Jacksonville, FL

May 19, 2016

Perfect Weather!
Results by 1st Place Sports

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CEOs                                                Last updated May 19, 2016 8:53 PM
              TEAM                               CLOCK         NET    
  ID#  PLACE SCORE           FINISHER            TIME         TIME         TEAM         

Open Men
 1891     1        Wayne Berna, 43                21:36        21:33    Koch Group In        
 3164     2        Mike French, 58                23:01        22:56    Team Lsi Mi          
 2271     3        Mark Schultz, 51               23:41        23:34    Preferred Freezer Mx 
  830     4        Lenny Curry, 45                23:57        23:52    Coj Mi               
 3968     5        Joe Barton, 57                 24:21        24:15    Admira Me            
  799     6        Ken Sanders, 46                24:38        24:29    Coach Sa             
  540     7        Josh Baker, 38                 26:59        26:22    Baker's Sp Goods Sa  
 2419     8        Matthew Taylor, 32             28:06        27:18    Remoras Me           
  245     9        Bruce Fafard, 58               34:40        33:41    121 Financial Ba     
Open Women
 1475     1        Michelle McCullough, 37        22:51        22:43    Florida Striders Cl  
 2965     2        Wanda Irizarry, 48             26:44        26:34    Team Fis Ba          
  253     3        Liz Blaisdell, 26              32:14        30:40    4th Fl Hardcore Mx   
 2309     4        Melissa Stone, 38              33:35        33:10    Rayonier Mx          
 1805     5        Cynthia Angresano, 55          35:45        34:30    Kls Martin Me        

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