Jacksonville, Florida

Dec. 14, 2013


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  ID#  PLACE   PLACE            FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         

Open Men
  155     1    1 M20  Alex Brown, 20             17:42    Providence Anchors   

Open Women
  595     4    1 W14  Eden Meyer, 17             18:40    Providence Anchors   

  ID#  PLACE   PLACE            FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         

Men Under 3
  245    25    1  Dobbie John, 1             23:31    Stellar              
  587    72    2  Erich Kaufmann, 1          28:37                         
  248   212    3  Justin Landowski, 1        52:19    Stellar              

Men 3 - 13
  596    10    1  Mateo Howard, 11           21:16                         
  144    12    2  Bobby Crouch, 11           21:28    One Love Foundation  
  145    13    3  Cole Rutkowski, 11         21:29    One Love Foundation  
   18    23    4  Bradley Bratcher, 8        23:29    Advocates for Abby   
  143    26    5  Ross Candelino, 10         23:36    One Love Foundation  
  213    37    6  Brayden Smith, 12          24:42    smith clan           
   17    55    7  Brennen Bratcher, 11       27:17    Advocates for Abby   
  389    71    8  Grady McAuliffe, 10        28:34                         
  146    78    9  Luke Rutkowski, 9          28:59    One Love Foundation  
  282   103   10  Noah Pressler, 13          31:25    Team Thirsty Runners 
  149   129   11  Gabriel Pfaffman, 12       34:52    Out of this World    
  412   147   12  Jacob Readdy, 12           36:33                         
  367   154   13  Bryce Holden, 4            38:00                         
   12   164   14  Connor McInnis, 8          38:53    Abby's Flare Fighters 
   88   169   15  Gavin Lesiw, 5             39:23    Goober               
  373   191   16  Chase Kirkland, 6          43:27                         
  450   215   17  Ethan Findell, 9           52:38                         

Men 14 - 19
  322     7    1  Alex Brennan, 14           20:45                         
   70    54    2  C J. Judd, 15              27:09    Buffalo Sleigh-bers  
  609    88    3  Carson Royal , 19          29:46                         
  523    92    4  Taylor Foote, 18           30:38    Jingle with Ellie    
  284    94    5  Brandon Ely, 16            30:41    Team Yunker          
   91    97    6  Kristian King, 16          30:52    Heekin Orthopedic Spe 
  350   202    7  Kyal Galecki, 15           48:04                         
  525   206    8  Hunter Taylor, 19          49:09    Jingle with Ellie    

Men 20 - 29
  591     2    1  Russ Patterson, 25         18:15                         
  613     5    2  Thomas Heekin, 23          19:58    Heekin Orthopedic Spe 
  274    11    3  Jack Reiman, 22            21:17    Team America         
  589    15    4  Dean Brannen, 29           22:12                         
  601    21    5  Taylor Shaw, 24            23:17    Sam's Club-Elf-inator 
  170    56    6  Daniel Villareal, 26       27:25    Sam's Club-Elf-inator 
  484    61    7  Jordan Sider, 20           27:56                         
  422    62    8  Stephen Sider, 24          27:56                         
  320    89    9  Michael Bouton, 23         30:20                         
  243    93   10  Matt Hawn, 27              30:40    Stellar              
  240    99   11  Joey Gabriel, 25           31:04    Stellar              
   50   160   12  Jake Wilson, 28            38:20    Bellas               
  202   207   13  Dolphus Silas, 26          51:13    Sam's Club-Elf-inator 

Men 30 - 39
   68     3    1  Michael Moore, 33          18:18    Buffalo Sleigh-bers  
  250     9    2  Benjamin Loeb, 31          20:58    Stellar              
   24    17    3  Chad Senesac, 33           22:40    Advocates for Abby   
  325    18    4  Jason Burcham, 39          22:52                         
  614    39    5  Shannon Dixon, 33          24:58                         
  381    41    6  Jason Landry, 32           25:32                         
  606    43    7  Fyiad Constatine, 34       25:37                         
  398    60    8  Tony Nally, 34             27:51                         
  567    64    9  Brian Coleman, 33          28:01    Hump Day             
   16    73   10  John Bratcher, 39          28:43    Advocates for Abby   
  598    74   11  Jason Clark, 39            28:44                         
  334    75   12  Josue Cruz, 37             28:50                         
  600    80   13  John Davis, 32             29:11                         
  166    81   14  Jason Hausman, 32          29:18    Sam's Club-Elf-inator 
  426   111   15  Jon Smith, 31              32:36                         
  425   114   16  Steve Smith, 31            32:48                         
  378   131   17  Steven Laman, 39           35:05                         
  607   146   18  Fyiad Constantine, 34      36:30                         
  365   155   19  Dave Holden, 36            38:00                         
   86   168   20  Rich Lesiw, 35             39:22    Goober               
  148   183   21  Shawn Pfaffman, 39         41:33    Out of this World    
   20   222   22  Brad Eye, 35               57:17    Advocates for Abby   

Men 40 - 49
  376    22    1  Mark Kroehler, 47          23:21                         
  140    27    2  Joe McElhaugh, 48          23:38    McElhaugh Family     
  379    30    3  Ed Laman, 45               23:50                         
  349    31    4  Jason Galecki, 41          23:55                         
  340    35    5  Al De Jesus, 42            24:18                         
  383    38    6  Mark Leakway, 44           24:52                         
  280    42    7  Chris pressler, 41         25:32    Team Thirsty Runners 
  312    44    8  Mitchell Archer, 40        25:40                         
  610    48    9  Sam Ross, 43               26:05                         
  214    52   10  Todd Smith, 42             26:47    smith clan           
  411    77   11  Gary Proctor, 49           28:57                         
  433   113   12  Brannan Walker, 46         32:43                         
  110   123   13  Raymond Prudencio, 43      34:21    Home Health Authority 
  313   143   14  Leslie Armoogam, 43        36:13                         
  102   161   15  Earl Miller, 40            38:20    Heekin Orthopedic Spe 
  133   184   16  Ken Panganiban, 41         42:06    Keiser University Pta 
   14   211   17  Brian McInnis, 43          51:45    Abby's Flare Fighters 

Men 50 - 59
  603    32    1  Bill Thomas, 56            24:03                         
  593    33    2  Kenneth Meyer, 55          24:11                         
  221    50    3  Mark Loeb, 56              26:27    Stellar              
  409   100    4  Philip Porter, 50          31:10                         
   33   112    5  Billy Folds, 50            32:37    Advocates for Abby   
  273   118    6  Jim Reiman, 53             33:13    Team America         
  496   171    7  Randy Dirkse, 59           39:25                         
  309   186    8  Dennis Adams, 58           42:26                         
  374   187    9  mark kramer, 51            42:41                         
  446   216   10  Donald Brown, 53           53:10                         

Men 60 - 69
  561    68    1  David Townsend, 61         28:11                         

  ID#  PLACE   PLACE            FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         

Women Under 3
  237    40    1  Katie Dembinski, 1         25:23    Stellar              
  491   136    2  Maria Saville, 1           35:34                         

Women 3 - 13
  395    69    1  Taylor Miller, 12          28:17                         
  344   106    2  Isabelle findell, 9        32:05                         
  564   122    3  Kirsten Woods, 12          33:47                         
   87   135    4  Morgan Lesiw, 9            35:32    Goober               
  354   144    5  MaryMargaret Gipson, 10    36:15                         
  366   153    6  Lily Holden, 6             37:53                         
  394   159    7  Keagan Miller, 7           38:20                         
   11   166    8  Lauren McInnis, 7          39:03    Abby's Flare Fighters 
  570   172    9  Daniela McCarty, 13        39:27                         
  138   177   10  Ivy Bradley, 7             40:33    McElhaugh Family     
  375   185   11  Catherine Kramer, 11       42:11                         

Women 14 - 19
  594     6    1  Grace Meyer, 17            20:21    Providence Anchors   
  405    24    2  Lexi Peterson, 14          23:29                         
   21    28    3  Lindsey Patton, 16         23:45    Advocates for Abby   
  592    29    4  Irene Caitlin, 18          23:48                         
  572    57    5  Marisa McCarty, 15         27:29                         
   22    59    6  Haley Patton, 16           27:49    Advocates for Abby   
  153    66    7  Brittany Borbely, 16       28:08    Providence Anchors   
  154    84    8  Erica Brown, 17            29:34    Providence Anchors   
  318   126    9  Brooke Benzenberg, 16      34:27                         
  158   145   10  Corbin Little, 17          36:16    Providence Anchors   
  582   173   11  Shelby Purl, 16            39:28                         
  452   182   12  Caroline Geer, 19          41:10                         
  116   192   13  Michele Stemrich, 18       43:33    Jingle with Ellie    
  161   218   14  Lauren Williams, 15        54:32    Providence Anchors   
  581   219   15  Sophia Hernandez, 14       54:32    Anchor Club          
  160   220   16  Chloe Wiegand, 14          54:32    Providence Anchors   

Women 20 - 29
  308     8    1  Anastasia Abid, 25         20:48                         
  407    14    2  Lauren Pitt, 26            21:52                         
  421    16    3  Katherine Sider, 23        22:34                         
  419    19    4  Corey Schulz, 24           23:06                         
  590    34    5  Sofia Goldberg, 26         24:16                         
   98    46    6  Chelsea Duga, 26           25:58    Heekin Orthopedic Spe 
  261    49    7  Guilermo Varela, 25        26:24    Stellar              
  345    53    8  Kathleen Fitzpatrick, 24   27:00                         
   93    58    9  Traci Wavering, 28         27:43    Heekin Orthopedic Spe 
  566    65   10  Dana Coleman, 29           28:03    Hump Day             
  382    85   11  Kelsey Lang, 20            29:35                         
  258    86   12  Jennifer Suharmadji, 25    29:37    Stellar              
  380    90   13  Amanda Landry, 29          30:23                         
  437   105   14  Lauren Wilbur, 20          32:02                         
  352   107   15  Adrienne Gilliam, 26       32:05                         
  324   108   16  Holly Brown, 26            32:05                         
  275   117   17  Tori Reiman, 20            33:12    Team America         
  236   120   18  Sonja Curcic, 25           33:31    Stellar              
  192   151   19  Jennifer Lee, 28           37:28    Sam's Club-Elf-inator 
   46   175   20  Katelyn Chapman, 24        40:21    Aoii of Jacksonville 
  141   178   21  Katie McElhaugh, 21        40:33    McElhaugh Family     
  181   198   22  Monique Feggins, 27        46:14    Sam's Club-Elf-inator 

Women 30 - 39
  362    20    1  Jessica Hermanny, 31       23:12                         
  434    36    2  Jill Wallace, 34           24:19                         
   99    45    3  Lynette Grancelli, 34      25:58    Heekin Orthopedic Spe 
  156    51    4  Maribeth Dill, 36          26:32    Providence Anchors   
  401    63    5  Corrina Neuman, 32         28:01                         
  338    82    6  Jami Davis, 34             29:25                         
  216    83    7  Angela Orr, 34             29:26    Snowbells            
  370    87    8  Christy Hudson, 34         29:44                         
  415   102    9  Ryan Rumph, 32             31:15                         
  307   109   10  Jennifer Abellana, 33      32:10                         
  169   110   11  Lori Morales, 38           32:34    Sam's Club-Elf-inator 
  217   121   12  Alex Paul, 38              33:40    Snowbells            
  299   128   13  lara church, 37            34:46    The Snowbells        
  150   130   14  Zoe Pfaffman, 39           35:04    Out of this World    
   85   134   15  Eileen Acosta, 35          35:32    Goober               
  404   137   16  Michelle Parker, 30        35:40                         
  329   139   17  Dr  Yolanda Carter, 38     35:45                         
  311   140   18  Heather Albritton, 31      35:45                         
  585   141   19  Ashley Bottoms, 33         36:04    ThIrsty Runners      
  323   148   20  Jennetter Brooks, 39       36:58                         
   25   149   21  Tricia Senesac, 35         37:10    Advocates for Abby   
   10   165   22  Susan McInnis, 39          39:02    Abby's Flare Fighters 
   15   174   23  Amy Bratcher, 35           39:28    Advocates for Abby   
   23   179   24  Brooke Reynolds, 35        40:49    Advocates for Abby   
  339   180   25  Amanda Davis, 31           40:50                         
  372   193   26  Sue Kirkland, 39           43:34                         
  548   194   27  Angie Butler, 34           43:53                         
   71   195   28  Brigid Sengbusch, 32       44:56    Buffalo Sleigh-bers  
   69   196   29  Holly Judd, 39             44:58    Buffalo Sleigh-bers  
  165   197   30  Kristen Hausman, 32        46:14    Sam's Club-Elf-inator 
  205   199   31  Michelle Stotts, 38        46:14    Sam's Club-Elf-inator 
  190   200   32  Christina Grochala, 39     46:15    Sam's Club-Elf-inator 
  162   201   33  Katie Deen, 30             46:15    Sam's Club-Elf-inator 
  330   204   34  Kendra Combs McNeal, 33    48:49                         
  333   205   35  Kathleen Cottrill, 33      48:50                         
  443   208   36  Amber Bishop, 35           51:19                         

Women 40 - 49
  139    70    1  Donna McElhaugh, 45        28:29    McElhaugh Family     
  388    76    2  Michele McAuliffe, 48      28:52                         
  147    79    3  Kim Ward, 45               29:09    One Love Foundation  
  402    91    4  Donna Nickell, 48          30:28                         
  142    96    5  Jennifer Candelino, 45     30:49    One Love Foundation  
  399   101    6  Jill Nelson, 48            31:13                         
  317   125    7  Christine Benzenberg, 48   34:27                         
  571   132    8  Deborah McCarty, 47        35:11                         
  360   133    9  Jane Hall, 41              35:19                         
  327   142   10  Kristen Campbell, 44       36:04                         
  293   152   11  Leslie Lessig, 48          37:36    The Saxon Girls      
  364   156   12  Jennifer Holden, 41        38:01                         
  408   157   13  Kimberly Porter, 49        38:07                         
  410   158   14  Tanya Porter, 46           38:09                         
  486   162   15  Dena Stolp, 41             38:28                         
  563   163   16  Inga Woods, 40             38:39                         
   32   167   17  karen folds, 48            39:12    Advocates for Abby   
  464   189   18  Robin Marquez, 45          42:49                         
  487   190   19  Maria Vega, 47             42:54                         
  348   203   20  Shawna Galecki, 43         48:24                         
  101   209   21  Sherlanda King, 44         51:24    Heekin Orthopedic Spe 
  107   210   22  Gisela Watson, 45          51:26    Heekin Orthopedic Spe 
  335   213   23  Terri Cull, 47             52:24                         
  550   214   24  Terri Cull, 47             52:25                         
  588   224   25  Velvet Wilson, 44          57:57                         
  179   225   26  Julia Elaine Dandy, 46   1:01:01    Sam's Club-Elf-inator 

Women 50 - 59
  436    47    1  Gloria Wavering, 59        26:02                         
  310    67    2  Gayle Adams, 57            28:11                         
  272    98    3  Elizabeth Reiman, 51       31:01    Team America         
  406   104    4  Lori Peterson, 50          31:39                         
   38   115    5  Vickey Sturgeon, 58        33:04    Advocates for Abby   
  413   124    6  Susan Roche, 58            34:25                         
  353   138    7  mary gipson, 50            35:42                         
  417   150    8  Sylvia Santa, 59           37:23                         
  495   170    9  Brenda Dirkse, 51          39:24                         
  573   181   10  Beth Ward, 53              40:57                         
  228   188   11  Paula Loeb, 51             42:44    Stellar              
  445   217   12  Ramona Brown, 51           53:10                         
  488   221   13  Elizabeth Williams, 51     56:14                         

Women 60 - 69
  611    95    1  Rob Heekin, 63             30:43    Heekin Orthopedic Spe 
  199   116    2  Ruth Moody, 61             33:05    Sam's Club-Elf-inator 
  359   119    3  Diane Hale, 65             33:24                         
  368   127    4  Holly Hosch, 63            34:37                         
  448   223    5  sheryl dumont, 60          57:56                         

Women 70 - 79
  403   176    1  Arlene Olson, 71           40:23                         

  ID#  PLACE   PLACE            FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         

  155     1      OpM  Alex Brown, 20             17:42    Providence Anchors   
  591     2    1 M20  Russ Patterson, 25         18:15                         
   68     3    1 M30  Michael Moore, 33          18:18    Buffalo Sleigh-bers  
  595     4      OpW  Eden Meyer, 17             18:40    Providence Anchors   
  613     5    2 M20  Thomas Heekin, 23          19:58    Heekin Orthopedic Spe 
  594     6    1 W14  Grace Meyer, 17            20:21    Providence Anchors   
  322     7    1 M14  Alex Brennan, 14           20:45                         
  308     8    1 W20  Anastasia Abid, 25         20:48                         
  250     9    2 M30  Benjamin Loeb, 31          20:58    Stellar              
  596    10    1  M3  Mateo Howard, 11           21:16                         
  274    11    3 M20  Jack Reiman, 22            21:17    Team America         
  144    12    2  M3  Bobby Crouch, 11           21:28    One Love Foundation  
  145    13    3  M3  Cole Rutkowski, 11         21:29    One Love Foundation  
  407    14    2 W20  Lauren Pitt, 26            21:52                         
  589    15    4 M20  Dean Brannen, 29           22:12                         
  421    16    3 W20  Katherine Sider, 23        22:34                         
   24    17    3 M30  Chad Senesac, 33           22:40    Advocates for Abby   
  325    18    4 M30  Jason Burcham, 39          22:52                         
  419    19    4 W20  Corey Schulz, 24           23:06                         
  362    20    1 W30  Jessica Hermanny, 31       23:12                         
  601    21    5 M20  Taylor Shaw, 24            23:17    Sam's Club-Elf-inator 
  376    22    1 M40  Mark Kroehler, 47          23:21                         
   18    23    4  M3  Bradley Bratcher, 8        23:29    Advocates for Abby   
  405    24    2 W14  Lexi Peterson, 14          23:29                         
  245    25    1 JrM  Dobbie John, 1             23:31    Stellar              
  143    26    5  M3  Ross Candelino, 10         23:36    One Love Foundation  
  140    27    2 M40  Joe McElhaugh, 48          23:38    McElhaugh Family     
   21    28    3 W14  Lindsey Patton, 16         23:45    Advocates for Abby   
  592    29    4 W14  Irene Caitlin, 18          23:48                         
  379    30    3 M40  Ed Laman, 45               23:50                         
  349    31    4 M40  Jason Galecki, 41          23:55                         
  603    32    1 M50  Bill Thomas, 56            24:03                         
  593    33    2 M50  Kenneth Meyer, 55          24:11                         
  590    34    5 W20  Sofia Goldberg, 26         24:16                         
  340    35    5 M40  Al De Jesus, 42            24:18                         
  434    36    2 W30  Jill Wallace, 34           24:19                         
  213    37    6  M3  Brayden Smith, 12          24:42    smith clan           
  383    38    6 M40  Mark Leakway, 44           24:52                         
  614    39    5 M30  Shannon Dixon, 33          24:58                         
  237    40    1 JrW  Katie Dembinski, 1         25:23    Stellar              
  381    41    6 M30  Jason Landry, 32           25:32                         
  280    42    7 M40  Chris pressler, 41         25:32    Team Thirsty Runners 
  606    43    7 M30  Fyiad Constatine, 34       25:37                         
  312    44    8 M40  Mitchell Archer, 40        25:40                         
   99    45    3 W30  Lynette Grancelli, 34      25:58    Heekin Orthopedic Spe 
   98    46    6 W20  Chelsea Duga, 26           25:58    Heekin Orthopedic Spe 
  436    47    1 W50  Gloria Wavering, 59        26:02                         
  610    48    9 M40  Sam Ross, 43               26:05                         
  261    49    7 W20  Guilermo Varela, 25        26:24    Stellar              
  221    50    3 M50  Mark Loeb, 56              26:27    Stellar              
  156    51    4 W30  Maribeth Dill, 36          26:32    Providence Anchors   
  214    52   10 M40  Todd Smith, 42             26:47    smith clan           
  345    53    8 W20  Kathleen Fitzpatrick, 24   27:00                         
   70    54    2 M14  C J. Judd, 15              27:09    Buffalo Sleigh-bers  
   17    55    7  M3  Brennen Bratcher, 11       27:17    Advocates for Abby   
  170    56    6 M20  Daniel Villareal, 26       27:25    Sam's Club-Elf-inator 
  572    57    5 W14  Marisa McCarty, 15         27:29                         
   93    58    9 W20  Traci Wavering, 28         27:43    Heekin Orthopedic Spe 
   22    59    6 W14  Haley Patton, 16           27:49    Advocates for Abby   
  398    60    8 M30  Tony Nally, 34             27:51                         
  484    61    7 M20  Jordan Sider, 20           27:56                         
  422    62    8 M20  Stephen Sider, 24          27:56                         
  401    63    5 W30  Corrina Neuman, 32         28:01                         
  567    64    9 M30  Brian Coleman, 33          28:01    Hump Day             
  566    65   10 W20  Dana Coleman, 29           28:03    Hump Day             
  153    66    7 W14  Brittany Borbely, 16       28:08    Providence Anchors   
  310    67    2 W50  Gayle Adams, 57            28:11                         
  561    68    1 M60  David Townsend, 61         28:11                         
  395    69    1  W3  Taylor Miller, 12          28:17                         
  139    70    1 W40  Donna McElhaugh, 45        28:29    McElhaugh Family     
  389    71    8  M3  Grady McAuliffe, 10        28:34                         
  587    72    2 JrM  Erich Kaufmann, 1          28:37                         
   16    73   10 M30  John Bratcher, 39          28:43    Advocates for Abby   
  598    74   11 M30  Jason Clark, 39            28:44                         
  334    75   12 M30  Josue Cruz, 37             28:50                         
  388    76    2 W40  Michele McAuliffe, 48      28:52                         
  411    77   11 M40  Gary Proctor, 49           28:57                         
  146    78    9  M3  Luke Rutkowski, 9          28:59    One Love Foundation  
  147    79    3 W40  Kim Ward, 45               29:09    One Love Foundation  
  600    80   13 M30  John Davis, 32             29:11                         
  166    81   14 M30  Jason Hausman, 32          29:18    Sam's Club-Elf-inator 
  338    82    6 W30  Jami Davis, 34             29:25                         
  216    83    7 W30  Angela Orr, 34             29:26    Snowbells            
  154    84    8 W14  Erica Brown, 17            29:34    Providence Anchors   
  382    85   11 W20  Kelsey Lang, 20            29:35                         
  258    86   12 W20  Jennifer Suharmadji, 25    29:37    Stellar              
  370    87    8 W30  Christy Hudson, 34         29:44                         
  609    88    3 M14  Carson Royal , 19          29:46                         
  320    89    9 M20  Michael Bouton, 23         30:20                         
  380    90   13 W20  Amanda Landry, 29          30:23                         
  402    91    4 W40  Donna Nickell, 48          30:28                         
  523    92    4 M14  Taylor Foote, 18           30:38    Jingle with Ellie    
  243    93   10 M20  Matt Hawn, 27              30:40    Stellar              
  284    94    5 M14  Brandon Ely, 16            30:41    Team Yunker          
  611    95    1 W60  Rob Heekin, 63             30:43    Heekin Orthopedic Spe 
  142    96    5 W40  Jennifer Candelino, 45     30:49    One Love Foundation  
   91    97    6 M14  Kristian King, 16          30:52    Heekin Orthopedic Spe 
  272    98    3 W50  Elizabeth Reiman, 51       31:01    Team America         
  240    99   11 M20  Joey Gabriel, 25           31:04    Stellar              
  409   100    4 M50  Philip Porter, 50          31:10                         
  399   101    6 W40  Jill Nelson, 48            31:13                         
  415   102    9 W30  Ryan Rumph, 32             31:15                         
  282   103   10  M3  Noah Pressler, 13          31:25    Team Thirsty Runners 
  406   104    4 W50  Lori Peterson, 50          31:39                         
  437   105   14 W20  Lauren Wilbur, 20          32:02                         
  344   106    2  W3  Isabelle findell, 9        32:05                         
  352   107   15 W20  Adrienne Gilliam, 26       32:05                         
  324   108   16 W20  Holly Brown, 26            32:05                         
  307   109   10 W30  Jennifer Abellana, 33      32:10                         
  169   110   11 W30  Lori Morales, 38           32:34    Sam's Club-Elf-inator 
  426   111   15 M30  Jon Smith, 31              32:36                         
   33   112    5 M50  Billy Folds, 50            32:37    Advocates for Abby   
  433   113   12 M40  Brannan Walker, 46         32:43                         
  425   114   16 M30  Steve Smith, 31            32:48                         
   38   115    5 W50  Vickey Sturgeon, 58        33:04    Advocates for Abby   
  199   116    2 W60  Ruth Moody, 61             33:05    Sam's Club-Elf-inator 
  275   117   17 W20  Tori Reiman, 20            33:12    Team America         
  273   118    6 M50  Jim Reiman, 53             33:13    Team America         
  359   119    3 W60  Diane Hale, 65             33:24                         
  236   120   18 W20  Sonja Curcic, 25           33:31    Stellar              
  217   121   12 W30  Alex Paul, 38              33:40    Snowbells            
  564   122    3  W3  Kirsten Woods, 12          33:47                         
  110   123   13 M40  Raymond Prudencio, 43      34:21    Home Health Authority 
  413   124    6 W50  Susan Roche, 58            34:25                         
  317   125    7 W40  Christine Benzenberg, 48   34:27                         
  318   126    9 W14  Brooke Benzenberg, 16      34:27                         
  368   127    4 W60  Holly Hosch, 63            34:37                         
  299   128   13 W30  lara church, 37            34:46    The Snowbells        
  149   129   11  M3  Gabriel Pfaffman, 12       34:52    Out of this World    
  150   130   14 W30  Zoe Pfaffman, 39           35:04    Out of this World    
  378   131   17 M30  Steven Laman, 39           35:05                         
  571   132    8 W40  Deborah McCarty, 47        35:11                         
  360   133    9 W40  Jane Hall, 41              35:19                         
   85   134   15 W30  Eileen Acosta, 35          35:32    Goober               
   87   135    4  W3  Morgan Lesiw, 9            35:32    Goober               
  491   136    2 JrW  Maria Saville, 1           35:34                         
  404   137   16 W30  Michelle Parker, 30        35:40                         
  353   138    7 W50  mary gipson, 50            35:42                         
  329   139   17 W30  Dr  Yolanda Carter, 38     35:45                         
  311   140   18 W30  Heather Albritton, 31      35:45                         
  585   141   19 W30  Ashley Bottoms, 33         36:04    ThIrsty Runners      
  327   142   10 W40  Kristen Campbell, 44       36:04                         
  313   143   14 M40  Leslie Armoogam, 43        36:13                         
  354   144    5  W3  MaryMargaret Gipson, 10    36:15                         
  158   145   10 W14  Corbin Little, 17          36:16    Providence Anchors   
  607   146   18 M30  Fyiad Constantine, 34      36:30                         
  412   147   12  M3  Jacob Readdy, 12           36:33                         
  323   148   20 W30  Jennetter Brooks, 39       36:58                         
   25   149   21 W30  Tricia Senesac, 35         37:10    Advocates for Abby   
  417   150    8 W50  Sylvia Santa, 59           37:23                         
  192   151   19 W20  Jennifer Lee, 28           37:28    Sam's Club-Elf-inator 
  293   152   11 W40  Leslie Lessig, 48          37:36    The Saxon Girls      
  366   153    6  W3  Lily Holden, 6             37:53                         
  367   154   13  M3  Bryce Holden, 4            38:00                         
  365   155   19 M30  Dave Holden, 36            38:00                         
  364   156   12 W40  Jennifer Holden, 41        38:01                         
  408   157   13 W40  Kimberly Porter, 49        38:07                         
  410   158   14 W40  Tanya Porter, 46           38:09                         
  394   159    7  W3  Keagan Miller, 7           38:20                         
   50   160   12 M20  Jake Wilson, 28            38:20    Bellas               
  102   161   15 M40  Earl Miller, 40            38:20    Heekin Orthopedic Spe 
  486   162   15 W40  Dena Stolp, 41             38:28                         
  563   163   16 W40  Inga Woods, 40             38:39                         
   12   164   14  M3  Connor McInnis, 8          38:53    Abby's Flare Fighters 
   10   165   22 W30  Susan McInnis, 39          39:02    Abby's Flare Fighters 
   11   166    8  W3  Lauren McInnis, 7          39:03    Abby's Flare Fighters 
   32   167   17 W40  karen folds, 48            39:12    Advocates for Abby   
   86   168   20 M30  Rich Lesiw, 35             39:22    Goober               
   88   169   15  M3  Gavin Lesiw, 5             39:23    Goober               
  495   170    9 W50  Brenda Dirkse, 51          39:24                         
  496   171    7 M50  Randy Dirkse, 59           39:25                         
  570   172    9  W3  Daniela McCarty, 13        39:27                         
  582   173   11 W14  Shelby Purl, 16            39:28                         
   15   174   23 W30  Amy Bratcher, 35           39:28    Advocates for Abby   
   46   175   20 W20  Katelyn Chapman, 24        40:21    Aoii of Jacksonville 
  403   176    1 W70  Arlene Olson, 71           40:23                         
  138   177   10  W3  Ivy Bradley, 7             40:33    McElhaugh Family     
  141   178   21 W20  Katie McElhaugh, 21        40:33    McElhaugh Family     
   23   179   24 W30  Brooke Reynolds, 35        40:49    Advocates for Abby   
  339   180   25 W30  Amanda Davis, 31           40:50                         
  573   181   10 W50  Beth Ward, 53              40:57                         
  452   182   12 W14  Caroline Geer, 19          41:10                         
  148   183   21 M30  Shawn Pfaffman, 39         41:33    Out of this World    
  133   184   16 M40  Ken Panganiban, 41         42:06    Keiser University Pta 
  375   185   11  W3  Catherine Kramer, 11       42:11                         
  309   186    8 M50  Dennis Adams, 58           42:26                         
  374   187    9 M50  mark kramer, 51            42:41                         
  228   188   11 W50  Paula Loeb, 51             42:44    Stellar              
  464   189   18 W40  Robin Marquez, 45          42:49                         
  487   190   19 W40  Maria Vega, 47             42:54                         
  373   191   16  M3  Chase Kirkland, 6          43:27                         
  116   192   13 W14  Michele Stemrich, 18       43:33    Jingle with Ellie    
  372   193   26 W30  Sue Kirkland, 39           43:34                         
  548   194   27 W30  Angie Butler, 34           43:53                         
   71   195   28 W30  Brigid Sengbusch, 32       44:56    Buffalo Sleigh-bers  
   69   196   29 W30  Holly Judd, 39             44:58    Buffalo Sleigh-bers  
  165   197   30 W30  Kristen Hausman, 32        46:14    Sam's Club-Elf-inator 
  181   198   22 W20  Monique Feggins, 27        46:14    Sam's Club-Elf-inator 
  205   199   31 W30  Michelle Stotts, 38        46:14    Sam's Club-Elf-inator 
  190   200   32 W30  Christina Grochala, 39     46:15    Sam's Club-Elf-inator 
  162   201   33 W30  Katie Deen, 30             46:15    Sam's Club-Elf-inator 
  350   202    7 M14  Kyal Galecki, 15           48:04                         
  348   203   20 W40  Shawna Galecki, 43         48:24                         
  330   204   34 W30  Kendra Combs McNeal, 33    48:49                         
  333   205   35 W30  Kathleen Cottrill, 33      48:50                         
  525   206    8 M14  Hunter Taylor, 19          49:09    Jingle with Ellie    
  202   207   13 M20  Dolphus Silas, 26          51:13    Sam's Club-Elf-inator 
  443   208   36 W30  Amber Bishop, 35           51:19                         
  101   209   21 W40  Sherlanda King, 44         51:24    Heekin Orthopedic Spe 
  107   210   22 W40  Gisela Watson, 45          51:26    Heekin Orthopedic Spe 
   14   211   17 M40  Brian McInnis, 43          51:45    Abby's Flare Fighters 
  248   212    3 JrM  Justin Landowski, 1        52:19    Stellar              
  335   213   23 W40  Terri Cull, 47             52:24                         
  550   214   24 W40  Terri Cull, 47             52:25                         
  450   215   17  M3  Ethan Findell, 9           52:38                         
  446   216   10 M50  Donald Brown, 53           53:10                         
  445   217   12 W50  Ramona Brown, 51           53:10                         
  161   218   14 W14  Lauren Williams, 15        54:32    Providence Anchors   
  581   219   15 W14  Sophia Hernandez, 14       54:32    Anchor Club          
  160   220   16 W14  Chloe Wiegand, 14          54:32    Providence Anchors   
  488   221   13 W50  Elizabeth Williams, 51     56:14                         
   20   222   22 M30  Brad Eye, 35               57:17    Advocates for Abby   
  448   223    5 W60  sheryl dumont, 60          57:56                         
  588   224   25 W40  Velvet Wilson, 44          57:57                         
  179   225   26 W40  Julia Elaine Dandy, 46   1:01:01    Sam's Club-Elf-inator 
2 finishers among Males (no age given)
3 finishers among Men Under 3
17 finishers among Men 3 - 13
8 finishers among Men 14 - 19
13 finishers among Men 20 - 29
22 finishers among Men 30 - 39
17 finishers among Men 40 - 49
10 finishers among Men 50 - 59
1 finishers among Men 60 - 69
2 finishers among Women Under 3
11 finishers among Women 3 - 13
16 finishers among Women 14 - 19
22 finishers among Women 20 - 29
36 finishers among Women 30 - 39
26 finishers among Women 40 - 49
13 finishers among Women 50 - 59
5 finishers among Women 60 - 69
1 finishers among Women 70 - 79
93 male finishers
132 female finishers
225 total finishers

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