Fight for Air Climb 2016 Finish

Jacksonville, FL

Feb. 6, 2016

Results by 1st Place Sports

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                                      Last updated Feb. 9, 2016 11:13 AM
              TEAM                           NET    
  ID#  PLACE SCORE           FINISHER            TIME        TEAM         

Open Men
    1     1        Troy Alston, 28                 4:24    Wells Fargo Climbers 
Open Women
   11     1        Susan Glaser, 39                6:49    Wells Fargo Climbers 

              TEAM                           NET    
  ID#  PLACE SCORE           FINISHER            TIME        TEAM         

Men Under 19
   12     5        Dylan Nelson, 13                5:36    Wells Fargo Climbers 
   15     9        Randy Prosswimmer, 12           6:39                         
   29    15        Henry Hunter, 13                7:25    Prs                  
  538    33        Dylan Dudones, 13               8:37    Csx Climbers         
  541    40        Clayton Grant, 13               8:53    Csx Climbers         
  602    60        Tonay Salzar, 15               10:06                         
  180    74        David Baldwin, 16              10:50    The Baldwin Family   
  485    87        Ethan Bond, 9                  11:58    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
  568    97        Aiden Crockett, 6              13:37    Kohls                
  569    98        Liam Crockett, 9               13:39    Kohls                
   99   106        Jonathan Richmond, 9           15:57                         
   66   115        Patrick Finn, 8                19:25    Flight 42            

Men 19 - 29
  488     4        Jordan Brashears, 26            5:31                         
  120     7        Richard Doxtator, 29            6:22    Merrill Lynch Climber 
  519    14        Edison Mora, 25                 7:20    Out on the Prowl     
  487    23        Evan Brashears, 25              8:07                         
   37    27        Jason Baloy, 26                 8:16    Mayo Clinic          
  101    34        Collin Schiffer, 29             8:38    Merrill Lynch Climber 
  496    38        Casey Cornelius, 23             8:45    Out on the Prowl     
  155    48        Alex Bogh, 26                   9:33    Debbie's Climbers    
  162    53        Paul Locke, 24                  9:43    Csx Climbers         
  131    58        Aleksas Barauskas, 29          10:01    Akerman Llp          
  128    66        Jerry Therrel, 28              10:32    Merrill Lynch Climber 
  121    68        Michael Gallagher, 26          10:35    Merrill Lynch Climber 
  432    77        Ken Stetson, 27                11:07    Ed's First Mates     
  543    80        Jeremy Henderson, 28           11:11    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
  578    85        Andrew Mclean, 27              11:27    Kohls                
  502    88        Taylor Evans, 26               12:06                         
  537    91        Jimmy Davis, 28                12:45    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
   47   107        Chris Gonzalez, 27             16:14    Ed's First Mates     
  340   109        Michael Liverano, 26           16:37    Ed's First Mates     
  336   111        Rome Lenares, 29               17:01    Csx Climbers         
  566   118        gregory reeves, 19             20:33    Kohls                

Men 30 - 39
  126     8        Conor Salmon, 33                6:38    Merrill Lynch Climber 
   17    18        Robert Manners, 32              7:41    Merrill Lynch Climber 
   22    20        Sateesh Gaddam, 39              7:51    Csx Climbers         
  225    21        Michael Colley, 35              7:53    Csx Climbers         
   32    22        Tom Norton, 33                  7:59    Flight 42            
  284    24        Riley Goodman, 38               8:10    Prs                  
  379    28        Priyesh Patel, 33               8:19    Stepaholics          
  259    35        Jason English, 39               8:39    Going Up             
  391    36        Brian Sallette, 32              8:41    Stepaholics          
   33    39        Winton Mays, 31                 8:48    Merrill Lynch Climber 
  219    49        Alykhan Gulamali, 32            9:33    Out on the Prowl     
  533    61        Rahul Vaghela, 30              10:16    Csx Climbers         
  378    65        Jayakumar Pandian, 33          10:31    Csx Climbers         
  501    69        Jon Engle, 35                  10:39    Csx Climbers         
  525    71        Kiran Raj, 36                  10:41    Csx Climbers         
  352    72        Ian McKillop, 32               10:45    Debbie's Climbers    
  549    73        Anthony Lunsford, 31           10:48                         
  271    75        Kevin Foster, 33               10:57    Csx Climbers         
  119    79        Jose Bascon, 39                11:11    Merrill Lynch Climber 
  520    84        Shaun Nelson, 37               11:26    WoodForest National B 
  111    89        Naveen Modali, 34              12:20    Csx Climbers         
  571    90        corey wilborn, 35              12:40                         
   62    92        Logan Stanko, 35               12:50    Merrill Lynch Climber 
  332    93        Rith Kruy, 34                  13:06    Mayo Clinic          
   80   101        Andrew Murphy, 32              14:42    Stepaholics          
  483   102        Danny Bateman, 33              14:45    Stepaholics          
  440   103        David Sutherland, 31           14:56    Stepaholics          
  220   112        Ryan Cheeley, 33               17:22    Advance Rehabilitatio 
  392   123        Anthony Rafael, 39             25:26    Vertically Inclined  
  170   124        Ali Razi, 31                   26:51    Navy Fire            

Men 40 - 49
  580     3        daryle glaser, 47               5:07    Wells Fargo Climbers 
    6     6        Tom Ivancik, 40                 6:15    Prs                  
   10    10        Erik Smith, 41                  6:41    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  216    13        Patrick Carney, 43              7:17    Csx Climbers         
   18    16        Earl Storms, 41                 7:31    Wells Fargo Climbers 
   13    19        Scott Wittlinger, 48            7:43                         
  408    25        Rusty Russ, 42                  8:12    Flight 42            
  334    26        Todd Leckie, 43                 8:16    Merrill Lynch Climber 
  489    31        Matthew Brown, 43               8:26    Flightin' High       
   36    37        John Tuttle, 47                 8:42    Csx Climbers         
  387    41        Shane Pipher, 42                8:56    Guardian Angels      
  194    45        Robert Eric Bilik, 48           9:17    McGuireWoods         
   31    50        Paul Wagner, 47                 9:33    Merrill Lynch Climber 
  143    51        Scott Goldstein, 41             9:34    Jax Fitbody Boot Camp 
   69    57        John Finn, 45                  10:00    Flight 42            
  517    64        Kevin McNaught, 43             10:28    Csx Climbers         
  419    67        Rajesh Shetty, 46              10:33    Stare Climbers       
  104    81        Craig Tomlinson, 47            11:15    Csx Climbers         
   20    95        Blakely Daniels, 40            13:13    Csx Climbers         
  179    96        Dave Baldwin, 49               13:14    The Baldwin Family   
   44   100        Christopher Garniewicz, 47     14:13                         
  528   110        John Salazar, 44               16:54    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
  276   114        Fredrick Gardner, 49           18:48    Subway               
  229   116        Henry Cooper, 42               19:55    Flight 42            
  129   117        Steve Watkins, 45              20:12    Csx Climbers         
   46   121        Tim Mosier, 47                 23:14    Flight 42            

Men 50 - 59
    2     2        Thomas Scott, 51                4:45                         
  385    11        Darrell Phelps, 51              6:45                         
  281    12        Brian Pate, 56                  7:10    Prs                  
  274    29        Wade Gaines, 52                 8:22    Going Up             
   94    30        Gary Harlow, 56                 8:26    Jax Fitbody Boot Camp 
    7    32        Kevin Ruff, 52                  8:28    Csx Climbers         
  190    42        Mark Grant, 50                  8:57    Csx Climbers         
  570    44        Donald Spann, 57                9:14                         
  243    54        Doug Dayberry, 59               9:46    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  354    56        Joseph McMillan, 55             9:56    Csx Climbers         
   51    59        Kyle Lind, 54                  10:01    Debbie's Climbers    
  450    63        Rick Thompson, 52              10:23    Csx Climbers         
  422    70        Dana Current, 51               10:40    Merrill Lynch Climber 
  491    83        McCoy Carter, 54               11:20    Csx Climbers         
  282    86        Tom Glavin, 55                 11:33    Gate Petroleum       
  218   108        Roy Carter, 58                 16:31    Csx Climbers         
  581   113        ronald mcculey, 56             17:29    Csx Climbers         
  521   119        Charles Pack, 50               22:49    Csx Climbers         
   43   120        Bob Mosier, 51                 22:57    Flight 42            
  467   122        Rob Weiner, 51                 25:08    Mayo Clinic          

Men 60 - 69
    9    17        Harry Moore, 65                 7:32    Foresight            
  102    43        Dave Schurtz, 64                9:11                         
  515    46        Denis McKevitt, 68              9:18                         
  141    55        Randall Dirkse, 61              9:48    Hiers Family Foundati 
  373    62        Thomas Ryan, 65                10:18    Csx Climbers         
  149    76        Curtis Parker, 61              11:02    Csx Climbers         
  113   104        James Blanton, 61              15:00    Csx Climbers         

Men 70 & Up
   75    47        Robert Doughty, 74              9:32                         
  173    94        Jim Cox, 70                    13:07    Flight 42            
   52    99        Jack Avery, 73                 13:48    Flight 42            

              TEAM                           NET    
  ID#  PLACE SCORE           FINISHER            TIME        TEAM         

Women Under 19
  579    35        Denise Davis, 15               10:24                         
  542    89        Ashleigh Griggs, 13            14:16    Csx Climbers         

Women 19 - 29
   56     6        Shayna Adams, 27                8:01    Merrill Lynch Climber 
  304    12        Sarah Hulsberg, 27              8:40    McGuireWoods         
  132    21        Erica Altman, 23                9:21    Csx Climbers         
  498    28        Sasha Dickert, 29              10:01    Flight 42            
  110    37        Hannah Johnson, 26             10:25    Advance Rehabilitatio 
  242    43        Heidi Day, 29                  10:49    Stairsky and Hutch   
  548    46        Rebecca Lang, 26               10:53    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
  224    47        Dustina Colley, 29             10:57    Csx Climbers         
  198    51        Marie Bogh, 25                 11:11    Debbie's Climbers    
  280    53        Jessica Gibson, 27             11:17    Akerman Llp          
  106    57        Renee Fox, 29                  11:36    Csx Climbers         
  171    58        Kendall Voelker, 25            11:36    Advance Rehabilitatio 
  139    61        Anya Denbow, 24                11:47    Out on the Prowl     
  183    63        Sara Dorschel, 29              11:50    Jax Fitbody Boot Camp 
  523    67        Arta Palaj, 24                 12:05    Mayo Clinic          
  482    69        Savannah Anderson, 27          12:15    Advance Rehabilitatio 
  105    71        Emily Wieger, 29               12:29                         
  153    75        Sarah Weeks, 26                12:44    Hiers Family Foundati 
  315    81        Annie Jones, 23                13:11    Merrill Lynch Climber 
  328    85        Katia Kirilina, 28             13:39    Merrill Lynch Climber 
  522    86        Ana Palaj, 26                  13:45    Mayo Clinic          
  529    91        Nisha Tabassum, 22             14:25    Csx Climbers         
  269    98        Elizabeth Folsom, 28           14:41                         
  462   102        Samantha Wann, 25              15:08    Csx Climbers         
  433   105        Amelia Stewart, 25             15:19    Stare Climbers       
  288   108        Kinsey Gulamali, 28            15:51    Out on the Prowl     
  374   113        Linda O'Brien, 24              16:24    Flight 42            
   54   115        Emily Mastronicola, 27         16:43                         
   72   117        Kerry Martin, 28               16:44    Advance Rehabilitatio 
  316   120        Sara Jones, 25                 16:56    Ed's First Mates     
  350   122        Courtney McCormick, 29         16:58    McGuireWoods         
  164   126        Heather Sloan, 28              17:40    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  565   133        sadie whitney, 22              19:13    Kohls                
  240   135        Heather Davis, 24              19:23    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
  283   138        Lauren Gonzalez, 27            20:20    Ed's First Mates     
   64   142        Caitlyn Stetson, 28            21:31    Ed's First Mates     
  473   147        Rachel Wiggins, 27             24:31    Mayo Clinic          
  201   149        amber Griggs, 20               24:57                         
  480   151        Megan Wilson, 28               25:09    Ed's First Mates     
  505   152        Christina Wilson, 24           28:45                         
  416   155        Liz Schneider, 24              41:18    Merrill Lynch Climber 

Women 30 - 39
   24     2        Manisha Patel, 33               7:03    Stepaholics          
   96     3        Kate Mays, 30                   7:17    Merrill Lynch Climber 
   16     4        Katie Sawaya, 31                7:18    Prs                  
  355     7        Leslie McPartland, 35           8:08    McPartland           
   27    10        Allison Stocker, 31             8:28    Akerman Llp          
  441    14        Emily Sutherland, 33            8:51    Stepaholics          
  401    18        Spring Sallette, 34             9:07    Stepaholics          
  279    19        Amanda Gerdeman, 30             9:15    Stepaholics          
  410    22        Sonya Salameh, 38               9:34    Csx Climbers         
  383    25        Melanie Perea, 33               9:48    Csx Climbers         
   97    26        Tina Mirmina, 30                9:53                         
  601    29        jennifer Hudgens, 37           10:07    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
   89    30        Gena Causer, 34                10:07    Merrill Lynch Climber 
  261    34        Kristin Lee, 32                10:19    Jax Fitbody Boot Camp 
   68    40        Kimberly Gonzalez, 32          10:39    Csx Climbers         
  448    41        Michelle Thomas, 34            10:39                         
  217    49        Stephanie Carr-Williams, 34
                                                   11:08    Debbie's Climbers    
  196    52        Julie Graveline, 30            11:12    Csx Climbers         
   49    54        Sarah Knight, 31               11:26    Debbie's Climbers    
  277    55        Linda Garica, 34               11:34    Stare Climbers       
  556    56        lisa schauer, 31               11:35    Jax Fitbody Boot Camp 
  174    62        Jill Dale, 36                  11:50                         
  182    64        Erika Davis, 32                11:56    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
  428    68        Jennie Smith-Foerster, 35      12:11    Revlon Racers        
  252    70        Brandie Dillon, 35             12:15    Jax Fitbody Boot Camp 
  125    72        Michelle Outen, 30             12:30    Gate Petroleum       
  555    74        Rebecca bartell, 33            12:36    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
  535    76        Alejandra Amegin, 38           12:49    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
  457    80        Jamie Van Pelt, 32             13:05    Prs                  
  199    83        Sandra Bohanan, 38             13:26    Akerman Llp          
  372    87        Stefanie Forness, 33           13:54    Climbing Gator Skins 
  317    92        Heather Julin-Pittman, 32      14:29    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  115    93        Elaine Carlos, 36              14:31    Stairsky and Hutch   
  404    95        Elizabeth Rothenberg, 33       14:35    McGuireWoods         
  486   100        Katie Bond, 34                 14:52    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
  100   104        Kristen Sawyer, 32             15:19    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  547   106        Cassondra Jones, 34            15:32    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
  233   110        Lauren Cortese, 38             15:57                         
   40   111        Shana Lindsey, 38              15:59    Vertically Inclined  
  103   112        Kelly Smith, 38                16:23    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  253   118        April Dovidotse, 34            16:45                         
  215   121        Kristin Cannon, 35             16:56    Raintree Climbers    
  366   127        Melody Reichard, 37            18:30    Flightin' High       
  476   128        Billie Young, 32               18:43    Jax Fitbody Boot Camp 
  367   129        Erikka Nelson, 35              18:53    Mr. Fitness Show     
  567   139        jessica crockett, 32           21:04    Kohls                
  499   140        April D Dovi-dotse, 34         21:12                         
  356   146        Melinda Mercer, 30             23:46    Akerman Llp          
  241   154        Monica Davis, 39               41:11    Merrill Lynch Climber 
   14   156        Danielle Teel, 34              58:50    Prs                  

Women 40 - 49
   23     5        Aimee Dickerson, 40             7:46    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
   34     8        Mandy Hunter, 40                8:13    Prs                  
  434     9        Janelle Roark, 42               8:17    Prs                  
  192    11        Cheryl Benz, 46                 8:37    Jax Fitbody Boot Camp 
  246    13        Katie Deering, 40               8:44    Csx Climbers         
  358    24        Amy Merrills, 40                9:41    Flightin' High       
  273    31        Jaylen Naylor, 46              10:12                         
  554    33        Tammy Taylor, 42               10:17    Jax Fitbody Boot Camp 
   41    39        Tina Wittlinger, 44            10:36                         
  511    44        Aline King, 45                 10:50    Gate Petroleum       
  161    50        Jonikka Gaines, 42             11:10    Going Up             
  606    60        Melissa Nelson, 44             11:45    McGuireWoods         
  251    66        Miriam Dillard, 40             12:01    The Baldwin Family   
  437    77        Kelsey Stroble, 45             12:49    Going Up             
   67    82        Linda MacLeod, 45              13:17    Merrill Lynch Climber 
  380    88        Renee Pawlish, 46              13:56    Going Up             
  539   119        Dorinda Geans-Jay, 45          16:51                         
  202   123        Michelle Borandi, 42           17:22                         
  420   125        Katrina Silvia, 40             17:27                         
  275   132        Carolina Gardner, 43           19:11    Subway               
  249   134        Jamie Hokaj, 45                19:22    Jax Fitbody Boot Camp 
   84   137        Tracey Peterson, 46            19:34    Jax Fitbody Boot Camp 
  508   144        Kelley Hurst, 41               21:59    Mayo Clinic          
  414   148        carolyn solomon, 43            24:37                         
   86   150        Dawn Avery, 48                 25:05    Flight 42            
   70   153        Stacie Cribb, 42               34:26                         

Women 50 - 59
  475    15        Judith Yeager, 54               8:55    Gate Petroleum       
   35    16        Betsy Bonner, 52                9:02    Gate Petroleum       
   38    17        Margaret Johnson, 51            9:05    Mayo Clinic          
  582    20        Cyndee Hickson, 52              9:21                         
   25    23        Lisa Balter, 50                 9:40    Csx Climbers         
  421    27        Cynthia Simon, 59               9:56                         
  109    32        Cindy Nobles, 59               10:15    Csx Climbers         
  258    38        Peggy Emeis, 56                10:27    Csx Climbers         
  472    42        Sabrina Wickham, 58            10:41    Jax Fitbody Boot Camp 
  343    45        Laura Loyd, 54                 10:52    Csx Climbers         
  423    48        Connie Smith, 57               10:59    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  238    59        Anita Dall, 59                 11:43                         
  272    65        Darlene Marshall, 50           11:59    Jax Fitbody Boot Camp 
  309    73        Shelia Pitts, 53               12:32    Gate Petroleum       
   61    78        Julie Wood, 56                 12:52    Raintree Climbers    
  536    84        Alberta Davis, 52              13:39                         
  213    90        Penelope Campbell, 59          14:23                         
   83    94        Dana Robles, 54                14:31    Csx Climbers         
  552    96        Meg Reesey, 54                 14:37                         
  386    99        Deborah Phelps, 56             14:50                         
   90   101        Joann Clark, 51                14:53    Csx Climbers         
  506   103        Tracy Hilton, 58               15:08    Mayo Clinic          
  257   107        Janice Ellis, 55               15:42    Going Up             
   79   114        Earlet Burnell Hannibal, 51
                                                   16:37    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  138   116        Catherine Cowart, 52           16:44    Jax Fitbody Boot Camp 
  546   124        Anne James, 59                 17:23    Ed's First Mates     
  407   130        Mary Ann Villanueva, 53        19:02    Jax Fitbody Boot Camp 
  140   131        Brenda Dirkse, 53              19:04    Hiers Family Foundati 
  185   136        Andria Barber, 51              19:23    Csx Climbers         
  514   141        Carol Madison, 53              21:19    Mayo Clinic          
  564   143        bekky briddell, 54             21:31    Kohls                

Women 60 - 69
  377    79        K  C. Padget, 60               12:59    Guardian Angels      
   71    97        Norine Blanton, 61             14:37    Csx Climbers         

Women 70 & Up
   82   109        Sandra Richmond, 71            15:52                         
  186   145        Gloria Barnes, 77              23:01                         

              TEAM                           NET    
  ID#  PLACE SCORE           FINISHER            TIME        TEAM         

    1     1     1  Troy Alston, 28                 4:24    Wells Fargo Climbers 
    2     2        Thomas Scott, 51                4:45                         
  580     3     2  daryle glaser, 47               5:07    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  488     4        Jordan Brashears, 26            5:31                         
   12     5     3  Dylan Nelson, 13                5:36    Wells Fargo Climbers 
    6     6     4  Tom Ivancik, 40                 6:15    Prs                  
  120     7     5  Richard Doxtator, 29            6:22    Merrill Lynch Climber 
  126     8     6  Conor Salmon, 33                6:38    Merrill Lynch Climber 
   15     9     7  Randy Prosswimmer, 12           6:39                         
   10    10     8  Erik Smith, 41                  6:41    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  385    11        Darrell Phelps, 51              6:45                         
   11     1     9  Susan Glaser, 39                6:49    Wells Fargo Climbers 
   24     2    10  Manisha Patel, 33               7:03    Stepaholics          
  281    12    11  Brian Pate, 56                  7:10    Prs                  
   96     3    12  Kate Mays, 30                   7:17    Merrill Lynch Climber 
  216    13    13  Patrick Carney, 43              7:17    Csx Climbers         
   16     4    14  Katie Sawaya, 31                7:18    Prs                  
  519    14    15  Edison Mora, 25                 7:20    Out on the Prowl     
   29    15    16  Henry Hunter, 13                7:25    Prs                  
   18    16    17  Earl Storms, 41                 7:31    Wells Fargo Climbers 
    9    17    18  Harry Moore, 65                 7:32    Foresight            
   17    18    19  Robert Manners, 32              7:41    Merrill Lynch Climber 
   13    19        Scott Wittlinger, 48            7:43                         
   23     5    20  Aimee Dickerson, 40             7:46    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
   22    20    21  Sateesh Gaddam, 39              7:51    Csx Climbers         
  225    21    22  Michael Colley, 35              7:53    Csx Climbers         
   32    22    23  Tom Norton, 33                  7:59    Flight 42            
   56     6    24  Shayna Adams, 27                8:01    Merrill Lynch Climber 
  487    23        Evan Brashears, 25              8:07                         
  355     7    25  Leslie McPartland, 35           8:08    McPartland           
  284    24    26  Riley Goodman, 38               8:10    Prs                  
  408    25    27  Rusty Russ, 42                  8:12    Flight 42            
   34     8    28  Mandy Hunter, 40                8:13    Prs                  
  334    26    29  Todd Leckie, 43                 8:16    Merrill Lynch Climber 
   37    27    30  Jason Baloy, 26                 8:16    Mayo Clinic          
  434     9    31  Janelle Roark, 42               8:17    Prs                  
  379    28    32  Priyesh Patel, 33               8:19    Stepaholics          
  274    29    33  Wade Gaines, 52                 8:22    Going Up             
   94    30    34  Gary Harlow, 56                 8:26    Jax Fitbody Boot Camp 
  489    31    35  Matthew Brown, 43               8:26    Flightin' High       
   27    10    36  Allison Stocker, 31             8:28    Akerman Llp          
    7    32    37  Kevin Ruff, 52                  8:28    Csx Climbers         
  538    33    38  Dylan Dudones, 13               8:37    Csx Climbers         
  192    11    39  Cheryl Benz, 46                 8:37    Jax Fitbody Boot Camp 
  101    34    40  Collin Schiffer, 29             8:38    Merrill Lynch Climber 
  259    35    41  Jason English, 39               8:39    Going Up             
  304    12    42  Sarah Hulsberg, 27              8:40    McGuireWoods         
  391    36    43  Brian Sallette, 32              8:41    Stepaholics          
   36    37    44  John Tuttle, 47                 8:42    Csx Climbers         
  246    13    45  Katie Deering, 40               8:44    Csx Climbers         
  496    38    46  Casey Cornelius, 23             8:45    Out on the Prowl     
   33    39    47  Winton Mays, 31                 8:48    Merrill Lynch Climber 
  441    14    48  Emily Sutherland, 33            8:51    Stepaholics          
  541    40    49  Clayton Grant, 13               8:53    Csx Climbers         
  475    15    50  Judith Yeager, 54               8:55    Gate Petroleum       
  387    41    51  Shane Pipher, 42                8:56    Guardian Angels      
  190    42    52  Mark Grant, 50                  8:57    Csx Climbers         
   35    16    53  Betsy Bonner, 52                9:02    Gate Petroleum       
   38    17    54  Margaret Johnson, 51            9:05    Mayo Clinic          
  401    18    55  Spring Sallette, 34             9:07    Stepaholics          
  102    43        Dave Schurtz, 64                9:11                         
  570    44        Donald Spann, 57                9:14                         
  279    19    56  Amanda Gerdeman, 30             9:15    Stepaholics          
  194    45    57  Robert Eric Bilik, 48           9:17    McGuireWoods         
  515    46        Denis McKevitt, 68              9:18                         
  582    20        Cyndee Hickson, 52              9:21                         
  132    21    58  Erica Altman, 23                9:21    Csx Climbers         
   75    47        Robert Doughty, 74              9:32                         
  155    48    59  Alex Bogh, 26                   9:33    Debbie's Climbers    
  219    49    60  Alykhan Gulamali, 32            9:33    Out on the Prowl     
   31    50    61  Paul Wagner, 47                 9:33    Merrill Lynch Climber 
  410    22    62  Sonya Salameh, 38               9:34    Csx Climbers         
  143    51    63  Scott Goldstein, 41             9:34    Jax Fitbody Boot Camp 
 1003    52        Dm9dptd                         9:35                         
   25    23    64  Lisa Balter, 50                 9:40    Csx Climbers         
  358    24    65  Amy Merrills, 40                9:41    Flightin' High       
  162    53    66  Paul Locke, 24                  9:43    Csx Climbers         
  243    54    67  Doug Dayberry, 59               9:46    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  141    55    68  Randall Dirkse, 61              9:48    Hiers Family Foundati 
  383    25    69  Melanie Perea, 33               9:48    Csx Climbers         
   97    26    70  Tina Mirmina, 30                9:53                         
  354    56    71  Joseph McMillan, 55             9:56    Csx Climbers         
  421    27        Cynthia Simon, 59               9:56                         
   69    57    72  John Finn, 45                  10:00    Flight 42            
  498    28    73  Sasha Dickert, 29              10:01    Flight 42            
  131    58    74  Aleksas Barauskas, 29          10:01    Akerman Llp          
   51    59    75  Kyle Lind, 54                  10:01    Debbie's Climbers    
  602    60        Tonay Salzar, 15               10:06                         
  601    29    76  jennifer Hudgens, 37           10:07    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
   89    30    77  Gena Causer, 34                10:07    Merrill Lynch Climber 
  273    31        Jaylen Naylor, 46              10:12                         
  109    32    78  Cindy Nobles, 59               10:15    Csx Climbers         
  533    61    79  Rahul Vaghela, 30              10:16    Csx Climbers         
  554    33    80  Tammy Taylor, 42               10:17    Jax Fitbody Boot Camp 
  373    62    81  Thomas Ryan, 65                10:18    Csx Climbers         
  261    34    82  Kristin Lee, 32                10:19    Jax Fitbody Boot Camp 
  450    63    83  Rick Thompson, 52              10:23    Csx Climbers         
  579    35        Denise Davis, 15               10:24                         
  604    36        Emily Mastroicola              10:24                         
  110    37    84  Hannah Johnson, 26             10:25    Advance Rehabilitatio 
  258    38    85  Peggy Emeis, 56                10:27    Csx Climbers         
  517    64    86  Kevin McNaught, 43             10:28    Csx Climbers         
  378    65    87  Jayakumar Pandian, 33          10:31    Csx Climbers         
  128    66    88  Jerry Therrel, 28              10:32    Merrill Lynch Climber 
  419    67    89  Rajesh Shetty, 46              10:33    Stare Climbers       
  121    68    90  Michael Gallagher, 26          10:35    Merrill Lynch Climber 
   41    39        Tina Wittlinger, 44            10:36                         
   68    40    91  Kimberly Gonzalez, 32          10:39    Csx Climbers         
  501    69    92  Jon Engle, 35                  10:39    Csx Climbers         
  448    41        Michelle Thomas, 34            10:39                         
  422    70    93  Dana Current, 51               10:40    Merrill Lynch Climber 
  472    42    94  Sabrina Wickham, 58            10:41    Jax Fitbody Boot Camp 
  525    71    95  Kiran Raj, 36                  10:41    Csx Climbers         
  352    72    96  Ian McKillop, 32               10:45    Debbie's Climbers    
  549    73        Anthony Lunsford, 31           10:48                         
  242    43    97  Heidi Day, 29                  10:49    Stairsky and Hutch   
  180    74    98  David Baldwin, 16              10:50    The Baldwin Family   
  511    44    99  Aline King, 45                 10:50    Gate Petroleum       
  343    45   100  Laura Loyd, 54                 10:52    Csx Climbers         
  548    46   101  Rebecca Lang, 26               10:53    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
  224    47   102  Dustina Colley, 29             10:57    Csx Climbers         
  271    75   103  Kevin Foster, 33               10:57    Csx Climbers         
  423    48   104  Connie Smith, 57               10:59    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  149    76   105  Curtis Parker, 61              11:02    Csx Climbers         
  432    77   106  Ken Stetson, 27                11:07    Ed's First Mates     
  217    49   107  Stephanie Carr-Williams, 34
                                                   11:08    Debbie's Climbers    
 1007    78        Dm8t1wp                        11:09                         
  161    50   108  Jonikka Gaines, 42             11:10    Going Up             
  198    51   109  Marie Bogh, 25                 11:11    Debbie's Climbers    
  119    79   110  Jose Bascon, 39                11:11    Merrill Lynch Climber 
  543    80   111  Jeremy Henderson, 28           11:11    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
  196    52   112  Julie Graveline, 30            11:12    Csx Climbers         
  104    81   113  Craig Tomlinson, 47            11:15    Csx Climbers         
  280    53   114  Jessica Gibson, 27             11:17    Akerman Llp          
  605    82        Ian Peterson                   11:18                         
  491    83   115  McCoy Carter, 54               11:20    Csx Climbers         
  520    84   116  Shaun Nelson, 37               11:26    WoodForest National B 
   49    54   117  Sarah Knight, 31               11:26    Debbie's Climbers    
  578    85   118  Andrew Mclean, 27              11:27    Kohls                
  282    86   119  Tom Glavin, 55                 11:33    Gate Petroleum       
  277    55   120  Linda Garica, 34               11:34    Stare Climbers       
  556    56   121  lisa schauer, 31               11:35    Jax Fitbody Boot Camp 
  106    57   122  Renee Fox, 29                  11:36    Csx Climbers         
  171    58   123  Kendall Voelker, 25            11:36    Advance Rehabilitatio 
  238    59        Anita Dall, 59                 11:43                         
  606    60   124  Melissa Nelson, 44             11:45    McGuireWoods         
  139    61   125  Anya Denbow, 24                11:47    Out on the Prowl     
  174    62        Jill Dale, 36                  11:50                         
  183    63   126  Sara Dorschel, 29              11:50    Jax Fitbody Boot Camp 
  182    64   127  Erika Davis, 32                11:56    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
  485    87   128  Ethan Bond, 9                  11:58    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
  272    65   129  Darlene Marshall, 50           11:59    Jax Fitbody Boot Camp 
  251    66   130  Miriam Dillard, 40             12:01    The Baldwin Family   
  523    67   131  Arta Palaj, 24                 12:05    Mayo Clinic          
  502    88        Taylor Evans, 26               12:06                         
  428    68   132  Jennie Smith-Foerster, 35      12:11    Revlon Racers        
  482    69   133  Savannah Anderson, 27          12:15    Advance Rehabilitatio 
  252    70   134  Brandie Dillon, 35             12:15    Jax Fitbody Boot Camp 
  111    89   135  Naveen Modali, 34              12:20    Csx Climbers         
  105    71        Emily Wieger, 29               12:29                         
  125    72   136  Michelle Outen, 30             12:30    Gate Petroleum       
  309    73   137  Shelia Pitts, 53               12:32    Gate Petroleum       
  555    74   138  Rebecca bartell, 33            12:36    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
  571    90        corey wilborn, 35              12:40                         
  153    75   139  Sarah Weeks, 26                12:44    Hiers Family Foundati 
  537    91   140  Jimmy Davis, 28                12:45    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
  535    76   141  Alejandra Amegin, 38           12:49    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
  437    77   142  Kelsey Stroble, 45             12:49    Going Up             
   62    92   143  Logan Stanko, 35               12:50    Merrill Lynch Climber 
   61    78   144  Julie Wood, 56                 12:52    Raintree Climbers    
  377    79   145  K  C. Padget, 60               12:59    Guardian Angels      
  457    80   146  Jamie Van Pelt, 32             13:05    Prs                  
  332    93   147  Rith Kruy, 34                  13:06    Mayo Clinic          
  173    94   148  Jim Cox, 70                    13:07    Flight 42            
  315    81   149  Annie Jones, 23                13:11    Merrill Lynch Climber 
   20    95   150  Blakely Daniels, 40            13:13    Csx Climbers         
  179    96   151  Dave Baldwin, 49               13:14    The Baldwin Family   
   67    82   152  Linda MacLeod, 45              13:17    Merrill Lynch Climber 
  199    83   153  Sandra Bohanan, 38             13:26    Akerman Llp          
  568    97   154  Aiden Crockett, 6              13:37    Kohls                
  569    98   155  Liam Crockett, 9               13:39    Kohls                
  536    84        Alberta Davis, 52              13:39                         
  328    85   156  Katia Kirilina, 28             13:39    Merrill Lynch Climber 
  522    86   157  Ana Palaj, 26                  13:45    Mayo Clinic          
   52    99   158  Jack Avery, 73                 13:48    Flight 42            
  372    87   159  Stefanie Forness, 33           13:54    Climbing Gator Skins 
  380    88   160  Renee Pawlish, 46              13:56    Going Up             
   44   100        Christopher Garniewicz, 47     14:13                         
  542    89   161  Ashleigh Griggs, 13            14:16    Csx Climbers         
  213    90        Penelope Campbell, 59          14:23                         
  529    91   162  Nisha Tabassum, 22             14:25    Csx Climbers         
  317    92   163  Heather Julin-Pittman, 32      14:29    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  115    93   164  Elaine Carlos, 36              14:31    Stairsky and Hutch   
   83    94   165  Dana Robles, 54                14:31    Csx Climbers         
  404    95   166  Elizabeth Rothenberg, 33       14:35    McGuireWoods         
  552    96        Meg Reesey, 54                 14:37                         
   71    97   167  Norine Blanton, 61             14:37    Csx Climbers         
  269    98        Elizabeth Folsom, 28           14:41                         
   80   101   168  Andrew Murphy, 32              14:42    Stepaholics          
  483   102   169  Danny Bateman, 33              14:45    Stepaholics          
  386    99        Deborah Phelps, 56             14:50                         
  486   100   170  Katie Bond, 34                 14:52    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
   90   101   171  Joann Clark, 51                14:53    Csx Climbers         
  440   103   172  David Sutherland, 31           14:56    Stepaholics          
  113   104   173  James Blanton, 61              15:00    Csx Climbers         
  462   102   174  Samantha Wann, 25              15:08    Csx Climbers         
  506   103   175  Tracy Hilton, 58               15:08    Mayo Clinic          
  100   104   176  Kristen Sawyer, 32             15:19    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  433   105   177  Amelia Stewart, 25             15:19    Stare Climbers       
  547   106   178  Cassondra Jones, 34            15:32    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
  257   107   179  Janice Ellis, 55               15:42    Going Up             
 1005   105        Dz2etp7                        15:48                         
  288   108   180  Kinsey Gulamali, 28            15:51    Out on the Prowl     
   82   109        Sandra Richmond, 71            15:52                         
   99   106        Jonathan Richmond, 9           15:57                         
  233   110        Lauren Cortese, 38             15:57                         
   40   111   181  Shana Lindsey, 38              15:59    Vertically Inclined  
   47   107   182  Chris Gonzalez, 27             16:14    Ed's First Mates     
  103   112   183  Kelly Smith, 38                16:23    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  374   113   184  Linda O'Brien, 24              16:24    Flight 42            
  218   108   185  Roy Carter, 58                 16:31    Csx Climbers         
  340   109   186  Michael Liverano, 26           16:37    Ed's First Mates     
   79   114   187  Earlet Burnell Hannibal, 51
                                                   16:37    Wells Fargo Climbers 
   54   115        Emily Mastronicola, 27         16:43                         
  138   116   188  Catherine Cowart, 52           16:44    Jax Fitbody Boot Camp 
   72   117   189  Kerry Martin, 28               16:44    Advance Rehabilitatio 
  253   118        April Dovidotse, 34            16:45                         
  539   119        Dorinda Geans-Jay, 45          16:51                         
  528   110   190  John Salazar, 44               16:54    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
  316   120   191  Sara Jones, 25                 16:56    Ed's First Mates     
  215   121   192  Kristin Cannon, 35             16:56    Raintree Climbers    
  350   122   193  Courtney McCormick, 29         16:58    McGuireWoods         
  336   111   194  Rome Lenares, 29               17:01    Csx Climbers         
  220   112   195  Ryan Cheeley, 33               17:22    Advance Rehabilitatio 
  202   123        Michelle Borandi, 42           17:22                         
  546   124   196  Anne James, 59                 17:23    Ed's First Mates     
  420   125        Katrina Silvia, 40             17:27                         
  581   113   197  ronald mcculey, 56             17:29    Csx Climbers         
  164   126   198  Heather Sloan, 28              17:40    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  366   127   199  Melody Reichard, 37            18:30    Flightin' High       
  476   128   200  Billie Young, 32               18:43    Jax Fitbody Boot Camp 
  276   114   201  Fredrick Gardner, 49           18:48    Subway               
  367   129   202  Erikka Nelson, 35              18:53    Mr. Fitness Show     
  407   130   203  Mary Ann Villanueva, 53        19:02    Jax Fitbody Boot Camp 
  140   131   204  Brenda Dirkse, 53              19:04    Hiers Family Foundati 
  275   132   205  Carolina Gardner, 43           19:11    Subway               
  565   133   206  sadie whitney, 22              19:13    Kohls                
  249   134   207  Jamie Hokaj, 45                19:22    Jax Fitbody Boot Camp 
  240   135   208  Heather Davis, 24              19:23    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
  185   136   209  Andria Barber, 51              19:23    Csx Climbers         
   66   115   210  Patrick Finn, 8                19:25    Flight 42            
   84   137   211  Tracey Peterson, 46            19:34    Jax Fitbody Boot Camp 
  229   116   212  Henry Cooper, 42               19:55    Flight 42            
  129   117   213  Steve Watkins, 45              20:12    Csx Climbers         
  283   138   214  Lauren Gonzalez, 27            20:20    Ed's First Mates     
  566   118   215  gregory reeves, 19             20:33    Kohls                
  567   139   216  jessica crockett, 32           21:04    Kohls                
  499   140        April D Dovi-dotse, 34         21:12                         
  514   141   217  Carol Madison, 53              21:19    Mayo Clinic          
   64   142   218  Caitlyn Stetson, 28            21:31    Ed's First Mates     
  564   143   219  bekky briddell, 54             21:31    Kohls                
  508   144   220  Kelley Hurst, 41               21:59    Mayo Clinic          
  521   119   221  Charles Pack, 50               22:49    Csx Climbers         
   43   120   222  Bob Mosier, 51                 22:57    Flight 42            
  186   145        Gloria Barnes, 77              23:01                         
   46   121   223  Tim Mosier, 47                 23:14    Flight 42            
  356   146   224  Melinda Mercer, 30             23:46    Akerman Llp          
  473   147   225  Rachel Wiggins, 27             24:31    Mayo Clinic          
  414   148        carolyn solomon, 43            24:37                         
  201   149        amber Griggs, 20               24:57                         
   86   150   226  Dawn Avery, 48                 25:05    Flight 42            
  467   122   227  Rob Weiner, 51                 25:08    Mayo Clinic          
  480   151   228  Megan Wilson, 28               25:09    Ed's First Mates     
  392   123   229  Anthony Rafael, 39             25:26    Vertically Inclined  
  170   124   230  Ali Razi, 31                   26:51    Navy Fire            
  553   125   231  Robert Schooley                27:18    Navy Fire            
 1009   126        Dy6831s                        27:41                         
  505   152        Christina Wilson, 24           28:45                         
   70   153        Stacie Cribb, 42               34:26                         
  241   154   232  Monica Davis, 39               41:11    Merrill Lynch Climber 
  416   155   233  Liz Schneider, 24              41:18    Merrill Lynch Climber 
   14   156   234  Danielle Teel, 34              58:50    Prs                  
8 finishers among Males (no age given)
12 finishers among Men Under 19
21 finishers among Men 19 - 29
30 finishers among Men 30 - 39
26 finishers among Men 40 - 49
20 finishers among Men 50 - 59
7 finishers among Men 60 - 69
3 finishers among Men 70 & Up
2 finishers among Women Under 19
41 finishers among Women 19 - 29
50 finishers among Women 30 - 39
26 finishers among Women 40 - 49
31 finishers among Women 50 - 59
2 finishers among Women 60 - 69
2 finishers among Women 70 & Up
1 finishers among Females (no age given)
127 male finishers
155 female finishers
282 total finishers

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