State Meet 2006 BOYS 2A

Nov. 11, 2006

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Results also available for girls


  1   Belen Jesuit             82    8   10   18   22   24   27   35   17:13        29
  2   Hernando High School     98    2   11   13   17   55   65  101   17:15      1:43
  3   Naples High School      158   19   30   31   37   41   49   71   17:39        34
  4   Jesuit                  171    7   28   36   48   52   69  111   17:40      1:07
  5   Ransom Everglades       208   29   33   38   46   62   84   85   17:53        44
  6   Bishop Kenny            255   14   25   34   79  103  115  124   18:00      1:47
  7   Gulliver                257    1   15   43   68  130  160        17:53      3:29
  8   Crystal River High Sc   294   23   44   74   76   77   81  154   18:11      1:08
  9   Estero High School      306   16   42   53   91  104  136  153   18:14      1:47
 10   Immokalee High School   307    4   57   63   86   97  127  157   18:11      2:12
 11   Lecanto High School     320   12   45   56   67  140  146  148   18:22      2:55
 12   Pedro Menendez          370   20   61   82   89  118  122  126   18:29      2:03
 13   Cardinal Gibbons High   372   21   66   87   93  105  110  141   18:28      1:46
 14   Bolles                  374   39   51   73  102  109  112  120   18:31      1:20
 15   Lemon Bay High School   378   26   59   78   83  132  142  156   18:31      2:14
 16   Robinsonhigh School     405    9   50  108  117  121  158  162   18:36      2:30
 17   Paxon                   406   32   54   70  113  137  163  164   18:40      2:11
 18   Lincoln Park High Sch   417    3   47  114  125  128  145  151   18:38      2:55
 19   South Lake High Schoo   429   58   88   92   95   96  106  152   18:43        41
 20   Gulf Breeze High Scho   435   40   80   99  100  116  119  135   18:44      1:31
 21   Pine Forest High Scho   472    5   90   98  129  150  161        18:54      3:29
 22   Bishop Moore High Sch   473    6   75  123  131  138  139  155   18:53      2:56
 23   Lake Highland Prep      534   60   72   94  149  159  165  166   19:27      3:08
 24   Jensen Beach High Sch   581   64  107  133  134  143  144  147   19:25      1:46


1. Belen Jesuit
   79     8  Guillermo Echarte, 11       16:57  
   81    10  Conor McCarthy, 12          17:00  
   80    18  Javier Zamparelli, 11       17:18  
   78    22  Michael Cruz, 11            17:23  
   82    24  Jason Oliver, 12            17:26  
   77    27  David Otero, 10             17:26  
   83    35  Larry Duran, 10             17:45  
Time = 1:26:02     Places = 82

2. Hernando High School
  518     2  Benjamin Martucci, 12       16:29  
  517    11  Andrew Martucci, 12         17:06  
  514    13  Tyler Baldwin, 12           17:12  
  513    17  Joe Wright, 10              17:16  
  512    55  Pavel Stuchlik, 10          18:11  
  515    65  Tyler Maier, 12             18:22  
  516   101  Chris Martin, 12            18:59  
Time = 1:26:13     Places = 98

3. Naples High School
  853    19  Eric Vanarsdale, 1          17:21  
  852    30  Jeffrey Marvel, 1           17:36  
  847    31  Ulises Escobar, 1           17:37  
  849    37  Joseph Hebel, 11            17:48  
  848    41  Kevin Flood, 1              17:54  
  850    49  Kristopher Johnson, 1       18:02  
  851    71  Andree Koop, 1              18:28  
Time = 1:28:14     Places = 158

4. Jesuit
  590     7  Connor Revord, 10           16:57  
  596    28  Matt Hindman, 12            17:34  
  595    36  Eric Bracy, 12              17:46  
  591    48  Jordan Schilit, 10          18:01  
  594    52  Matthew Tucker, 11          18:04  
  592    69  Alexander Tatro, 10         18:26  
  593   111  Connor Rivard, 10           19:11  
Time = 1:28:20     Places = 171

5. Ransom Everglades
 1044    29  Michael Stephan, 12         17:35  
 1042    33  Pablo Bello, 12             17:41  
 1045    38  Robert Figueroa-Downing, 9  17:50  
 1043    46  Robert Scola, 12            18:01  
 1047    62  Francisco Triana, 1         18:19  
 1046    84  Jordan Flanzraich, 9        18:39  
 1041    85  Nicolas Bergengruen, 10     18:39  
Time = 1:29:25     Places = 208

6. Bishop Kenny
  113    14  Thomas Heekin, 11           17:14  
  115    25  Michael Wallace, 9          17:26  
  114    34  Colin Barker, 9             17:44  
 1454    79  Brian Ericksen, 1           18:35  
 1456   103  Gregory Doyle, 1            19:01  
 1455   115  Michael Thigpen, 1          19:21  
 1457   124  Steven Flemmer, 1           19:31  
Time = 1:29:58     Places = 255

7. Gulliver
  500     1  Philip Woerner, 12          16:09  
  494    15  Joseph Dorfman, 10          17:15  
  495    43  Andrew Richter, 10          17:58  
  498    68  Mario Bojorquez, 12         18:25  
  497   130  Michael Abreu, 12           19:38  
  496   160  Newton Porter, 11           21:37  
Time = 1:29:23     Places = 257

8. Crystal River High Sc
  325    23  Brennan McNally, 12         17:25  
  320    44  Blair Beeler, 11            17:58  
  321    74  Eric Hughes, 11             18:29  
  323    76  John Thompson, 11           18:30  
  326    77  Brandon Kempton, 9          18:32  
  322    81  Mike Rablold, 11            18:38  
  324   154  Joseph Greer, 12            20:31  
Time = 1:30:52     Places = 294

9. Estero High School
  376    16  Michael Bumpus, 1           17:16  
  381    42  Erick Montoya, 1            17:56  
  378    53  Nicholas Gunns, 1           18:05  
  377    91  Jose Farnot, 1              18:50  
  380   104  Miguel Lopez, 1             19:03  
  375   136  Garrett Bergquist, 1        19:48  
  379   153  Matthew Hunter, 1           20:26  
Time = 1:31:09     Places = 306

10. Immokalee High School
  550     4  Pierre Jeanty, 1            16:44  
  552    57  Gorman Moran, 1             18:14  
  551    63  Eddie Moran, 1              18:21  
  549    86  Junior Destine, 1           18:40  
  553    97  David Pierre, 1             18:55  
  554   127  Hector Ruiz, 1              19:35  
  548   157  Argeo Cruz, 1               21:11  
Time = 1:30:51     Places = 307

11. Lecanto High School
  670    12  Nick Farrington, 12         17:10  
  671    45  David Rundio, 12            18:00  
  668    56  Jonathan Junkins, 11        18:11  
  672    67  Justin Sblano, 9            18:24  
  666   140  Logan Dunn, 10              20:04  
  669   146  Chris Runnells, 11          20:12  
  667   148  Stephen Clark, 11           20:15  
Time = 1:31:48     Places = 320

12. Pedro Menendez
  987    20  Johnathan Thiele, 11        17:21  
  991    61  Calvin Windle, 12           18:18  
  990    82  Craigory Florentino, 12     18:39  
  992    89  Christopher Martin, 9       18:43  
  989   118  Michael Bruehert, 12        19:23  
  986   122  Jameson Hanson, 10          19:29  
  988   126  Josh Bates, 12              19:33  
Time = 1:32:22     Places = 370

13. Cardinal Gibbons High
  227    21  Zachary Smith, 12           17:21  
  225    66  Jake Dighton, 12            18:22  
  226    87  Lance Legel, 12             18:41  
  221    93  Sean Pulver, 10             18:52  
  224   105  Eric Barth, 12              19:06  
  223   110  Ryan McCann, 11             19:11  
  222   141  David Bonner, 11            20:05  
Time = 1:32:20     Places = 372

14. Bolles
  151    39  Nicoholas Gonino, 12        17:51  
  148    51  Andrew O'Hare, 10           18:03  
  149    73  Kahil Farah, 11             18:29  
  150   102  Jeremy Ferman, 11           19:01  
  152   109  Evan Roseberg, 12           19:10  
  154   112  Matt Owens, 9               19:17  
  153   120  James Macrae, 9             19:26  
Time = 1:32:32     Places = 374

15. Lemon Bay High School
  687    26  Nicholas Giuliano, 1        17:26  
  690    59  James Nilson, 1             18:15  
  693    78  Kevin Yole, 1               18:33  
  691    83  Daniel Phillips, 1          18:39  
  688   132  Ryan Kamnik, 1              19:40  
  692   142  Casey Sloan, 1              20:06  
  689   156  Francis McCullough, 1       20:44  
Time = 1:32:31     Places = 378

16. Robinsonhigh School
 1073     9  Cody Hill, 12               16:58  
 1071    50  Matthew Altimari, 11        18:02  
 1072   108  Nils Lennart Radtke, 11     19:10  
 1074   117  Justin Logan, 12            19:23  
 1070   121  Darrin Gibson, 10           19:27  
 1076   158  Riley Parks, 9              21:21  
 1075   162  Christopher Graham, 9       21:44  
Time = 1:32:58     Places = 405

17. Paxon
  983    32  Joshua Williams, 12         17:40  
  982    54  Jeffrey Davis, 12           18:05  
  981    70  Damien Obrien, 11           18:27  
  979   113  Christian Moreno, 10        19:19  
  985   137  Jeremy Stang, 1             19:50  
  980   163  Bradley Saad, 10            22:44  
  984   164  Christoper Williams, 9      22:54  
Time = 1:33:19     Places = 406

18. Lincoln Park High Sch
  719     3  Jeffrey Hensley, 12         16:40  
  718    47  Lucas Simari, 11            18:01  
  717   114  Tim Bakels, 11              19:20  
  722   125  Nicholas Wright, 9          19:33  
  716   128  Luc Overholt, 10            19:35  
  720   145  Alan Olejnik, 12            20:11  
  721   151  Austin Cox, 7               20:23  
Time = 1:33:07     Places = 417

19. South Lake High Schoo
 1173    58  Corey Tucker, 10            18:14  
 1175    88  Zach Rider, 9               18:42  
 1174    92  Jesse Wickham, 10           18:51  
 1170    95  Michael Medlin, 10          18:53  
 1172    96  Bennett Spartz, 10          18:54  
 1171   106  Brandon Miller, 10          19:07  
 1169   152  Nate Capenos, 10            20:26  
Time = 1:33:32     Places = 429

20. Gulf Breeze High Scho
  479    40  Sean Seales, 12             17:52  
  474    80  Geoffrey Brill, 11          18:36  
  478    99  William Thomas, 11          18:55  
  475   100  Thomas Gibble, 11           18:55  
  476   116  Dylan Lee, 11               19:22  
  477   119  Kurtlan Mason, 11           19:25  
  480   135  Chad Robin, 1               19:45  
Time = 1:33:39     Places = 435

21. Pine Forest High Scho
 1003     5  Donald Davis, III, 10       16:51  
 1007    90  Matthew Lassen, 11          18:47  
 1006    98  Zachary Anderson, 11        18:55  
 1005   129  George Fuller, 10           19:36  
 1009   150  Derek Tinsley, 9            20:19  
 1004   161  Ryan Foxworth, 10           21:42  
Time = 1:34:27     Places = 472

22. Bishop Moore High Sch
  124     6  Michael Moeller, 11         16:56  
  127    75  J C. Braddy, 12             18:29  
  123   123  Matt Hazelroth, 11          19:29  
  126   131  Travis Robertson, 11        19:38  
  125   138  Pat Morin, 11               19:51  
  128   139  Jon Sieg, 12                19:56  
  129   155  Alex Icardi, 9              20:33  
Time = 1:34:22     Places = 473

23. Lake Highland Prep
  614    60  Alex Englehart, 10          18:15  
  618    72  Michael McGinn, 12          18:29  
  615    94  Ian Gallagher, 11           18:53  
  619   149  Cameron Moore, 12           20:17  
  620   159  Cole Murbach, 9             21:23  
  617   165  Alex Harding, 12            23:32  
  616   166  John Coop, 12               24:22  
Time = 1:37:15     Places = 534

24. Jensen Beach High Sch
  579    64  Harry Gillespie, 12         18:22  
  577   107  Chris Nisa, 11              19:08  
  578   133  Kyle Conrad, 12             19:44  
  580   134  Curtis Berger, 9            19:44  
  576   143  Adam Karol, 11              20:07  
  582   144  Brent Meinhold, 9           20:08  
  581   147  Steve Langer, 9             20:12  
Time = 1:37:03     Places = 581

  ID#  PLACE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM

  500     1  Philip Woerner, 12          16:09    Gulliver
  518     2  Benjamin Martucci, 12       16:29    Hernando High School
  471     3  Joseph Franklin, 11         16:37    Godby High School
  719     4  Jeffrey Hensley, 12         16:40    Lincoln Park High Sch
  550     5  Pierre Jeanty, 1            16:44    Immokalee High School
 1085     6  Chris Trebilcock, 12        16:49    Santa Fe High School
 1360     7  Tyler Price, 12             16:50    Wakulla High School
 1003     8  Donald Davis, III, 10       16:51    Pine Forest High Scho
   28     9  Tim Queen, 12               16:56    Atlantic High School
  124    10  Michael Moeller, 11         16:56    Bishop Moore High Sch
  590    11  Connor Revord, 10           16:57    Jesuit
   79    12  Guillermo Echarte, 11       16:57    Belen Jesuit
 1073    13  Cody Hill, 12               16:58    Robinsonhigh School
   81    14  Conor McCarthy, 12          17:00    Belen Jesuit
  517    15  Andrew Martucci, 12         17:06    Hernando High School
  670    16  Nick Farrington, 12         17:10    Lecanto High School
  514    17  Tyler Baldwin, 12           17:12    Hernando High School
  113    18  Thomas Heekin, 11           17:14    Bishop Kenny
  494    19  Joseph Dorfman, 10          17:15    Gulliver
  376    20  Michael Bumpus, 1           17:16    Estero High School
  513    21  Joe Wright, 10              17:16    Hernando High School
   80    22  Javier Zamparelli, 11       17:18    Belen Jesuit
  853    23  Eric Vanarsdale, 1          17:21    Naples High School
  987    24  Johnathan Thiele, 11        17:21    Pedro Menendez
  227    25  Zachary Smith, 12           17:21    Cardinal Gibbons High
   78    26  Michael Cruz, 11            17:23    Belen Jesuit
  325    27  Brennan McNally, 12         17:25    Crystal River High Sc
   82    28  Jason Oliver, 12            17:26    Belen Jesuit
  115    29  Michael Wallace, 9          17:26    Bishop Kenny
  687    30  Nicholas Giuliano, 1        17:26    Lemon Bay High School
   77    31  David Otero, 10             17:26    Belen Jesuit
 1002    32  Tariq Cherif, 12            17:30    Pine Crest High Schoo
   55    33  Spencer Duhm, 12            17:32    Bartow High School
  596    34  Matt Hindman, 12            17:34    Jesuit
 1044    35  Michael Stephan, 12         17:35    Ransom Everglades
  852    36  Jeffrey Marvel, 1           17:36    Naples High School
  847    37  Ulises Escobar, 1           17:37    Naples High School
  472    38  Jakaris Bynum, 9            17:39    Godby High School
  983    39  Joshua Williams, 12         17:40    Paxon
 1042    40  Pablo Bello, 12             17:41    Ransom Everglades
  114    41  Colin Barker, 9             17:44    Bishop Kenny
 1266    42  Travis Lynch, 12            17:45    Suncost High School
   83    43  Larry Duran, 10             17:45    Belen Jesuit
  508    44  Tyler Hogan, 10             17:45    Hagerty High School
  595    45  Eric Bracy, 12              17:46    Jesuit
  849    46  Joseph Hebel, 11            17:48    Naples High School
  993    47  Matt William Jones, 12      17:48    Pensacola Catholic Hi
 1045    48  Robert Figueroa-Downing, 9  17:50    Ransom Everglades
  151    49  Nicoholas Gonino, 12        17:51    Bolles
  479    50  Sean Seales, 12             17:52    Gulf Breeze High Scho
  848    51  Kevin Flood, 1              17:54    Naples High School
  381    52  Erick Montoya, 1            17:56    Estero High School
  495    53  Andrew Richter, 10          17:58    Gulliver
  320    54  Blair Beeler, 11            17:58    Crystal River High Sc
  875    55  Keegan Bixler, 10           17:58    Newsome High School
  389    56  Geoffrey Walker, 10         17:59    Eustis High School
  671    57  David Rundio, 12            18:00    Lecanto High School
 1043    58  Robert Scola, 12            18:01    Ransom Everglades
  718    59  Lucas Simari, 11            18:01    Lincoln Park High Sch
  591    60  Jordan Schilit, 10          18:01    Jesuit
  850    61  Kristopher Johnson, 1       18:02    Naples High School
 1071    62  Matthew Altimari, 11        18:02    Robinsonhigh School
  148    63  Andrew O'Hare, 10           18:03    Bolles
  594    64  Matthew Tucker, 11          18:04    Jesuit
  378    65  Nicholas Gunns, 1           18:05    Estero High School
  982    66  Jeffrey Davis, 12           18:05    Paxon
  512    67  Pavel Stuchlik, 10          18:11    Hernando High School
  668    68  Jonathan Junkins, 11        18:11    Lecanto High School
  552    69  Gorman Moran, 1             18:14    Immokalee High School
 1173    70  Corey Tucker, 10            18:14    South Lake High Schoo
  690    71  James Nilson, 1             18:15    Lemon Bay High School
  614    72  Alex Englehart, 10          18:15    Lake Highland Prep
 1352    73  Ben Bearden, 10             18:17    Viera High School
  991    74  Calvin Windle, 12           18:18    Pedro Menendez
 1047    75  Francisco Triana, 1         18:19    Ransom Everglades
  551    76  Eddie Moran, 1              18:21    Immokalee High School
  579    77  Harry Gillespie, 12         18:22    Jensen Beach High Sch
  515    78  Tyler Maier, 12             18:22    Hernando High School
  225    79  Jake Dighton, 12            18:22    Cardinal Gibbons High
  672    80  Justin Sblano, 9            18:24    Lecanto High School
  498    81  Mario Bojorquez, 12         18:25    Gulliver
  592    82  Alexander Tatro, 10         18:26    Jesuit
  981    83  Damien Obrien, 11           18:27    Paxon
  851    84  Andree Koop, 1              18:28    Naples High School
  618    85  Michael McGinn, 12          18:29    Lake Highland Prep
  149    86  Kahil Farah, 11             18:29    Bolles
  321    87  Eric Hughes, 11             18:29    Crystal River High Sc
  127    88  J C. Braddy, 12             18:29    Bishop Moore High Sch
  323    89  John Thompson, 11           18:30    Crystal River High Sc
  326    90  Brandon Kempton, 9          18:32    Crystal River High Sc
  693    91  Kevin Yole, 1               18:33    Lemon Bay High School
 1454    92  Brian Ericksen, 1           18:35    Bishop Kenny
  474    93  Geoffrey Brill, 11          18:36    Gulf Breeze High Scho
  322    94  Mike Rablold, 11            18:38    Crystal River High Sc
  990    95  Craigory Florentino, 12     18:39    Pedro Menendez
  691    96  Daniel Phillips, 1          18:39    Lemon Bay High School
 1046    97  Jordan Flanzraich, 9        18:39    Ransom Everglades
 1041    98  Nicolas Bergengruen, 10     18:39    Ransom Everglades
  549    99  Junior Destine, 1           18:40    Immokalee High School
  226   100  Lance Legel, 12             18:41    Cardinal Gibbons High
 1175   101  Zach Rider, 9               18:42    South Lake High Schoo
  992   102  Christopher Martin, 9       18:43    Pedro Menendez
 1007   103  Matthew Lassen, 11          18:47    Pine Forest High Scho
  511   104  Scott Bilodeou, 11          18:49    Harmony High School
  377   105  Jose Farnot, 1              18:50    Estero High School
 1174   106  Jesse Wickham, 10           18:51    South Lake High Schoo
  221   107  Sean Pulver, 10             18:52    Cardinal Gibbons High
  615   108  Ian Gallagher, 11           18:53    Lake Highland Prep
 1170   109  Michael Medlin, 10          18:53    South Lake High Schoo
 1172   110  Bennett Spartz, 10          18:54    South Lake High Schoo
  553   111  David Pierre, 1             18:55    Immokalee High School
 1006   112  Zachary Anderson, 11        18:55    Pine Forest High Scho
  478   113  William Thomas, 11          18:55    Gulf Breeze High Scho
  475   114  Thomas Gibble, 11           18:55    Gulf Breeze High Scho
  516   115  Chris Martin, 12            18:59    Hernando High School
  150   116  Jeremy Ferman, 11           19:01    Bolles
 1456   117  Gregory Doyle, 1            19:01    Bishop Kenny
  380   118  Miguel Lopez, 1             19:03    Estero High School
  224   119  Eric Barth, 12              19:06    Cardinal Gibbons High
 1171   120  Brandon Miller, 10          19:07    South Lake High Schoo
  577   121  Chris Nisa, 11              19:08    Jensen Beach High Sch
 1072   122  Nils Lennart Radtke, 11     19:10    Robinsonhigh School
  152   123  Evan Roseberg, 12           19:10    Bolles
  223   124  Ryan McCann, 11             19:11    Cardinal Gibbons High
  593   125  Connor Rivard, 10           19:11    Jesuit
  154   126  Matt Owens, 9               19:17    Bolles
  979   127  Christian Moreno, 10        19:19    Paxon
  717   128  Tim Bakels, 11              19:20    Lincoln Park High Sch
 1455   129  Michael Thigpen, 1          19:21    Bishop Kenny
  476   130  Dylan Lee, 11               19:22    Gulf Breeze High Scho
 1074   131  Justin Logan, 12            19:23    Robinsonhigh School
  989   132  Michael Bruehert, 12        19:23    Pedro Menendez
  477   133  Kurtlan Mason, 11           19:25    Gulf Breeze High Scho
  153   134  James Macrae, 9             19:26    Bolles
 1070   135  Darrin Gibson, 10           19:27    Robinsonhigh School
  986   136  Jameson Hanson, 10          19:29    Pedro Menendez
  123   137  Matt Hazelroth, 11          19:29    Bishop Moore High Sch
 1457   138  Steven Flemmer, 1           19:31    Bishop Kenny
  722   139  Nicholas Wright, 9          19:33    Lincoln Park High Sch
  988   140  Josh Bates, 12              19:33    Pedro Menendez
  554   141  Hector Ruiz, 1              19:35    Immokalee High School
  716   142  Luc Overholt, 10            19:35    Lincoln Park High Sch
 1005   143  George Fuller, 10           19:36    Pine Forest High Scho
  497   144  Michael Abreu, 12           19:38    Gulliver
  126   145  Travis Robertson, 11        19:38    Bishop Moore High Sch
  688   146  Ryan Kamnik, 1              19:40    Lemon Bay High School
  578   147  Kyle Conrad, 12             19:44    Jensen Beach High Sch
  580   148  Curtis Berger, 9            19:44    Jensen Beach High Sch
  480   149  Chad Robin, 1               19:45    Gulf Breeze High Scho
  375   150  Garrett Bergquist, 1        19:48    Estero High School
  985   151  Jeremy Stang, 1             19:50    Paxon
  125   152  Pat Morin, 11               19:51    Bishop Moore High Sch
  128   153  Jon Sieg, 12                19:56    Bishop Moore High Sch
  666   154  Logan Dunn, 10              20:04    Lecanto High School
  222   155  David Bonner, 11            20:05    Cardinal Gibbons High
  692   156  Casey Sloan, 1              20:06    Lemon Bay High School
  576   157  Adam Karol, 11              20:07    Jensen Beach High Sch
  582   158  Brent Meinhold, 9           20:08    Jensen Beach High Sch
  720   159  Alan Olejnik, 12            20:11    Lincoln Park High Sch
  669   160  Chris Runnells, 11          20:12    Lecanto High School
  581   161  Steve Langer, 9             20:12    Jensen Beach High Sch
  667   162  Stephen Clark, 11           20:15    Lecanto High School
  619   163  Cameron Moore, 12           20:17    Lake Highland Prep
 1009   164  Derek Tinsley, 9            20:19    Pine Forest High Scho
  721   165  Austin Cox, 7               20:23    Lincoln Park High Sch
 1169   166  Nate Capenos, 10            20:26    South Lake High Schoo
  379   167  Matthew Hunter, 1           20:26    Estero High School
  324   168  Joseph Greer, 12            20:31    Crystal River High Sc
  129   169  Alex Icardi, 9              20:33    Bishop Moore High Sch
  689   170  Francis McCullough, 1       20:44    Lemon Bay High School
  548   171  Argeo Cruz, 1               21:11    Immokalee High School
 1076   172  Riley Parks, 9              21:21    Robinsonhigh School
  620   173  Cole Murbach, 9             21:23    Lake Highland Prep
  496   174  Newton Porter, 11           21:37    Gulliver
 1004   175  Ryan Foxworth, 10           21:42    Pine Forest High Scho
 1075   176  Christopher Graham, 9       21:44    Robinsonhigh School
  980   177  Bradley Saad, 10            22:44    Paxon
  984   178  Christoper Williams, 9      22:54    Paxon
  617   179  Alex Harding, 12            23:32    Lake Highland Prep
  616   180  John Coop, 12               24:22    Lake Highland Prep
"*" indicates females
180 finishers among Men 127 & Under
180 male finishers
0 female finishers
180 total finishers

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