:26                       
 1108   933        Jennifer Cole, 40              44:45        44:45   14:26  Isaiah 40:31         
 1232   960        Brenda Williamson, 41          45:23        45:23   14:38  Your Pace or Mine    
 3153   963        Tahia Barre, 42                48:25        45:31   14:41                       
  666   964        Kia Kemp, 40                   48:18        45:32   14:41                       
 1216   972        Tina Toomey, 43                54:44        45:45   14:45  Tina Toomey          
 2055   992        Donna Tew, 43                  50:21        46:28   14:59  EverBank             
 2276   993        Brenda Reeves, 40              50:20        46:28   14:59                       
 1901  1010        Julie Norman, 40               53:03        47:09   15:13  Eleven22             
 1987  1012        Kyneatria Miller, 41           47:45        47:10   15:13  Team J A L K.        
 1547  1015        Dawn Wisner, 44                48:16        47:14   15:14                       
 2085  1029        Jacki Peters, 41               51:35        47:34   15:21  Fnf                  
 2848  1036        Michelle Joslyn, 43            52:08        47:45   15:24  Joslyns Rock         
 1413  1038        Tammy Shumer, 40               55:01        47:46   15:24                       
 2978  1046        Jennifer Toonk, 43             52:27        47:58   15:28                       
 2249  1092        Tricia Meisner, 43             54:06        49:22   15:55                       
 2058  1118        Patricia Gomez, 42             50:03        50:03   16:08  EverBank             
 2049  1120        Kristin Sparks, 43             54:57        50:03   16:09  EverBank             
   94  1132        Shannon Cohen, 41              55:00        50:28   16:17  One Call Care Managem 
 3104  1154        Carrie Hageman, 43             56:08        52:02   16:47                       
 3087  1157        Hilonka Ruiz, 42               56:08        52:03   16:47                       
  940  1164        Serena Schupler, 43            54:30        52:06   16:48  Schup's              
 1201  1168        Tessy Robbins, 41              54:24        52:11   16:50  Team Patches         
  937  1173        Andrea Zaepfel, 42           1:02:27        52:18   16:52  Team Bolles          
 2102  1215        Jing Xu, 40                    58:07        53:22   17:13  Grillman's           
   90  1217        Iris Davila, 42                55:28        53:33   17:16  One Call Care Managem 
  322  1218        Deidra Gunn, 42              1:00:43        53:40   17:19  Money Movers         
  371  1221        Tammy Cook, 43               1:00:45        53:42   17:19  The Money Movers     
 2968  1223        Tresa Van Gorder, 42           56:37        53:42   17:19  Web com              
  726  1228        Elizabeth Body, 43           1:01:26        53:45   17:20                       
 3100  1242        Teresa Gunter, 41            1:01:23        54:05   17:27                       
 1102  1254        Tiffanie Haak, 42            1:03:20        54:14   17:30  Hope's Closet        
 1918  1265        Demetria Johnson, 41         1:01:31        54:24   17:33  Spicy Spaghetti      
 1916  1266        Tonya Bevel, 42              1:01:32        54:25   17:33  Spicy Spaghetti      
  332  1269        Ann Luciano, 44              1:04:00        54:28   17:34  Morgan & Morgan      
  426  1274        Jacqueline Gauldin, 43         58:22        54:35   17:36                       
 1151  1275        anna hayner, 43                58:57        54:41   17:38  sherri gannon team   
 3096  1311        Kathleen Blizzard, 43          59:06        55:54   18:02                       
 1497  1314        Heather Jones, 42            1:01:50        56:04   18:05  One Direction        
  519  1346        Carrie Merchant, 41          1:04:03        57:17   18:29  Chargers on the Run  
 2129  1353        Barbie Freitas, 43             59:49        58:04   18:44  Interline Brands     
  306  1368        Mandy Riceman, 42            1:07:21        58:44   18:57  EverBank             
 2321  1369        Mariah Daugherty, 41         1:07:22        58:45   18:57                       
 1743  1373        Terry Fox, 42                1:08:14        59:00   19:02  Morgan & Morgan      
  525  1380        Karen Correale, 42           1:03:07        59:27   19:10  Chargers on the Run  
 3020  1385        Lisa Sochulak, 42            1:05:36        59:33   19:12                       
  545  1401        Georgia Gianakakos-Pare, 40
                                               1:06:00      1:01:17   19:46  Jcds                 
 2837  1419        Julie Shuster, 43            1:12:15      1:04:28   20:48  Ironman              
 2356  1423        LeAnna Cumber, 42            1:11:49      1:05:25   21:06                       
  895  1427        Sara Muirhead, 44            1:17:40      1:06:34   21:28  Boobs and Weenies    
  895  1428        Sara Muirhead, 44            1:17:40      1:06:35   21:28  Boobs and Weenies    

Women 45 - 49
 1304    29        Kari Harrison, 48              23:18        23:03    7:26                       
 1392    36        kelly parete, 47               23:30        23:25    7:33                       
  692    48        Christine Pritchard, 49        24:15        24:09    7:47                       
  774   115        Kim Rutkowski, 47              27:12        26:54    8:40                       
 1995   126        Jennifer Baez, 45              28:01        27:15    8:47  Hew                  
 2426   167        marcela Z gambardella, 48      28:56        28:08    9:04  EverBank             
 2703   187        Lisa Phipps, 46                37:16        28:25    9:10  #TeamLegacyTrust     
 2702   197        Suzanne Blake, 45              29:19        28:30    9:12  #TeamLegacyTrust     
  720   204        Kim Ginter, 48                 28:51        28:42    9:15                       
 2445   209        Ann Reidy, 45                  30:38        28:48    9:17  Sparkly Marshmallows 
 2501   213        Pamela Nicoli, 46              29:04        28:55    9:19                       
 2369   214        Tammy Morreale, 48             29:26        28:56    9:20  PwC                  
 2281   218        Tammy Berning, 45              29:25        29:00    9:21                       
 1007   224        Mimi Harris, 46                31:25        29:01    9:21  Beach Buddies        
 1766   226        Jana Williams, 49              30:10        29:03    9:22  Team Logan           
  361   245        Alycia Kopp, 49                30:17        29:24    9:29  Team Hew             
 1254   286        Claudia Amlie, 46              33:56        30:16    9:46                       
  136   292        Sue Marrinan, 47               30:59        30:22    9:48                       
 1982   293        Mary Dennie, 45                31:23        30:24    9:48  Believe              
 1980   295        cindy phillips, 47             31:23        30:24    9:48  Believe              
  109   301        Kellie Carney, 45              36:25        30:30    9:50  Team Lacrosse        
  589   323        Caterina Caron, 45             31:10        30:55    9:58  Atoms Family         
 2132   330        Amy George, 46                 32:06        31:03   10:01  Interline Brands     
 2207   352        Elzabeth Saffell, 45           34:44        31:31   10:10  Team Go              
 2830   365        Traci Grimes, 46               32:04        31:56   10:18  Hew                  
  599   366        Theresa Mulvey, 45             36:10        31:57   10:18  Team Mulvey          
 2782   379        Elizabeth Portugal, 45         33:29        32:08   10:22  EverBank             
    8   401        Ann Larson, 46                 37:31        32:24   10:27  Afc What!            
 2886   402        Sharon Prince, 46              32:29        32:24   10:27  Pvps Cares           
  468   426        Kimberly Mathis, 45            40:20        32:51   10:36                       
  979   443        Sally Singletary, 47           41:55        33:15   10:43  Peabody McCoy        
  551   445        Holly Emas, 49                 41:55        33:17   10:44                       
 1572   455        Carol Lahey, 48                34:42        33:25   10:47                       
  184   457        Debra Driskell, 47             35:37        33:27   10:47                       
 2998   458        Chantelle Kammerdiener, 46     35:36        33:27   10:47                       
 1932   477        Lisa Perry, 48                 34:59        33:50   10:55  teal7                
 2421   481        laura ropp, 45                 34:17        33:55   10:56  Bolles               
 3166   579        Solange Benjamin, 46           37:16        36:10   11:40  Insane Bolts         
  659   588        Christina White, 45            36:29        36:16   11:42  justice league       
 1286   596        Beth McBride, 48               37:18        36:19   11:43                       
  951   604        Anabel Krott, 48               39:47        36:28   11:46  Zorro Financial      
   77   624        Cindy Moody, 45                37:54        36:50   11:53  Mint Magazine        
 2825   634        gisselle bejarano, 48          37:46        36:59   11:56  Hew                  
 3198   635        Deniece Bremer, 47             44:21        36:59   11:56  Alluvion             
  677   639        Julie Prangley, 45             37:21        37:00   11:56  Chargers on the Run  
 1068   649        Nancy Vannoy, 45               38:38        37:15   12:01  EverBank             
 1643   655        Shannon Stoddard, 45           39:15        37:20   12:02  Storytellers         
 2743   662        Julie Vandeveer, 45            46:58        37:29   12:05  Buns on the Run!!!   
 3179   674        Rebecca Forbes, 45             41:38        37:53   12:13  Team Forbes          
  566   715        Denise Reichard, 47            38:44        38:44   12:29  Alluvion             
 1824   716        Michelle Fletcher, 46          40:40        38:47   12:31  Fletcherunners       
 1443   744        nancy ramirez, 47              47:09        39:27   12:43  Bac crew             
 2330   761        Tracie Davis, 45               45:36        39:56   12:53                       
 2295   766        Angela Bruton, 46              41:16        40:05   12:56                       
 2896   774        Kelly Parkes-Wilson, 45        44:04        40:18   13:00  Pvps Cares           
 2502   775        Leslie Kulik, 48               44:43        40:19   13:00  The Bolles School    
 1416   821        Michelle Lawrence, 45          42:16        41:34   13:24                       
 1727   838        Christine Roken, 45            46:42        41:51   13:30  Heavy Breathers      
 1992   848        jill black, 49                 43:21        42:05   13:34  Rytech Fc            
  846   857        Lisa Morris, 49                47:00        42:23   13:40                       
 1185   862        Nancy Arcuri, 47               42:37        42:37   13:45  Team Isabella        
 2769   870        Marilou Jones, 45              52:13        43:04   13:53  Dashing Divas        
 1162   908        Beth Angelo, 48                53:32        44:00   14:11  Team Angelo          
   53   914        Bluzette Carline, 47           48:52        44:11   14:15  Grillman's           
  608   915        Sharon Thames, 47              45:56        44:15   14:16  Deerwood             
 1627   921        Laura Boswell, 48              51:13        44:25   14:20  Bolles               
 3128   925        Lisa Mordecai, 48              50:18        44:31   14:22                       
  568   929        reppard weaver, 49             46:21        44:39   14:24  Alluvion             
 2459   932        Deborah Burns, 48              50:13        44:45   14:26  Burns                
 2458   946        Leticia Burns, 47              50:26        44:58   14:30  Burns                
 3194   953        Jim Knudson, 49                48:13        45:10   14:34  Bff's                
  212   956        Christine Malone, 46           46:47        45:15   14:36                       
 1935   962        Kerri Mathews, 45              50:44        45:29   14:40  Afc What             
  918   976        Teresa Hudson, 48              55:20        45:49   14:46  Team Bartram         
  864   988        Sheri Dorner, 45               53:04        46:07   14:52  Team Wolfson         
  790   994        Misty Lang, 45                 47:51        46:31   15:00                       
 3072  1002        Pam Robertson, 45              46:58        46:42   15:04                       
 2221  1005        Lisa Sahi-Kiral, 45            55:53        46:52   15:07  The Jaguars          
  390  1014        Cheri Arp, 49                  50:48        47:12   15:14                       
 3016  1034        Julie Cain, 47                 53:28        47:42   15:23                       
 1414  1037        Claudia Wallace, 49            55:01        47:46   15:24                       
 1846  1039        Teya McDermand, 48             55:03        47:47   15:25                       
 2338  1054        Deena Pittman, 47              49:15        48:18   15:35                       
 2188  1060        Dora Carraway, 45              55:27        48:21   15:36  Sole Sistas          
 1723  1063        Christy Rogers, 45             53:24        48:23   15:36  Heavy Breathers      
 1465  1075        kathleen giannuzzi, 46         48:37        48:37   15:41  Hew                  
 1498  1084        Jennifer Wall, 47              59:02        49:00   15:48  Tiny Hope Children's 
 3193  1090        Chris Knudson, 49              52:25        49:21   15:55  Bff's                
 2347  1095        Stacy Myers, 48                51:22        49:26   15:56                       
 1340  1098        Ronda Toonk, 47                54:18        49:37   16:00                       
  216  1149        Patricia Bagrow, 49            56:34        51:52   16:44                       
 3034  1155        Maria Fourtunia, 49            56:08        52:02   16:47                       
  246  1172        Jennifer Candelino, 47       1:02:26        52:17   16:52                       
  150  1177        Kristy Dial, 45                59:05        52:23   16:54                       
  146  1178        Jennifer Otis, 48              59:10        52:27   16:55                       
  398  1180        Amanda Lapierre, 49          1:02:31        52:29   16:56                       
 1181  1198        Claudine Hilbert, 45           59:19        52:56   17:04  Team Hh              
  307  1209        Cheryl Gendron, 49             57:55        53:11   17:09  Grillman's           
  201  1229        MaryRose Bergquist, 45       1:01:37        53:47   17:21                       
  304  1246        Jennipher Robinson, 46       1:01:11        54:08   17:28  EverBank             
  302  1247        Tamara Newbill, 45           1:01:10        54:08   17:28  EverBank             
 1093  1248        Melinda Furlong, 49          1:03:19        54:12   17:29  Hope's Closet        
  412  1250        Patricia Robinson, 48        1:03:11        54:13   17:29                       
 3196  1251        Julie Middleton, 48          1:02:44        54:13   17:29  Middleton            
 1095  1253        Angel Cutshall, 46           1:03:21        54:14   17:29  Hope's Closet        
 1726  1263        Vickie Williams, 47            59:22        54:22   17:32  Heavy Breathers      
  226  1268        Barb Gaff, 47                  59:44        54:27   17:34                       
 1264  1292        Karen Dingee, 46             1:00:21        55:18   17:50                       
  914  1298        Allison Denmark, 49            55:34        55:34   17:55  Team Bartram         
 2412  1308        Debbie Hill, 49                59:00        55:51   18:01                       
 1128  1309        Amy Harris, 49               1:01:49        55:52   18:01  One Direction        
 2851  1325        Kathy Emsley, 48             1:06:16        56:29   18:13  Kkc                  
  251  1327        Danielle Fetner, 46          1:04:21        56:30   18:14                       
 3543  1328        Lisa Caudle, 45                56:30        56:30   18:14                       
 1097  1352        Peyton Stockton, 49          1:01:41        58:00   18:42  Hope's Closet        
 3546  1365        Pat Clarkson, 47             1:08:31        58:39   18:55                       
  560  1370        kim soffler, 49              1:07:20        58:56   19:01  super-supers         
  800  1372        Kelly Bomar, 49              1:07:21        58:58   19:01                       
  787  1386        Christine Brundage, 45       1:05:39        59:36   19:13                       
 3186  1416        Melissa Courtis, 47          1:10:02      1:03:32   20:30  Chets Creek Elementar 
  966  1418        liz duncan, 46               1:04:17      1:04:17   20:44  marc portside        

Women 50 - 54
 1393    34        Lisa Thomas, 51                23:29        23:24    7:33                       
 1570    69        Margaret Hicks, 50             25:19        25:02    8:04                       
 2414   119        Leslie Williams, 50            27:41        26:59    8:42  Ab4th St             
 2427   160        Leslie Fraleigh, 54            37:39        28:05    9:03  Fraleigh             
  261   186        Kristin McLauchlan, 50         37:16        28:24    9:09  #TeamLegacyTrust     
 1022   210        Elise Cashman, 53              29:11        28:51    9:18  CashmanCruisers      
  132   212        Lynne Graley, 52               31:56        28:52    9:19                       
 1400   223        angela rudd, 51                36:58        29:01    9:21                       
 1112   258        Carolyn Landolfo, 53           31:58        29:33    9:32  Landolfo             
 2910   271        Shelly Foltz, 51               30:54        29:54    9:38  Team Foltz           
  691   278        Cindy Wilkinson, 54            30:49        30:02    9:41                       
    4   281        Beth Durling, 54               31:59        30:07    9:43  Acosta               
 2963   319        Joanna Schneider, 53           33:09        30:52    9:57  Web com              
  638   320        Alison Bruce, 50               33:18        30:52    9:57  Landolpho            
  348   377        Lisa Crolius, 50               35:58        32:07   10:22  One Direction        
 2292   382        Fran Justice, 54               32:58        32:12   10:23                       
   68   411        Anne Miller, 52                34:00        32:37   10:31  Miller               
  243   418        Cindy Pollari, 53              33:59        32:48   10:35                       
 2904   435        Tammy Cox, 51                  34:05        33:05   10:40  Team Cox             
 2243   437        Jill Smith, 54                 41:51        33:11   10:42                       
  685   439        Rhonda Mostovych, 51           41:51        33:13   10:43                       
 1163   498        Melissa Callaway, 53           39:53        34:16   11:03  Team Callaway        
 1288   510        nazila darbani, 54             42:22        34:34   11:09                       
 1774   538        Karol Higginbotham, 54         37:13        35:09   11:20                       
   38   546        Val Zart, 51                   39:10        35:20   11:24  EverBank             
 2936   548        Jill Alberico, 54              35:59        35:22   11:24  Wallace Dg           
   29   564        Marcia Mann, 52                39:14        35:44   11:31  Ce Broker            
 2855   589        Linda Mahoney, 52              38:09        36:16   11:42  Mahoney              
 1649   592        Poppy Clements, 51             36:18        36:18   11:42  EverBank             
  550   615        Kristin Taylor, 50             37:49        36:43   11:51  Jcds                 
 2045   620        Lea Kilgallon, 50              42:24        36:46   11:52  EverBank             
  681   633        Leslie Kincart, 54             41:14        36:58   11:55                       
 1797   695        Kelly Derr, 52                 45:38        38:21   12:22                       
 2101   713        Mary Dixon, 53                 44:09        38:43   12:29  GonzalezB            
   13   717        Amy Masters, 51                39:14        38:48   12:31  Bolles               
 1730   734        Kathy Ellison, 54              40:23        39:06   12:37  Interline Brands     
  343   776        Mia Fitzgerald, 53             49:57        40:20   13:00  On Board             
 1803   792        virginia pierce-kelly, 53      45:28        40:45   13:09                       
 3175   796        Jill Kennedy, 51               49:27        40:51   13:11  justice league       
 1564   847        Ginny O'malley, 53             45:52        42:00   13:33                       
 3144   852        Sonja Birkholz, 53             45:12        42:09   13:36                       
 2170   886        Lisa J Sullivan, 52            46:58        43:28   14:01  Photobrate           
 1116   907        Darla Neal, 51                 53:31        43:59   14:11  Marshlanding Tennis T 
  575   930        Gisela Griffin, 51             46:22        44:41   14:25  Deerwood             
  901   944        Alison Caraher, 51             48:29        44:53   14:29  Pvhs                 
 1258   947        Connie Wille, 53               53:04        45:01   14:31                       
 2053   958        Lisa Ganey, 51                 49:08        45:19   14:37  EverBank             
 1111   971        Zan Walker, 53                 47:37        45:44   14:45  Jwa                  
 1132   985        Julie Podany, 51               50:23        46:04   14:51  Pappas Wealth Managem 
  868   987        Terrie Sherrod, 54             55:14        46:07   14:52  Sherrod              
 3069  1001        Tracey Zarkis, 50              46:58        46:39   15:03                       
 1902  1011        Jacki Clark, 51                53:04        47:09   15:13  Eleven22             
   41  1059        Tracy Nield, 50                54:36        48:20   15:35  EverBank             
 1865  1073        Gina Moore, 51                 48:36        48:36   15:41                       
  645  1079        Olga Chernomashentsev, 50      54:57        48:40   15:42  EverBank             
 3191  1091        Simone Taylor, 52              52:25        49:21   15:55  Bff's                
 1043  1114        Susan Rieger, 52               57:55        49:56   16:06  Eleven 22            
  766  1127        Monet Taylor, 53               51:32        50:13   16:12                       
  574  1128        Karen Turnbach, 52             51:58        50:15   16:12  Deerwood             
 2232  1136        Jessica James, 51              58:55        50:40   16:20  Urad                 
 2103  1142        Delane Johns, 52               56:07        51:24   16:35  Grillman's           
 1070  1153        Dina Robinson, 52              57:02        52:00   16:46  EverBank             
  594  1163        Kathy Flyenn, 53               57:34        52:06   16:48  Mint Magazine        
  199  1175        Vicki Smith, 53                59:04        52:22   16:54                       
 1145  1176        Barb Rocchi, 51                59:19        52:23   16:54  Rocchi               
 1100  1187        Jackie Mirmina, 54           1:01:34        52:36   16:58  Hope's Closet        
 1470  1191        Kristi Quick, 52               59:35        52:38   16:59  #TeamLegacyTrust     
 2196  1216        Diane Pauly, 53              1:00:01        53:23   17:13  teal7                
 1283  1236        Sarah Hewett, 51             1:02:55        53:55   17:24                       
 1284  1237        Celeste Castenada, 51        1:02:56        53:56   17:24                       
 1204  1257        Vicki Wyckoff, 50              56:04        54:15   17:30  Team Wyckoff         
  167  1286        Maria Hanson, 51             1:02:54        55:03   17:45                       
 1248  1296        Laura Watts, 50              1:04:05        55:20   17:51                       
 1138  1301        heather fallon, 50           1:03:12        55:44   17:58  Pvhs                 
 1018  1305        heidi evans, 53              1:02:56        55:47   18:00  Black Bear Farms     
 1357  1324        Cristal Reister, 51          1:06:17        56:28   18:13                       
 2970  1333        Lajuanna Hamilton, 51        1:02:39        56:38   18:16                       
 2989  1349        Pam Miles, 53                1:03:17        57:57   18:42                       
 1237  1360        Cathleen Gates, 50           1:03:24        58:22   18:50                       
 1212  1363        Gaye DeWitt, 53              1:08:14        58:32   18:53  The 3gs              
  562  1371        katie cromer, 50             1:07:20        58:57   19:01  super-supers         
 1822  1378        candy cummins, 51            1:07:51        59:23   19:09  Cummins              
 3173  1383        Kim Briggs, 52               1:06:10        59:32   19:12  Step Up For Students 
  215  1393        Penny Maffioli, 51           1:06:56        59:57   19:20                       
  702  1411        Diane Bennett, 53            1:11:27      1:02:32   20:10                       
  834  1412        Romy Wilkening, 50           1:11:34      1:02:58   20:19                       
 2750  1414        Christy Constande, 51        1:11:33      1:03:00   20:19  Chets Creek          
   36  1433        Julie Payne, 53              1:12:01      1:07:54   21:54  EverBank             

Women 55 - 59
 2337    93        Debra Pataky, 56               26:15        26:00    8:23                       
 1257    97        Nina Barker, 56                26:22        26:06    8:25                       
 1074   139        Janet Farley, 58               27:45        27:32    8:53  Focus Fitness        
   31   199        Kathy Carlisle, 58             28:55        28:35    9:13  Chadley              
   95   263        Cathy Reidy, 58                29:47        29:40    9:34  One Call Care Managem 
 1710   338        Denise Machala, 57             31:10        31:10   10:03  EverBank             
  875   343        Saundra Fisher, 55             31:29        31:24   10:08  Ask                  
 1225   428        Cheryl Wallace, 58             33:30        32:53   10:36  Wallace Dg           
  382   509        Joanne Kolmetz, 56             35:26        34:33   11:09                       
  672   514        Cheryl Wallace, 56             35:29        34:41   11:11                       
 1134   699        Judy Smith, 56                 42:53        38:26   12:24  Pipparippa           
  789   724        Sherry Herndon, 55             40:15        38:55   12:33                       
  345   772        Michele Tucker, 57             49:51        40:14   12:59  On Board             
  195   790        Fran Covert, 58                44:40        40:41   13:07                       
 1242   882        Karen Maddox, 56               45:20        43:19   13:58                       
 1084   896        Sharon Soder, 56               49:47        43:44   14:06  Hew                  
 1660   897        Mayan Skenes, 56               49:48        43:45   14:07  Hew                  
 1354   919        Cathie Hurlburt, 56            49:37        44:21   14:18                       
 1221   924        Shannon Hogg, 55               52:23        44:31   14:22  Together             
 2229   926        Debbie Jones, 59               52:23        44:32   14:22  Together             
 1020   927        debbie caruso, 56              51:19        44:32   14:22  Bolles middle school 
 2392  1016        Vecky Camacho Bryant, 56       48:04        47:14   15:14                       
 1015  1030        Marisa Carbone, 59             56:14        47:35   15:21  Beam's Team          
 3017  1032        Tonia Sapp, 55                 53:28        47:41   15:23                       
 3008  1058        Carol Sweeney, 59              55:49        48:20   15:35                       
  644  1080        Amela Hodzic, 55               54:57        48:41   15:42  EverBank             
  715  1099        Carol Childers, 58             54:18        49:38   16:00                       
 3003  1100        Debra Clark, 58                50:17        49:42   16:02                       
 1510  1101        Diana Newlin, 56               51:51        49:44   16:02  Pb & Joy             
 1524  1102        kathy Fehling, 56              51:52        49:44   16:03  Pb&Joy               
 1508  1104        Martha Stachitas, 56           51:51        49:46   16:03  Pb & Joy             
 1509  1107        Gail Aills, 56                 51:53        49:47   16:03  Pb & Joy             
 2264  1113        Patty Johnson, 55              51:52        49:56   16:06                       
  346  1131        Brenda Watkins, 55             55:00        50:28   16:17  One Call Care Managem 
 1798  1150        Glenda Taylor, 55              56:33        51:52   16:44                       
 1209  1243        OkRan Hourihan, 55           1:03:18        54:07   17:27  Teamtori             
 3092  1280        Gayle Lephart, 59              58:40        54:51   17:41                       
 1240  1306        Teresa Hay, 57               1:02:58        55:47   18:00                       
  763  1321        Denise Stafford, 56            59:30        56:20   18:10                       
 2353  1350        Susan Burns, 57              1:03:17        57:57   18:42                       
 1795  1361        Georgia Brown, 55            1:08:09        58:26   18:51                       
 1794  1362        Genna Goodwin, 55            1:08:15        58:32   18:53                       

Women 60 - 64
  414   575        Debbie Coleman, 63             36:53        35:56   11:35                       
  372   646        Donna Balaguer, 61             43:11        37:13   12:00  Tiny Hope            
 1270   657        Dianne Morgan, 62              38:30        37:22   12:03                       
 1367   670        Cathy Peters, 63               39:37        37:50   12:12                       
 2907   689        Martha Jones, 62               39:13        38:13   12:19  Team Cox             
 3199   804        Deborah Welsh, 62              44:45        41:01   13:14                       
 3080   829        Jude Platko, 61                45:43        41:40   13:26                       
   84   834        Ginny Mortenson, 64            51:56        41:43   13:27  Morgan & Morgan      
 2745   894        Mary Ann Reynolds, 64          51:39        43:38   14:04  Cec Turtles          
 2922  1064        Jo Crowe, 61                   58:07        48:25   15:37  Team Mushrush        
  821  1077        Becky Smith, 64                49:35        48:40   15:42                       
 2348  1094        Cheryle Champagne, 61          51:21        49:24   15:56                       
 1742  1137        Kathy Fox, 61                1:00:11        50:57   16:26  Morgan & Morgan      
  367  1207        Brenda O'Dell, 60              57:59        53:09   17:08  The Jaguars          
  769  1260        Debra Phillips, 60             56:04        54:16   17:30                       
  872  1267        Sylvia Manning, 61             59:25        54:26   17:33  Heavy Breathers      
 1439  1291        Sandra Roberts, 62             55:18        55:18   17:50  Eleven22             
  149  1397        Debbie Thien, 62             1:07:04      1:00:20   19:28                       
 2973  1403        Wilfrida Ruiz, 64            1:05:47      1:01:31   19:50                       
 2142  1424        Joann Campbell, 60           1:08:40      1:05:30   21:07  Interline Brands     
 2448  1425        Joyce Moore, 63              1:08:52      1:05:42   21:11  Interline Brands     

Women 65 - 69
 3208   676        Dee Robertson-Lee, 65          39:06        37:58   12:15  Team Lee             
 3135  1006        Krista Shaughnessy, 66         46:57        46:57   15:09                       
 3197  1258        Cristy Griffin, 68           1:02:47        54:15   17:30  Middleton            
 1244  1287        Jane Wallace, 67             1:03:13        55:12   17:48                       
 2746  1288        Susan Dehlinger, 66          1:03:12        55:12   17:48  Cec Turtles          

Women 70 - 74
  258   751        Ginger Frazer-French, 74       41:41        39:41   12:48                       
  395   853        Arlene Olson, 73               50:48        42:11   13:36                       
 2391   855        Sonia Quinteros, 72            43:09        42:19   13:39                       
  337  1341        Mary Ann Marrese, 72         1:02:44        56:56   18:22  Morgan & Morgan      
 1238  1376        Joyce Petrides, 70           1:04:12        59:07   19:04                       
  591  1382        Claire Caron, 70             1:02:17        59:30   19:12  Atoms Family         

Women 80 & Up
  223  1119        Patricia Reaver, 83            50:03        50:03   16:08                       

              TEAM                               CLOCK         NET    
  ID#  PLACE SCORE           FINISHER            TIME         TIME     PACE        TEAM

 1596     1        Terrance sessoms, 16           16:04        16:03    5:11                       
 1387     2        Cody Pontius, 26               16:25        16:25    5:17                       
 1954     3        Buay Deng, 17                  16:31        16:31    5:19                       
  469     4        Matthew Nelson, 35             16:33        16:33    5:20                       
  750     5        Charles Hicks, 14              17:16        17:15    5:34                       
  577     6     1  Chase Rivera, 15               17:17        17:17    5:34  Bolles               
  172     7        Tyler Hall, 26                 17:24        17:23    5:36                       
  871     8     2  Alex Maniatis, 16              17:27        17:26    5:37  Bolles               
  993     9     3  Johnathon Honeywell, 25        17:46        17:45    5:44  Team Wrecked 'em     
  605    10     4  Alexander Turnock, 17          17:55        17:54    5:46  Bolles               
  792    11        Christian Glover, 16           17:56        17:55    5:46                       
 1150    12     5  Bear Schickel, 16              18:08        18:07    5:51  Schickel             
  761     1        taylor rogers, 31              18:11        18:11    5:52                       
 3024    13        Derek Byrnes, 24               18:17        18:14    5:53                       
 2911    14     6  Benjamin Foltz, 15             18:18        18:17    5:54  Team Foltz           
  680    15        #680                           18:21        18:20    5:55                       
 2737    16     7  nicholas Maniatis, 16          18:32        18:31    5:58  Bolles               

Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | 15:00 | Top

2046 17 8 Julian Backus, 24 18:43 18:41 6:01 EverBank 2013 18 9 John White, 16 18:45 18:44 6:03 Assumption 1866 19 Wyatt Farance, 15 18:46 18:45 6:03 2787 20 10 Gregory Brown, 42 19:02 18:55 6:06 EverBank 2026 21 11 Cole Rutkowski, 13 19:00 18:59 6:07 Bolles 1034 22 12 Joshua Smith, 30 19:10 19:08 6:10 Coe22 2739 23 13 Frank Collier, 54 19:21 19:09 6:11 Bolles 614 24 Charles Boswell, 28 19:13 19:12 6:11 1160 25 14 David Angelo, 18 19:25 19:14 6:12 Team Angelo 610 26 15 Mills Ramseur, 43 19:20 19:19 6:14 1st Place Sports 874 27 16 Kyle Fisher, 20 19:23 19:19 6:14 Ask 2738 2 17 Caitlin Collier, 16 19:25 19:22 6:15 Bolles 19 28 18 Tyler Hodges, 41 19:32 19:26 6:16 Bolles 2300 29 Adam Bibeault, 17 19:29 19:28 6:16 1595 30 Luke Welborn, 16 19:30 19:29 6:17 687 3 elle baker, 23 19:34 19:30 6:17 2796 31 19 William Kelly, 26 19:46 19:37 6:20 EverBank 584 4 20 Mackenzie Wilson, 18 19:41 19:37 6:20 Bolles 3204 32 21 Nick Hochstein, 34 19:43 19:40 6:21 1st Place Sports 1449 5 22 Allison Hajda, 16 19:50 19:45 6:22 Bolles 2310 33 Ryan Buczkowski, 17 19:54 19:54 6:25 1850 34 Tyler Vincent, 36 19:57 19:55 6:25 16 6 23 Rachel Shapiro, 16 20:01 19:57 6:26 Bolles 1487 35 24 Remy Cronin, 15 20:05 20:00 6:27 Remy Turns 15 1461 7 25 Brittany Wilkinson, 16 20:05 20:01 6:27 Bolles 1616 36 26 Lorenzo Hernandez, 30 20:11 20:09 6:30 Marc 1544 8 Suzanne Dannheim, 18 20:14 20:10 6:30 982 37 27 Michael Palmer, 17 20:17 20:16 6:32 Bradfords Best 17 9 28 Aoife O'Riordan, 16 20:21 20:16 6:32 Bolles 18 10 29 Maeve O'Riordan, 15 20:23 20:18 6:33 Bolles 24 38 30 Tony Ryan, 52 20:26 20:22 6:34 Bolles 2411 39 Shelby Robb, 36 20:44 20:30 6:37 176 40 Bob Thompson, 60 20:33 20:30 6:37 1472 11 31 Skye Mitchell, 15 20:38 20:34 6:38 Bolles 2027 12 32 Catherine Kunz, 12 20:39 20:35 6:38 Bolles 2175 41 33 Aren Biala, 19 20:37 20:35 6:38 Sacred Heart 81 42 34 Eric Graybeal, 37 20:37 20:37 6:39 Mint Magazine 2409 43 Shane Kilker, 16 20:44 20:40 6:40 948 44 35 Camden Omdahl, 14 22:00 20:57 6:45 Omdahl 2247 13 Jade Cognetti Mukri, 28 21:01 20:57 6:45 3205 14 36 Lydia Hochsein, 28 21:00 20:57 6:45 1st Place Sports 3049 45 Daniel Gulbransen, 24 21:00 20:58 6:46 2309 46 Keith Buczkowski, 49 21:07 21:04 6:47 884 47 37 Zachary Wagner, 12 22:09 21:07 6:48 Assumption 576 15 38 Layne Rivera, 12 21:30 21:12 6:50 Bolles 1548 48 Michael Maker, 21 21:25 21:12 6:50 2020 49 39 Michael Teal, 13 21:27 21:14 6:51 Assumption 20 50 40 Aidan Ryan, 11 21:20 21:15 6:51 Bolles 2704 51 41 Greg Phipps, 46 21:22 21:17 6:52 #TeamLegacyTrust 694 52 Dan Schreurs, 35 21:32 21:17 6:52 1968 53 42 Timothy McAleenan, 27 22:08 21:22 6:53 Simon 3174 54 43 David Horn, 42 21:32 21:22 6:53 Crcrun 2324 55 Leonard McAneny, 38 21:44 21:23 6:54 23 56 44 Steven Stam, 33 21:28 21:23 6:54 Bolles 607 57 45 Mike Prangley, 46 21:27 21:25 6:54 Chargers on the Run 2965 16 46 Amanda Harmer, 24 21:31 21:25 6:54 Web com 1196 58 47 Andrew Gall, 27 21:30 21:27 6:55 Team Kelly 1436 59 48 Jacob Young, 16 21:40 21:29 6:56 James Family 447 60 Ryan Pesce, 29 21:32 21:29 6:56 1518 17 Michelle McCullough, 37 21:33 21:30 6:56
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | 15:00 | Top

777 61 Taylor Williams, 48 21:58 21:44 7:00 1757 62 49 Cole Sprunt, 16 21:51 21:46 7:01 Sacred Heart 2176 63 50 Aldren Biala, 16 21:50 21:46 7:01 Sacred Heart 1057 18 51 Amber Senna, 25 22:00 21:47 7:01 Eleven22 2399 64 Dan Yoder, 36 21:54 21:50 7:02 1430 65 52 Mason Lee, 11 22:37 21:55 7:04 Team Mason 1701 66 53 Frankie Collier, 16 22:08 21:57 7:05 Bolles 389 67 Vladimir Rivas, 27 27:08 22:04 7:07 2709 68 54 Dwayne Gatlin, 37 22:34 22:10 7:09 Action News 1651 69 55 Josh Cooper, 14 22:14 22:12 7:10 Assumption 663 70 daniel rivera, 13 22:20 22:18 7:11 1599 71 Nathan Barnes, 27 22:31 22:19 7:12 34 72 56 Chad Vlaeminck, 31 22:21 22:21 7:13 Chadley 2740 19 57 Hastings Kate, 13 22:25 22:23 7:13 Bolles 2014 73 58 Fred White, 14 22:29 22:27 7:14 Assumption 600 74 59 Mike Mulvey, 39 22:53 22:28 7:15 Team Mulvey 2934 75 60 James Holloway, 27 22:43 22:30 7:15 The Justice League 2895 20 61 Carol Mikell, 45 22:34 22:31 7:16 Pvps Cares 1474 76 62 Carl Duhnoski, 46 22:32 22:31 7:16 Bolles 240 77 George FitzGerald, 51 22:56 22:32 7:16 1970 78 63 Patrick Simon, 21 23:20 22:33 7:16 Simon 1488 79 64 Jamie Cronin, 12 22:41 22:36 7:17 Remy Turns 15 2365 80 65 Ryan Trzasko, 32 22:46 22:37 7:18 PwC 21 21 66 Brooke Kent, 15 22:44 22:40 7:18 Bolles 498 81 67 Miles Yates, 10 22:47 22:40 7:18 Chargers on the Run 1148 82 68 Jj Schickel, 45 22:51 22:40 7:19 Schickel 592 22 69 Jordan Bunn, 14 22:47 22:41 7:19 Bolles 1673 23 70 Caroline Holland, 14 22:47 22:41 7:19 Bolles 559 83 71 Caleb Moore, 14 22:56 22:44 7:20 Drinkers with a runni 107 24 72 Grace Ivey, 10 23:01 22:45 7:20 Team Ivey 1820 25 73 jaelyn canova, 12 22:48 22:46 7:21 Bradford Best 1539 84 Brandon Kumm, 23 23:05 22:47 7:21 1336 85 Weston Hayes, 27 22:54 22:48 7:21 2880 26 74 Marjorie Orillaza-pedro, 30 22:49 22:48 7:21 One Call Care Managem 1569 86 Scott Simmons, 39 22:51 22:48 7:21 1433 87 75 Christopher James, 15 23:01 22:50 7:22 James Family 1477 88 76 Colin Duhnoski, 12 23:13 22:54 7:23 Bolles 2018 89 77 Kristian Tucker, 13 23:07 22:55 7:23 Assumption 797 90 Mathew Alangadan, 13 22:57 22:56 7:24 209 27 Luyen Tran, 33 23:06 23:00 7:25 2319 28 Anna Katherine Peterson, 30 23:10 23:00 7:25 1346 91 Matt Rapp, 47 23:10 23:01 7:25 1331 92 Jay Monahan, 45 23:10 23:01 7:25 2308 93 Mark Baum, 41 23:16 23:03 7:26 1304 29 Kari Harrison, 48 23:18 23:03 7:26 70 94 78 Justin Kuhlman, 23 24:29 23:04 7:26 Miller 855 95 David Andrews, 32 23:04 23:04 7:26 3587 96 James Andrews, 2 23:04 23:04 7:26 139 97 Parker Gilbert, 30 23:24 23:05 7:26 583 30 79 Andrea Hakim, 15 23:10 23:05 7:27 Bolles 772 31 Alex O'Donnell, 26 23:15 23:05 7:27 2320 98 Luis Quiles, 25 23:19 23:07 7:27 397 99 Robert Paige, 39 23:27 23:08 7:28 2314 100 Andrew Barr, 50 23:38 23:10 7:28 2423 32 80 Emilyn Ropp, 15 23:15 23:11 7:28 Bolles 369 101 81 Jeff Miranda, 31 23:12 23:12 7:29 The Jaguars 368 102 82 Carlos Olivera, 27 23:13 23:13 7:29 The Jaguars 1579 33 Kristina Gordon, 31 23:19 23:19 7:31 1578 103 Ty Gordon, 32 23:19 23:19 7:31 1867 104 Dave Farace, 46 23:26 23:20 7:32 1393 34 Lisa Thomas, 51 23:29 23:24 7:33 259 35 Laurel Day, 13 23:29 23:25 7:33 1392 36 kelly parete, 47 23:30 23:25 7:33 2318 105 Blake Peterson, 31 23:35 23:25 7:33 2767 106 83 Matthew Feryus, 26 23:36 23:26 7:33 Crcrun 661 107 84 Phil Amato, 54 23:41 23:26 7:33 Action News 1391 108 John Moore, 61 23:29 23:26 7:33 1717 109 85 Lamont Tillery Jr., 10 23:43 23:28 7:34 Fnf 1003 110 86 Jeff Tyrrell, 40 23:29 23:29 7:34 #TeamLegacyTrust 2735 37 87 Katie Terry, 15 23:34 23:29 7:34 Bolles 3063 111 Todd Miller, 32 23:42 23:32 7:35 1329 38 Megan Johnson, 35 23:52 23:32 7:35 667 112 Kyle Griffith, 17 23:36 23:33 7:36 646 113 88 Andy Pica, 28 24:42 23:34 7:36 Interline Brands 1191 39 89 Julie Lechner, 22 23:58 23:37 7:37 Team Kelly 15 40 90 Sydney Pollock, 12 23:45 23:39 7:37 Bolles 1979 114 91 William Magevney, 34 23:40 23:40 7:38 everbank15 569 115 92 macky weaver, 50 24:05 23:41 7:38 Alluvion 164 116 Stephen Hanson, 50 23:44 23:41 7:38 849 117 Mark Mostovych, 55 23:53 23:42 7:38 1744 118 93 Michael Hofheins, 38 29:25 23:43 7:39 Morgan & Morgan 189 119 Mike Dillon, 36 23:58 23:47 7:40 35 41 94 Mandy Yates, 37 23:56 23:48 7:41 Chargers on the Run 475 120 95 John Zurn, 1 23:54 23:49 7:41 Chargers on the Run 26 121 96 Matthew McClure, 12 25:07 23:49 7:41 Bolles Middle 1561 122 Turner Glenn, 8 24:23 23:50 7:41 2460 123 97 Eric Walden, 30 23:57 23:51 7:42 Burns 415 42 Lilly Van Liew, 14 24:06 23:51 7:42 873 124 98 Kody Fisher, 15 23:56 23:52 7:42 Ask 365 125 99 Ben Vertz, 26 25:38 23:53 7:42 Team Kelly 2332 126 Harrison Santiago, 14 24:07 23:54 7:42 1842 127 Russell McCormick, 32 24:28 23:54 7:42 1078 128 100 Andy Ramlochan, 54 23:59 23:54 7:43 GonzalezB 1473 43 101 Sophie Mitchell, 12 24:09 23:57 7:43 Bolles 2255 129 Jb Long, 46 24:08 23:58 7:44 2024 44 102 Taylor Alligood, 11 24:15 23:59 7:44 Assumption 1983 130 103 Jacob Dennie, 11 24:05 23:59 7:44 Believe 1399 131 Mike Lang, 29 24:31 23:59 7:44 3071 45 Kali Miller, 16 24:06 24:00 7:44 668 132 104 Tanner Griffith, 12 24:00 24:00 7:44 Assumption 185 46 Haley Anderson, 13 24:09 24:02 7:45 288 133 105 Matthew Dobbins, 30 24:24 24:04 7:46 Deloitte 2290 134 Quinn Berry, 23 25:15 24:05 7:46 2447 135 Hiram Martinez, 50 24:21 24:06 7:46 1355 136 Brad Davis, 30 24:17 24:07 7:47 1073 47 106 Michelle Branham, 44 24:21 24:08 7:47 Focus Fitness 810 137 Alex Morris, 26 24:38 24:08 7:47 689 138 Gray Creed, 17 24:29 24:08 7:47 692 48 Christine Pritchard, 49 24:15 24:09 7:47 1004 139 107 Robert Frary, 67 24:27 24:15 7:49 1stPlcSports 1748 140 108 Jovanne Montanez, 27 24:20 24:16 7:49 Sacred Heart 2011 49 109 Alicia Henderson, 39 24:33 24:17 7:50 Assumption 153 50 anna csikai, 14 24:23 24:17 7:50 1428 141 110 Brian King, 53 24:45 24:17 7:50 Team King 813 142 William Camp, 13 24:23 24:17 7:50 1563 51 mackenzie glenn, 12 24:24 24:18 7:50 662 143 111 Austin Amato, 17 24:34 24:20 7:51 Action News 1719 144 112 James Wilson, 12 24:35 24:20 7:51 Fnf 12 145 113 Cole Wesley, 51 24:49 24:24 7:52 Bolles 586 52 114 Katie Creveling, 12 24:31 24:24 7:52 Bolles 1130 146 115 Harry Pappas, 55 24:56 24:25 7:52 Pappas Wealth Managem 1597 147 David Jordan, 41 24:35 24:25 7:53 2277 148 Jacob Reeves, 12 25:19 24:26 7:53 796 149 Brett Stambaugh, 13 24:35 24:28 7:53 1233 53 116 Christine Goldsmith, 35 24:38 24:30 7:54 Your Pace or Mine 851 54 Regan Cohen, 24 24:42 24:30 7:54 2037 55 117 Lexi Taylor, 22 26:44 24:32 7:55 Boyd & Jenerette 1423 56 118 Lucy Schmachtenberger, 13 24:46 24:34 7:55 Schmach 3134 150 Cameron Lenhoff, 38 24:38 24:34 7:55 1177 151 119 Greg Helms, 44 24:51 24:37 7:56 Team Helms 3061 152 Jason Saladeen, 18 24:49 24:37 7:56 283 57 120 Courtney Carver, 21 24:51 24:37 7:56 Deloitte 938 153 121 Nolan Zaepfel, 13 24:45 24:38 7:57 Team Bolles 1398 154 Jace Crawford, 13 25:15 24:39 7:57 1311 155 Josh Carney, 17 24:56 24:40 7:57 32 156 122 Doug Carlisle Jr, 33 24:58 24:41 7:58 Chadley 1180 58 123 Amanda Stucki, 27 25:02 24:42 7:58 Team Hew 401 157 Allen Miller, 25 25:14 24:43 7:58 806 59 AnnaMarie Vohs, 13 24:54 24:43 7:58 438 158 Greg Prisby, 29 25:53 24:43 7:58 400 60 Ann Clements, 24 25:15 24:45 7:59
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | 15:00 | Top

111 159 124 O'neil Legaspi, 35 24:55 24:47 8:00 Team One Call 1266 61 Heather Park, 42 24:55 24:49 8:00 366 160 125 Dan DeMartini, 26 26:33 24:49 8:00 Team Kelly 678 161 David Littleton, 49 24:50 24:50 8:01 515 62 126 Jimmy Clarke, 43 25:06 24:50 8:01 Chargers on the Run 928 162 127 John Hollingsworth, 30 25:25 24:51 8:01 Chicken Sticks 2844 63 128 Sydney Stelly, 13 25:07 24:52 8:01 Jlcp McKenzie Club 500 64 129 Lilly Clarke, 10 25:07 24:52 8:01 Chargers on the Run 2209 163 130 steven boyne, 57 25:08 24:53 8:02 Team Princess 2265 164 Terry Watterson, 51 25:11 24:53 8:02 1332 65 Sophie Monahan, 12 24:56 24:54 8:02 817 66 Kameron Stilwell, 24 25:05 24:54 8:02 2418 67 131 sally calhoun, 14 28:07 24:56 8:02 Jlcp McKenzie Club 1835 68 Sarah Svhaefer, 42 25:30 24:56 8:02 2457 165 132 Tysen Duva, 39 25:24 24:56 8:02 Providence 30 166 133 Doug Carlisle, 59 25:13 24:56 8:02 Chadley 2057 167 134 Fontaine LeMaistre, 37 25:21 24:56 8:02 EverBank 2344 168 Noel Hibbard, 38 25:23 24:58 8:03 2345 169 Gavin Hibbard, 8 25:23 24:59 8:04 588 170 135 Michael Caron, 9 25:05 25:00 8:04 Atoms Family 3195 171 136 Casey Middleton, 48 25:38 25:00 8:04 Middleton 1506 172 137 Max Weaver, 18 25:25 25:00 8:04 Chets Creek 1570 69 Margaret Hicks, 50 25:19 25:02 8:04 3149 173 Steven Webster, 45 25:18 25:04 8:05 1079 174 138 Steve Morgan, 51 25:26 25:05 8:05 Half-letes 1338 70 Jill Streit, 42 25:24 25:09 8:07 1040 71 139 Lorraine Hernandez, 35 25:09 25:09 8:07 Doudna 119 175 140 Tim Cullen, 31 25:32 25:12 8:08 The Bolles School 14 72 141 Adriana Stam, 32 25:35 25:14 8:08 Bolles 1937 73 142 Sarah Kincart, 22 25:48 25:17 8:09 Team Hew 463 74 Danielle Coburn, 28 25:17 25:17 8:09 2985 176 Herb Armstrong, 67 25:27 25:18 8:10 949 177 143 Dawson Omdahl, 11 26:24 25:20 8:10 Omdahl 1476 75 144 Madeline Duhnoski, 15 25:27 25:21 8:11 Bolles 671 178 Mike Wallace, 59 25:41 25:22 8:11 22 76 145 Abigail Kent, 12 25:43 25:22 8:11 Bolles 440 179 Jace Hester, 25 25:55 25:24 8:11 665 180 146 Gary Mann, 57 25:34 25:24 8:11 Ce Broker 1297 181 steve stransky, 57 25:54 25:29 8:13 2799 182 147 Nick Goodwin, 34 25:51 25:30 8:13 EverBank 2289 183 Philip Zeller, 38 25:56 25:31 8:14 866 77 148 Carlie Davis, 12 25:53 25:31 8:14 Team Davis 1002 78 149 Holly Tyrrell, 39 25:33 25:33 8:14 #TeamLegacyTrust 2003 79 150 Mariah Verseput, 30 25:33 25:33 8:14 #TeamLegacyTrust 2036 80 151 Taylor Aguayo, 19 27:45 25:33 8:14 Boyd & Jenerette 639 184 152 Charles Bruce, 52 25:43 25:34 8:15 Landolpho 2882 81 153 Maribeth Dill, 38 26:00 25:34 8:15 Providence Mckenzie C 106 82 154 Angela Ivey, 38 25:51 25:34 8:15 Team Ivey 656 185 155 Ean Nelson, 26 26:40 25:36 8:15 EverBank 2923 186 156 Ezekiel Orillaza, 33 25:46 25:38 8:16 Team One Call 2956 187 157 Joey Stevens, 27 25:56 25:39 8:16 Web com 2955 83 158 Brittanie Stevens, 28 25:56 25:39 8:16 Web com 1819 84 159 emily canova, 14 26:06 25:40 8:17 Bradford Best 1375 85 Courtney Davis, 29 25:51 25:41 8:17 1636 188 160 Clark Fannin, 13 25:56 25:42 8:17 Team Fannin 2254 189 Marc Norton, 44 25:53 25:43 8:18 1762 190 161 Keneth Ray Santonil, 12 25:47 25:44 8:18 Sacred Heart 3 86 Lily Wetherell, 11 25:49 25:44 8:18 2110 191 162 Casey Bessemer, 25 27:06 25:48 8:19 Grillman's 237 192 Joel Shapiro, 47 26:16 25:48 8:19 981 87 163 leah toney, 12 26:06 25:49 8:19 Assumption 2177 193 164 Aidan Rizk, 13 25:52 25:49 8:20 Sacred Heart 232 194 Michael Malone, 17 27:21 25:49 8:20 2939 88 165 Inese Froese, 32 25:50 25:50 8:20 Web com 309 89 166 Reese Bauler, 28 28:55 25:55 8:22 Hew 1620 195 167 Ali Aljubouri, 34 26:05 25:56 8:22 Marc 1949 90 Miranda Hillebrand, 32 26:07 25:56 8:22 2806 196 168 Paul Pugh, 33 25:57 25:57 8:22 EverBank 2323 91 Tiffany McAneny, 38 26:21 25:58 8:22 2807 92 169 Jena Pugh, 33 25:59 25:59 8:23 EverBank 2337 93 Debra Pataky, 56 26:15 26:00 8:23 2914 94 170 Brooke Stone, 37 27:10 26:00 8:23 Team Lacrosse 1489 95 171 Emily Purvis, 14 26:17 26:01 8:23 Fierce Turkies 1809 197 brent driskill, 41 26:22 26:03 8:24 3160 96 172 Ali Kirwin, 26 26:15 26:06 8:25 Interline Brands 1257 97 Nina Barker, 56 26:22 26:06 8:25 3159 198 173 Kevin McEntee, 25 26:15 26:06 8:25 Interline Brands 2381 199 174 Tim Carless, 50 26:35 26:06 8:25 PwC 287 98 175 Serina Hedrick, 29 26:26 26:07 8:25 Deloitte 1299 99 Vita Bobelis, 24 26:52 26:10 8:26 1159 100 176 Amy Angelo, 20 27:31 26:11 8:27 Team Angelo 1615 200 177 Christopher Hernandez, 11 26:15 26:12 8:27 Marc 611 101 Allison Archer, 24 26:23 26:13 8:27 536 201 178 Julian Barre, 9 27:18 26:13 8:27 Jcds 1459 202 179 Ivan Mayfield, 17 27:15 26:15 8:28 Mayfields for McKenzi 2504 102 180 Casey Cusick, 12 26:34 26:17 8:29 Assumption 1085 103 181 Kaylee Quint, 24 29:18 26:18 8:29 Hew 1086 203 182 Josh Yon, 28 29:18 26:18 8:29 Hew 1328 104 Chelsey Bogan, 25 27:38 26:20 8:30 1885 204 Jim Bistron, 53 26:34 26:21 8:30 823 205 justus downey, 30 27:18 26:21 8:30 456 206 Anwar Mack, 30 26:37 26:22 8:30 2280 207 Philip Hughes, 51 26:49 26:24 8:31 257 105 Krissy Hartless, 44 26:48 26:24 8:31 2299 106 Jennifer Medina, 38 26:47 26:24 8:31 1951 208 Wade Alliance, 49 27:05 26:24 8:31 2023 107 183 Madison Alligood, 13 26:42 26:26 8:31 Assumption 2927 209 184 Mario Yaccino, 37 33:31 26:26 8:32 Team Yaccino 1956 108 Cortney Baller, 26 30:15 26:27 8:32 1378 210 Matt Summers, 31 26:38 26:27 8:32 2857 211 185 Ryan Mahoney, 21 26:42 26:32 8:33 Mahoney 1189 212 186 Ben Burk, 10 26:34 26:34 8:34 Team Isabella 3088 213 Steven Rebidas, 33 26:59 26:34 8:34 1373 214 Dan Bredl, 60 27:08 26:35 8:34 944 215 187 Jay Omdahl, 50 27:41 26:36 8:35 Omdahl 2728 109 188 Angela Maguire, 30 26:39 26:39 8:36 Assumption 1702 216 189 Robbie Best, 57 27:05 26:40 8:36 Bradford's Best 1972 217 190 Chris Kennelly, 43 27:09 26:41 8:36 Kennetic productions 2856 218 191 Dan Mahoney, 52 26:53 26:44 8:37 Mahoney 2362 219 192 Jake Brown, 35 26:46 26:46 8:38 PwC 1019 110 193 Soraya Davani-Bata, 13 26:54 26:47 8:38 Bolles 1877 111 Nicole Scarbrough, 13 27:04 26:48 8:38 753 112 mary mcmahan, 11 27:04 26:48 8:39 1025 220 194 Alex Dumas, 28 30:03 26:49 8:39 Ce Broker 904 113 195 Vale Eraso, 19 36:04 26:51 8:40 Team Bartram 752 114 emma mcmahan, 12 27:07 26:52 8:40 2161 221 196 Keith Massa, 41 30:47 26:52 8:40 Morgan & Morgan 2340 222 Reece Pittman, 9 27:31 26:52 8:40 774 115 Kim Rutkowski, 47 27:12 26:54 8:40 2349 223 Grant Bledsoe, 25 27:39 26:56 8:41 2350 116 Carly Bledsoe, 23 27:39 26:57 8:41 311 117 197 Jane Pica, 26 28:06 26:58 8:42 Interline Brands 2500 118 Kasie Crawmer, 32 27:07 26:58 8:42 2414 119 198 Leslie Williams, 50 27:41 26:59 8:42 Ab4th St 3029 224 Jerry Hulshult, 54 27:21 27:01 8:43 878 120 199 Jill Hayes, 24 30:22 27:02 8:43 Unf Dpt 2946 225 200 Jon Lopez, 28 32:29 27:03 8:43 Web com 3126 121 Kristen McGrath, 13 28:52 27:03 8:43 2441 226 201 Grant Reidy, 12 28:53 27:03 8:43 Sparkly Marshmallows 686 227 Brian Wilson, 55 27:30 27:03 8:44 2195 228 202 Bryan Laudenslager, 36 33:31 27:04 8:44 Step Up For Students 921 229 203 Kevin Jin, 16 27:08 27:06 8:44 Team Bartram 2312 230 Carlos Galarza, 28 27:19 27:07 8:45 1261 231 Filiberto Cuevas, 27 32:18 27:10 8:46 406 232 Jason Hildreth, 38 27:30 27:11 8:46 1520 233 ken lollar, 43 27:53 27:11 8:46 1458 234 204 John Mayfield, 53 28:12 27:12 8:46 Mayfields for McKenzi 1849 235 #1849 27:45 27:13 8:46 2351 122 Cale Chambers, 42 27:45 27:13 8:47 2419 123 205 Desiree Bailey, 40 27:30 27:13 8:47 Assumption 1642 236 206 Tannon Krumpelman, 37 28:56 27:13 8:47 Ubs 1910 237 207 Greg Barnett, 32 28:01 27:14 8:47 Team Hew 650 124 208 Veronica Rockwell, 25 32:41 27:14 8:47 Victorious Secret 2843 125 209 Katherine Wallace, 10 27:29 27:14 8:47 Jlcp McKenzie Club 505 238 210 Jacob Harvey, 10 27:44 27:15 8:47 Chargers on the Run 1995 126 211 Jennifer Baez, 45 28:01 27:15 8:47 Hew 3163 127 212 kristin Ehler, 24 30:35 27:15 8:47 Unf Dpt 1394 128 Kaliyani Curley, 20 28:19 27:16 8:48 2883 129 213 Marisa Dill, 11 27:41 27:16 8:48 Providence Mckenzie C 2438 239 214 nicholas elksnis, 13 27:23 27:16 8:48 Bolles 2987 240 Patrice Harvey, 43 27:43 27:16 8:48 1110 130 215 Kendra Walker, 22 28:58 27:18 8:48 Jwa 2756 131 216 Isabella Wagner, 16 27:52 27:19 8:48 Chicken Wangs 2422 241 217 Adams Ropp, 46 27:44 27:21 8:49 Bolles 1884 132 Madison Park, 14 27:28 27:21 8:49 795 242 Glenn Stambaugh, 53 27:41 27:21 8:49 3070 243 Gary Zarkis, 55 27:38 27:22 8:50 977 133 218 Courtney Crawford, 15 27:57 27:22 8:50 Chicken Wangs 3524 244 Irfan Trto, 44 27:51 27:22 8:50 1961 245 Aakash Kc Manandhar, 12 28:14 27:23 8:50 1827 134 219 Alex Roach, 26 29:48 27:23 8:50 Team Kelly 1324 135 Rachel Krasnow, 27 27:35 27:27 8:51 972 246 220 Dan Clayton, 21 36:52 27:27 8:51 Miley 1001 136 221 Kristen Whitnable, 24 27:59 27:27 8:51 #Squadgoals 416 137 Julie Jacob, 31 28:06 27:28 8:51 2888 138 222 Chloe Churchwell, 14 27:32 27:29 8:52 Pvps Cares 1745 247 223 Adam Perkins, 27 33:44 27:30 8:52 Morgan & Morgan 1074 139 224 Janet Farley, 58 27:45 27:32 8:53 Focus Fitness 120 248 225 Michael Bachman, 38 28:01 27:33 8:53 The Bolles School 1218 249 226 Pearson Toomey, 14 36:33 27:34 8:53 Tina Toomey 2829 250 227 Preston Willingham, 17 27:42 27:34 8:54 Hew 1879 251 Chapman Maxwell, 12 28:35 27:35 8:54 636 140 Stephanie Eason, 30 28:06 27:35 8:54 2705 252 228 Jack Phipps, 17 28:11 27:35 8:54 #TeamLegacyTrust 188 141 Nicole Doherty, 23 28:07 27:36 8:54 2827 142 229 Tina Barrett, 43 27:43 27:36 8:54 Hew 1577 143 Melissa Moser, 24 28:06 27:36 8:54 3004 144 Sarah Hueber, 27 29:54 27:37 8:54 3005 253 Justin Hueber, 28 29:54 27:37 8:55 1267 254 Steve Carney, 47 28:17 27:37 8:55 1268 255 Tyler Carney, 14 28:18 27:38 8:55 1146 145 230 Andrea Rocchi, 22 28:01 27:39 8:55 Rocchi 757 256 robert zamorano, 45 28:28 27:40 8:55 2889 146 231 Corinne Howard, 37 27:48 27:40 8:55 Pvps Cares 2450 257 232 Trey Oliver, 14 27:44 27:42 8:56 Team Go! 523 258 233 Joshua Frisbee, 13 28:16 27:43 8:56 Chargers on the Run 1144 259 234 Joe Rocchi, 51 28:05 27:44 8:57 Rocchi 2986 147 Ashley Mahaven, 30 28:00 27:44 8:57 1633 148 235 Emmy Earnhardt, 25 29:03 27:45 8:57 Alluvion 3006 260 Justin Nguyen, 15 30:50 27:45 8:57 2871 261 236 Jon Poblacion, 32 30:35 27:46 8:57 Morgan & Morgan 67 262 237 Scott Miller, 50 29:11 27:48 8:58 Miller 747 263 Paul Crawford, 47 28:44 27:48 8:58 1446 149 238 amber katada, 34 28:40 27:49 8:58 Bac crew 1009 150 239 Riley Rojahn, 13 27:52 27:51 8:59 Beach Buddies 229 264 William Bradley, 49 29:04 27:51 8:59 496 151 240 Skylar Hershner, 9 28:39 27:52 8:59 Chargers on the Run
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | 15:00 | Top

516 265 241 Troy Hershner, 47 28:39 27:53 9:00 Chargers on the Run 2019 266 242 Jason Teal, 45 28:08 27:53 9:00 Assumption 3162 152 243 Hope Higginbotham, 24 30:21 27:55 9:00 Team Kelly 3014 153 Lauren Pickett, 28 28:46 27:55 9:00 1758 267 244 Jake Sprunt, 14 31:02 27:57 9:01 Sacred Heart 2952 268 245 Alan Hatcher, 32 27:57 27:57 9:01 Web com 1389 269 Hunter Evans, 31 33:08 27:58 9:01 548 270 246 Ian Nyquist, 43 29:07 28:00 9:02 Jcds 2063 154 247 Colleen Zidovec, 39 28:24 28:00 9:02 EverBank 1107 155 248 Jen Moore, 40 28:25 28:00 9:02 Isaiah 40:31 356 156 249 Rachel Pellum, 38 28:25 28:00 9:02 Sacred Heart 3698 271 Dylan Moore, 3 28:25 28:00 9:02 455 272 Nathaniel Sutter, 30 28:01 28:01 9:02 3697 157 Emily Moore, 5 28:25 28:01 9:02 1841 273 Mitchell McCormick, 30 28:37 28:02 9:02 540 274 250 Tate Lueck, 8 29:07 28:03 9:03 Jcds 946 275 251 Austen Omdahl, 18 29:30 28:03 9:03 Omdahl 2867 158 252 Heidi Day, 29 31:00 28:04 9:03 Morgan & Morgan 2187 276 253 Jacob Swords, 31 28:32 28:04 9:03 Slow Down for What? 2723 159 254 Lindsey Pesca, 31 28:10 28:04 9:03 Alluvion 3124 277 Justin Riddell, 28 28:43 28:04 9:03 3142 278 Chuck Parker, 44 28:51 28:05 9:03 2427 160 255 Leslie Fraleigh, 54 37:39 28:05 9:03 Fraleigh 1938 161 256 JoJo Broussard, 11 28:09 28:05 9:04 Chet's Creek Elementa 669 162 Caroline Medley, 15 28:22 28:06 9:04 2969 279 257 thomas Greene, 28 28:06 28:06 9:04 Web com 2899 163 258 Mallory Logue, 13 28:26 28:06 9:04 Sacred Heart 1503 280 259 Michael Scuncio, 27 28:07 28:07 9:04 Team Bella 1502 164 260 Tiffani Scuncio, 33 28:07 28:07 9:04 Team Bella 1504 165 261 Breanna Tivvis, 30 28:08 28:08 9:04 Team Bella 2127 166 262 Shelbi MacDonald, 38 28:35 28:08 9:04 Interline Brands 1773 281 Michael Monahan, 38 28:09 28:08 9:04 2426 167 263 marcela Z gambardella, 48 28:56 28:08 9:04 EverBank 1881 168 Carrey Evans, 26 28:08 28:08 9:04 264 169 264 Laura DeAlexandris, 24 37:02 28:11 9:05 #TeamLegacyTrust 1055 282 265 Ron Armstrong, 27 29:15 28:12 9:06 Eleven22 3152 170 Lisa Kavalieros, 12 29:08 28:12 9:06 2449 171 266 Cameron Saffell, 20 28:56 28:12 9:06 Team Go! 1765 172 267 Abby Dulka, 14 31:18 28:14 9:06 Team Ask 2025 283 268 Pete Zahner, 40 28:15 28:15 9:06 Assumption 3844 173 Sadie Zahner, 7 28:15 28:15 9:06 2898 174 269 Samantha Tanner, 29 28:37 28:15 9:07 Remy Turns 15 2327 175 Nancy Hudmon, 16 28:32 28:16 9:07 2725 176 270 Tammy Lumpkin, 43 29:27 28:16 9:07 Assumption 2847 284 271 Jeff Joslyn, 48 29:15 28:16 9:07 Joslyns Rock 962 177 272 Kate Isaac, 13 28:58 28:19 9:08 Assumption 1880 285 #1880 29:17 28:19 9:08 1878 286 Shawn Maxwell, 39 29:20 28:19 9:08 2979 287 Chase Toonk, 12 32:40 28:20 9:08 3206 178 Cyndi Butler, 34 34:18 28:21 9:08 2266 179 Loraine Solomon, 32 30:39 28:21 9:08 2279 288 John Donahoo, 45 28:44 28:21 9:09 2278 180 Libby Donahoo, 15 28:44 28:22 9:09 701 181 Charlotte Rosenberg, 14 29:36 28:22 9:09 1583 289 Carson Stoudt, 7 29:02 28:22 9:09 1582 182 Marcy Stoudt, 43 29:01 28:22 9:09 2117 290 273 Ricky Davis, 23 28:51 28:23 9:09 Interline Brands 2935 183 274 diane mclennon, 34 28:36 28:23 9:09 The Justice League 2724 291 275 Brian Maguire, 37 28:23 28:23 9:09 Assumption 1532 184 Caitlyn Boyer, 13 28:46 28:23 9:09 723 185 Anna Donahoo, 13 29:38 28:24 9:09 261 186 276 Kristin McLauchlan, 50 37:16 28:24 9:09 #TeamLegacyTrust 116 292 277 J Paul Schellenberg, 14 29:49 28:24 9:10 Team Schellenberg 2703 187 278 Lisa Phipps, 46 37:16 28:25 9:10 #TeamLegacyTrust 2912 188 279 Anneliese Foltz, 13 28:48 28:26 9:10 Team Foltz 2913 293 280 Ben Snyder, 44 29:00 28:26 9:10 Team Hew 117 189 281 Kay Schellenberg, 24 29:51 28:26 9:10 Team Schellenberg 2259 190 Cadey Wincek, 33 30:46 28:27 9:10 102 294 282 Brian Reese, 24 35:20 28:27 9:11 Squid Squad 794 191 jessica scheidler, 25 29:24 28:28 9:11 932 192 283 Reagan Sheffield, 12 29:06 28:28 9:11 Assumption 941 193 284 Alexandra Schupler, 13 29:06 28:29 9:11 Schup's 1054 194 285 Caitlin Armstrong, 27 29:33 28:29 9:11 Eleven22 749 295 Austin Parrish, 14 29:14 28:29 9:11 1024 195 286 Angie Cardona, 29 31:53 28:30 9:11 Ce Broker 1905 196 287 Kathryn Lahey, 17 28:55 28:30 9:12 Chicken Nugs 2702 197 288 Suzanne Blake, 45 29:19 28:30 9:12 #TeamLegacyTrust 1729 296 289 Ed Ellison, 54 28:41 28:31 9:12 Interline Brands 1903 198 290 Savannah Halil, 17 28:55 28:31 9:12 Chicken Nugs 1763 297 291 Kevin Law, 43 29:16 28:34 9:13 Step Up For Students 2062 298 292 Vladimir Zidovec, 44 28:58 28:34 9:13 EverBank 2008 299 293 Triston Smith, 15 28:54 28:35 9:13 Assumption 31 199 294 Kathy Carlisle, 58 28:55 28:35 9:13 Chadley 75 200 295 Crystal Craybeal, 36 28:36 28:36 9:13 Mint Magazine 1967 201 296 Ariane Simon, 28 29:23 28:37 9:14 Simon 1780 300 Jerry Turner, 44 28:53 28:39 9:14 1026 202 297 Morgen Fletcher, 25 31:54 28:40 9:15 Ce Broker 2160 203 298 Nicole Cruz, 29 31:41 28:40 9:15 Morgan & Morgan 720 204 Kim Ginter, 48 28:51 28:42 9:15 3054 205 Jenn Cefalu, 27 29:25 28:45 9:16 2879 206 299 Stephanie LaTulip, 25 29:46 28:45 9:16 One Call Care Managem 1562 207 Abby Whitcomb, 12 29:00 28:45 9:16 3176 301 300 Mike Rolewicz, 45 29:22 28:46 9:17 Coe22 2442 302 301 Rick Reidy, 47 30:38 28:47 9:17 Sparkly Marshmallows 1229 303 302 Kade Law, 8 29:21 28:47 9:17 Wallace Dg 1490 208 303 Brooke Purvis, 13 29:19 28:47 9:17 Fierce Turkies 2445 209 304 Ann Reidy, 45 30:38 28:48 9:17 Sparkly Marshmallows 1228 304 305 David Law, 37 29:21 28:48 9:17 Wallace Dg 1022 210 306 Elise Cashman, 53 29:11 28:51 9:18 CashmanCruisers 1767 211 307 Caroline Williams, 14 29:59 28:52 9:19 Team Logan 132 212 Lynne Graley, 52 31:56 28:52 9:19 1991 305 308 Warren bLack, 51 30:08 28:53 9:19 Rytech Fc 3040 306 Patrick Kinnan, 36 34:58 28:54 9:19 2501 213 Pamela Nicoli, 46 29:04 28:55 9:19 784 307 bobby crouch, 13 28:56 28:55 9:20 2369 214 309 Tammy Morreale, 48 29:26 28:56 9:20 PwC 347 308 310 Chris Bracken, 56 29:44 28:57 9:20 One Direction 245 309 Ross Candelino, 12 29:04 28:57 9:20 3048 310 jamie estberg, 43 38:44 28:57 9:20 2371 311 311 Jackson Morreale, 7 29:07 28:58 9:21 PwC 1517 312 Matthew Anderson, 13 29:04 28:58 9:21 3046 215 tami estberg, 41 38:46 28:59 9:21 554 216 Christy Jones, 39 30:54 28:59 9:21 203 217 Katie Ryan, 36 30:54 28:59 9:21 2281 218 Tammy Berning, 45 29:25 29:00 9:21 1158 219 312 Samantha Lowinger, 12 29:53 29:00 9:21 Team 320 1401 313 david rudd, 51 36:58 29:00 9:21 1655 220 313 Ashley Noon, 12 29:52 29:00 9:21 320 98 221 314 Jordan Sabo, 13 29:08 29:01 9:21 Sabos 1010 222 315 Kathy Rolison, 41 31:25 29:01 9:21 Beach Buddies 1400 223 angela rudd, 51 36:58 29:01 9:21 1007 224 316 Mimi Harris, 46 31:25 29:01 9:21 Beach Buddies 606 314 317 Timothy Bianconi, 39 30:11 29:02 9:22 Afcwhat! 885 225 318 Lisa Wagner, 39 30:12 29:02 9:22 Assumption 1766 226 319 Jana Williams, 49 30:10 29:03 9:22 Team Logan 2181 315 Jerry Daniel, 61 29:31 29:03 9:22 494 316 320 Adam Harvey, 9 29:33 29:03 9:22 Chargers on the Run 2995 227 Lani Smith, 37 29:50 29:05 9:23 3099 317 Hiawatha Tiller, 41 29:50 29:05 9:23 1830 318 John Crowley, 45 30:24 29:05 9:23 3183 319 321 Garrett Hogencamp, 20 32:55 29:06 9:23 Web com 1011 228 322 Megan Rolison, 12 29:09 29:07 9:24 Beach Buddies 3189 229 323 Brooke Haley, 22 29:55 29:08 9:24 Web com 984 320 324 Clinton Caulder, 41 30:00 29:08 9:24 Team Bac 78 230 325 Leah Moody, 13 29:11 29:09 9:24 Mint Magazine 2017 231 326 Jessica Tripp, 33 30:19 29:09 9:24 Assumption 1521 232 327 Kristi Garvey, 33 31:46 29:09 9:24 Hew 1764 321 328 Sam Dulka, 16 29:13 29:09 9:24 Team Ask 3047 233 brynn estberg, 12 29:11 29:10 9:24 479 322 329 Noah Cordeace, 10 29:42 29:11 9:25 Chargers on the Run 1912 323 330 Matthew Wilder, 15 31:44 29:11 9:25 Wilder 2891 234 331 Amelia Jones, 9 29:17 29:13 9:25 Pvps Cares 2893 235 332 Lindsay Taylor, 25 29:17 29:14 9:26 Pvps Cares 3849 324 333 Charlie Morreale, 7 29:26 29:14 9:26 PwC 3052 325 Matthew Sidoti, 28 32:32 29:14 9:26 52 236 334 Mereille Bishop, 18 33:00 29:17 9:26 EverBank 2766 237 335 Anna Teele, 22 30:11 29:18 9:27 Coe22 1434 238 336 Taylor James, 14 29:56 29:18 9:27 James Family 643 239 337 Makenzi Kopp, 17 30:12 29:19 9:27 Providence Mckenzie C 2786 240 338 Laura Dedeker, 32 29:27 29:20 9:27 EverBank 1600 326 Victor Soler-Sala, 54 30:39 29:20 9:27 652 241 339 Natalie Johns, 31 29:20 29:20 9:28 #TeamLegacyTrust 1165 242 340 Katherine Callaway, 25 34:42 29:20 9:28 Team Callaway 381 327 Joe Fournier, 75 30:14 29:20 9:28 1442 328 341 John Perkner, 58 30:26 29:20 9:28 Team Perkner 1639 329 342 Erik Corrigan, 22 32:43 29:21 9:28 EverBank 1008 243 343 Helen Harris, 13 29:57 29:23 9:29 Beach Buddies 2784 244 344 Savannah Gibson, 14 30:41 29:23 9:29 EverBank 361 245 345 Alycia Kopp, 49 30:17 29:24 9:29 Team Hew 1755 330 346 Joe Braun, 49 29:45 29:24 9:29 Sacred Heart 1581 246 Katie Stoudt, 12 30:05 29:24 9:29 2795 247 347 Lija Zurovskis, 24 30:14 29:24 9:29 EverBank 2711 248 348 Romney Smith, 32 31:27 29:24 9:29 Action News 362 331 349 Jeff Kopp, 44 30:19 29:25 9:29 Team Hew 118 249 350 Kelly Cullen, 32 29:44 29:25 9:29 The Bolles School 1479 250 351 carrie reichley, 42 30:08 29:25 9:29 Team Mason 3151 251 Mila Kavalieros, 12 31:15 29:25 9:29 490 332 352 Sean Sakimukai, 9 29:55 29:26 9:29 Chargers on the Run 507 252 353 Laura Willis, 44 29:56 29:26 9:29 Chargers on the Run 131 253 Odette Sheppard, 42 29:43 29:26 9:30 476 333 354 Manas Gandepalli, 10 29:58 29:27 9:30 Chargers on the Run 2828 254 355 Ally Barrett, 14 29:36 29:29 9:30 Hew 2186 255 356 Amanda Lazenby, 29 29:58 29:31 9:31 Slow Down for What? 2238 334 357 Fran Mirmina, 61 36:25 29:31 9:31 Walking Warriors 2783 256 358 Emery Gibson, 17 30:53 29:32 9:31 EverBank 2060 257 359 Abigail StJohn, 14 30:05 29:33 9:32 EverBank 1113 335 360 Kevin Landolfo, 54 31:58 29:33 9:32 Landolfo 1112 258 361 Carolyn Landolfo, 53 31:58 29:33 9:32 Landolfo 227 259 Robyn Roberts, 38 31:58 29:34 9:32 1327 260 Stephanie Baez, 38 35:44 29:35 9:32 2185 261 362 Courtney Witt, 24 30:04 29:36 9:33 Slow Down for What? 1981 336 363 Blake phillips, 13 29:43 29:37 9:33 Believe 965 262 364 Emily Singleton, 12 29:54 29:38 9:33 Assumption 1984 337 365 Zac Dennie, 8 29:43 29:38 9:33 Believe 1810 338 366 Rick Poudrier, 37 32:41 29:39 9:34 Doominators 1811 339 367 Jacob Poudrier, 12 32:41 29:39 9:34 Doominators 95 263 368 Cathy Reidy, 58 29:47 29:40 9:34 One Call Care Managem 2372 264 369 Elsa Martin, 33 31:01 29:40 9:34 PwC 2375 340 370 Jeremy Wilson, 32 38:21 29:40 9:34 PwC 1294 265 Karen Davidson, 42 30:25 29:43 9:35 1429 266 371 Marian Lee, 43 30:27 29:44 9:35 Team Mason 601 341 372 Connor Mulvey, 14 35:59 29:45 9:36 Team Mulvey 2877 267 373 Amanda Behnam, 30 31:59 29:45 9:36 One Call Care Managem 2168 342 374 Cooper P Sullivan, 15 36:00 29:46 9:36 Photobrate 3138 268 Anne Pokelwaldt, 37 30:17 29:47 9:36 2202 343 375 Tac Chown, 15 29:51 29:49 9:37 Team Go 741 344 John Dominey, 26 30:38 29:50 9:37 97 269 376 Lindsey Sabo, 13 29:58 29:50 9:37 Sabos 3101 345 Peter Lankowicz, 45 31:09 29:51 9:38 1239 270 Nicole Murrell, 37 30:12 29:52 9:38 163 346 Braiden Whitaker, 9 29:53 29:53 9:38 2910 271 377 Shelly Foltz, 51 30:54 29:54 9:38 Team Foltz 33 272 378 Erin Vlaeminck, 28 30:13 29:54 9:39 Chadley 263 347 379 Andrew McLauchlan, 11 30:26 29:57 9:39 #TeamLegacyTrust 3140 273 Heather Starus, 41 30:59 29:58 9:40 2067 274 380 Lauren Conover, 29 31:26 30:00 9:40 EverBank 2373 275 381 Heather Horovitz, 31 30:00 30:00 9:40 PwC 2368 276 382 Carly Thurston, 29 30:01 30:01 9:41 PwC 2374 277 383 Joana Berling, 31 30:02 30:02 9:41 PwC 691 278 Cindy Wilkinson, 54 30:49 30:02 9:41 1183 348 384 John Hilbert, 14 36:00 30:02 9:41 Team Hh 1907 349 385 Austin Stillwagon, 14 36:00 30:02 9:41 Team Hh 1756 350 386 Hogan Litwin, 14 30:05 30:02 9:41 Sacred Heart 100 279 387 Cecelia Duncan, 10 30:24 30:03 9:41 Sacred Heart 314 280 388 Brittany Bozeman, 30 34:54 30:04 9:42 Jwa 1571 351 #1571 30:38 30:04 9:42 2015 352 389 Andy White, 12 30:40 30:06 9:42 Assumption 4 281 390 Beth Durling, 54 31:59 30:07 9:43 Acosta 2390 282 Elizabeth Zamorano, 13 30:56 30:08 9:43 315 353 391 Breck Strawbridge, 24 39:17 30:09 9:43 Miley 744 283 Jessica Hagarty, 21 33:59 30:10 9:44 1886 284 Kayln Pate, 17 32:41 30:11 9:44 1252 354 Karsten Amlie, 46 33:53 30:13 9:45 419 285 victoria koster, 26 30:58 30:14 9:45 418 355 michael koster, 26 30:58 30:15 9:45 1254 286 Claudia Amlie, 46 33:56 30:16 9:46 3013 287 Anna Khoor, 28 31:08 30:17 9:46 2156 356 392 Antonio Luciano, 27 33:17 30:17 9:46 Morgan & Morgan 1505 288 393 Beckee Price, 42 31:06 30:17 9:46 Chets Creek 1017 289 394 Ana Finotti, 16 31:16 30:18 9:46 Beam's Team 11 290 395 Brooke Thorson, 40 32:27 30:20 9:47 Alluvion 867 291 396 Elizabeth Dellinger, 27 33:40 30:20 9:47 Unf Dpt 2377 357 397 Kevin Fincel, 36 39:14 30:20 9:47 PwC 399 358 Brian Warfield, 40 30:33 30:22 9:47 136 292 Sue Marrinan, 47 30:59 30:22 9:48 1982 293 398 Mary Dennie, 45 31:23 30:24 9:48 Believe 2717 359 399 Pete Dunn, 43 35:27 30:24 9:48 Afc What! 658 294 400 Megan Mallo, 20 39:32 30:24 9:48 Miley 1980 295 401 cindy phillips, 47 31:23 30:24 9:48 Believe 746 360 connor bowman, 13 30:44 30:25 9:48 2718 296 402 Anna Dunn, 9 35:27 30:25 9:48 Afc What! 2921 297 403 Josie McDonald, 44 40:05 30:26 9:49 Team Mushrush 1351 361 Reese Wilkens, 29 33:46 30:27 9:49 2920 298 404 Aimee Mushrush, 23 40:05 30:27 9:49 Team Mushrush 3146 299 Erin Avera, 42 30:41 30:29 9:50 1352 300 Kc Kane, 25 33:46 30:29 9:50 2220 362 405 Mauricio Ruiz, 32 34:39 30:29 9:50 The Jaguars 3148 363 Patton Avera, 8 30:41 30:30 9:50 109 301 406 Kellie Carney, 45 36:25 30:30 9:50 Team Lacrosse 2219 302 407 Milena Vasconcelos, 28 34:40 30:30 9:50 The Jaguars 28 303 408 Elizabeth McClure, 8 31:53 30:32 9:51 Bolles Middle 3927 364 Logan Whitaker, 7 30:42 30:32 9:51 2165 304 409 Kimberly McLaughlin, 34 31:04 30:33 9:51 Murphy Mixed 1550 305 Haley Plumb, 23 31:20 30:34 9:51 679 365 #679 31:13 30:35 9:52 206 306 Merriane Lahmeur, 34 31:19 30:36 9:52 609 307 410 Ella Schellenberg, 12 32:02 30:36 9:52 Team Schellenberg 1424 366 411 Chad Schmachtenberger, 9 31:13 30:37 9:52 Schmach 2410 308 Tiney Rahilly, 28 32:53 30:37 9:52 115 309 412 Lydia Schellenberg, 23 32:04 30:38 9:53 Team Schellenberg 3120 367 Brian Newell, 27 31:02 30:38 9:53 2208 368 413 Chase Scovill, 17 33:24 30:38 9:53 Team Hew 39 369 414 Carl Zart, 55 31:49 30:39 9:53 EverBank 2167 370 415 Zach Pike, 30 33:43 30:39 9:53 One Call Care Managem 844 371 Nick Poulos, 51 31:28 30:40 9:53 56 372 416 Robert Dew, 50 31:39 30:41 9:54 Hope's Closet 2234 310 417 Melinda Stivers, 34 38:56 30:41 9:54 Us Assure 2753 311 418 Denise Evanko, 30 31:37 30:42 9:54 Chets Creek 25 312 419 Cathy McClure, 41 32:05 30:43 9:54 Bolles Middle 3058 313 Ashley Pope, 28 31:58 30:44 9:55 1724 373 420 Michael Williams, 44 35:35 30:44 9:55 Heavy Breathers 3057 374 Alonzo Blackmon, 28 31:58 30:44 9:55 3182 314 421 Catalina Perry, 8 31:37 30:45 9:55 Chets Creek 393 375 Ben Cline, 40 31:46 30:45 9:55 3026 376 Michael Kelly, 40 31:30 30:46 9:55 739 377 Matt Olsen, 37 37:40 30:46 9:55 2446 315 Ingrid Skiles, 13 31:06 30:46 9:55 1388 316 Amber Manos, 37 35:56 30:47 9:56 2007 317 422 Ally Smith, 13 31:06 30:47 9:56 Assumption 219 378 Ronan Bozeman, 10 34:09 30:49 9:56 1801 318 Natalia Ramdas, 10 34:08 30:49 9:56 2963 319 423 Joanna Schneider, 53 33:09 30:52 9:57 Web com 638 320 424 Alison Bruce, 50 33:18 30:52 9:57 Landolpho 1241 379 Chad Kirk, 35 31:55 30:53 9:57 1919 321 425 Sarah Locke, 31 34:45 30:55 9:58 Web com 1492 322 426 Ali Peterson, 15 31:12 30:55 9:58 Fierce Turkies 589 323 427 Caterina Caron, 45 31:10 30:55 9:58 Atoms Family 1491 324 428 Skylar Bennet, 15 31:13 30:56 9:58 Fierce Turkies 3772 380 Spencer Surface, 10 31:19 30:56 9:59 3123 381 Robert Wilkerson, 47 36:55 30:56 9:59 48 382 429 John Surface, 43 31:19 30:56 9:59 EverBank 1593 325 Darby Dame, 22 32:31 30:57 9:59 1594 326 Brooks Dame, 22 32:31 30:57 9:59 510 383 430 Anuraag Gandepalli, 11 31:49 30:58 9:59 Chargers on the Run
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | 15:00 | Top

2755 327 431 Jaclyn Earnest, 27 39:08 31:01 10:00 Chets Creek 1480 384 432 Daniel Niedzwiecki, 29 39:08 31:02 10:00 Florida Blue 2712 328 433 Kristen Dressel, 26 33:05 31:02 10:01 Action News 1178 329 434 Deanna Helms, 44 31:16 31:02 10:01 Team Helms 2132 330 435 Amy George, 46 32:06 31:03 10:01 Interline Brands 2964 331 436 Nikki Guillette, 34 33:26 31:03 10:01 Web com 3137 332 Marisa Mariano, 29 31:43 31:05 10:01 673 385 437 Richard Buxton, 56 33:43 31:06 10:02 Buxton 675 333 438 Angel Fuentes, 17 33:43 31:06 10:02 Buxton 3093 334 Amanda Kellermeier, 35 31:19 31:06 10:02 355 386 439 Patrick Carter, 14 31:17 31:06 10:02 Sacred Heart 804 387 Haakon Valberg, 12 31:21 31:07 10:02 1614 388 440 Alexi Hernandez, 9 31:10 31:07 10:02 Marc 2153 335 441 Kelsie Bartlett, 22 32:32 31:08 10:02 Last Place Scenario 124 336 442 Emma Kee, 15 33:21 31:08 10:02 Van Kee 123 389 443 Brian Kee, 42 33:21 31:08 10:02 Van Kee 2288 337 Caitlin Zeller, 31 31:09 31:09 10:03 1710 338 444 Denise Machala, 57 31:10 31:10 10:03 EverBank 2383 339 Michelle Roper, 44 31:50 31:10 10:03 2384 390 Corey Green, 47 31:50 31:11 10:03 1670 391 445 Davis Johnson, 17 32:30 31:13 10:04 Pvhs McKenzie 2157 392 James Gordon, 46 36:43 31:14 10:04 349 340 446 Katy Crolius, 20 35:05 31:14 10:04 One Direction 466 393 Michael Kennedy, 42 32:42 31:16 10:05 358 341 447 Charlotte Pellum, 9 31:46 31:21 10:07 Sacred Heart 3218 394 448 Brian Vaselaros, 59 39:19 31:21 10:07 Bo-Deezy 1950 342 Gracie Simendinger, 26 32:40 31:22 10:07 875 343 449 Saundra Fisher, 55 31:29 31:24 10:08 Ask 1857 344 Alyssa Smith, 25 34:01 31:24 10:08 1941 345 450 Corrine Palmer, 24 38:16 31:24 10:08 #TeamLegacyTrust 1457 395 451 Patrick Johnson, 35 36:34 31:25 10:08 Afc What?! 1456 346 452 Eva Johnson, 6 36:34 31:25 10:08 Afc What?! 1422 347 453 Lesli Schmachtenberger, 44 32:04 31:26 10:08 Schmachtenberger 615 396 Phil Nover, 36 31:32 31:26 10:08 135 348 Tabitha Bartchlett, 28 31:32 31:26 10:08 439 349 Kelly Isolda, 30 32:39 31:29 10:09 558 397 454 Jeffrey Hamblin, 39 32:05 31:29 10:09 Drinkers with a runni 557 350 455 Ashley Doyle, 37 32:06 31:30 10:10 Drinkers with a runni 581 351 456 Heather Sheckels, 37 32:06 31:30 10:10 Drinkers with a runni 2207 352 457 Elzabeth Saffell, 45 34:44 31:31 10:10 Team Go 1580 353 Tori Bray, 12 32:12 31:32 10:10 2346 354 Shannon Coles, 31 32:55 31:34 10:11 310 398 458 Jon Krakower, 27 34:34 31:35 10:11 Hew 856 355 Hope Andrews, 29 31:35 31:35 10:11 1300 399 David Moffett, 63 32:30 31:35 10:11 1754 400 459 Garrett Braun, 14 31:46 31:36 10:11 Sacred Heart 3053 356 Kristina Sidoti, 26 34:56 31:38 10:12 2715 357 460 Laurie Guenther Burris, 38 36:43 31:39 10:12 Afc What! 1330 401 Daniel Johnson, 34 31:43 31:43 10:14 125 402 461 Rick van Brederode, 70 33:58 31:44 10:14 Van Kee 882 358 462 Jullia Reidy, 17 32:50 31:45 10:14 Sparkly Marshmallows 402 359 Kristen Paige, 34 32:33 31:45 10:14 2 360 Lauren Wetherell, 13 33:41 31:48 10:15 1 361 Amanda Wetherell, 38 33:41 31:48 10:15 762 403 Maguire Kelly, 15 33:39 31:49 10:16 1402 404 David Ammerman, 46 32:35 31:50 10:16 1403 405 Dalton Ammerman, 14 32:36 31:51 10:16 2734 362 463 Cheryl Kelly, 34 32:31 31:51 10:16 Bkfs 603 406 464 Patrick Mulvey, 10 36:05 31:52 10:17 Team Mulvey 542 407 465 Kiran Parekh, 6 36:33 31:52 10:17 Jcds 546 408 466 Mehul Parekh, 42 36:34 31:53 10:17 Jcds 1806 409 467 David Rafalski, 8 35:37 31:54 10:17 Annas Dragons 2887 363 468 Jessica Churchwell, 36 31:59 31:55 10:17 Pvps Cares 1808 364 469 Anna Rafalski, 10 35:37 31:55 10:18 Annas Dragons 1807 410 470 John Rafalski, 55 35:37 31:55 10:18 Annas Dragons 2830 365 471 Traci Grimes, 46 32:04 31:56 10:18 Hew 428 411 David Hunt, 43 33:33 31:57 10:18 1750 412 472 jonathan acree, 31 32:15 31:57 10:18 Sacred Heart 599 366 473 Theresa Mulvey, 45 36:10 31:57 10:18 Team Mulvey 1525 367 474 Ali Fehling, 23 34:02 31:57 10:18 Pb&Joy 1526 368 475 Lillian Garrison, 23 34:02 31:57 10:18 Pb&Joy 786 369 Heather Lohbeck, 35 34:50 31:57 10:18 1718 413 476 Ahmad Tillery, 10 32:49 31:58 10:19 Fnf 2360 370 477 Jill Smith, 34 34:51 31:59 10:19 PwC 2959 371 478 Jodi Lehrmann, 41 33:46 31:59 10:19 Web com 1193 414 479 Austin Flagg, 27 35:01 31:59 10:19 Team Kelly 1194 372 480 Rebecca Flagg, 28 35:01 31:59 10:19 Team Kelly 2768 373 481 Lunetta Williams, 44 40:09 32:00 10:19 Crcrun 2960 415 482 Davis Warren, 11 33:46 32:00 10:19 Web com 105 374 483 Allyson Corona, 24 38:55 32:01 10:20 Squid Squad 1752 416 484 jacob acree, 9 32:17 32:03 10:20 Sacred Heart 71 375 485 Theresa Dallas, 37 34:38 32:03 10:20 Mint Magazine 2174 417 486 Eugene Biala, 48 32:26 32:05 10:21 Sacred Heart 1455 376 487 Maddie Johnson, 9 37:13 32:06 10:21 Afc What?! 348 377 488 Lisa Crolius, 50 35:58 32:07 10:22 One Direction 1960 378 Sushma Kc Manandhar, 43 33:02 32:08 10:22 2782 379 489 Elizabeth Portugal, 45 33:29 32:08 10:22 EverBank 373 418 490 Taylor Hudson, 24 32:31 32:08 10:22 Unf Dpt Team 2937 419 491 Jeffrey Baker, 39 34:34 32:10 10:22 Web com 2938 380 492 Crystal Bouziden, 30 34:34 32:10 10:23 Web com 374 381 493 Devon-Leigh Hudson, 23 32:34 32:11 10:23 Unf Dpt Team 2292 382 Fran Justice, 54 32:58 32:12 10:23 220 383 Lily Bozeman, 12 35:39 32:13 10:23 2239 384 Kristin Ruffell, 29 33:04 32:13 10:23 1586 420 curtis curry, 30 32:15 32:13 10:24 1310 421 Brian Carney, 55 32:30 32:14 10:24 441 385 Danielle O'Neil, 25 35:12 32:15 10:24 3102 386 Sara Reyes, 38 36:05 32:15 10:24 1568 387 Marla Anderson, 42 32:38 32:15 10:24 1793 422 Pedro Ramdas, 36 35:36 32:16 10:24 974 388 494 Reshma Zukowski, 44 32:53 32:17 10:25 JaxJags 1432 423 495 Brian James, 44 34:54 32:17 10:25 James Family 1800 424 Pj Ramdas, 6 35:36 32:17 10:25 2811 389 496 Donna Gallant, 39 32:55 32:18 10:25 Galloping Gallants 1431 390 497 Molly James, 44 34:54 32:18 10:25 James Family 1053 425 498 Seth Stines, 31 33:22 32:18 10:25 Eleven22 2814 391 499 Abigail Gallant, 8 32:56 32:20 10:26 Galloping Gallants 1166 392 500 Tirzah Hoffmann, 38 32:20 32:20 10:26 Team Chunn 1167 426 501 Brian Hoffmann, 37 32:20 32:20 10:26 Team Chunn 5 427 502 Aiden Laurie, 13 33:44 32:20 10:26 Acosta 3009 393 Alexandria Klempf, 27 33:05 32:21 10:26 3064 394 Lisa Carter, 41 35:07 32:21 10:26 2038 395 503 Amy Merrills, 40 41:20 32:22 10:26 Buns on the Run!!! 1530 396 504 Pam Supan, 32 32:22 32:22 10:26 ProvidenceMcKenzieClu 2436 428 505 Matthew Brown, 43 41:19 32:22 10:26 Buns on the run 3065 397 Danielle Ray, 39 35:07 32:22 10:26 2180 398 506 Bianca Loor, 18 32:25 32:23 10:27 Sacred Heart 2005 399 507 Ava Charboneau, 9 33:32 32:23 10:27 Assumption 699 429 Scott Ross, 47 32:47 32:24 10:27 2850 400 508 Nikkie Miller, 28 32:24 32:24 10:27 Jwa 8 401 509 Ann Larson, 46 37:31 32:24 10:27 Afc What! 2886 402 510 Sharon Prince, 46 32:29 32:24 10:27 Pvps Cares 2890 403 511 Nicole Jones, 26 32:29 32:25 10:27 Pvps Cares 187 430 Matt Laurie, 47 33:49 32:25 10:27 642 404 512 Megan Arnold, 17 34:56 32:26 10:27 Bolles Team 2111 405 513 Praises Vega, 23 33:49 32:29 10:28 Grillman's 1337 406 Bree Silhavy, 27 33:37 32:29 10:29 3132 407 Melanie Lehmann, 37 33:32 32:30 10:29 1965 408 Holly Hepler, 26 33:16 32:31 10:29 342 409 514 Sarah Cramer, 25 33:19 32:31 10:29 Murphy Mixed 1969 410 515 Olivia Simon, 26 33:21 32:33 10:30 Simon 764 431 Bill Stafford, 51 33:19 32:33 10:30 453 432 Chad Mark, 41 36:22 32:33 10:30 450 433 Aidan Mark, 9 36:23 32:34 10:30 590 434 516 Hugh Caron, 45 35:22 32:36 10:31 Atoms Family 68 411 517 Anne Miller, 52 34:00 32:37 10:31 Miller 994 412 518 Hadley Hodge, 13 33:16 32:38 10:31 Bolles 2339 435 Leonard Pittman, 53 33:36 32:40 10:32 1732 413 519 Angela Muratalla, 28 36:49 32:40 10:32 Las Chicas 1734 414 520 Monique Bernard, 31 36:49 32:40 10:32 Las Chicas 497 436 521 Charles-Vincent Phillip, 10 33:12 32:41 10:32 Chargers on the Run 2456 415 522 Emma Savell, 15 33:08 32:42 10:33 Providence 1716 437 523 Lamont Tillery, 39 33:32 32:42 10:33 Fnf 1733 416 524 Isabel Montes, 33 36:49 32:42 10:33 Las Chicas 181 417 Tara Sikes, 30 33:08 32:42 10:33 1287 438 Max Mcbride, 14 33:40 32:44 10:34 2864 439 525 Eric Martinez, 31 34:16 32:47 10:34 Morgan & Morgan 243 418 Cindy Pollari, 53 33:59 32:48 10:35 2962 419 526 Erica Hershey, 22 38:14 32:48 10:35 Web com 2503 420 527 yabsera yared, 9 32:52 32:48 10:35 Shcs 1996 421 528 Bobbie Boyter, 25 38:18 32:49 10:35 Victorious Secret 126 422 529 Julie Fowler, 29 38:15 32:49 10:35 Web com 549 423 530 Ashley Smith, 28 35:04 32:49 10:35 Jcds 140 424 Enza Lobusta, 33 33:34 32:49 10:35 537 425 531 Siena Barre, 7 35:04 32:49 10:35 Jcds 1227 440 532 Robbie Thomas Jr, 8 33:29 32:50 10:35 Wallace Dg 468 426 Kimberly Mathis, 45 40:20 32:51 10:36 1230 427 533 Anna Kihns, 23 33:29 32:51 10:36 Wallace Dg 1494 441 534 Brandon Purvis, 13 33:25 32:52 10:36 Fierce Turkies 1225 428 535 Cheryl Wallace, 58 33:30 32:53 10:36 Wallace Dg 2071 442 536 Chris Petranick, 38 35:57 32:53 10:36 EverBank 2070 429 537 Kate Durant, 35 35:57 32:53 10:36 EverBank 964 430 538 Charlotte Kenski, 17 35:34 32:54 10:37 jay jay 2143 431 539 Hasley Pitman, 18 35:34 32:54 10:37 jay jay 561 443 540 joshua soffler, 13 36:54 32:57 10:38 super-supers 2726 444 541 Glenn Lumpkin, 47 34:10 32:59 10:38 Assumption 409 432 Casey King, 32 33:45 32:59 10:38 1585 445 Cl Thompson, 45 33:43 33:00 10:38 1584 446 Cole Thompson, 11 33:43 33:00 10:38 2115 433 542 Jennifer Phillips, 27 33:32 33:02 10:39 Half-letes 1761 447 543 Michael Aguila, 12 33:25 33:02 10:39 Sacred Heart 2116 448 544 Kyle Bugdal, 28 33:32 33:02 10:39 Half-letes 7 434 545 Reagan Larson, 10 38:11 33:04 10:40 Afc What! 2453 449 546 Jake Ross, 10 33:56 33:05 10:40 Ross 2904 435 547 Tammy Cox, 51 34:05 33:05 10:40 Team Cox 2905 450 548 Paul Cox, 53 34:07 33:06 10:41 Team Cox 2452 451 549 Sam Ross, 45 33:59 33:08 10:41 Ross 1843 452 Jordan Smith, 32 34:20 33:08 10:41 2075 453 550 William Westington, 60 35:17 33:08 10:41 EverBank 1435 436 551 Sarah James, 11 33:44 33:10 10:42 James Family 2243 437 Jill Smith, 54 41:51 33:11 10:42 273 438 552 Alexis Durlacher, 15 34:10 33:12 10:42 Chicken Wangs 685 439 Rhonda Mostovych, 51 41:51 33:13 10:43 925 454 553 Zak kornick, 7 34:09 33:13 10:43 Kornick 3059 455 Sherard Saladeen, 28 33:27 33:14 10:43 1858 440 Katy Brown, 29 34:26 33:14 10:43 1632 441 554 Sarah Hutchinson, 11 41:19 33:15 10:43 Hutchtechs 1630 442 555 Angelina Madera, 12 41:19 33:15 10:43 Hutchtechs 979 443 556 Sally Singletary, 47 41:55 33:15 10:43 Peabody McCoy 1844 444 Jenny Smith, 31 34:28 33:16 10:44 551 445 Holly Emas, 49 41:55 33:17 10:44 2406 456 Jake Nance, 15 34:06 33:17 10:44 2227 457 557 Joey Sahi, 16 33:49 33:18 10:44 The Jaguars 2434 446 558 Hannah Bell, 15 33:49 33:18 10:44 The Jaguars 3079 447 Lorrain Ley, 44 37:06 33:18 10:44 1836 448 Kate Brunson, 38 33:54 33:19 10:45 745 449 Margaret Hagarty, 13 37:08 33:19 10:45 3114 450 Jessenia Lopez, 27 39:21 33:19 10:45 3107 451 Lindsey Duong, 11 34:19 33:19 10:45 353 458 559 Vincent DiRito, 47 34:28 33:20 10:45 Pvhs 3108 452 Morgan Duong, 9 34:21 33:20 10:45 352 453 560 Dawn DiRito, 40 34:30 33:21 10:45 Pvhs 2342 454 Catherine Cooper, 14 34:11 33:22 10:46 1598 459 Shep Mitchell, 11 33:38 33:25 10:47 1572 455 Carol Lahey, 48 34:42 33:25 10:47 2218 460 561 Caden Rice, 11 35:39 33:25 10:47 Team Together 1049 456 562 Blair Stone, 32 33:25 33:25 10:47 Eleven22 1050 461 563 Ryan Stone, 31 33:25 33:25 10:47 Eleven22 184 457 Debra Driskell, 47 35:37 33:27 10:47 2998 458 Chantelle Kammerdiener, 46 35:36 33:27 10:47 113 462 564 Cameron Williams, 14 33:59 33:27 10:47 Team Savannah 112 463 565 Dan Williams, 44 34:01 33:28 10:48 Team Savannah 2039 459 566 Ashley Gunter, 15 34:25 33:28 10:48 Chicken Wangs 2002 460 567 Ashley Plotts, 24 34:01 33:29 10:48 #Squadgoals 565 461 568 kim cromer, 14 36:41 33:29 10:48 super-supers 2105 462 569 mandy yoder, 30 38:09 33:29 10:48 Grillman's 920 464 570 David Chen, 19 42:59 33:30 10:48 Team Bartram 2113 463 571 Risa Portnoy, 27 38:08 33:30 10:48 Grillman's 1592 465 Ander Kelley, 11 33:46 33:33 10:49 1005 464 572 Kyra Wakefield, 9 34:13 33:33 10:49 Assumption 99 465 573 Margaret Duncan, 12 33:53 33:33 10:49 Sacred Heart 1006 466 574 Heather Wakefield, 38 34:13 33:33 10:49 Assumption 1645 467 575 Jordyn Stoddard, 17 33:45 33:34 10:50 Storytellers 2810 468 576 Renita Russell, 32 41:46 33:36 10:50 Florida Blue 3089 466 Elan Santiago, 36 36:44 33:36 10:50 808 467 Denny Vohs, 11 33:51 33:37 10:50 1828 469 577 Savanna Barker, 23 36:04 33:38 10:51 Team Kelly 27 468 578 Auburn McClure, 46 35:00 33:38 10:51 Bolles Middle 2016 470 579 Katie White, 12 34:13 33:39 10:51 Assumption 756 471 Amelia Fannin, 5 33:49 33:40 10:51 530 472 580 McKenzie Pritchard, 10 33:49 33:42 10:52 Jcds 3661 473 Abby Park, 10 33:49 33:43 10:52 2778 474 581 Jenny Hagist, 34 33:44 33:44 10:53 Eleven22 442 475 Irina Tyre, 43 34:17 33:46 10:53 1676 469 582 chris olmstead, 33 43:22 33:46 10:53 Otf hodges 2779 470 583 Brian Hagist, 37 33:46 33:46 10:53 Eleven22 649 471 584 Richard D'Angelo, 35 37:55 33:48 10:54 EverBank 1123 476 585 Lora Harmon, 43 34:30 33:49 10:54 Montoya & Associates 230 472 John Bradley, 13 35:02 33:50 10:55 1932 477 586 Lisa Perry, 48 34:59 33:50 10:55 teal7 272 473 587 Blaine King, 15 34:25 33:50 10:55 Chicken Wangs 3201 478 588 Kameryn Mallinson, 14 34:25 33:50 10:55 Chicken Wangs 2179 479 589 Reilly Meehan, 11 33:57 33:51 10:55 Sacred Heart 1874 474 Colin Maxwell, 9 37:08 33:52 10:55 1136 480 590 Kristen Hughes, 24 34:57 33:55 10:56 Pri Divas 2421 481 591 laura ropp, 45 34:17 33:55 10:56 Bolles 2298 475 Jay Miller, 34 37:21 33:56 10:57 2425 482 592 Lucy Williams, 11 34:17 33:57 10:57 Bolles 2420 483 593 Kate Bailey, 11 34:15 33:59 10:58 Assumption 1377 484 Nikki Haywood, 25 34:42 34:00 10:58 1759 485 594 Ashley Santonil, 12 34:11 34:02 10:59 Sacred Heart 1460 486 595 Jordan Mayfield, 16 35:03 34:04 10:59 Mayfields for McKenzi 3019 476 Aaron Anderson, 41 34:53 34:04 10:59
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | 15:00 | Top

1868 487 Isabelle Crapo, 13 41:44 34:06 11:00 2035 488 596 Billie Jo Taylor, 44 36:30 34:07 11:00 Boyd & Jenerette 2032 489 597 Nicolle Von Roenn, 31 36:30 34:08 11:01 Boyd & Jenerette 1157 477 598 Jacob Lowinger, 14 35:06 34:09 11:01 Team 320 485 478 599 Jonathan Elliott, 9 35:11 34:10 11:01 Chargers on the Run 1638 490 600 Kalynn Higginbotham, 23 37:35 34:10 11:01 EverBank 2029 491 601 catherine kramer, 13 34:50 34:11 11:02 Bolles Bartram McKenz 9 492 602 Roxy Mathews, 9 39:19 34:12 11:02 Afc What! 2182 493 Stacia Daniel, 12 34:37 34:12 11:02 2297 494 Lindsey Miller, 31 37:38 34:13 11:02 2114 479 603 David Mantilla, 36 38:52 34:14 11:02 Grillman's 909 495 604 Ivy Lou, 15 43:45 34:15 11:03 Team Bartram 908 496 605 Flora Xiao, 17 43:45 34:15 11:03 Team Bartram 354 497 606 Elise DiRito, 18 35:24 34:15 11:03 Pvhs 2059 480 607 Jim StJohn, 47 34:47 34:15 11:03 EverBank 1163 498 608 Melissa Callaway, 53 39:53 34:16 11:03 Team Callaway 2109 499 609 Kristina Diogo, 22 35:36 34:16 11:03 Grillman's 2716 500 610 Peyton Burris, 8 39:19 34:16 11:03 Afc What! 182 481 Richard Blankenship, 58 35:02 34:17 11:04 1921 482 611 Mark Harvey, 41 34:51 34:18 11:04 Harvco 520 501 612 Lynn Elliott, 33 35:20 34:20 11:04 Chargers on the Run 2714 483 613 Rainy Burris, 41 39:23 34:20 11:04 Afc What! 729 484 steve pollock, 53 35:18 34:22 11:05 250 485 Thomas Lannen, 39 37:59 34:22 11:05 2798 502 614 Christina Nguyen, 27 36:10 34:22 11:05 EverBank 512 503 615 Tiffany Carnes, 40 35:24 34:25 11:06 Chargers on the Run 481 504 616 KellyAnne Correale, 10 35:24 34:26 11:06 Chargers on the Run 483 486 617 Carson Carnes, 1 35:24 34:26 11:06 Chargers on the Run 2178 505 618 Danielle Caldwell, 12 34:46 34:26 11:06 Sacred Heart 654 506 619 Sarah Griffin, 22 39:55 34:27 11:06 Victorious Secret 1920 507 620 Shana Harvey, 41 34:59 34:27 11:07 Harvco 328 508 621 Melina Del Rosario, 39 37:43 34:33 11:08 Morgan & Morgan 327 487 622 Jason Corse, 35 37:43 34:33 11:09 Morgan & Morgan 2836 488 623 Blake Massey, 16 36:17 34:33 11:09 Interline Brands 382 509 Joanne Kolmetz, 56 35:26 34:33 11:09 1288 510 nazila darbani, 54 42:22 34:34 11:09 1318 511 Payten Lyle, 7 42:23 34:34 11:09 1269 489 Bryden Speeg, 8 35:15 34:34 11:09 2996 512 Jennifer Obrien, 29 43:23 34:36 11:09 2296 513 Sarah Weaver, 29 35:52 34:36 11:10 2841 490 624 erik fran, 41 35:18 34:37 11:10 Jbe100mileClub 1417 491 Garrett Lawrence, 8 35:19 34:39 11:10 2842 492 625 Adam Francesconi, 7 35:20 34:40 11:11 Jbe100mileClub 1464 493 626 Joseph Heller, 42 36:12 34:41 11:11 Knight Gliderz 672 514 Cheryl Wallace, 56 35:29 34:41 11:11 3028 515 Victoria Harrell, 23 36:05 34:43 11:12 1463 516 627 Nateasha Heller, 43 36:14 34:43 11:12 Knight Gliderz 986 517 628 Lauren Hendricks, 26 34:44 34:44 11:12 Tiny Hope 987 494 629 Bryson Hendricks, 28 34:45 34:45 11:12 Tiny Hope 3147 495 Steve Avera, 46 34:57 34:45 11:12 1395 518 Heidi Fischer, 33 35:19 34:45 11:13 1396 519 Isabella Fischer, 7 35:20 34:46 11:13 3164 496 630 Nicholas Parks, 25 35:50 34:48 11:13 Cmy5k 1997 497 Mary Strickland, 69 35:45 34:48 11:13 3190 498 631 Erik Carson, 22 35:38 34:49 11:14 Web com 2034 499 632 Preston Oughton, 39 37:14 34:51 11:14 Boyd & Jenerette 2033 520 633 Kathryn Oughton, 34 37:14 34:51 11:14 Boyd & Jenerette 760 521 Juli Davis, 43 37:15 34:53 11:15 539 500 634 Jake Davis, 8 37:15 34:53 11:15 Jcds 3121 522 Jean Newell, 24 35:20 34:54 11:15 1042 523 635 jenniffer taylor, 42 35:58 34:55 11:16 Eleven 22 1955 501 Saint Currin, 47 39:18 34:55 11:16 183 524 Bridget Currin, 10 39:18 34:56 11:16 529 525 636 Nina Lueck, 10 37:44 34:56 11:16 Jcds 2301 526 Shawn Wilkes, 32 36:15 34:56 11:16 2845 527 637 Vanessa Stelly, 42 36:47 34:56 11:16 Jlcp McKenzie Club 721 528 Lindsey Ginter, 17 35:06 34:57 11:16 2846 529 638 Camille Stelly, 10 36:49 34:58 11:17 Jlcp McKenzie Club 234 530 Quincy Bagrow, 15 35:49 34:59 11:17 156 502 Natalie Bussey, 37 36:38 35:01 11:17 1114 531 639 Oliva Landolfo, 13 36:55 35:02 11:18 Landolfo 228 532 Leila Roberts, 13 36:54 35:02 11:18 1908 503 640 Josh Cobb, 29 38:18 35:02 11:18 Ce Broker 1574 504 Trent Hoy, 10 39:13 35:03 11:18 634 533 Danya Rukab, 13 36:55 35:03 11:18 3010 505 William Shore, 31 40:03 35:04 11:18 1944 534 641 Kayla Hill, 15 36:17 35:04 11:19 Hill Party of 4! 484 506 642 Kaden Hooker, 9 35:57 35:04 11:19 Chargers on the Run 521 535 643 Melissa Hooker, 38 35:57 35:05 11:19 Chargers on the Run 587 536 644 Sofia Caron, 12 36:56 35:06 11:19 Atoms Family 122 537 645 Anissa Stechschulte, 42 43:23 35:08 11:20 Us Assure 1774 538 Karol Higginbotham, 54 37:13 35:09 11:20 364 539 646 Allie Pulos, 25 35:31 35:10 11:20 Team Kelly 1604 507 647 Jamal Beal, 14 37:01 35:10 11:20 Marc 501 540 648 Kate Franklin, 9 36:06 35:11 11:21 Chargers on the Run 478 508 649 Charles Dicey, 9 36:08 35:11 11:21 Chargers on the Run 1640 541 650 Addie Sutton, 16 36:29 35:12 11:21 Coe22 482 509 651 Nicholas Frisbee, 11 36:10 35:12 11:21 Chargers on the Run 1669 510 652 Bryan Parker, 46 36:29 35:12 11:21 PvhsmcKenzie 1668 542 653 Martha Parker, 17 36:30 35:13 11:21 PvhsmcKenzie 213 511 Patrick Crane, 13 36:44 35:13 11:21 506 512 654 Evan Fader, 10 36:15 35:16 11:22 Chargers on the Run 499 543 655 Hailey Fletcher, 22 36:14 35:16 11:22 Chargers on the Run 495 513 656 Brandon Kayser, 9 36:13 35:17 11:23 Chargers on the Run 502 544 657 Whitney Howard, 10 36:15 35:19 11:23 Chargers on the Run 514 514 658 Matt Franklin, 34 36:15 35:19 11:23 Chargers on the Run 1419 545 659 Jaime Burnett, 31 35:20 35:20 11:24 Team Hew 38 546 660 Val Zart, 51 39:10 35:20 11:24 EverBank 1721 515 661 Rick Armstrong, 51 36:56 35:21 11:24 Grillman's 391 547 Jessica Bloodsworth, 24 36:07 35:21 11:24 1259 516 Dean Wille, 48 43:13 35:21 11:24 2936 548 662 Jill Alberico, 54 35:59 35:22 11:24 Wallace Dg 2140 517 663 Charles Townsend, 32 36:38 35:22 11:24 Interline Brands 2780 549 664 Stacy Morris, 32 37:09 35:23 11:25 EverBank 2139 550 665 Kristian Townsend, 35 36:38 35:23 11:25 Interline Brands 2918 551 666 Alexandria Lucey, 11 43:55 35:23 11:25 Team Lucey 2141 518 667 Al Lactawen, 51 36:38 35:23 11:25 Interline Brands 2800 552 668 Shelly Chen, 27 37:09 35:23 11:25 EverBank 1876 519 #1876 36:28 35:26 11:26 1575 553 Shannan Hoy, 35 39:38 35:26 11:26 2917 520 669 John Lucey, 39 43:58 35:27 11:26 Team Lucey 82 554 670 Tara Howard, 33 38:10 35:28 11:26 mint15 2988 555 Helen Sem, 32 37:10 35:29 11:27 2408 521 Nick Kramarich, 15 41:19 35:29 11:27 683 522 Wayne Cordeau, 39 36:02 35:30 11:27 3200 523 Billy Hyder, 55 38:46 35:31 11:27 3118 556 Stephanie Kellem, 42 41:12 35:32 11:28 1101 524 671 Scott Haak, 40 44:39 35:34 11:28 Hope's Closet 2329 525 Bryan Prematta, 48 40:33 35:35 11:28 1103 557 672 Mya Haak, 13 44:39 35:35 11:29 Hope's Closet 2328 558 Sydney Prematta, 16 40:33 35:36 11:29 1405 559 Ashley Blaum, 29 36:51 35:37 11:29 1404 526 Ryan Blaum, 32 36:52 35:38 11:29 1966 560 Shannon Bryan, 32 37:20 35:39 11:30 1873 561 Kelly Bermel, 29 38:55 35:39 11:30 1448 562 673 Ella Fanning, 9 35:39 35:39 11:30 Your Pace or Mine 392 527 John Hamby, 44 37:38 35:40 11:30 443 528 Marty Hadden, 38 39:48 35:40 11:30 196 563 Amanda Paster, 37 36:56 35:42 11:31 157 529 Chris Blair, 34 37:18 35:42 11:31 29 564 674 Marcia Mann, 52 39:14 35:44 11:31 Ce Broker 1650 530 675 Ross Clements, 20 36:16 35:45 11:32 EverBank 635 565 Martine Gelb, 15 36:27 35:47 11:32 1519 566 jennifer wright, 33 35:48 35:48 11:33 1528 567 Brandi Hunter, 36 35:48 35:48 11:33 1848 568 Luchanna Estopier, 38 40:19 35:48 11:33 2916 569 676 Crizeida Lucey, 36 44:21 35:49 11:33 Team Lucey 1217 531 677 Rich Toomey, 55 44:49 35:49 11:33 Tina Toomey 1665 532 678 Avery Debelen, 14 41:15 35:51 11:34 Debelen 1450 533 679 Michael Sullivan, 41 35:51 35:51 11:34 Your Pace or Mine 1451 570 680 Kristin Scheurer, 34 35:51 35:51 11:34 Your Pace or Mine 1507 571 681 Ellie Weaver, 13 36:42 35:52 11:34 Chets Creek 2006 572 682 Elle Charboneau, 9 37:06 35:56 11:35 Assumption 2881 573 683 Heather Johnson, 30 38:10 35:56 11:35 One Call Care Managem 2004 574 684 Vikki Charboneau, 42 37:04 35:56 11:35 Assumption 1832 534 Michael Francisco, 23 43:02 35:56 11:35 414 575 Debbie Coleman, 63 36:53 35:56 11:35 103 576 685 Kelly Alderman, 24 43:02 35:57 11:36 Squid Squad 3168 535 686 Kaleb Thorpe, 10 37:03 35:58 11:36 Insane Bolts 313 536 687 Jk LaCoste, 28 40:51 36:00 11:36 Jwa 724 537 Alex Olson, 17 36:56 36:01 11:37 508 538 688 Sudhakar Gandepalli, 45 36:59 36:06 11:39 Chargers on the Run 384 577 Rachel Korzeb, 27 36:58 36:09 11:39 396 578 Sotheary Seng, 33 36:58 36:09 11:39 3166 579 689 Solange Benjamin, 46 37:16 36:10 11:40 Insane Bolts 2416 539 690 Robert Schuster, 16 43:29 36:11 11:40 Ab4st 1407 580 Elise Courtney, 16 43:29 36:11 11:40 74 581 691 April Parker, 26 43:56 36:11 11:40 Mint Magazine 3035 582 Ashley DeLance, 32 37:25 36:12 11:40 2151 583 692 Caleigh Bartlett, 22 37:37 36:12 11:41 Last Place Scenario 2087 540 693 Christopher Peters, 15 40:12 36:13 11:41 Fnf 2325 541 jess simmons, 61 37:10 36:13 11:41 1749 584 694 catrina acree, 31 39:01 36:13 11:41 Sacred Heart 1641 542 695 Chris Sanger, 36 37:57 36:13 11:41 Ubs 2152 585 696 Devin Baxter, 22 37:37 36:13 11:41 Last Place Scenario 1869 586 Amaya Gagin, 16 43:54 36:14 11:41 2010 587 697 Mary Jackson Kirk, 12 36:49 36:15 11:41 Assumption 659 588 698 Christina White, 45 36:29 36:16 11:42 justice league 2855 589 699 Linda Mahoney, 52 38:09 36:16 11:42 Mahoney 177 590 Rebekah Selevan, 41 38:40 36:17 11:42 1059 591 700 caleigh beane, 15 36:57 36:17 11:42 EverBank 1649 592 701 Poppy Clements, 51 36:18 36:18 11:42 EverBank 269 543 702 Justin Mann, 26 39:46 36:18 11:42 Ce Broker 2947 593 703 Jennifer Lopez, 27 41:44 36:18 11:42 Web com 534 594 704 Brooke Trager, 10 39:08 36:19 11:43 Jcds 1958 595 Sydney Alliance, 17 37:01 36:19 11:43 1286 596 Beth McBride, 48 37:18 36:19 11:43 547 544 705 Sean Lueck, 45 39:08 36:20 11:43 Jcds 2405 597 Aubrey Ramey, 13 37:35 36:20 11:43 1891 598 Madison Hancock, 12 36:28 36:20 11:43 2972 599 Haley Bowmaster, 14 37:35 36:20 11:43 1155 600 706 Brenda Lowinger, 43 37:19 36:21 11:43 Team 320 1788 601 Brooke Geddes, 13 37:36 36:22 11:44 194 602 Samarra Taplin, 11 37:28 36:23 11:44 952 545 707 Robert Krott, 46 39:44 36:24 11:44 Zorro Financial 190 603 Marilyn Harmon, 41 43:29 36:25 11:45 2357 546 mark kramer, 53 37:05 36:27 11:45 951 604 708 Anabel Krott, 48 39:47 36:28 11:46 Zorro Financial 1549 605 Katie Nicholson, 15 43:13 36:29 11:46 1412 547 Isaac Shumer, 14 42:20 36:29 11:46 1952 606 Julia Sessions, 16 43:13 36:29 11:46 2757 607 709 Sarah Allen, 16 37:28 36:30 11:46 Chicken Wangs 2022 608 710 Julia Nichols, 12 37:04 36:30 11:46 Assumption 1296 609 Madelyn Woods, 15 37:28 36:30 11:46 1298 548 David Woods, 58 37:27 36:31 11:47 969 549 711 shane hall, 22 37:35 36:32 11:47 portside marc 1829 550 712 Clifton Buford, 48 39:31 36:33 11:47 Buford Family 1705 551 713 Joshua Buford, 9 39:31 36:33 11:47 Buford Family 544 610 714 Summer Taylor, 9 37:39 36:35 11:48 Jcds 968 611 715 bailey duncan, 20 37:39 36:35 11:48 portside marc 1471 612 716 Tayler Quick, 23 43:32 36:36 11:48 #TeamLegacyTrust 193 613 Kamaria Evans, 41 37:43 36:38 11:49 363 552 717 Cody Kopp, 13 37:33 36:40 11:50 Team Hew 2009 614 718 Amanda Kirk, 41 37:15 36:41 11:50 Assumption 76 553 719 Ken Moody, 53 37:52 36:43 11:50 Mint Magazine 550 615 720 Kristin Taylor, 50 37:49 36:43 11:51 Jcds 910 616 721 Angela Sun, 15 46:15 36:44 11:51 Team Bartram 1226 617 722 Lindsey Thomas, 28 37:23 36:44 11:51 Wallace Dg 1694 554 723 Juan Manuel Garcia, 15 38:34 36:45 11:51 Marc 2821 618 724 Becky Gonzalez, 44 42:13 36:46 11:51 GonzalezB 935 619 725 Hunter Capelli, 13 37:23 36:46 11:51 Fierce Turkeys 2045 620 726 Lea Kilgallon, 50 42:24 36:46 11:52 EverBank 1527 621 727 Camryn Williamson, 13 36:46 36:46 11:52 yourpaceormine 710 622 Andrea Clark, 26 38:00 36:46 11:52 2044 555 728 Michael Kilgallon, 50 42:24 36:47 11:52 EverBank 961 623 729 Sarah Swan, 13 37:24 36:48 11:52 James Family 77 624 730 Cindy Moody, 45 37:54 36:50 11:53 Mint Magazine 648 625 731 Emma Horvatincic, 13 40:03 36:51 11:53 Jlcp McKenzie Club 2437 626 732 Jillian Noel, 13 40:02 36:51 11:53 Jlcp McKenzie Club 312 627 733 Amelia Frost, 14 40:03 36:52 11:53 Jlcp McKenzie Club 256 628 Soniya Upadhyay, 30 44:53 36:53 11:54 141 629 Karen Acierno, 34 43:32 36:54 11:54 2433 630 734 Lori Yarbrough, 39 37:22 36:56 11:55 Interline Brands 2897 631 735 Beth Griffin, 39 37:04 36:56 11:55 Pvps Cares 3216 556 736 Robby Vick, 38 44:53 36:57 11:55 Bo-Deezy 803 632 Lena Neal, 13 40:10 36:58 11:55 681 633 Leslie Kincart, 54 41:14 36:58 11:55 1462 557 737 Barry Fleming, 34 44:22 36:59 11:56 Alluvion 2825 634 738 gisselle bejarano, 48 37:46 36:59 11:56 Hew 3198 635 739 Deniece Bremer, 47 44:21 36:59 11:56 Alluvion 682 558 Dan Karolewicz, 51 41:15 36:59 11:56 474 636 740 Lawer Prangley, 11 37:20 36:59 11:56 Chargers on the Run 2091 637 741 Shannon Glocker, 39 37:46 37:00 11:56 Glock's girls 714 638 Anna Grace Pahlow, 15 37:50 37:00 11:56 677 639 742 Julie Prangley, 45 37:21 37:00 11:56 Chargers on the Run 3178 640 743 Katelyn Raulerson, 22 37:51 37:01 11:56 Hew 963 641 744 Alexandra Hess, 15 37:50 37:01 11:56 Team Lacrosse 2971 559 Robert Devine, 14 38:49 37:03 11:57 2945 642 745 Reagan Michaelis, 34 39:20 37:03 11:57 Web com 3073 643 Mina Rahmanovic, 29 38:24 37:09 11:59
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | 15:00 | Top

3075 644 Dijana Draganovic, 33 38:27 37:12 12:00 3074 645 Nirvana Alijagic, 30 38:27 37:13 12:00 372 646 746 Donna Balaguer, 61 43:11 37:13 12:00 Tiny Hope 1137 647 747 Margaux Guy, 15 37:39 37:13 12:00 Providence Mckenzie C 2999 648 Averie Kammerdiener, 13 39:22 37:14 12:00 2378 560 748 Grant Howarth, 31 37:15 37:15 12:01 PwC 1068 649 749 Nancy Vannoy, 45 38:38 37:15 12:01 EverBank 2041 650 750 Melanie Patz, 44 45:24 37:15 12:01 Crcrun 2040 561 751 Jason Patz, 45 45:24 37:15 12:01 Crcrun 3850 651 752 Adeliene Howarth, 4 37:15 37:15 12:01 PwC 2382 652 753 Sarah Howarth, 29 37:15 37:15 12:01 PwC 3851 653 754 Mackenzie Howarth, 2 37:15 37:15 12:01 PwC 842 562 Patrick Harrison, 37 40:03 37:15 12:01 1069 563 755 Robert Vannoy, 44 38:38 37:16 12:01 EverBank 192 564 Andre Bannis, 38 44:21 37:17 12:01 811 654 Hayleigh Stone, 12 39:24 37:17 12:02 1643 655 756 Shannon Stoddard, 45 39:15 37:20 12:02 Storytellers 1940 656 757 Kira Lamb, 34 38:12 37:20 12:02 Coe22 1270 657 Dianne Morgan, 62 38:30 37:22 12:03 1644 658 758 Betsy Sale, 32 39:15 37:22 12:03 Storytellers 553 659 Amelia Emas, 13 38:38 37:23 12:03 819 565 Justin Oleary, 14 38:38 37:23 12:03 2367 566 759 Tim Davis, 54 37:57 37:27 12:05 PwC 3136 660 Meghan Martin, 27 38:06 37:27 12:05 473 661 760 Mary Campbell, 33 38:24 37:27 12:05 Chargers on the Run 487 567 761 Jayce Lam, 9 38:24 37:28 12:05 Chargers on the Run 2743 662 762 Julie Vandeveer, 45 46:58 37:29 12:05 Buns on the Run!!! 2376 663 763 Melissa Mayotte, 26 46:25 37:29 12:05 PwC 2808 568 764 rey soria, 53 38:11 37:35 12:07 EverBank 1380 569 Gary Beckenbaugh, 46 37:35 37:35 12:07 1454 664 765 Carey Johnson, 35 42:45 37:35 12:07 Afc What?! 3094 665 Amanda Brad, 38 38:27 37:40 12:09 2870 666 766 Alma Martinez, 33 39:15 37:42 12:10 Morgan & Morgan 2812 570 767 Orion Gallant, 42 38:20 37:43 12:10 Galloping Gallants 2813 667 768 Hannah Gallant, 10 38:21 37:44 12:10 Galloping Gallants 2953 668 769 Suzanne Hogencamp, 40 41:38 37:44 12:10 Web com 2248 669 Christina Malone, 32 37:45 37:45 12:10 1367 670 Cathy Peters, 63 39:37 37:50 12:12 791 671 Kaitlyn Mays, 15 38:00 37:52 12:13 3038 672 willow Thompson, 15 38:01 37:53 12:13 3180 673 770 Chelsea Forbes, 16 41:38 37:53 12:13 Team Forbes 3179 674 771 Rebecca Forbes, 45 41:38 37:53 12:13 Team Forbes 1188 571 772 Beau Burk, 13 37:53 37:53 12:13 Team Isabella 357 572 773 Christian Pellum, 12 38:18 37:54 12:13 Sacred Heart 431 675 Rachelle Widaman, 44 42:29 37:57 12:14 3208 676 774 Dee Robertson-Lee, 65 39:06 37:58 12:15 Team Lee 1161 573 775 Marc Angelo, 52 47:31 37:59 12:15 Team Angelo 2770 574 776 Adam Lindsley, 25 41:42 37:59 12:15 Deloitte 848 677 Sophia Mostovych, 16 40:48 38:00 12:15 3211 678 777 Kelly Foy, 21 41:44 38:00 12:15 Deloitte 684 679 Grace Gilligan, 16 40:49 38:02 12:16 1852 680 Beth Bliss, 39 40:20 38:02 12:16 538 681 778 Poppy Bliss, 8 40:20 38:02 12:16 Jcds 3001 682 Shilloh Crawford, 33 47:38 38:02 12:16 1678 575 779 daniel clark, 24 47:38 38:03 12:16 Otf hodges 2749 683 780 Ashley Hollis, 28 42:06 38:03 12:16 Chargers on the Run 513 684 781 Liz Zurn, 36 42:08 38:05 12:17 Chargers on the Run 2760 685 782 Keri Waldron, 26 45:26 38:06 12:17 Church of Eleven22 2759 686 783 Karina Crane, 22 45:27 38:06 12:17 Church of Eleven22 2761 687 784 Sayhe Loyaza, 26 45:27 38:07 12:18 Church of Eleven22 989 576 785 Andrew Ang, 12 38:33 38:09 12:18 Sacred Heart 326 688 786 Elaine Carlos, 35 41:18 38:11 12:19 Morgan & Morgan 2907 689 787 Martha Jones, 62 39:13 38:13 12:19 Team Cox 1851 577 Sean Carter, 13 38:39 38:15 12:20 208 690 Amanda Bozeman, 38 41:42 38:16 12:20 239 691 Lauren Chang, 11 38:16 38:16 12:20 3036 578 Ron Smith, 45 45:28 38:17 12:21 3621 692 nyayiik chan, 13 39:07 38:17 12:21 1782 579 Noah Witt, 8 39:32 38:20 12:22 1911 580 788 Scott Wilder, 46 40:59 38:20 12:22 Wilder 1781 693 Colleen Witt, 38 39:31 38:20 12:22 1783 581 Mark Witt, 40 39:32 38:21 12:22 1863 694 Kristen New, 28 40:13 38:21 12:22 1797 695 Kelly Derr, 52 45:38 38:21 12:22 1104 582 789 Spencer Haak, 9 47:24 38:21 12:22 Hope's Closet 1094 696 790 Sumer Furlong, 15 47:28 38:24 12:23 Hope's Closet 238 697 Dawn Chang, 40 38:24 38:24 12:23 1444 698 791 sara vallese, 40 46:05 38:25 12:24 Bac crew 1134 699 792 Judy Smith, 56 42:53 38:26 12:24 Pipparippa 1133 583 793 Richard Fisher, 59 42:53 38:27 12:24 Pipparippa 891 700 794 Audrey Clowe, 23 46:37 38:29 12:25 Marc 344 584 795 Kevin Fitzgerald, 59 48:08 38:30 12:25 On Board 3171 585 796 Gavin Dickinson, 13 39:39 38:30 12:25 Dickinson Technologie 2435 701 797 Paula Rubman, 25 44:04 38:31 12:25 Cmy5k 3169 586 798 Brad Dickinson, 46 39:40 38:32 12:26 Dickinson Technologie 2925 587 799 Trace Shreves, 28 39:48 38:32 12:26 Team Shreves 2235 702 800 Kari Robbins, 35 46:52 38:33 12:26 Us Assure 1712 703 801 Dennisse Muniz, 29 38:34 38:34 12:26 EverBank 1833 588 Logan Pittman, 7 39:36 38:34 12:26 186 704 Melanie Thompson, 28 41:09 38:35 12:27 2961 705 802 Sokuonthea Ny, 26 44:03 38:36 12:27 Web com 3143 706 Anna Webster, 37 44:54 38:36 12:27 1957 589 Tyler Weeks, 15 40:11 38:36 12:27 2928 590 803 Nino Yaccino, 12 45:42 38:37 12:27 Team Yaccino 779 707 Mikala Dockery, 15 40:12 38:38 12:27 567 708 804 Delanee Reichard, 7 38:38 38:38 12:28 Alluvion 843 591 Jordan Harrison, 17 41:25 38:38 12:28 454 592 Tony Pittman, 48 39:40 38:38 12:28 2926 709 805 Heather Shreves, 27 39:55 38:39 12:28 Team Shreves 888 710 806 Lauren Reichard, 9 38:39 38:39 12:28 alluvion staffing 10 593 807 David Reichard, 45 38:39 38:39 12:28 Alluvion 578 594 808 Josh Pearson, 39 41:26 38:40 12:28 Atoms Family 2980 711 Rayven Toonk, 16 43:09 38:41 12:29 655 712 809 Jessica Smith, 23 44:12 38:43 12:29 Victorious Secret 2101 713 810 Mary Dixon, 53 44:09 38:43 12:29 GonzalezB 3027 714 Kamara Kelly, 14 41:57 38:44 12:29 1875 595 Dale Dixon, 43 44:09 38:44 12:29 566 715 811 Denise Reichard, 47 38:44 38:44 12:29 Alluvion 1914 596 812 Justin Hartley, 23 39:40 38:46 12:30 Coe22 1826 597 813 Dylan Fletcher, 14 40:40 38:47 12:31 Fletcherunners 1825 598 #1825 40:40 38:47 12:31 1824 716 814 Michelle Fletcher, 46 40:40 38:47 12:31 Fletcherunners 13 717 815 Amy Masters, 51 39:14 38:48 12:31 Bolles 2764 718 816 Lindsey van Tartwijk, 21 39:41 38:48 12:31 Coe22 383 599 Keith Kolmetz, 58 39:44 38:49 12:31 3154 719 Heidi Anderson, 38 42:17 38:51 12:32 3155 720 Virginia Anderson, 9 42:17 38:51 12:32 929 721 817 Caroline Harding, 13 39:31 38:52 12:32 Bolles 688 722 Arabella Mccart, 14 39:32 38:53 12:32 1149 723 818 Marley Schickel, 15 44:32 38:53 12:33 Schickel 789 724 Sherry Herndon, 55 40:15 38:55 12:33 807 600 Dan Vohs, 43 45:03 38:56 12:33 897 725 819 Alice Creed, 13 39:35 38:56 12:33 Bolles 809 726 Olivia Vohs, 9 45:03 38:56 12:34 742 727 Sarah Dominey, 25 39:45 38:58 12:34 1796 728 Melissa Fink, 24 46:17 39:00 12:35 805 729 Kim Vohs, 43 45:08 39:01 12:35 785 601 davey crouch, 15 44:32 39:01 12:35 613 602 Mike Pirrone, 34 39:53 39:03 12:36 1870 730 Victoria Edwards, 16 46:43 39:04 12:36 2774 731 820 Ashley Shearer, 21 40:26 39:04 12:36 Destiny Church of Jac 2773 732 821 Tishri Nelson, 36 40:26 39:04 12:36 Destiny Church of Jac 3130 733 Tara Stanek, 44 40:13 39:05 12:36 2775 603 822 Jacob Shearer, 21 40:27 39:05 12:36 Destiny Church of Jac 1730 734 823 Kathy Ellison, 54 40:23 39:06 12:37 Interline Brands 631 735 Annabelle Sawyer, 10 44:12 39:11 12:38 1799 736 Megan Hofheins, 16 44:54 39:11 12:38 630 604 Tim Sawyer, 43 44:12 39:11 12:38 268 605 824 Camden Budd, 9 40:26 39:12 12:39 Budds 137 737 Katherine lilkendey, 27 45:55 39:17 12:40 1363 606 Douglas Powell, 45 41:34 39:18 12:40 3207 738 Suzy Sivley, 36 45:15 39:18 12:41 1062 739 825 mackenzie beane, 14 44:55 39:19 12:41 EverBank 879 740 826 Lauren Hutchison, 20 43:34 39:19 12:41 Web com 1576 741 Kayla Wilson, 22 43:34 39:19 12:41 2326 742 Mandy Fama, 25 43:43 39:21 12:41 2106 607 827 Kyle Smoot, 20 40:43 39:22 12:42 Grillman's 1720 743 828 Hailey Vander Linden, 25 44:06 39:22 12:42 Grillman's 2822 608 829 Jeff Parisi, 54 44:05 39:22 12:42 Grillman's 664 609 Tom Brandies, 60 39:37 39:24 12:42 266 610 830 Jackson Budd, 13 40:38 39:24 12:42 Budds 267 611 831 Garrett Budd, 37 40:38 39:25 12:43 Budds 1443 744 832 nancy ramirez, 47 47:09 39:27 12:43 Bac crew 1837 612 #1837 40:21 39:28 12:44 1839 613 #1839 40:22 39:29 12:44 798 745 Jillian Awad, 14 39:59 39:31 12:45 2413 746 Katelyn McEntire, 25 47:18 39:32 12:45 713 747 Julie Camps, 14 39:59 39:32 12:45 161 614 Marcus Whitaker, 37 39:38 39:38 12:47 3172 615 833 Landon Dickinson, 8 42:57 39:38 12:47 Dickinson Technologie 160 748 Julia Riffle, 34 39:38 39:38 12:47 2809 749 834 Vanessa Niedzwiecki, 29 47:50 39:39 12:47 Florida Blue 1362 750 Stacey Powell, 41 41:55 39:39 12:47 258 751 Ginger Frazer-French, 74 41:41 39:41 12:48 1939 616 835 Ryan Seiler, 11 43:05 39:45 12:49 Dickinson Technologie 564 752 836 kate cromer, 14 41:43 39:45 12:49 super-supers 2100 753 837 Alana Petree, 32 48:49 39:47 12:50 God's girls 1760 617 838 Bard Santonil, 44 40:12 39:50 12:51 Sacred Heart 2343 754 Kylie McNeil, 13 41:48 39:50 12:51 3170 755 839 Phuong Dickinson, 39 43:12 39:52 12:51 Dickinson Technologie 3217 756 840 Kate Bodden, 31 47:52 39:53 12:52 Bo-Deezy 42 618 841 Wade Nield, 57 46:09 39:53 12:52 EverBank 1861 619 #1861 42:11 39:54 12:52 2439 757 842 wendy clevinger, 43 41:06 39:54 12:52 evervank 2758 758 843 Nicole Ridley, 32 42:10 39:54 12:52 Church of Eleven22 1551 759 Rowan Wolf, 14 40:36 39:55 12:53 1121 760 844 kiara harmon, 14 40:37 39:56 12:53 Montoya & Associates 2330 761 Tracie Davis, 45 45:36 39:56 12:53 104 762 845 Peter Haroldson, 26 46:57 39:59 12:54 Squid Squad 943 763 846 Katie Penkala, 29 46:57 39:59 12:54 Squid Squad 214 620 Connor Crane, 9 41:35 40:03 12:55 341 764 847 Camille Murphy, 26 44:36 40:05 12:56 Murphy Mixed 424 765 Jayme Scott, 29 44:36 40:05 12:56 2295 766 Angela Bruton, 46 41:16 40:05 12:56 2789 621 848 Jack Wagner, 16 45:24 40:06 12:56 EverBank 1657 767 849 Lauren Dean, 27 50:11 40:08 12:57 Lauren's Kids 1656 622 850 Andy Le, 34 50:11 40:08 12:57 Lauren's Kids 2788 768 851 Jenny Wagner, 39 45:27 40:08 12:57 EverBank 2108 769 852 Seohee Won, 24 41:36 40:09 12:57 Grillman's 1096 623 853 Zane Wilson, 8 43:57 40:11 12:58 Hope's Closet 253 770 Sarah Hobbs, 32 42:46 40:11 12:58 1785 624 charles wagner, 78 40:59 40:12 12:58 2267 625 Jeffrey Worsdell, 40 40:13 40:13 12:58 242 771 Katie Pollari, 22 41:26 40:14 12:58 345 772 854 Michele Tucker, 57 49:51 40:14 12:59 On Board 3150 773 Hannah Gray, 12 41:06 40:15 12:59
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | 15:00 | Top

2896 774 855 Kelly Parkes-Wilson, 45 44:04 40:18 13:00 Pvps Cares 255 626 Bify Abraham, 26 44:25 40:18 13:00 2502 775 856 Leslie Kulik, 48 44:43 40:19 13:00 The Bolles School 343 776 857 Mia Fitzgerald, 53 49:57 40:20 13:00 On Board 3129 777 Claudia Asberry, 40 41:36 40:23 13:01 1326 778 Erin Fogarty, 41 46:19 40:25 13:02 1418 779 858 Sarah Azroff, 29 45:46 40:25 13:02 Montoya & Associates 1537 627 Neil Phelps, 43 47:36 40:26 13:02 110 628 859 Robert Carney, 17 46:20 40:26 13:02 Team Lacrosse 1535 780 Melinda Richey, 40 47:36 40:26 13:02 2932 781 860 T'ra Yaccino, 37 47:35 40:26 13:02 Team Yaccino 1534 782 Ella Phelps, 11 47:35 40:26 13:03 2929 783 861 Gianna yaccino, 10 47:35 40:26 13:03 Team Yaccino 2931 629 862 Rocco Yaccino, 5 47:33 40:27 13:03 Team Yaccino 1256 630 Jeremy Rigdon, 34 44:41 40:28 13:03 1255 784 Darrah Rigdon, 29 44:41 40:28 13:03 2189 785 863 Tia Crankfield, 31 47:34 40:28 13:03 Sole Sistas 2930 786 864 Nia Yaccino, 7 47:36 40:29 13:03 Team Yaccino 1536 787 Maya Richey, 6 47:36 40:30 13:04 2744 788 865 Bonnie Cobb, 26 43:52 40:37 13:06 Ce Broker 793 789 Fatima Samb, 13 41:53 40:37 13:06 1590 631 Ken Soteesan, 13 41:53 40:38 13:06 1859 632 Colin Pratt, 13 41:24 40:39 13:07 195 790 Fran Covert, 58 44:40 40:41 13:07 2915 791 866 Gretchel Vasquez, 35 46:42 40:43 13:08 Team Lacrosse 1803 792 virginia pierce-kelly, 53 45:28 40:45 13:09 2777 793 867 Christine Doudna, 41 40:47 40:47 13:09 Doudna 1041 794 868 Lesley Curry, 37 40:47 40:47 13:09 Doudna 563 633 869 jack cromer, 15 44:47 40:50 13:10 super-supers 1060 795 870 amy beane, 43 48:16 40:51 13:10 EverBank 3175 796 871 Jill Kennedy, 51 49:27 40:51 13:11 justice league 3156 634 Pepe (patrick) Femia, 71 50:05 40:53 13:11 706 635 david brown, 51 48:53 40:53 13:11 707 797 amanda brown, 31 48:52 40:53 13:11 2211 798 872 amanda boyne, 15 41:36 40:54 13:11 Team Princess 1573 799 Joanna Mcavoy, 28 42:12 40:55 13:12 697 800 Ellie Ross, 14 41:20 40:56 13:12 2331 636 Juan Santiago, 50 42:47 40:57 13:12 2064 801 873 Michelle Wilson, 29 45:03 40:57 13:12 EverBank 2066 802 874 Michelle Denamrk, 28 45:04 40:57 13:13 EverBank 2065 803 875 Alysia Spiegel, 29 45:04 40:58 13:13 EverBank 733 637 Isaiah Ford, 15 45:56 40:58 13:13 3199 804 Deborah Welsh, 62 44:45 41:01 13:14 3214 805 876 Chelsie Richardson, 23 49:00 41:02 13:14 Bo-Deezy 2366 806 877 Rachael Sellers, 26 50:00 41:03 13:14 PwC 1815 807 878 Megan O'Neill, 41 49:00 41:05 13:15 Ahg 1816 808 879 Chloe O'Neill, 11 49:00 41:05 13:15 Ahg 1817 809 880 Grace O'Neill, 13 49:01 41:07 13:16 Ahg 1818 810 881 Amelia O'Neill, 8 49:02 41:07 13:16 Ahg 2440 811 882 Olivia Reidy, 14 44:47 41:07 13:16 Sparkly Marshmallows 2443 812 883 Abby Frederick, 15 44:46 41:07 13:16 Sparkly Marshmallows 2444 813 884 Sammy Intorcia, 14 44:46 41:07 13:16 Sparkly Marshmallows 1312 814 Mackenzie Hill, 27 45:34 41:11 13:17 770 815 Morgan Yonge, 20 43:19 41:13 13:18 771 638 Casey Czapla, 24 43:20 41:14 13:18 543 816 885 Shalya Satya, 8 43:35 41:15 13:18 Jcds 903 817 886 Marina Yue, 20 50:49 41:19 13:19 Team Bartram 2948 818 887 Amy Osterman, 44 44:14 41:19 13:19 Web com 1893 639 Macky Crenshaw, 8 41:28 41:28 13:22 1058 640 888 cameron beane, 43 48:54 41:28 13:22 EverBank 1061 641 889 parker beane, 9 48:54 41:29 13:23 EverBank 1895 819 Windsor Crenshaw, 9 41:29 41:29 13:23 1617 820 890 Basma Alawee, 29 41:40 41:32 13:24 Marc 1416 821 Michelle Lawrence, 45 42:16 41:34 13:24 2164 822 891 Michelle Ramirez, 32 42:49 41:34 13:24 Morgan & Morgan 2158 642 892 Daviam Barnes, 8 42:49 41:34 13:24 Morgan & Morgan 3773 823 Isabella Clark, 6 51:49 41:37 13:25 1295 824 Ali Quinn, 24 46:47 41:38 13:26 3530 825 Savannah Cumbo, 5 51:52 41:38 13:26 1236 826 Rachel Landis, 34 46:47 41:38 13:26 1493 827 893 Anna Chattaway, 14 41:55 41:38 13:26 Fierce Turkies 1538 643 Jowell Olson, 41 42:34 41:39 13:26 2862 828 894 Paige Dooley, 27 49:25 41:40 13:26 Mint Magazine 3080 829 Jude Platko, 61 45:43 41:40 13:26 83 830 895 Heather Cumbo, 38 51:55 41:41 13:27 Morgan & Morgan 889 831 896 Kate Reichard, 9 41:41 41:41 13:27 alluvion staffing 114 832 897 Dewayne Cumbo, 5 51:56 41:41 13:27 Team Savannah 3081 644 Bill Platko, 63 45:44 41:42 13:27 2861 833 898 Erin Alterman, 27 49:26 41:42 13:27 Mint Magazine 86 645 899 Silas Magdalein, 5 51:56 41:43 13:27 Morgan & Morgan 84 834 900 Ginny Mortenson, 64 51:56 41:43 13:27 Morgan & Morgan 85 835 901 Amy Magdalein, 37 51:56 41:43 13:27 Morgan & Morgan 887 836 902 Beth Reichard, 41 41:45 41:45 13:28 alluvion staffing 828 646 Luis Alonso, 15 49:53 41:47 13:28 2840 837 903 carey francesconi, 39 41:48 41:48 13:29 Jbe100mileClub 1727 838 904 Christine Roken, 45 46:42 41:51 13:30 Heavy Breathers 2107 839 905 Jenna Molloy, 23 43:09 41:51 13:30 Grillman's 1894 840 Addy crenshaw, 39 41:52 41:52 13:30 1896 841 Wiley Crenshaw, 5 41:53 41:53 13:30 1495 842 906 Ella Burgess, 13 41:56 41:54 13:31 Fierce Turkies 79 843 907 Berkleigh Mahan, 13 41:56 41:54 13:31 Mint Magazine 80 844 908 Isabelle Thomas, 13 41:56 41:54 13:31 Mint Magazine 945 845 909 Alyssa Omdahl, 44 43:23 41:56 13:31 Omdahl 947 846 910 Lauren Omdahl, 16 43:23 41:56 13:32 Omdahl 1565 647 James O'Malley, 24 45:51 41:58 13:32 1564 847 Ginny O'malley, 53 45:52 42:00 13:33 175 648 Michael Gorman, 57 42:03 42:03 13:34 1992 848 911 jill black, 49 43:21 42:05 13:34 Rytech Fc 637 849 Fallon Bonner, 10 42:23 42:05 13:34 2355 850 Jennifer Abrams, 36 43:34 42:06 13:35 3145 851 Courtney Birkholz, 22 45:13 42:09 13:36 3144 852 Sonja Birkholz, 53 45:12 42:09 13:36 395 853 Arlene Olson, 73 50:48 42:11 13:36 127 649 912 Stephen Fowler, 31 47:37 42:12 13:37 Web com 836 854 Carol Urbano, 10 50:20 42:17 13:38 927 650 913 John Quick, 18 49:08 42:17 13:38 #TeamLegacyTrust 2391 855 Sonia Quinteros, 72 43:09 42:19 13:39 1892 651 Mccarthy Crenshaw, 40 42:21 42:21 13:40 845 856 Abby Morris, 13 46:59 42:22 13:40 846 857 Lisa Morris, 49 47:00 42:23 13:40 72 858 914 Yeseenia Argiros, 44 45:14 42:30 13:42 Mint Magazine 2359 652 915 Andrew Schellenberg, 27 51:25 42:33 13:43 PwC 1092 859 916 Brandi Kartzmark, 41 43:47 42:33 13:43 Hope's Closet 2364 860 917 Jessica Mason, 28 46:16 42:35 13:44 PwC 1186 653 918 Greg Arcuri, 46 42:37 42:37 13:45 Team Isabella 1190 861 919 Isabella Arcuri, 2 42:37 42:37 13:45 Team Isabella 1185 862 920 Nancy Arcuri, 47 42:37 42:37 13:45 Team Isabella 1860 654 Montrae Amberson, 12 50:50 42:37 13:45 1629 863 921 Ashley Hutchinson, 13 50:53 42:40 13:46 Hutchtechs 812 655 Jonathan Odom, 13 50:47 42:43 13:46 1862 656 Montez Amberson, 9 50:54 42:43 13:47 912 864 922 Katie Gibbons, 17 51:53 42:46 13:48 Team Bartram 890 657 923 sean reichard, 3 42:46 42:46 13:48 alluvion staffing 886 658 924 sean reichard, 42 42:46 42:46 13:48 alluvion staffing 2765 659 925 Zachary Teele, 22 43:43 42:49 13:49 Coe22 1840 865 Kirsten Mimms, 26 46:41 42:51 13:49 2826 866 926 Jessica Harrison, 26 46:42 42:52 13:49 Hew 3023 867 Jazmine Chan, 12 47:05 42:52 13:50 2994 868 Kay Hood, 26 50:35 42:56 13:51 781 660 Ethan Sharpe, 11 44:40 42:57 13:51 2924 869 927 Sarah Jane Neff, 38 52:12 43:01 13:52 Team One Call 1831 661 #1831 52:12 43:01 13:52 2769 870 928 Marilou Jones, 45 52:13 43:04 13:53 Dashing Divas 1973 871 929 Nicole Krott, 16 46:25 43:07 13:54 Zorro Financial Inc 451 872 Ava Mark, 8 47:00 43:08 13:55 2721 873 930 Payton Messmer, 10 50:37 43:09 13:55 Alluvion 2720 874 931 Amy Messmer, 39 50:36 43:09 13:55 Alluvion 452 875 Marcy Mark, 39 47:00 43:09 13:55 862 662 932 Dan Moss, 43 50:09 43:10 13:55 Team Wolfson 1707 876 933 Melahna Goodsby, 17 43:10 43:10 13:55 Buford Family 863 877 934 Jenna Moss, 9 50:09 43:10 13:55 Team Wolfson 1704 878 935 Marilyn Buford, 39 43:10 43:10 13:55 Buford Family 1746 879 936 Cortini Rogers, 9 52:24 43:11 13:56 Morgan & Morgan 1741 880 937 Jessica Rogers, 35 52:31 43:17 13:58 Morgan & Morgan 2835 663 938 Andy Massey, 51 48:29 43:18 13:58 Interline Brands 1243 881 Ashley Barrington, 29 45:20 43:19 13:58 2354 664 Craig Barrington, 31 45:20 43:19 13:58 1242 882 Karen Maddox, 56 45:20 43:19 13:58 1974 883 939 Kate Young, 15 46:38 43:20 13:59 Zorro Financial Inc. 1390 665 Ben Cashman, 14 44:03 43:22 13:59
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | 15:00 | Top

88 666 940 Griffith Brown, 39 44:09 43:24 14:00 Ncp Solutions 89 884 941 Michele Zorn, 27 44:08 43:24 14:00 Ncp Solutions 87 885 942 Abbie Kelly, 32 44:08 43:25 14:00 Ncp Solutions 2170 886 943 Lisa J Sullivan, 52 46:58 43:28 14:01 Photobrate 2169 887 944 Stephanie Hamlow, 41 46:58 43:28 14:01 Photobrate 835 888 Marisol Leon, 33 51:55 43:32 14:03 142 889 Kristen Anglin, 36 50:10 43:33 14:03 121 667 945 Ken Odom, 51 51:38 43:34 14:03 Us Assure 1612 890 946 Daira Hernandez, 6 43:57 43:35 14:03 Marc 1511 668 Bob Bayley, 59 53:46 43:36 14:04 1408 891 Grace Courtney, 16 50:51 43:36 14:04 1613 892 947 Margharita Hernandez, 33 43:57 43:36 14:04 Marc 1313 893 Adair Fant, 16 50:52 43:37 14:04 2745 894 948 Mary Ann Reynolds, 64 51:39 43:38 14:04 Cec Turtles 1779 895 Melanie Frenzel, 40 44:40 43:39 14:05 1084 896 949 Sharon Soder, 56 49:47 43:44 14:06 Hew 1660 897 950 Mayan Skenes, 56 49:48 43:45 14:07 Hew 1945 669 951 Matthew Hill, 13 44:57 43:45 14:07 Hill Party of 4! 2042 670 952 John Passwater, 30 51:15 43:45 14:07 Deloitte 780 671 Zayne Dockery, 10 45:29 43:46 14:07 1397 898 Angela Crawford, 39 48:55 43:48 14:07 854 899 Erika Burgess, 33 48:55 43:48 14:08 51 900 953 Michelle Dockery, 40 45:30 43:48 14:08 EverBank 1942 672 954 quentin hill, 44 44:58 43:48 14:08 Hill Party of 4! 235 901 Sydney Bagrow, 13 44:43 43:52 14:09 2145 902 955 Morgan Chupp, 14 47:05 43:52 14:09 Jlcp McKenzie Club 1943 903 956 Rosabel Hill, 44 45:06 43:54 14:10 Hill Party of 4! 690 673 #690 47:07 43:54 14:10 3078 904 Megan Raithel, 37 44:49 43:54 14:10 2863 905 957 Kerry Shewchuk, 40 44:50 43:55 14:10 Mommy Mafia 386 906 Courtney Matey, 16 51:14 43:58 14:11 3209 674 Dan Lee, 66 48:45 43:59 14:11 1116 907 958 Darla Neal, 51 53:31 43:59 14:11 Marshlanding Tennis T 1162 908 959 Beth Angelo, 48 53:32 44:00 14:11 Team Angelo 2130 675 960 Trey Freitas, 17 45:35 44:01 14:12 Interline Brands 718 909 mary margaret flynn, 15 51:15 44:03 14:12 3215 676 961 Thomas Richardson, 24 52:01 44:04 14:13 Bo-Deezy 388 910 Alina Shirshikova, 32 47:26 44:04 14:13 3032 911 Stacey Mozo, 41 47:27 44:05 14:13 1445 912 962 tammi woods, 32 51:42 44:05 14:13 Bac crew 3031 913 Michelle Thomas, 33 47:26 44:05 14:13 53 914 963 Bluzette Carline, 47 48:52 44:11 14:15 Grillman's 608 915 964 Sharon Thames, 47 45:56 44:15 14:16 Deerwood 1202 916 965 Caroline Robbins, 12 46:28 44:17 14:17 Team Patches 1203 917 966 Ainsley Robbins, 9 46:28 44:20 14:18 Team Patches 3022 918 Sokha Chan, 35 48:34 44:21 14:18 1354 919 Cathie Hurlburt, 56 49:37 44:21 14:18 728 920 Kailyn Moore, 15 51:36 44:23 14:19 1627 921 967 Laura Boswell, 48 51:13 44:25 14:20 Bolles 2269 677 Lj Worsdell, 5 44:27 44:27 14:20 2268 922 Lacey Worsdell, 36 44:27 44:27 14:20 1345 923 Danielle Powell, 22 49:36 44:27 14:20 3127 678 David Mordecai, 48 50:17 44:30 14:21 1221 924 968 Shannon Hogg, 55 52:23 44:31 14:22 Together 3128 925 Lisa Mordecai, 48 50:18 44:31 14:22 2229 926 969 Debbie Jones, 59 52:23 44:32 14:22 Together 1020 927 970 debbie caruso, 56 51:19 44:32 14:22 Bolles middle school 3185 928 971 Jessica Hammond, 27 46:21 44:36 14:23 Web com 3184 679 972 Casey Preston, 26 46:21 44:37 14:23 Web com 568 929 973 reppard weaver, 49 46:21 44:39 14:24 Alluvion 492 680 974 Dylan Grubbs, 9 45:40 44:40 14:24 Chargers on the Run 575 930 975 Gisela Griffin, 51 46:22 44:41 14:25 Deerwood 503 681 976 Ethan Lezhak, 9 45:40 44:41 14:25 Chargers on the Run 698 931 melissa hersh, 42 45:06 44:44 14:26 2459 932 977 Deborah Burns, 48 50:13 44:45 14:26 Burns 1108 933 978 Jennifer Cole, 40 44:45 44:45 14:26 Isaiah 40:31 700 934 abigail hersh, 8 45:07 44:46 14:26 898 935 979 Anne Caraher, 14 48:23 44:46 14:26 Pvhs 2839 936 980 Krista Klehm, 29 44:46 44:46 14:26 Isaiah 40:31 2852 682 981 Conor Emsley, 12 54:36 44:48 14:27 Kkc 1356 683 Jay Reister, 51 54:37 44:49 14:27 2336 937 Hannah Pataky, 17 51:13 44:50 14:27 2335 684 John Pataky, 58 51:14 44:51 14:28 3167 938 982 Asia Thorpe, 16 45:58 44:52 14:28 Insane Bolts 1359 939 Hope Reister, 16 54:39 44:52 14:28 1468 940 983 Evy Hines, 16 50:01 44:53 14:28 Sweet Team 1452 941 984 Mae Merritt, 15 51:23 44:53 14:28 Bolles 2099 942 985 Kate Shields, 31 53:55 44:53 14:29 God's girls 612 943 Lauren Eury, 20 51:13 44:53 14:29 901 944 986 Alison Caraher, 51 48:29 44:53 14:29 Pvhs 1469 945 987 Taylor Dunnigan, 22 50:01 44:54 14:29 Sweet Team 2458 946 988 Leticia Burns, 47 50:26 44:58 14:30 Burns 3611 685 tamarcus blanco, 15 45:52 45:00 14:31 1258 947 Connie Wille, 53 53:04 45:01 14:31 2954 948 989 Jelena Begovic, 26 50:17 45:04 14:32 Web com 2824 949 990 Monnet Kennedy, 22 50:23 45:08 14:33 Heart &Sole 1478 950 991 Dianne Duhnoski, 27 49:20 45:09 14:34 Bolles 2823 951 992 Leilanie Miranda, 27 50:24 45:09 14:34 Heart & Sole 1475 686 993 Tyler Dennis, 44 49:20 45:09 14:34 Bolles 1522 952 Rachel Proctor, 15 51:59 45:09 14:34 3194 953 994 Jim Knudson, 49 48:13 45:10 14:34 Bff's 3192 687 995 Kent Taylor, 54 48:13 45:10 14:34 Bff's 1722 954 996 Michelle Bright, 25 50:27 45:12 14:35 Heart & Sole 2781 955 997 Ely Smith, 27 46:58 45:12 14:35 EverBank 1342 688 Gary Proctor, 52 52:04 45:13 14:35 212 956 Christine Malone, 46 46:47 45:15 14:36 211 689 Brian Malone, 48 46:47 45:16 14:36 2282 957 Sheila Murphy, 36 49:08 45:19 14:37 2053 958 998 Lisa Ganey, 51 49:08 45:19 14:37 EverBank 1231 959 999 Becca Cooper, 34 45:22 45:22 14:38 Your Pace or Mine 1232 960 1000 Brenda Williamson, 41 45:23 45:23 14:38 Your Pace or Mine 839 961 Elizabeth Theiss, 21 50:25 45:28 14:40 1935 962 1001 Kerri Mathews, 45 50:44 45:29 14:40 Afc What 2849 690 1002 Zach Joslyn, 13 49:53 45:30 14:41 Joslyns Rock 3153 963 Tahia Barre, 42 48:25 45:31 14:41 666 964 Kia Kemp, 40 48:18 45:32 14:41 1589 691 Nate England, 36 50:34 45:34 14:42 1588 692 McKay England, 10 50:33 45:34 14:42 1587 693 Jordan England, 8 50:33 45:34 14:42 535 965 1003 Eli Trager, 10 48:24 45:36 14:43 Jcds 1372 966 Ellen Thigpen, 35 48:27 45:40 14:44 2742 967 1004 Kalee Reichard, 16 55:09 45:40 14:44 Buns on the Run!!! 2741 968 1005 Melody Reichard, 37 55:09 45:40 14:44 Buns on the Run!!! 3025 694 Amie Kelly, 42 48:57 45:43 14:45 1234 969 Stephanie Imray, 28 49:39 45:43 14:45 1253 970 Kathleen McCarthy, 27 49:39 45:44 14:45 1111 971 1006 Zan Walker, 53 47:37 45:44 14:45 Jwa 1216 972 1007 Tina Toomey, 43 54:44 45:45 14:45 Tina Toomey 647 973 1008 Samantha Joslin, 15 51:21 45:46 14:46 Pvhs 1219 974 1009 Makenna Toomey, 12 54:44 45:46 14:46 Tina Toomey 1441 975 1010 Cara Gillespie, 15 51:21 45:47 14:46 Pvhs 918 976 1011 Teresa Hudson, 48 55:20 45:49 14:46 Team Bartram 1516 977 Elizabeth Anderson, 15 51:23 45:51 14:47 2950 978 1012 Sabina Escalada, 29 51:23 45:51 14:47 Web com 2951 695 1013 Daniel Escalada, 31 51:33 45:58 14:49 Web com 865 979 1014 Makayla Dorner, 17 52:56 46:00 14:50 Team Wolfson 906 980 1015 Margaux Harvey-Read, 15 51:03 46:00 14:50 Team Bartram 907 981 1016 Jolie Tanner, 15 51:02 46:00 14:50 Team Bartram 2054 696 1017 Ken Tew, 49 49:58 46:02 14:51 EverBank 1962 982 Jessica Yearwood, 28 48:47 46:02 14:51 801 983 Shannon Bomar, 14 46:53 46:02 14:51 717 984 Julie Baker, 37 48:46 46:02 14:51 1132 985 1018 Julie Podany, 51 50:23 46:04 14:51 Pappas Wealth Managem 2919 986 1019 Caitlynn Lucey, 14 46:54 46:04 14:51 Team Lucey 1131 697 1020 Jon Podany, 50 50:23 46:05 14:52 Pappas Wealth Managem 3212 698 Aj Pandey, 39 51:31 46:07 14:52 868 987 1021 Terrie Sherrod, 54 55:14 46:07 14:52 Sherrod 864 988 1022 Sheri Dorner, 45 53:04 46:07 14:52 Team Wolfson 869 989 1023 Celeste Sherrod, 26 55:14 46:07 14:52 Sherrod 1553 990 Lauren Valenti, 15 47:00 46:10 14:53 3956 991 Jessica Pandey, 9 51:34 46:10 14:53 555 699 Ken Jones, 33 46:15 46:15 14:55 1856 700 #1856 46:17 46:17 14:56 202 701 John Ryan, 38 46:17 46:17 14:56 2055 992 1024 Donna Tew, 43 50:21 46:28 14:59 EverBank 2276 993 Brenda Reeves, 40 50:20 46:28 14:59
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | 15:00 | Top

790 994 Misty Lang, 45 47:51 46:31 15:00 628 995 Amy Cosgrove, 34 53:55 46:32 15:01 2722 996 1025 Andrea Cabral, 38 53:56 46:33 15:01 Alluvion 3161 997 1026 Laura Crum, 31 46:34 46:34 15:01 Web com 919 702 1027 Joey Hudson, 48 56:04 46:35 15:02 Team Bartram 2077 998 1028 Megan Bryant, 38 46:37 46:37 15:02 EverBank 159 999 Tonya Summers-Cruse, 30 46:37 46:37 15:02 158 1000 Tara Tukes, 30 46:38 46:38 15:02 3069 1001 Tracey Zarkis, 50 46:58 46:39 15:03 3072 1002 Pam Robertson, 45 46:58 46:42 15:04 1247 1003 Mikayla Ilog, 8 46:48 46:48 15:06 1246 1004 Sandy Ilog, 36 46:49 46:49 15:06 3213 703 Indra Pandey, 67 52:13 46:49 15:06 1245 704 Michael Ilog, 34 46:50 46:50 15:06 2222 705 1029 Rick Kiral, 53 55:53 46:51 15:07 The Jaguars 2221 1005 1030 Lisa Sahi-Kiral, 45 55:53 46:52 15:07 The Jaguars 2400 706 Charles Lee, 30 46:57 46:57 15:09 3135 1006 Krista Shaughnessy, 66 46:57 46:57 15:09 3133 1007 Jill Lenhoff, 32 46:57 46:57 15:09 151 707 John Dullano, 47 56:23 46:58 15:09 152 1008 Chrissy Dullano, 36 56:23 46:58 15:09 916 1009 1031 Abby Denmark, 22 47:00 47:00 15:10 Team Bartram 1990 708 1032 Antonio Miller, 14 47:41 47:06 15:11 Team J A L K. 1901 1010 1033 Julie Norman, 40 53:03 47:09 15:13 Eleven22 1902 1011 1034 Jacki Clark, 51 53:04 47:09 15:13 Eleven22 1987 1012 1035 Kyneatria Miller, 41 47:45 47:10 15:13 Team J A L K. 2246 1013 Sara Higginbotham, 23 49:15 47:11 15:13 390 1014 Cheri Arp, 49 50:48 47:12 15:14 1547 1015 Dawn Wisner, 44 48:16 47:14 15:14 2392 1016 Vecky Camacho Bryant, 56 48:04 47:14 15:14 2387 709 Alexander Bryant Jr, 4 48:04 47:14 15:14 1626 710 1036 Daryl Martinez, 14 49:04 47:14 15:14 Marc 1090 1017 1037 Erica Bejarano, 21 47:15 47:15 15:14 Hew 1052 1018 1038 Sarah Senesac, 30 48:20 47:16 15:15 Eleven22 1056 711 1039 Cj Dumas, 6 48:21 47:17 15:15 Eleven22 1864 712 Scott Blasko, 36 49:09 47:18 15:15 1591 713 Taiwo sogbesan, 13 49:45 47:18 15:15 3056 1019 Kate Hogan, 14 49:46 47:19 15:16 1682 714 1040 Carlos Cruz, 13 49:09 47:19 15:16 Marc 289 1020 1041 Christine Hrdlicka, 27 48:21 47:19 15:16 Eleven22 900 715 1042 John Caraher, 51 51:15 47:20 15:16 Pvhs 899 1021 1043 Emily Caraher, 12 51:15 47:21 15:16 Pvhs 1447 1022 1044 frances hyde, 33 55:05 47:28 15:19 Bac crew 1033 1023 1045 Kierstyn Granzow, 17 52:05 47:30 15:19 Coe22 1358 1024 Ella Reister, 11 57:17 47:30 15:19 1032 1025 1046 lisa jennings, 37 52:06 47:31 15:19 Coe22 2853 1026 1047 Kaitlyn Emsley, 12 57:18 47:31 15:20 Kkc 2088 1027 1048 Lillie House, 11 51:32 47:32 15:20 Fnf 2086 1028 1049 Olivia Peters, 10 51:32 47:32 15:20 Fnf 2085 1029 1050 Jacki Peters, 41 51:35 47:34 15:21 Fnf 1015 1030 1051 Marisa Carbone, 59 56:14 47:35 15:21 Beam's Team 3076 716 Indir Avdagic, 46 55:30 47:36 15:21 1016 717 1052 John Finotti, 60 56:16 47:37 15:21 Beam's Team 1845 718 Mike McDermand, 50 54:52 47:37 15:22 2236 1031 1053 Shannon Crady, 37 54:33 47:38 15:22 Walking Warriors 2237 719 1054 Fran Mirmina, 32 54:35 47:40 15:22 Walking Warriors 3017 1032 Tonia Sapp, 55 53:28 47:41 15:23 1410 720 Craig Tomeo, 44 52:24 47:42 15:23 1409 1033 Lori Tomeo, 39 52:24 47:42 15:23 3016 1034 Julie Cain, 47 53:28 47:42 15:23 1738 1035 1055 Crystal Hein, 30 54:01 47:44 15:24 Morgan & Morgan 2848 1036 1056 Michelle Joslyn, 43 52:08 47:45 15:24 Joslyns Rock 1414 1037 Claudia Wallace, 49 55:01 47:46 15:24 1413 1038 Tammy Shumer, 40 55:01 47:46 15:24 1846 1039 Teya McDermand, 48 55:03 47:47 15:25 359 1040 1057 Bela Sparks, 11 47:59 47:51 15:26 Sacred Heart 1847 1041 Victoria Rackley, 11 47:59 47:54 15:27 2213 1042 1058 stephanie azor, 15 48:39 47:55 15:27 Team Princess 2212 1043 1059 victoria pawlick, 15 48:38 47:55 15:27 Team Princess 44 1044 1060 Kiersten Cole, 22 54:23 47:57 15:28 EverBank 45 1045 1061 Kendra Cole, 17 54:23 47:57 15:28 EverBank 2978 1046 Jennifer Toonk, 43 52:27 47:58 15:28 2977 721 Rc Toonk, 42 52:28 48:00 15:29 621 722 Matthew Young, 27 51:49 48:02 15:29 2205 1047 1062 Megan Baldwin, 35 57:59 48:06 15:31 Team Go 2206 723 1063 Nick Hatchett, 36 57:59 48:06 15:31 Team Go 1635 1048 1064 Chloe Rudbach, 11 53:49 48:07 15:31 Church of Eleven22 622 1049 Anna Young, 26 51:56 48:08 15:32 1634 1050 1065 Sammie Rudbach, 9 53:51 48:09 15:32 Church of Eleven22 3021 724 Jacob Damewood, 32 52:42 48:11 15:32 3000 1051 Jasmine Damewood, 11 52:42 48:11 15:33 2341 725 Landon Pittman, 7 48:55 48:15 15:34 294 1052 1066 Sarah Johnson, 28 48:16 48:16 15:34 EverBank 295 726 1067 Adam Johnson, 34 48:17 48:17 15:35 EverBank 457 727 Justin Sorrell, 31 53:03 48:18 15:35 458 1053 Nancy Sorrell, 34 53:03 48:18 15:35 2338 1054 Deena Pittman, 47 49:15 48:18 15:35 1988 1055 1068 Lorri Roberson, 38 48:57 48:19 15:35 Team J A L K. 43 1056 1069 Jenny Nield, 22 54:35 48:19 15:35 EverBank 2159 1057 1070 Kaitlyn Butler, 21 57:50 48:19 15:35 Morgan & Morgan 3007 728 Mike Sweeney, 60 55:49 48:20 15:35 3008 1058 Carol Sweeney, 59 55:49 48:20 15:35 41 1059 1071 Tracy Nield, 50 54:36 48:20 15:35 EverBank 2188 1060 1072 Dora Carraway, 45 55:27 48:21 15:36 Sole Sistas 138 1061 Julie Levy, 26 55:02 48:22 15:36 101 1062 1073 LaToya Washington, 39 55:27 48:22 15:36 Sole Sistas 1723 1063 1074 Christy Rogers, 45 53:24 48:23 15:36 Heavy Breathers 2922 1064 1075 Jo Crowe, 61 58:07 48:25 15:37 Team Mushrush 2818 1065 1076 Kristina Samuel, 36 54:53 48:25 15:37 Gone Running 703 729 Justin Suss, 28 52:08 48:26 15:37 632 730 Matt Bicki, 24 49:19 48:27 15:38 1989 1066 1077 J'ne Curtis, 16 49:07 48:29 15:38 Team J A L K. 1890 1067 Victoria McBe, 13 48:39 48:31 15:39 2304 1068 Courtney Rogers, 8 48:32 48:32 15:39 633 1069 Rachelle Jivoin, 24 49:22 48:32 15:39 3030 1070 Crystal Carr, 34 48:33 48:33 15:39 2303 1071 Ashley Rogers, 39 48:35 48:35 15:40 1365 731 Nathan Hayes, 35 48:35 48:35 15:40 2138 732 1078 Tripp Ferrer, 31 48:36 48:36 15:40 Interline Brands 60 1072 1079 Chrissy Ferrer, 35 48:36 48:36 15:41 Interline Brands 1865 1073 Gina Moore, 51 48:36 48:36 15:41 2832 1074 1080 Prisci Alfaro-Barrantes, 33 48:37 48:37 15:41 Hew 1465 1075 1081 kathleen giannuzzi, 46 48:37 48:37 15:41 Hew 1364 1076 Jessica hayes, 33 48:38 48:38 15:41 821 1077 Becky Smith, 64 49:35 48:40 15:42 816 1078 Oliv James van rensburg, 9 49:34 48:40 15:42 645 1079 1082 Olga Chernomashentsev, 50 54:57 48:40 15:42 EverBank 644 1080 1083 Amela Hodzic, 55 54:57 48:41 15:42 EverBank 3203 1081 1084 Keilani Mallinson, 9 54:49 48:54 15:46 Chicken Wangs 1122 1082 1085 Christina Bland, 32 54:15 48:55 15:47 Montoya & Associates 133 733 Jeff Graley, 55 52:06 48:57 15:47 3202 1083 Kay Mallinson, 36 54:54 48:58 15:48 1498 1084 1086 Jennifer Wall, 47 59:02 49:00 15:48 Tiny Hope Children's 403 734 Xaviar Bankhead, 37 50:08 49:02 15:49 1771 1085 1087 April Thompson, 34 57:08 49:03 15:49 Thomley 1772 1086 1088 Shelby Thompson, 5 57:09 49:05 15:50 Thomley 2291 735 Andrew Smulan, 13 49:16 49:06 15:50 1499 736 1089 Ed Wall, 58 59:02 49:06 15:50 Tiny Hope Children's 1770 1087 1090 Allison Conley, 5 57:16 49:11 15:52 Thomley 1769 1088 1091 Amy Conley, 37 57:20 49:15 15:53 Thomley 1994 737 1092 Tyler Honeycutt, 23 59:56 49:17 15:54 Boobs and Weenies 3125 738 1093 Chris Bermacki, 50 59:37 49:19 15:54 BoOb And Weenies 1948 1089 1094 Benisha Edmonds, 37 59:37 49:19 15:54 Boobs and Weenies 880 739 1095 Matthew Pollack, 35 1:00:02 49:21 15:55 Boobs and Weenies 3193 1090 1096 Chris Knudson, 49 52:25 49:21 15:55 Bff's 3191 1091 1097 Simone Taylor, 52 52:25 49:21 15:55 Bff's 2249 1092 Tricia Meisner, 43 54:06 49:22 15:55 1303 740 Roman Lacanilao, 31 53:41 49:24 15:56 1302 1093 Darcey Gray, 39 53:41 49:24 15:56 2348 1094 Cheryle Champagne, 61 51:21 49:24 15:56 2347 1095 Stacy Myers, 48 51:22 49:26 15:56 2508 741 #2508 59:33 49:28 15:57 3055 1096 Claire Hogan, 15 55:09 49:29 15:58 2407 742 Hunter Barco, 14 55:09 49:30 15:58 2713 1097 1098 Elizabeth Faulk, 8 54:35 49:32 15:59 Afc What! 3177 743 1099 harris faulk, 65 54:36 49:33 15:59 Afc What?
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | 15:00 | Top

1340 1098 Ronda Toonk, 47 54:18 49:37 16:00 715 1099 Carol Childers, 58 54:18 49:38 16:00 3003 1100 Debra Clark, 58 50:17 49:42 16:02 1523 744 Bill Fehling, 58 51:50 49:42 16:02 3002 745 Bradley Clark, 55 50:18 49:43 16:02 1510 1101 1100 Diana Newlin, 56 51:51 49:44 16:02 Pb & Joy 2747 746 1101 Richard Dehlinger, 41 57:40 49:44 16:02 Cec Turtles 1524 1102 1102 kathy Fehling, 56 51:52 49:44 16:03 Pb&Joy 533 1103 1103 Kaleigh States, 10 51:59 49:45 16:03 Jcds 1508 1104 1104 Martha Stachitas, 56 51:51 49:46 16:03 Pb & Joy 1045 1105 1105 Lucy Rieger, 13 57:46 49:46 16:03 Eleven 22 719 1106 Meghan Hart, 12 57:47 49:47 16:03 1509 1107 1106 Gail Aills, 56 51:53 49:47 16:03 Pb & Joy 531 1108 1107 Sophia Quirk, 10 52:03 49:48 16:04 Jcds 1087 1109 1108 Rosalia Iannucci, 34 49:50 49:50 16:04 Hew 2284 747 Justin Jones, 32 49:51 49:51 16:05 2283 1110 Ashley Jones, 30 49:52 49:52 16:05 532 1111 1109 Alexandra Selevan, 10 52:10 49:53 16:05 Jcds 1044 748 1110 Bill Rieger, 45 57:53 49:53 16:05 Eleven 22 1046 1112 1111 Kate Rieger, 10 57:53 49:55 16:06 Eleven 22 2264 1113 Patty Johnson, 55 51:52 49:56 16:06 1043 1114 1112 Susan Rieger, 52 57:55 49:56 16:06 Eleven 22 40 1115 1113 April Kier, 29 54:54 50:00 16:08 EverBank 1900 749 Tim Quirk, 47 52:17 50:01 16:08 2305 1116 Caitlin Rogers, 18 57:44 50:01 16:08 2302 750 David Rogers, 40 57:45 50:02 16:08 1915 1117 1114 Shannon Bergh, 34 50:02 50:02 16:08 EverBank 2058 1118 1115 Patricia Gomez, 42 50:03 50:03 16:08 EverBank 223 1119 Patricia Reaver, 83 50:03 50:03 16:08 2049 1120 1116 Kristin Sparks, 43 54:57 50:03 16:09 EverBank 224 751 James Langlois, 33 50:04 50:04 16:09 330 1121 1117 Alyssa Wear, 24 53:09 50:06 16:10 Morgan & Morgan 2112 1122 1118 Chaunterria Jackson, 23 51:27 50:08 16:10 Grillman's 905 1123 1119 Fabi Cruz, 16 59:22 50:09 16:11 Team Bartram 911 1124 1120 Serena Cui, 16 59:23 50:10 16:11 Team Bartram 913 1125 1121 Karina Bautista, 16 59:23 50:10 16:11 Team Bartram 767 1126 Ally Taylor, 19 51:31 50:13 16:12 766 1127 Monet Taylor, 53 51:32 50:13 16:12 582 752 1122 Jim Turnbach, 56 51:58 50:14 16:12 Deerwood 574 1128 1123 Karen Turnbach, 52 51:58 50:15 16:12 Deerwood 1776 753 Sean Eller, 7 58:01 50:15 16:12 459 1129 Serena Eller, 38 58:02 50:16 16:13 222 1130 Michelle Langlois, 32 50:24 50:24 16:15 346 1131 1124 Brenda Watkins, 55 55:00 50:28 16:17 One Call Care Managem 94 1132 1125 Shannon Cohen, 41 55:00 50:28 16:17 One Call Care Managem 3043 1133 mathedlyn Ruiz, 9 54:37 50:33 16:18 735 1134 Brooke Putnam, 23 54:53 50:33 16:18 231 1135 Kelsey Hendricks, 22 54:53 50:34 16:18 2232 1136 1126 Jessica James, 51 58:55 50:40 16:20 Urad 262 754 1127 Rodney McLauchlan, 62 59:34 50:40 16:21 #TeamLegacyTrust 1742 1137 1128 Kathy Fox, 61 1:00:11 50:57 16:26 Morgan & Morgan 956 755 1129 Marcos Laureano, 9 57:46 51:07 16:29 SlowPokes 1071 1138 1130 Tara Robinson, 14 56:17 51:13 16:31 EverBank 2815 1139 1131 Emily Garrett, 37 57:26 51:14 16:31 Garrett 2817 1140 1132 Holly Garrett, 8 57:26 51:14 16:31 Garrett 2816 756 1133 Stephen Garrett, 40 57:26 51:14 16:32 Garrett 1899 757 #1899 56:24 51:16 16:32 957 1141 1134 Monarie Lacanilao, 33 58:01 51:22 16:34 SlowPokes 955 758 1135 Pedro Laureano, 35 58:01 51:22 16:34 SlowPokes 2103 1142 1136 Delane Johns, 52 56:07 51:24 16:35 Grillman's 598 1143 1137 Triniti Gamble, 8 56:07 51:25 16:35 Grillman's Franks 2104 1144 1138 Green (Maiden: Taylor), 29 56:07 51:26 16:35 Grillman's 2736 1145 1139 Maggie Terry, 15 58:45 51:34 16:38 Bolles 1897 1146 Leila Bateh, 20 52:10 51:41 16:40 2831 1147 1140 Brianna Grimes, 20 51:42 51:42 16:40 Hew 1898 1148 Kylie Tillman, 20 52:11 51:43 16:41 1713 759 1141 Miguel Muniz, 9 51:44 51:44 16:41 EverBank 216 1149 Patricia Bagrow, 49 56:34 51:52 16:44 1798 1150 Glenda Taylor, 55 56:33 51:52 16:44 260 760 George Mosely, 75 1:00:39 51:54 16:44 3181 1151 1142 Megan Forbes, 20 55:43 51:58 16:46 Team Forbes 709 1152 Tori Robinson, 15 57:03 51:59 16:46 1070 1153 1143 Dina Robinson, 52 57:02 52:00 16:46 EverBank 1425 761 1144 Samuel King, 15 57:14 52:01 16:47 Team King 3104 1154 Carrie Hageman, 43 56:08 52:02 16:47 3034 1155 Maria Fourtunia, 49 56:08 52:02 16:47 933 1156 1145 Megan Keene, 17 55:16 52:03 16:47 Pvhs 3087 1157 Hilonka Ruiz, 42 56:08 52:03 16:47 2505 1158 Cassie Moore, 16 55:15 52:03 16:47 2507 1159 Clara Humberg, 16 55:15 52:03 16:47 3044 1160 kailee hopkins, 5 56:09 52:04 16:47 1647 762 1146 Sean Reid-Foley, 31 52:05 52:05 16:48 Hew 922 1161 1147 Tiffany Maxwell, 31 52:05 52:05 16:48 Hew 930 763 1148 Brett Howell, 34 52:05 52:05 16:48 Hew 923 764 1149 Josh Maxwell, 29 52:05 52:05 16:48 Hew 73 1162 1150 Lauren Vancore, 32 57:33 52:05 16:48 Mint Magazine 594 1163 1151 Kathy Flyenn, 53 57:34 52:06 16:48 Mint Magazine 595 765 1152 Duffy Flynn, 23 57:34 52:06 16:48 Mint Magazine 940 1164 1153 Serena Schupler, 43 54:30 52:06 16:48 Schup's 942 1165 1154 Abigail Schupler, 9 54:30 52:06 16:48 Schup's 596 766 1155 Will Zirzow, 21 57:36 52:07 16:49 Mint Magazine 730 767 Luke Tipton, 14 57:13 52:08 16:49 2859 1166 1156 Ashley Allen, 32 57:35 52:08 16:49 Mint Magazine 1953 768 Alexander Magevney, 14 57:12 52:08 16:49 2120 769 1157 Bill Lindholm, 50 1:00:57 52:09 16:49 Interline Brands 711 1167 Phoebe Mori, 15 57:15 52:10 16:50 1201 1168 1158 Tessy Robbins, 41 54:24 52:11 16:50 Team Patches 2258 1169 Ashley Long, 14 57:16 52:11 16:50 2257 770 Tyler Long, 16 57:16 52:12 16:50 2184 1170 1159 Ashley Adkins, 26 52:17 52:17 16:52 Shine 980 771 1160 Michael Harris, 52 58:14 52:17 16:52 One Direction 2183 1171 1161 Amanda Barnett, 27 52:17 52:17 16:52 Shine 246 1172 Jennifer Candelino, 47 1:02:26 52:17 16:52 676 772 Anthony Candelino, 48 1:02:28 52:18 16:52 937 1173 1162 Andrea Zaepfel, 42 1:02:27 52:18 16:52 Team Bolles 1200 773 1163 Tony Robbins, 44 54:32 52:19 16:52 Team Patches 1147 1174 1164 Ally Rocchi, 17 59:16 52:20 16:53 Rocchi 199 1175 Vicki Smith, 53 59:04 52:22 16:54 1145 1176 1165 Barb Rocchi, 51 59:19 52:23 16:54 Rocchi 150 1177 Kristy Dial, 45 59:05 52:23 16:54 146 1178 Jennifer Otis, 48 59:10 52:27 16:55 2286 1179 Lindsey Weeks, 27 1:02:30 52:27 16:55 1184 774 1166 Michael Hilbert, 11 58:40 52:28 16:55 Team Hh 398 1180 Amanda Lapierre, 49 1:02:31 52:29 16:56 2123 1181 1167 Simone Jerrell, 27 54:05 52:31 16:56 Interline Brands 1653 1182 1168 Jenna Toffaletti, 30 1:01:28 52:31 16:56 Tiny Hope 971 1183 1169 Grace Conley, 16 55:43 52:32 16:57 Pvhs 953 1184 1170 Callie Brown, 16 55:44 52:32 16:57 Pvhs 2506 1185 Sydney Parker, 16 55:43 52:32 16:57 1906 775 1171 Jackson Halliburton, 12 58:45 52:33 16:57 Team Hh 950 1186 1172 Stephanie Odom, 33 1:01:32 52:34 16:57 Hope's Closet 1100 1187 1173 Jackie Mirmina, 54 1:01:34 52:36 16:58 Hope's Closet 1654 1188 1174 Jami Houston, 28 1:01:27 52:36 16:58 Tiny Hope 64 1189 1175 Jennifer Porter, 38 1:01:32 52:36 16:58 Miles to Martinis 1736 1190 1176 Leann Schwiebert, 37 1:01:33 52:38 16:58 Miles to Martinis 1470 1191 1177 Kristi Quick, 52 59:35 52:38 16:59 #TeamLegacyTrust 1737 1192 1178 Jennifer Forron, 35 1:01:35 52:39 16:59 Miles to Martinis
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | 15:00 | Top

693 1193 Mandi Miller, 31 1:01:32 52:41 17:00 1652 1194 1179 Carol Kegley, 37 1:01:29 52:42 17:00 Tiny Hope 244 1195 Olivia Candelino, 13 55:10 52:43 17:00 1213 1196 1180 Anni Hort, 13 55:13 52:46 17:01 The Bolles School 1182 1197 1181 Viktoria Hilbert, 16 59:19 52:56 17:04 Team Hh 1181 1198 1182 Claudine Hilbert, 45 59:19 52:56 17:04 Team Hh 2210 1199 1183 morgan boyne, 15 53:45 53:01 17:06 Team Princess 1834 1200 Rosa Cuevas, 14 53:44 53:01 17:06 2214 1201 1184 mallory mastronardi, 15 53:45 53:02 17:06 Team Princess 324 776 1185 Brad Marreno, 29 1:02:35 53:03 17:06 Morgan & Morgan 657 1202 1186 Megan Hammett, 19 1:00:34 53:04 17:07 Cobb 660 1203 1187 Courtney Cobb, 20 1:00:34 53:04 17:07 Team Cobb 2121 1204 1188 Katie Neel, 28 1:02:31 53:05 17:07 Interline Brands 2122 1205 1189 Jennifer Highsmith, 28 1:02:30 53:05 17:07 Interline Brands 1501 1206 1190 Abbey Cobb, 14 1:00:36 53:06 17:08 Team Cobb 1500 777 1191 Mike Cobb, 50 1:00:39 53:07 17:08 Team Cobb 367 1207 1192 Brenda O'Dell, 60 57:59 53:09 17:08 The Jaguars 2149 1208 1193 Claire Shealy, 20 57:39 53:10 17:09 Kenz's Dawgs 307 1209 1194 Cheryl Gendron, 49 57:55 53:11 17:09 Grillman's 2150 1210 1195 Grace Weisiger, 20 57:40 53:11 17:09 Kenz's Dawgs 333 1211 1196 Joy Low, 33 1:02:45 53:14 17:10 Morgan & Morgan 1545 1212 Chantz Whettstein, 16 1:00:28 53:16 17:11 1546 1213 Kiki Revles, 15 1:00:28 53:17 17:11 486 778 1197 Jackson Lee, 10 54:26 53:20 17:12 Chargers on the Run 1931 1214 1198 Julia Perry, 7 59:58 53:20 17:12 teal7 2102 1215 1199 Jing Xu, 40 58:07 53:22 17:13 Grillman's 2196 1216 1200 Diane Pauly, 53 1:00:01 53:23 17:13 teal7 90 1217 1201 Iris Davila, 42 55:28 53:33 17:16 One Call Care Managem 748 779 Ed Parrish, 48 1:00:43 53:40 17:19 322 1218 1202 Deidra Gunn, 42 1:00:43 53:40 17:19 Money Movers 934 1219 1203 Lindsay Franks, 30 1:02:52 53:41 17:19 Church of Eleven 22 293 780 1204 David Hadley, 56 1:00:45 53:41 17:19 EverBank 1959 1220 amelia anderson, 13 59:28 53:41 17:19 1251 781 Anders Amlie, 14 59:32 53:41 17:19 371 1221 1205 Tammy Cook, 43 1:00:45 53:42 17:19 The Money Movers 1427 1222 1206 Meredith King, 13 59:30 53:42 17:19 Team King 2968 1223 1207 Tresa Van Gorder, 42 56:37 53:42 17:19 Web com 894 1224 1208 Stacey Lewitzke, 31 1:02:53 53:42 17:19 Church of Eleven22 2389 1225 Lily Hauser, 14 59:30 53:42 17:19 788 1226 Vason Lyerly, 13 59:30 53:42 17:19 2949 1227 1209 Lauren Beck, 31 56:38 53:43 17:19 Web com 1768 782 1210 John Williams, 50 54:52 53:45 17:20 Team Logan 726 1228 Elizabeth Body, 43 1:01:26 53:45 17:20 201 1229 MaryRose Bergquist, 45 1:01:37 53:47 17:21 893 1230 1211 Lauren Wiele, 17 1:01:09 53:50 17:22 Pvhs 241 1231 Brittany Fowler, 19 1:01:40 53:51 17:22 1637 1232 1212 Diana Akabekjan, 19 1:01:40 53:51 17:22 Bolles 641 1233 1213 Kelly Duffy, 17 1:01:12 53:52 17:22 Pvhs 387 783 victor nicaragua, 32 1:00:34 53:52 17:22 249 1234 Erica Harding, 26 1:01:41 53:53 17:23 282 784 1214 Pat Fuentes, 24 1:02:47 53:54 17:23 Deloitte 286 1235 1215 Victoria Allman, 23 1:02:47 53:54 17:23 Deloitte 1283 1236 Sarah Hewett, 51 1:02:55 53:55 17:24 1284 1237 Celeste Castenada, 51 1:02:56 53:56 17:24 640 1238 1216 Luiza Serrano, 17 1:01:15 53:56 17:24 Pvhs 2217 1239 1217 Amber Mecimore, 33 1:01:42 54:00 17:25 Team Together 2215 1240 1218 Natalie Shatley, 24 1:01:42 54:00 17:25 Team Together 727 785 Bowen Body, 8 1:01:45 54:03 17:26 3103 1241 Anna Harper, 35 1:01:23 54:05 17:27 3100 1242 Teresa Gunter, 41 1:01:23 54:05 17:27 1209 1243 1219 OkRan Hourihan, 55 1:03:18 54:07 17:27 Teamtori 1208 1244 1220 Brighid Hourihan, 25 1:03:16 54:08 17:28 Teamtori 1211 786 1221 Jake Raiken, 24 1:03:16 54:08 17:28 Teamtori 338 787 1222 Rocco Marrese, 72 59:56 54:08 17:28 Morgan & Morgan 1192 1245 1223 Brittany Jeanis, 23 1:03:16 54:08 17:28 Team Kelly 304 1246 1224 Jennipher Robinson, 46 1:01:11 54:08 17:28 EverBank 302 1247 1225 Tamara Newbill, 45 1:01:10 54:08 17:28 EverBank 448 788 Gregory Robinson, 52 1:03:11 54:11 17:29 1093 1248 1226 Melinda Furlong, 49 1:03:19 54:12 17:29 Hope's Closet 285 1249 Jacey Warner, 23 1:02:45 54:12 17:29 412 1250 Patricia Robinson, 48 1:03:11 54:13 17:29 3196 1251 1227 Julie Middleton, 48 1:02:44 54:13 17:29 Middleton 1030 789 1228 Joshua Classen, 25 1:01:25 54:14 17:29 Cirque de Sore Legs 2772 1252 1229 Riya Patel, 27 1:02:46 54:14 17:29 Deloitte 1095 1253 1230 Angel Cutshall, 46 1:03:21 54:14 17:29 Hope's Closet 1102 1254 1231 Tiffanie Haak, 42 1:03:20 54:14 17:30 Hope's Closet 1646 1255 1232 Lynneth Ventura, 23 1:01:24 54:15 17:30 Cirque de Sore Legs 1031 1256 1233 Rachel Schrader, 21 1:01:24 54:15 17:30 Cirque de Sore Legs 1204 1257 1234 Vicki Wyckoff, 50 56:04 54:15 17:30 Team Wyckoff 3197 1258 1235 Cristy Griffin, 68 1:02:47 54:15 17:30 Middleton 284 1259 1236 Chante Dawston, 26 1:02:47 54:15 17:30 Deloitte 413 790 Damion Harris, 27 1:03:13 54:15 17:30 769 1260 Debra Phillips, 60 56:04 54:16 17:30 2820 1261 1237 Kelli Urbanek, 16 1:00:41 54:17 17:30 Gone Running 2819 1262 1238 Colby Dunkley, 16 1:00:42 54:18 17:31 Gone Running 765 791 William Westrate, 55 57:44 54:20 17:31 1726 1263 1239 Vickie Williams, 47 59:22 54:22 17:32 Heavy Breathers 695 792 #695 57:46 54:22 17:32 471 793 Richard Burke, 51 57:45 54:22 17:32 1838 794 William Levinson, 16 59:54 54:22 17:32 1917 1264 1240 Jonyka Boger, 38 1:01:32 54:24 17:33 Spicy Spaghetti 1918 1265 1241 Demetria Johnson, 41 1:01:31 54:24 17:33 Spicy Spaghetti 1916 1266 1242 Tonya Bevel, 42 1:01:32 54:25 17:33 Spicy Spaghetti 872 1267 1243 Sylvia Manning, 61 59:25 54:26 17:33 Heavy Breathers 1484 795 1244 Bruce Edwards, 52 1:01:34 54:26 17:33 Bolles 226 1268 Barb Gaff, 47 59:44 54:27 17:34 332 1269 1245 Ann Luciano, 44 1:04:00 54:28 17:34 Morgan & Morgan 329 1270 1246 Caitlin Davis, 25 1:04:00 54:28 17:34 Morgan & Morgan 325 1271 1247 Jessica Luciano, 17 1:04:01 54:29 17:34 Morgan & Morgan 225 796 Derek Gaff, 46 59:45 54:29 17:34 1207 797 1248 Chuck Wyckoff, 69 56:08 54:29 17:34 Team Wyckoff 1725 798 1249 Jamey Wilkes, 44 59:24 54:33 17:36 Heavy Breathers 1140 1272 1250 Gabriela Ramirez, 17 1:01:53 54:33 17:36 Pvhs 2884 1273 1251 Ellie Lanza, 17 1:01:55 54:35 17:36 Pvhs 425 799 Demetrius Foster, 43 58:23 54:35 17:36 426 1274 Jacqueline Gauldin, 43 58:22 54:35 17:36 1672 800 1252 Christopher Edwards, 42 1:01:48 54:39 17:38 The Bolles School 1151 1275 1253 anna hayner, 43 58:57 54:41 17:38 sherri gannon team 3580 801 Clay Magyar, 7 1:02:25 54:41 17:38 1671 1276 1254 Kristin Edwards, 30 1:01:48 54:42 17:39 The Bolles School 166 1277 Jenny Hanson, 15 1:02:36 54:45 17:40 1751 802 1255 joshua acree, 10 54:55 54:49 17:41 Sacred Heart 954 1278 1256 Erika McCoy, 31 1:04:01 54:49 17:41 Church of Eleven 22 1753 803 1257 Kenneth Colina, 11 54:55 54:49 17:41 Sacred Heart 2190 1279 1258 Alyssa Washington, 28 59:24 54:50 17:41 Sole Sistas 1426 804 1259 Walker King, 15 59:54 54:50 17:41 Team King 3092 1280 Gayle Lephart, 59 58:40 54:51 17:41 802 805 Colby Peters, 21 58:23 54:51 17:42 2903 1281 1260 Conchita Moody, 38 1:01:29 54:51 17:42 Step Up For Students 883 806 1261 Cavan McGee, 22 1:04:16 54:51 17:42 Miley 936 1282 1262 Alyssa Ferlin, 20 58:24 54:52 17:42 The Bolles Team 740 807 Thoms Collins, 63 58:24 54:52 17:42 319 1283 1263 Lindsey Woods, 21 1:04:17 54:53 17:42 Miley 1482 1284 1264 Grace Edwards, 19 1:02:03 54:56 17:43 Bolles 1481 1285 1265 Lilly Edwards, 16 1:02:03 54:57 17:43 Bolles 167 1286 Maria Hanson, 51 1:02:54 55:03 17:45 1244 1287 Jane Wallace, 67 1:03:13 55:12 17:48 2746 1288 1266 Susan Dehlinger, 66 1:03:12 55:12 17:48 Cec Turtles 2322 808 Jared Nabers, 17 1:03:58 55:17 17:50 2385 1289 Gillian Barber, 15 1:03:58 55:17 17:50 2402 1290 Gracie Phillips, 15 1:03:58 55:17 17:50 1439 1291 1267 Sandra Roberts, 62 55:18 55:18 17:50 Eleven22 1264 1292 Karen Dingee, 46 1:00:21 55:18 17:50 1265 809 Tyler Dingee, 15 1:00:21 55:19 17:50 1438 1293 1268 Kimberly Roberts, 33 55:19 55:19 17:50 Eleven22 2315 1294 Khloe Carmichael, 15 1:03:58 55:19 17:51 734 1295 Jodi Byrd, 38 1:04:05 55:20 17:51 1248 1296 Laura Watts, 50 1:04:05 55:20 17:51 917 1297 1269 Noelle Cooper, 34 55:33 55:33 17:55 Team Bartram 914 1298 1270 Allison Denmark, 49 55:34 55:34 17:55 Team Bartram 1976 1299 1271 Isabella Iovino, 13 56:44 55:36 17:56 Iovino 902 1300 1272 Cyndi Trapnell, 37 55:36 55:36 17:56 Team Bartram 1138 1301 1273 heather fallon, 50 1:03:12 55:44 17:58 Pvhs 1139 1302 1274 sophia bracken, 19 1:03:11 55:44 17:59 Pvhs 1292 1303 Jennifer Davie, 23 1:02:56 55:45 17:59 1496 1304 1275 Megan Jones, 22 1:01:32 55:47 17:59 One Direction
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | 15:00 | Top

1018 1305 1276 heidi evans, 53 1:02:56 55:47 18:00 Black Bear Farms 1240 1306 Teresa Hay, 57 1:02:58 55:47 18:00 1127 1307 1277 Clare Harris, 22 1:01:32 55:48 18:00 One Direction 1210 810 1278 John Hourihan, 65 1:05:01 55:50 18:01 Teamtori 2412 1308 Debbie Hill, 49 59:00 55:51 18:01 1128 1309 1279 Amy Harris, 49 1:01:49 55:52 18:01 One Direction 1195 1310 1280 Kelly Kristoff, 25 1:05:01 55:52 18:01 Team Kelly 3095 811 Tom Blizzard, 35 59:06 55:53 18:02 3096 1311 Kathleen Blizzard, 43 59:06 55:54 18:02 1021 1312 1281 Alayna Zanghetti, 15 1:01:31 55:59 18:03 Bolles Team 818 1313 Kavi Kerner, 15 1:01:31 55:59 18:03 1497 1314 1282 Heather Jones, 42 1:01:50 56:04 18:05 One Direction 3771 812 #3771 56:05 56:05 18:05 1975 813 1283 Robert Iovino, 45 57:11 56:05 18:05 Iovino 3770 814 #3770 56:06 56:06 18:06 1934 1315 1284 Sharon Iovino, 36 57:12 56:06 18:06 Web com 331 1316 1285 Kirsten David, 25 56:06 56:06 18:06 Morgan & Morgan 3544 1317 Jessica Tanner, 31 56:06 56:06 18:06 376 1318 1286 Rieley O'Rourke, 11 1:00:36 56:13 18:08 Zoo Crew 2860 1319 1287 Lindsey Burch, 27 1:04:05 56:18 18:10 Mint Magazine 1628 1320 1288 Maelah Pedro, 12 1:05:29 56:20 18:10 One Call Care Managem 763 1321 Denise Stafford, 56 59:30 56:20 18:10 2869 1322 1289 Kendall Gingrich, 22 1:03:55 56:25 18:12 Morgan & Morgan 2865 815 1290 Karson Gingrich, 20 1:03:54 56:25 18:12 Morgan & Morgan 1739 1323 1291 Kelly Hofheins, 36 1:03:55 56:26 18:12 Morgan & Morgan 1357 1324 Cristal Reister, 51 1:06:17 56:28 18:13 380 816 1292 Steven Bristol, 35 1:00:57 56:29 18:13 Zoo Crew 2851 1325 1293 Kathy Emsley, 48 1:06:16 56:29 18:13 Kkc 377 817 1294 Liam Bristol, 7 1:00:57 56:30 18:13 Zoo Crew 379 1326 1295 Ashlyn Bristol 1:00:57 56:30 18:13 Zoo Crew 251 1327 Danielle Fetner, 46 1:04:21 56:30 18:14 3543 1328 Lisa Caudle, 45 56:30 56:30 18:14 1316 1329 Jordan Lyle, 11 1:04:00 56:31 18:14 252 1330 Dina Fetner, 19 1:04:22 56:31 18:14 2754 1331 1296 Jessica Shaffer, 36 1:03:02 56:32 18:14 Chets Creek 3768 818 #3768 56:32 56:32 18:14 378 819 1297 Owen Martin, 6 1:00:57 56:33 18:14 Zoo Crew 2752 820 1298 Carson Shaffer, 6 1:03:02 56:35 18:15 Chets Creek 375 1332 1299 Kristin O'Rourke, 34 1:01:00 56:36 18:15 Zoo Crew 2970 1333 Lajuanna Hamilton, 51 1:02:39 56:38 18:16 2363 1334 1300 Heather Fisher, 25 1:05:41 56:44 18:18 PwC 2361 1335 1301 Leah Nowak, 27 1:05:40 56:44 18:18 PwC 2429 1336 1302 Emmy Fraleigh, 16 1:07:35 56:45 18:18 Fraleigh 708 1337 Katie Smith, 15 1:07:36 56:46 18:18 1164 1338 1303 Anna Callaway, 15 1:07:36 56:46 18:19 Team Callaway 850 1339 Thea Tutor, 15 1:07:36 56:47 18:19 316 1340 1304 Amanda Langston, 21 1:06:14 56:50 18:20 Miley 337 1341 1305 Mary Ann Marrese, 72 1:02:44 56:56 18:22 Morgan & Morgan 489 821 1306 Griffin Merchant, 10 1:03:53 57:07 18:25 Chargers on the Run 2386 1342 Scout Slaughter, 15 1:05:52 57:12 18:27 1714 822 1307 William Torres, 31 1:04:04 57:13 18:27 EverBank 2388 1343 Anzley Trawick, 15 1:05:52 57:13 18:27 1715 1344 1308 Laura O'Brien, 28 1:04:04 57:13 18:27 EverBank 2997 823 Jonathan Pelkowski, 36 1:06:12 57:16 18:28 1125 824 1309 Jamie Hennessy, 39 1:06:12 57:16 18:28 Morgan & Morgan 1126 1345 1310 Amanda Hennessy, 35 1:06:12 57:16 18:28 Morgan & Morgan 519 1346 1311 Carrie Merchant, 41 1:04:03 57:17 18:29 Chargers on the Run 169 1347 Daysia Brown, 17 1:06:13 57:28 18:32 170 825 Larry Brown, 12 1:06:12 57:29 18:33 1273 1348 ashley lucas, 20 1:06:15 57:45 18:38 1271 826 Brett Lucas, 53 1:06:15 57:45 18:38 2989 1349 Pam Miles, 53 1:03:17 57:57 18:42 2353 1350 Susan Burns, 57 1:03:17 57:57 18:42 1098 1351 1312 Caroline Riedel, 15 1:01:40 57:59 18:42 Hope's Closet 1097 1352 1313 Peyton Stockton, 49 1:01:41 58:00 18:42 Hope's Closet 2129 1353 1314 Barbie Freitas, 43 59:49 58:04 18:44 Interline Brands 1882 1354 Natile Irie, 34 58:07 58:07 18:45 915 1355 1315 Caroline Morris, 37 58:08 58:08 18:45 Team Bartram 2990 1356 Amanda Cole, 31 1:03:15 58:12 18:46 1666 1357 1316 Jaida Debelen, 11 1:03:37 58:12 18:46 Debelen 1664 1358 1317 Trina Agustin, 34 1:03:39 58:12 18:46 Debelen 841 1359 Alexis Dominguez, 17 1:03:06 58:19 18:48 1237 1360 Cathleen Gates, 50 1:03:24 58:22 18:50 1795 1361 Georgia Brown, 55 1:08:09 58:26 18:51 1794 1362 Genna Goodwin, 55 1:08:15 58:32 18:53 1212 1363 1318 Gaye DeWitt, 53 1:08:14 58:32 18:53 The 3gs 1711 1364 1319 Lauren Trump, 30 1:04:14 58:37 18:54 EverBank 3546 1365 Pat Clarkson, 47 1:08:31 58:39 18:55 3165 1366 1320 Jen Arevalo, 28 1:04:15 58:39 18:55 Cmy5k 2311 827 Brian Baker, 37 1:07:22 58:44 18:57 3636 1367 amber montgomery, 16 59:46 58:44 18:57 306 1368 1321 Mandy Riceman, 42 1:07:21 58:44 18:57 EverBank 2321 1369 Mariah Daugherty, 41 1:07:22 58:45 18:57
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | 15:00 | Top

560 1370 1322 kim soffler, 49 1:07:20 58:56 19:01 super-supers 562 1371 1323 katie cromer, 50 1:07:20 58:57 19:01 super-supers 800 1372 Kelly Bomar, 49 1:07:21 58:58 19:01 1743 1373 1324 Terry Fox, 42 1:08:14 59:00 19:02 Morgan & Morgan 3607 1374 shyan simmons, 10 1:00:04 59:01 19:02 3599 1375 Kayla Blackman, 13 1:00:05 59:02 19:03 1238 1376 Joyce Petrides, 70 1:04:12 59:07 19:04 736 828 Jose Mendoza, 17 1:04:17 59:19 19:08 3618 1377 kiara brown, 15 1:00:23 59:20 19:08 1822 1378 1325 candy cummins, 51 1:07:51 59:23 19:09 Cummins 1823 1379 1326 Brooke Bozek, 25 1:07:53 59:25 19:10 Cummins 1821 829 1327 howard cummins, 58 1:07:53 59:25 19:10 Cummins 525 1380 1328 Karen Correale, 42 1:03:07 59:27 19:10 Chargers on the Run 524 830 1329 Vincent A Correale, 5 1:03:08 59:27 19:11 Chargers on the Run 526 831 1330 Vincent Correale, 39 1:03:08 59:28 19:11 Chargers on the Run 522 1381 1331 Debbie Phillips, 39 1:03:08 59:28 19:11 Chargers on the Run 732 832 Aiden q Ford, 8 1:04:17 59:29 19:11 591 1382 1332 Claire Caron, 70 1:02:17 59:30 19:12 Atoms Family 2193 833 1333 Kyle Medeiros, 31 1:06:09 59:31 19:12 Step Up For Students 738 834 Carlos Mendoza, 13 1:04:17 59:31 19:12 3173 1383 1334 Kim Briggs, 52 1:06:10 59:32 19:12 Step Up For Students 2194 1384 1335 Kaitlyn Laudenslager, 30 1:06:08 59:32 19:12 Step Up For Students 3020 1385 Lisa Sochulak, 42 1:05:36 59:33 19:12 787 1386 Christine Brundage, 45 1:05:39 59:36 19:13 2944 1387 1336 Nelly Luong, 34 1:06:44 59:38 19:14 Web com 2942 835 1337 Ryan Melanson, 33 1:06:45 59:39 19:14 Web com 2940 836 1338 Douglas Vielguth, 16 1:06:47 59:40 19:15 Web com 924 837 1339 craig kornick, 45 1:00:42 59:46 19:17 Kornick 926 838 1340 Teigen Kornick, 5 1:00:46 59:50 19:18 Kornick 197 1388 Katherine McManus, 24 1:06:55 59:56 19:20 65 1389 1341 Brandy Sigal, 34 1:08:51 59:56 19:20 Miles to Martinis 66 1390 1342 Ashley Lombard, 31 1:08:51 59:56 19:20 Miles to Martinis 2858 1391 1343 Jordan Mihavics, 28 1:08:52 59:57 19:20 Miles to Martinis 198 1392 Candace Baughman, 23 1:06:56 59:57 19:20 215 1393 Penny Maffioli, 51 1:06:56 59:57 19:20 2216 1394 1344 Brandy Mills, 33 1:07:40 59:58 19:20 Team Together 2941 1395 1345 Elena Vielguth, 11 1:07:04 59:58 19:20 Web com 2943 1396 1346 Mery Melanson, 38 1:07:05 1:00:00 19:21 Web com 149 1397 Debbie Thien, 62 1:07:04 1:00:20 19:28 2192 839 1347 DeAndre Deer, 30 1:07:19 1:00:42 19:35 Step Up For Students 317 840 1348 Paul Numbers, 22 1:10:17 1:00:52 19:38 Miley 1674 841 1349 Lloyd Woods, 19 1:10:20 1:00:55 19:39 Miley 320 1398 1350 Sarah Longhta, 21 1:10:21 1:00:55 19:39 Miley 318 1399 1351 Nikki Taylor, 21 1:10:20 1:00:55 19:39 Miley 321 1400 1352 Alexis Woods, 24 1:10:20 1:00:55 19:39 Miley 541 842 1353 Alexi Parekh, 6 1:06:00 1:01:17 19:46 Jcds 545 1401 1354 Georgia Gianakakos-Pare, 40 1:06:00 1:01:17 19:46 Jcds 3041 1402 Carolina Hopkins, 37 1:05:46 1:01:30 19:50 2973 1403 Wilfrida Ruiz, 64 1:05:47 1:01:31 19:50 985 1404 1355 Melissa Balaguer, 35 1:01:31 1:01:31 19:50 Tiny Hope 2455 843 Luke Kobrin, 14 1:08:12 1:01:58 19:59 1887 1405 Mandy Miller, 15 1:08:12 1:01:58 19:59
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | 15:00 | Top

881 1406 1356 Morgan Nicholls, 13 1:04:00 1:02:01 20:00 Jlcp McKenzie Club 670 1407 1357 Anna Medley, 14 1:04:00 1:02:01 20:00 Landon Mackenzie Club 552 1408 Jacqueline Emas, 14 1:08:12 1:02:02 20:00 2430 1409 1358 Abi Dannheim, 14 1:08:11 1:02:06 20:02 Peabody McCoy 829 1410 Anna Shelton, 22 1:11:12 1:02:28 20:09 830 844 Drew Roberts, 24 1:11:14 1:02:29 20:09 702 1411 Diane Bennett, 53 1:11:27 1:02:32 20:10 834 1412 Romy Wilkening, 50 1:11:34 1:02:58 20:19 2751 1413 1359 Sarah Constande, 20 1:11:34 1:02:59 20:19 Chets Creek 2750 1414 1360 Christy Constande, 51 1:11:33 1:03:00 20:19 Chets Creek 837 1415 Venus Urbano, 7 1:11:19 1:03:13 20:23 1680 845 1361 Alexander Scholl, 14 1:11:39 1:03:15 20:24 Marc 838 846 Andy Urbano, 5 1:11:39 1:03:32 20:30 3186 1416 1362 Melissa Courtis, 47 1:10:02 1:03:32 20:30 Chets Creek Elementar 3188 847 1363 Grady Courtis, 6 1:10:04 1:03:36 20:31 Chets Creek Elementar 827 848 Nate Green, 18 1:08:27 1:03:39 20:32 737 849 Louis Mendoza, 12 1:08:28 1:03:41 20:32 840 1417 Zenaida Morales, 18 1:08:35 1:03:48 20:35 1317 850 Parker Lyle, 7 1:11:35 1:04:06 20:40 1315 851 Robert Lyle, 47 1:11:40 1:04:11 20:42 966 1418 1364 liz duncan, 46 1:04:17 1:04:17 20:44 marc portside 970 852 1365 brett duncan, 51 1:04:17 1:04:17 20:44 portside marc 975 853 1366 Phillip Riddering, 11 1:12:08 1:04:20 20:45 Ironman 2838 854 1367 Matthew Shuster, 10 1:12:15 1:04:27 20:47 Ironman 2837 1419 1368 Julie Shuster, 43 1:12:15 1:04:28 20:48 Ironman 207 1420 Nicole Roberson, 39 1:12:35 1:04:46 20:53 857 855 Anthoni Smith, 8 1:05:00 1:05:00 20:58
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | 15:00 | Top

2313 1421 Normarie Aleman, 26 1:05:11 1:05:11 21:01 2334 1422 Tonya Smith, 35 1:05:19 1:05:19 21:04 2356 1423 LeAnna Cumber, 42 1:11:49 1:05:25 21:06 3818 856 Jake Cumber, 4 1:11:51 1:05:28 21:07 2142 1424 1369 Joann Campbell, 60 1:08:40 1:05:30 21:07 Interline Brands 2448 1425 1370 Joyce Moore, 63 1:08:52 1:05:42 21:11 Interline Brands 2333 1426 Patricia Doratt, 30 1:06:09 1:06:09 21:20 826 857 Brandon Torres, 17 1:11:08 1:06:10 21:21 983 858 1371 Joey Egly, 40 1:17:31 1:06:30 21:27 Boobs & Weenies (My c 895 1427 1372 Sara Muirhead, 44 1:17:40 1:06:34 21:28 Boobs and Weenies 895 1428 1373 Sara Muirhead, 44 1:17:40 1:06:35 21:28 Boobs and Weenies 892 1429 1374 Mary Hodapp, 35 1:17:28 1:06:47 21:33 Boobs and Weenies 896 859 1375 Jeremy Muirhead, 33 1:17:30 1:06:49 21:33 Boobs and Weenies 814 1430 Andersen Leake, 14 1:13:50 1:07:18 21:42 716 1431 Claire Haskell, 15 1:13:50 1:07:18 21:43 1512 860 1376 Nathaniel King, 15 1:13:53 1:07:22 21:44 TeamKing 799 1432 Julia Preuss, 15 1:13:50 1:07:39 21:49 847 861 Stefan Mostovych, 14 1:13:54 1:07:40 21:49 37 862 1377 Rush Cowherd, 47 1:12:00 1:07:52 21:53 EverBank 36 1433 1378 Julie Payne, 53 1:12:01 1:07:54 21:54 EverBank 978 1434 1379 Mary Preston Singletary, 14 1:14:35 1:08:03 21:57 Peabody McCoy
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | 15:00 | Top

616 863 Jack Munoz, 15 1:14:44 1:08:13 22:00 775 864 Matthew Fitzgerald, 15 1:14:35 1:08:31 22:06 147 1435 Khristine Gray, 38 1:17:13 1:10:31 22:45 148 1436 Amy Haydon, 33 1:17:18 1:10:34 22:46 1909 1437 1380 Noelle Sapp, 22 1:11:09 1:11:09 22:57 The 3 Walkateers 1679 1438 1381 Caitlyn Clowe, 17 1:11:09 1:11:09 22:57 The 3 Walkateers 27 finishers among Males (no age given) 3 finishers among Men Under 3 96 finishers among Men 3 - 10 80 finishers among Men 11 - 13 117 finishers among Men 14 - 19 40 finishers among Men 20 - 24 67 finishers among Men 25 - 29 80 finishers among Men 30 - 34 77 finishers among Men 35 - 39 74 finishers among Men 40 - 44 77 finishers among Men 45 - 49 66 finishers among Men 50 - 54 36 finishers among Men 55 - 59 14 finishers among Men 60 - 64 8 finishers among Men 65 - 69 3 finishers among Men 70 - 74 3 finishers among Men 75 - 79 2 finishers among Women Under 3 91 finishers among Women 3 - 10 139 finishers among Women 11 - 13 213 finishers among Women 14 - 19 124 finishers among Women 20 - 24 167 finishers among Women 25 - 29 150 finishers among Women 30 - 34 130 finishers among Women 35 - 39 133 finishers among Women 40 - 44 121 finishers among Women 45 - 49 88 finishers among Women 50 - 54 42 finishers among Women 55 - 59 21 finishers among Women 60 - 64 5 finishers among Women 65 - 69 6 finishers among Women 70 - 74 1 finishers among Women 80 & Up 1 finishers among Females (no age given) 868 male finishers 1434 female finishers 2302 total finishers

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