Conference final BOYS VARSITY

Oct. 14, 2005

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 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME

1. Mandarin
    4  Careron Dickerson           16:40  
    7  Adam Lewinson               16:58  
   16  Wes Givens                  17:40  
   17  Edwward Pearch              17:42  
   20  Vitaly Morgun               17:47  
7 Finishers     Time = 1:26:46     Places = 64

2. Sandalwood
    3  Eliot Wright                16:37  
    5  Andres Quallio              16:43  
   14  Erick Sanchez               17:35  
   22  Ramon Sanders               18:13  
   26  Holden Root                 18:34  
7 Finishers     Time = 1:27:40     Places = 70

3. Wolfson
    1  Frank Garcia                16:20  
   13  James Porter                17:23  
   15  Eward Thompson              17:40  
   18  Larry Black                 17:42  
   30  Todd Henderson              18:49  
7 Finishers     Time = 1:27:53     Places = 77

4. Stanton
    6  Joachim Hartje              16:45  
    9  Daniel Bush                 17:13  
   23  Jeff Edelmann               18:21  
   25  Marvin Hartje               18:30  
   31  Jason Marlin                18:56  
6 Finishers     Time = 1:29:44     Places = 94

5. Fletcher
    8  Wteven Wylie                17:05  
   11  William Schanen             17:17  
   29  Geoffrey Lambert            18:47  
   33  Jeremian Bacolor            19:00  
   35  Kyle Kinder                 19:22  
7 Finishers     Time = 1:31:29     Places = 116

6. Englewood
   21  Alan Robertson              17:55  
   43  Suriel Galvan               19:52  
   44  Joshua Gersh                19:56  
   51  Moses Moses                 20:34  
   52  Jorge Rosales               20:36  
5 Finishers     Time = 1:38:51     Places = 211

7. Robert E Lee
    2  Johnathan Esteban           16:34  
   34  Aaron Davis                 19:15  
   53  Daniel Ferrell              20:41  
   58  Andrew Fitzpatrick          21:25  
   72  Joaquin Coston              23:06  
6 Finishers     Time = 1:41:00     Places = 219

8. Paxon
   10  Benjamin Weide              17:15  
   12  Joshua Williams             17:21  
   45  Jeremy Stang                20:02  
   68  David Frketic               22:26  
   85  Andrew Shubert              26:06  
5 Finishers     Time = 1:43:09     Places = 220

9. Ed White
   24  Nick Ross                   18:28  
   42  James Dasilva               19:48  
   46  Deven Harris                20:04  
   60  Joe Pena                    21:42  
   61  N. Doan                     21:43  
7 Finishers     Time = 1:41:43     Places = 233

10. Terry Parker
   19  Richard Foresto             17:42  
   37  Harry Crowell               19:29  
   47  Daryon Ford                 20:05  
   66  Meshraiemmanuel Yisrael     22:18  
   73  Omar Concepcion             23:20  
5 Finishers     Time = 1:42:53     Places = 242

11. Raines
   50  Ivan Rivers                 20:19  
   55  Demario Fort                20:58  
   56  Vernon Dennis               21:02  
   59  Fredrick David              21:34  
   63  Tre Wilder                  22:10  
7 Finishers     Time = 1:46:02     Places = 283

12. Jackson
   38  Tavaris Harris              19:34  
   54  Calvin Buckholz             20:49  
   69  Shawn Blaylock              22:28  
   74  Lawrence McCray             23:34  
   79  Jamel Carter                24:44  
7 Finishers     Time = 1:51:07     Places = 314

13. First Coast
   49  Travis Porter               20:16  
   65  Thomas Freeland             22:14  
   70  Darryl Barnes               22:51  
   71  Wayon Campbell              22:59  
   80  Charles Lewis               25:01  
6 Finishers     Time = 1:53:20     Places = 335

14. Ribault
   48  Joseph Stuckey              20:09  
   67  Ronald Crummell             22:25  
   78  Carlos Shanks               24:41  
   81  Bryan Allen                 25:38  
   84  Aphonso Dorsey              25:53  
6 Finishers     Time = 1:58:45     Places = 358

 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM

    1  Frank Garcia                16:20    Wolfson
    2  Johnathan Esteban           16:34    Robert E Lee
    3  Eliot Wright                16:37    Sandalwood
    4  Careron Dickerson           16:40    Mandarin
    5  Andres Quallio              16:43    Sandalwood
    6  Joachim Hartje              16:45    Stanton
    7  Adam Lewinson               16:58    Mandarin
    8  Wteven Wylie                17:05    Fletcher
    9  Daniel Bush                 17:13    Stanton
   10  Benjamin Weide              17:15    Paxon
   11  William Schanen             17:17    Fletcher
   12  Joshua Williams             17:21    Paxon
   13  James Porter                17:23    Wolfson
   14  Erick Sanchez               17:35    Sandalwood
   15  Eward Thompson              17:40    Wolfson
   16  Wes Givens                  17:40    Mandarin
   17  Edwward Pearch              17:42    Mandarin
   18  Larry Black                 17:42    Wolfson
   19  Richard Foresto             17:42    Terry Parker
   20  Vitaly Morgun               17:47    Mandarin
   21  Alan Robertson              17:55    Englewood
   22  Ramon Sanders               18:13    Sandalwood
   23  Jeff Edelmann               18:21    Stanton
   24  Nick Ross                   18:28    Ed White
   25  Marvin Hartje               18:30    Stanton
   26  Holden Root                 18:34    Sandalwood
   27  Brandon Timko               18:36    Sandalwood
   28  Jp McMains                  18:40    Mandarin
   29  Geoffrey Lambert            18:47    Fletcher
   30  Todd Henderson              18:49    Wolfson
   31  Jason Marlin                18:56    Stanton
   32  Douglas Green               18:59    Sandalwood
   33  Jeremian Bacolor            19:00    Fletcher
   34  Aaron Davis                 19:15    Robert E Lee
   35  Kyle Kinder                 19:22    Fletcher
   36  Steven Spooner              19:29    Mandarin
   37  Harry Crowell               19:29    Terry Parker
   38  Tavaris Harris              19:34    Jackson
   39  James Cowley                19:38    Fletcher
   40  John Whitford               19:41    Stanton
   41  Jacob Wiess                 19:42    Wolfson
   42  James Dasilva               19:48    Ed White
   43  Suriel Galvan               19:52    Englewood
   44  Joshua Gersh                19:56    Englewood
   45  Jeremy Stang                20:02    Paxon
   46  Deven Harris                20:04    Ed White
   47  Daryon Ford                 20:05    Terry Parker
   48  Joseph Stuckey              20:09    Ribault
   49  Travis Porter               20:16    First Coast
   50  Ivan Rivers                 20:19    Raines
   51  Moses Moses                 20:34    Englewood
   52  Jorge Rosales               20:36    Englewood
   53  Daniel Ferrell              20:41    Robert E Lee
   54  Calvin Buckholz             20:49    Jackson
   55  Demario Fort                20:58    Raines
   56  Vernon Dennis               21:02    Raines
   57  Ryan Marsh                  21:17    Fletcher
   58  Andrew Fitzpatrick          21:25    Robert E Lee
   59  Fredrick David              21:34    Raines
   60  Joe Pena                    21:42    Ed White
   61  N. Doan                     21:43    Ed White
   62  Elmon Hallback              21:49    Wolfson
   63  Tre Wilder                  22:10    Raines
   64  Mark Doctor                 22:12    Ed White
   65  Thomas Freeland             22:14    First Coast
   66  Meshraiemmanuel Yisrael     22:18    Terry Parker
   67  Ronald Crummell             22:25    Ribault
   68  David Frketic               22:26    Paxon
   69  Shawn Blaylock              22:28    Jackson
   70  Darryl Barnes               22:51    First Coast
   71  Wayon Campbell              22:59    First Coast
   72  Joaquin Coston              23:06    Robert E Lee
   73  Omar Concepcion             23:20    Terry Parker
   74  Lawrence McCray             23:34    Jackson
   75  Tyler Fortenberry           23:41    Forrest
   76  Alvin BrookiI               23:42    Raines
   77  Ivan Tumbaga                23:42    Ed White
   78  Derrick Johnson             23:53    Raines
   79  John Willigns               24:14    Forrest
   80  Samuel Shuman               24:14    Forrest
   81  Carlos Shanks               24:41    Ribault
   82  Jamel Carter                24:44    Jackson
   83  Charles Lewis               25:01    First Coast
   84  Bryan Allen                 25:38    Ribault
   85  Archie Shubert              25:39    Jackson
   86  Edward Ford                 25:39    Jackson
   87  Aphonso Dorsey              25:53    Ribault
   88  Andrew Shubert              26:06    Paxon
   89  Johnatin Hines              26:14    First Coast
   90  Cory Vining                 26:20    Robert E Lee
   91  Gertavian Blake             32:07    Ribault
"*" indicates females
91 male finishers
0 female finishers
91 total finishers

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