Fight for Air Climb 2015 Finish

Bank of America Building, Jacksonville, Fl

Feb. 7, 2015

Cool, Clear
Results by 1st Place Sports

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              TEAM                             NET
  ID#  PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         

Open Men
   18     1        Troy Alston, 27            4:37    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  522     2        Thomas Scott, 50           4:57                         

Open Women
  541     1        Stefani Sodl, 34           5:55    Prs                  
  502     2        Maria Rodriguez, 27        6:37    Out on the Prowl     

              TEAM                             NET
  ID#  PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         

Men Under 3
  177   150        Cori DuBois, 1             20:36    Csx Climbers         

Men 3 - 18
  433    22        Dylan Nelson, 12           7:01                         
  483    26        Randy Prosswimmer, 11      7:11    Jacksonville Fire Fig 
  657    34        Dylan Dudones, 13          7:54    Csx Climbers         
  661    46        Henry Hunter, 13           8:27    Prs                  
  229    65        Clayton Grant, 12          9:14    Csx Climbers         
  431   105        tony salazar, 13           11:23                         
  367   106        Michael Lynch, 10          11:29    Jacksonville Fire Fig 
  236   109        Brendon Griggs, 15         11:47    Csx Climbers         
  178   113        Chris DuBois II, 11        12:01    Csx Climbers         
  647   116        Tariq Fields, 17           12:12    Mayo Clinic          
   31   122        David Baldwin, 15          12:54    The Baldwin Family   

Men 19 - 29
   72     5        Jordan Brashears, 25       5:49                         
  409     6        Ken Miller, 25             5:55    Csx Climbers         
   68    12        Indra Boyapally, 29        6:39    Csx Climbers         
   51    15        Tyler Hall, 26             6:48    Csx Climbers         
  407    17        Matt Metz, 28              6:53    Out on the Prowl     
  344    38        Eric Lathrop, 29           7:58    Merrill Edge         
  207    39        Alexander Foye, 26         8:03    Csx Climbers         
  521    42        Daniel Schwartz, 22        8:15    Csx Climbers         
  226    45        Kyle Gorman, 28            8:26    Csx Climbers         
  667    48        Alonzo Jackson, 22         8:34                         
   33    57        Jason Baloy, 25            8:54    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
  372    62        Aqueel Majied, 27          9:06    Akerman Llp          
  141    63        Ian Culver, 29             9:09    Hitron               
   35    80        Aleksas Barauskas, 28      9:35    Akerman Llp          
  352    92        Kyle Lind, 27              10:11    Debbie's Climbers    
  607   101        Wesley Ward, 29            10:57    Akerman Llp          
  205   104        Allan Ford, 29             11:17                         
  191   115        Taylor Evans, 25           12:05                         
  235   147        curtis green, 22           20:24    Vertically Inclined  

Men 30 - 39
  668     8        anthony duran, 32          6:13                         
   90     9        Blake Callahan, 33         6:16    Merrill Edge         
  290    10        Tom Ivancik, 39            6:17    Prs                  
  101    13        Richard Cartlidge, 30      6:41    Sanctuary on 8th     
  334    16        Rick Kohn, 32              6:48    Florida Blue         
  462    19        Jason Pavlica, 39          6:56    Mayport Mafia        
  168    21        Hollis Donaldson, 31       7:00    Csx Climbers         
  378    23        John Maroney, 36           7:02    Out on the Prowl     
  112    25        Sung ho Choi, 38           7:06    Prs                  
  302    28        Matt Jirrels, 32           7:25    Merrill Edge         
  376    29        Robert Manners, 31         7:32    Merrill Edge         
  118    33        Adam Clark, 31             7:54    Upsers: Fighting for 
  326    35        Joshua King, 30            7:55    Merrill Edge         
  144    37        Blakely Daniels, 39        7:57    Csx Climbers         
  209    41        Sateesh Gaddam, 38         8:09    Csx Climbers         
   38    43        Barry Barnes, 38           8:19    Flightin' High       
  435    47        Daniel Nichols, 39         8:30                         
  439    50        Thomas Norton, 32          8:35    Flight 42            
  388    53        Winton Mays, 30            8:36    Merrill Edge         
  628    59        J T. Williamson, 33        8:55    River City Athletics 
   87    61        Ryan Bush, 31              9:03    Merrill Edge         
  514    67        Brian Sallette, 32         9:15    Stepaholics          
  185    70        Jon Engle, 34              9:23    Csx Climbers         
  280    75        Matthew Huey, 30           9:26    Hitron               
  459    78        Priyesh Patel, 32          9:30    Stepaholics          
  662    82        Brad King, 32              9:50                         
  156    86        Benjamin DeRemer, 37       9:55    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
  646    91        Shannon Dixon, 35          10:10                         
  328    93        Geoff Lutz, 35             10:12                         
  479    94        Dheeraj Potti, 35          10:18    Csx Climbers         
  298    95        Cheidler Jean-Louis, 37    10:30    Team Titus           
  351    97        Vitaliy Levine, 30         10:47    Merrill Edge         
  414    98        Dave Montgomery, 39        10:47    Vertically Inclined  
  368   100        Patrick Macabasco, 35      10:54    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  488   108        Sharath Ramidi, 36         11:40    Csx Climbers         
  613   110        Lennard Watson, 31         11:47    Merrill Edge         
  480   114        Dharma Prakash, 38         12:04    Csx Climbers         
  139   120        Travon Cox, 32             12:40                         
  380   124        Kiran Marru, 35            12:57    Csx Climbers         
  660   125        John Clements, 37          12:59    Humana               
  338   127        Rith Kruy, 33              13:36    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
  401   129        David McPartland, 33       13:41    McPartland           
  573   132        Goutham Teegala, 33        13:55    Csx Climbers         
  427   134        Andrew Murphy, 31          14:03    Stepaholics          
   14   142        Prejil Alexander, 30       17:55    Csx Climbers         
  631   145        Deangelo Wilson, 36        18:21                         
  181   148        James Eidson, 36           20:26    Akerman Llp          
  563   154        David Sutherland, 30       23:07    Stepaholics          
  486   155        Anthony Rafael, 38         26:25    Vertically Inclined  
  463   157        Josh Payne, 35             54:16    Bring the Payne!     

Men 40 - 49
  219     3        Daryle Glaser, 46          5:15                         
  666     7        joe rivera, 49             6:09                         
   96    14        Patrick Carney, 42         6:42    Csx Climbers         
  535    20        Erik Smith, 40             6:57    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  633    24        Scott Wittlinger, 47       7:03    Best Foot Forward    
  555    30        Earl Storms, 40            7:36    Wells Fargo Climbers 
   79    31        Matthew Brown, 42          7:45    Flightin' High       
  108    44        Raghu Chatrathi, 45        8:20    Csx Climbers         
    1    49        Paul Wagner, 46            8:34                         
  475    51        Tim Sutherland, 40         8:35                         
  600    52        Paul Wagner, 46            8:35    Merrill Lynch        
  588    54        John Tuttle, 46            8:50    Csx Climbers         
  654    58        Derwin Rimas, 42           8:54    Csx Climbers         
  301    64        Arvind Jha, 46             9:12    Csx Climbers         
  586    66        Jeff Trudnak, 42           9:14    Csx Climbers         
  194    68        Fernando Fernandez, 47     9:16                         
  507    71        Rusty Russ, 41             9:24    Flight 42            
  648    73        Oliver Formato, 40         9:25    Humana               
  200    76        John Finn, 44              9:28    Flight 42            
  247    81        Dale Hardin, 47            9:47    Csx Climbers         
  509    84        Christopher Ryan, 41       9:51    Steps For Sue        
  442    88        derald sweatt, 48          10:00                         
  583    89        Craig Tomlinson, 46        10:07    Csx Climbers         
  625    90        Clayton Wilde, 46          10:08    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  187    96        Julio Esquilin, 47         10:43                         
  165    99        Chad Dixon, 42             10:51    Merrill Edge         
   43   107        Kamal Bashir, 40           11:30    Csx Climbers         
   30   117        Dave Baldwin, 48           12:22    The Baldwin Family   
  203   118        Ronald Fone, 47            12:28                         
  440   121        Sreedhar Nunna, 42         12:48    Csx Climbers         
  283   123        Jasen Hutchinson, 42       12:54    William H. Skinner Fa 
  649   126        Charles Lewis, 46          13:01    Mayo Clinic          
  452   139        Charles Pack, 49           16:16    Csx Climbers         
  511   140        John Salazar, 43           16:56    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
  202   141        Jason Floyd, 41            17:30    Team Titus           
  567   144        Derald Sweatt, 48          18:21    Csx Climbers         
    5   152        Tim Mosier, 46             22:39                         

Men 50 - 59
  506    11        Kevin Ruff, 51             6:19    Csx Climbers         
  197    27        Kevin Kipta, 55            7:22                         
  127    36        Joseph Cona, 51            7:57    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  223    40        David Goedtke, 54          8:08    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  331    69        Gary Harlow, 55            9:17                         
  147    72        Doug Dayberry, 58          9:25    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  356    77        Paul Locke, 50             9:29    Csx Climbers         
  121    79        Scott Coble, 51            9:32    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  579    83        Rick Thompson, 51          9:50    Csx Climbers         
   71   103        Joseph McMillan, 54        11:13    Csx Climbers         
   15   111        Rahman Ali, 54             11:54    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  221   130        Tom Glavin, 54             13:43    Gate Petroleum       
  616   131        Keith Wechsler, 54         13:48    Csx Climbers         
  644   135        Michael Butler, 58         14:12                         
   99   136        Roy Carter, 57             14:32    Csx Climbers         
  531   137        Sanjeev Sinha, 54          14:56    Csx Climbers         
  659   138        Greg Umberger, 59          15:28    Csx Climbers         
  152   143        Tim Defibaugh, 55          18:10    Revlon Racers        
  175   146        Joseph DuBois, 58          19:57    Csx Climbers         
   59   149        James Blanton, 59          20:29    Csx Climbers         
    2   151        Bob Mosier, 50             22:21                         
  617   156        Rob Weiner, 50             31:02    Fscj Respiratory Ther 

Men 60 - 69
   60     4        Lee Bledsoe, 61            5:33    Merrill Lynch        
  417    18        Harry Moore, 64            6:55    Foresight            
  629    55        Gerald Willits, 66         8:50    First Coast Ymca     
  447    56        Bob Opkins, 61             8:51    First Coast Ymca     
  358    60        Steven Long, 65            9:00                         
  161    74        Randy Dirkse, 60           9:26    Hiers Family Foundati 
  268    85        Eric Holshouser, 60        9:53                         
  456   112        Curtis Parker, 60          11:55    Csx Climbers         
   91   119        John Campbell, 65          12:29                         
  369   128        John Macdonald, 65         13:39    Akerman Llp          
  248   153        Mike Hargraves, 62         22:45                         

Men 70 & Up
  169    87        Robert Doughty, 73         9:58                         
   24   133        Jack Avery, 72             13:57    Flight 42            

              TEAM                             NET
  ID#  PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         

Women 3 - 18
  587    31        Madeline Trudnak, 15       9:17    Csx Climbers         
  311    48        Gabrielle Lutz, 18         9:51    JaCk                 
   92    53        Britney Campbell, 14       10:14    Flight 42            
  295    63        Sophia Lutz, 15            10:30                         
  653    87        Chris Powell, 17           11:25    Mayo Clinic          
  237   102        Ashleigh Griggs, 14        12:24    Csx Climbers         
  251   110        Lindsey Harrell, 15        12:41    Flight 42            
  384   111        kelsee hovanick, 13        12:41                         
  405   149        terri umberger, 10         15:47                         
   56   154        Kaley Blackburn, 10        16:18    Prs                  
  299   179        Cheryl Jean-Louis, 10      20:30    Team Titus           

Women 19 - 29
  542     4        Sidney Forrest, 29         6:55                         
  386     9        Grace Mathis, 24           8:04    Csx Climbers         
  410    18        Casey Miller, 24           8:33    Csx Climbers         
  413    34        Tina Mirmina, 29           9:22                         
  149    36        Kristy Deegan, 27          9:25                         
  476    38        Jennifer McNeill, 26       9:26                         
  182    41        Ashley Ellison, 22         9:37    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  361    43        Harley Lowe, 23            9:39    Mayport Mafia        
  310    49        Annie Jones, 22            9:55    Merrill Edge         
  213    51        Amanda Gerdeman, 29        10:08    Stepaholics          
  278    55        Jennifer Howell, 25        10:18    Lung Landers         
  104    57        Chelsea Cerini, 25         10:21    Out on the Prowl     
  208    71        Daniela Furlanetto, 23     10:55    Csx Climbers         
  303    77        Katie Jirrels, 28          11:03    Merrill Edge         
  155    80        Anya Denbow, 23            11:08    Out on the Prowl     
  355    81        Brenda Lloyd, 25           11:10    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  332    82        Amanda Klinkatsis, 22      11:11    Csx Climbers         
  426    83        Kelsey Mummaw, 20          11:12    Mayport Mafia        
  157    89        Autumn Devine, 26          11:29    Mayport Mafia        
  135    94        Ashli Coram, 23            11:40    Jacksonville Fire Fig 
  443    97        Allison O'Brien, 28        11:47    Flight 42            
  330   100        Stephanie Kirk, 28         12:19    Revlon Racers        
  164   101        Jena Dirkse, 28            12:24    Hiers Family Foundati 
  432   104        Kristen Nelson, 28         12:29    Debbie's Climbers    
  287   113        Vinnesha Innes, 25         12:56    Jacksonville Fire Fig 
  309   117        Hannah Johnson, 25         13:25                         
  216   118        Jessica Gibson, 26         13:25    Akerman Llp          
   80   121        Angela Brown, 29           13:37    #brownbrothers       
  382   125        Kerry Martin, 27           13:46                         
  151   135        jessica deegan, 20         14:19                         
  533   136        Kinsey Sloss, 27           14:21    Out on the Prowl     
  445   141        Linda O'Brien, 23          15:19    Flight 42            
  637   163        Kimberly Wootton, 26       17:21    Climbing Gator Skins 
  451   168        Malia Owen, 25             17:47    Climbing Gator Skins 
  643   171        Drea Bosque, 26            18:26    Csx Climbers         
  460   173        Lindsey Patillo, 24        19:16    Csx Climbers         
  345   175        samantha warn, 24          19:55    Prs                  
  297   184        Jazmine James, 25          22:05                         
  403   185        Melinda Mercer, 29         23:15    Akerman Llp          
  615   194        Megan Webster, 26          31:24    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
  624   195        Rachel Wiggins, 26         31:45    Fscj Respiratory Ther 

Women 30 - 39
  220     5        Susan Glaser, 38           6:58                         
  574     6        Danielle Teel, 33          7:07    Prs                  
  515     7        Katie Sawaya, 30           7:15    Prs                  
  453     8        Kathleen Pajcic, 37        7:25    Prs                  
  159    10        Aimee Dickerson, 39        8:09    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
  458    11        Manisha Patel, 32          8:09    Stepaholics          
   47    13        Kirsten Benkert, 35        8:10    Prs                  
  552    15        Allison Stocker, 30        8:20    Akerman Llp          
  282    19        Mandy Hunter, 39           8:39    Prs                  
  347    22        Anne Le, 35                8:50                         
  513    25        Spring Sallette, 33        9:05    Stepaholics          
  339    27        Merriane Lahmeur, 33       9:07    Prs                  
  353    29        Shana Lindsey, 37          9:14    Vertically Inclined  
  224    32        Chelsey Goldstein, 31      9:18                         
  406    39        Amy Merrills, 39           9:29    Flightin' High       
  333    40        Sarah Knight, 30           9:33    Debbie's Climbers    
  102    45        Gena Causer, 33            9:44    Merrill Edge         
  510    46        Shana Ryan, 32             9:47    Steps For Sue        
  562    47        Emily Sutherland, 32       9:51    Stepaholics          
  400    56        Leslie McPartland, 34      10:19    McPartland           
  450    60        Kathryn Oughton, 33        10:26    Debbie's Climbers    
  265    65        Jennifer Higginbotham, 35  10:32    Csx Climbers         
  113    66        Brandice Choi, 35          10:40    Prs                  
  275    68        Margaret Ashley Houston, 38
                                               10:47    St. Johns Co Firefigh 
  238    69        Amanda Gudaitis, 32        10:49    River City Athletics 
   98    72        Stephanie Carr-Williams, 34
                                               10:56    Debbie's Climbers    
  319    73        Sarah Kelne, 37            10:57    Merrill Lynch        
  438    75        AliceSun Norman, 31        11:03    Florida Blue         
  285    84        Glareh Imani, 30           11:15                         
  313    86        Heather Julin-Pittman, 31  11:22    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  536    88        Kelly Smith, 37            11:26    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  539    92        Jennie Smith-Foerster, 34  11:37    Revlon Racers        
  614    93        Meredith Webb, 37          11:38    Prs                  
  212    98        Mebraht Gebre-Michael, 30  12:16    Csx Climbers         
  577    99        Michelle Thomas, 33        12:18                         
  314   103        Erin Juzapavicus, 32       12:28                         
  428   106        Anna Murphy, 30            12:34    Stepaholics          
  602   107        Shana Lindsey, 37          12:36                         
  160   108        Miriam Dillard, 39         12:37    The Baldwin Family   
  620   114        Jenna Westberry, 30        13:03    Debbie's Climbers    
  349   120        Susie Leary, 33            13:36    Merrill Edge         
  136   122        Lauren Cortese, 37         13:37                         
  495   123        Lauren Rios, 33            13:41    Revlon Racers        
  266   126        Lisa Hollis, 32            13:49    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  206   128        Stefanie Forness, 32       14:04    Climbing Gator Skins 
  255   129        Erin Harvill, 30           14:04    Jacksonville Fire Fig 
  390   130        Marklyn McCready, 33       14:08    St. Johns Co Firefigh 
   62   132        Sandra Bohanan, 37         14:11    Akerman Llp          
   40   133        Noel Barnwell, 36          14:17    St. Johns Co Firefigh 
   78   139        Becky Brothers, 37         14:42    #brownbrothers       
   12   142        Glover Adrienne, 35        15:21    Merrill Edge         
   97   143        Danielle Carpico, 37       15:24    Merrill Edge         
  492   145        Brenda Reeves, 39          15:27    Flight 42            
  218   150        Colleen Givens, 35         15:47                         
  231   153        Sebrina Washington, 34     16:01                         
   41   156        Sherry Baron, 36           16:19    Team Titus           
  322   159        Carolyn Kernen, 33         16:45    Jacksonville Fire Fig 
  418   160        nikeisha townsend, 34      16:48                         
  551   165        Sage Stevens, 34           17:31    Jacksonville Fire Fig 
  581   167        Meredith Thornton, 37      17:42    St. Johns Co Firefigh 
   67   169        Monique Bosque, 35         18:16    Csx Climbers         
  276   172        Chante Houston, 37         18:46    Team Titus           
  455   174        Jennifer Paparelli, 32     19:40    Csx Climbers         
  365   176        Amy Lynch, 36              19:56    Jacksonville Fire Fig 
  243   177        Heather Haage, 33          20:09    Debbie's Climbers    
  211   178        Melissa Gayle, 35          20:17    Vertically Inclined  
   42   180        Melissa Baron, 30          21:20    Team Titus           
  120   187        Melinda Cobb, 36           23:40    Gate Petroleum       
  548   190        Aimee Stead, 38            25:09    Jacksonville Fire Fig 
  385   192        shelia restrepo, 39        27:59    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
  464   196        Kristen Payne, 35          54:37    Bring the Payne!     

Women 40 - 49
   44     3        Holly Batchelder, 40       6:47    Prs                  
   34    12        Lisa Balter, 49            8:09    Csx Climbers         
  364    14        Leah Lynch, 46             8:19    Prs                  
   95    17        Kellie Carney, 44          8:22    Prs                  
  228    21        Theresa Graeser, 47        8:50                         
  634    30        Tina Wittlinger, 43        9:15    Best Foot Forward    
  233    33        Jenny Green, 41            9:19    St. Johns Co Firefigh 
  340    35        Kim Lamb, 47               9:24                         
  260    44        Jennifer Heller, 46        9:40    Prs                  
  289    58        Leonor Lutz, 47            10:23                         
  593    59        Lauren Husband, 47         10:25                         
  430    61        Jaylen Naylor, 45          10:28                         
  145    64        Sheri Dart, 43             10:32    Revlon Racers        
  126    78        Tracy Collins, 47          11:06    Prs                  
  461    90        Catherine Patton, 47       11:29    Florida Blue         
  518    96        Julie Schafer, 44          11:44    St. Johns Co Firefigh 
  258   116        Maggie Hearon, 45          13:14    Akerman Llp          
   16   137        Nelrae Ali, 44             14:23    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  395   138        kimberly butler, 49        14:29                         
  257   151        Evelyn Haywood, 45         15:48                         
  397   152        Stephanie McKissic, 49     15:49    Wells Fargo Climbers 
   55   157        Shari Blackburn, 43        16:22    Prs                  
   48   161        Lauren Husband, 48         16:49                         
  129   162        Suzanne Conover, 43        17:18    Raintree Climbers    
  125   181        April Coleman, 40          21:41                         
  296   182        Terri James, 49            21:47                         
  422   183        Trish Morris, 49           22:04                         
   88   186        Kimberly Butler, 43        23:30                         
  651   191        Trenna Nelson, 46          27:56    Mayo Clinic          
  195   193        Tracie Fernandez, 45       29:43                         

Women 50 - 59
   66    20        Betsy Bonner, 51           8:42    Gate Petroleum       
  375    23        Theresa Mann, 54           8:51                         
  304    24        Margaret Johnson, 50       8:55    Mayo Clinic          
  530    26        Mary Sinex, 54             9:05                         
  383    28        Kathleen Mathis, 50        9:14    Csx Climbers         
  638    37        Judith Yeager, 53          9:26    Gate Petroleum       
  554    42        Jana Watford, 50           9:38                         
   65    50        Dawn Boneham, 52           10:04    Best Foot Forward    
  436    52        Cindy Nobles, 58           10:12    Csx Climbers         
  534    54        Connie Smith, 56           10:17    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  162    62        Barbara Dirkse, 54         10:29    Hiers Family Foundati 
  503    67        Teryn Romaine, 55          10:43                         
  528    70        Cynthia Simon, 57          10:50                         
  578    74        Ronda Thompson, 53         11:01    Prs                  
  192    76        Judy Farmer, 53            11:03    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  444    79        judy kaplan, 56            11:07                         
  599    85        Cristi lee Wagner, 52      11:17    Prs                  
  499   115        Dana Robles, 53            13:12    Csx Climbers         
  179   119        Heather Dugan, 53          13:33    Prs                  
  635   124        Julie Wood, 55             13:45    Raintree Climbers    
  529   127        Donna Simons, 53           14:01    Gate Petroleum       
  343   131        Cindy Laquidara, 57        14:10    Akerman Llp          
   85   134        Donna Burris, 51           14:18    Akerman Llp          
  176   140        Sheri Dubois, 51           15:13    Csx Climbers         
  569   144        Beverley Tablada, 56       15:24    Csx Climbers         
  143   146        Anita Dall, 58             15:28                         
  594   148        Laura VanZee, 51           15:42    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  163   155        Brenda Dirkse, 52          16:18    Hiers Family Foundati 
  117   164        Joann Clark, 50            17:29    Csx Climbers         
  408   166        Tracy Miller, 52           17:36    Raintree Climbers    
  267   170        Debbie Holmes, 54          18:22    Csx Climbers         
  371   188        Carol Madison, 52          24:12    Mayo Clinic          

Women 60 - 69
  105    91        Susan Cervantes, 68        11:31                         
  532   105        Sarah Skinner, 60          12:34    William H. Skinner Fa 
  669   109        alberta davis, 61          12:39                         
  421   112        Anna Morgan, 60            12:52    Revlon Racers        
   58   158        Norine Blanton, 60         16:44    Csx Climbers         

Women 70 & Up
  494   147        Sandi Richmond, 70         15:39                         
   37   189        gloria barnes, 76          24:41                         

              TEAM                             NET
  ID#  PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         

   18     1     1  Troy Alston, 27            4:37    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  522     2        Thomas Scott, 50           4:57                         
  219     3        Daryle Glaser, 46          5:15                         
   60     4     2  Lee Bledsoe, 61            5:33    Merrill Lynch        
   72     5        Jordan Brashears, 25       5:49                         
  409     6     3  Ken Miller, 25             5:55    Csx Climbers         
  541     1     4  Stefani Sodl, 34           5:55    Prs                  
  666     7        joe rivera, 49             6:09                         
  668     8        anthony duran, 32          6:13                         
   90     9     5  Blake Callahan, 33         6:16    Merrill Edge         
  290    10     6  Tom Ivancik, 39            6:17    Prs                  
  506    11     7  Kevin Ruff, 51             6:19    Csx Climbers         
  502     2     8  Maria Rodriguez, 27        6:37    Out on the Prowl     
   68    12     9  Indra Boyapally, 29        6:39    Csx Climbers         
  101    13    10  Richard Cartlidge, 30      6:41    Sanctuary on 8th     
   96    14    11  Patrick Carney, 42         6:42    Csx Climbers         
   44     3    12  Holly Batchelder, 40       6:47    Prs                  
   51    15    13  Tyler Hall, 26             6:48    Csx Climbers         
  334    16    14  Rick Kohn, 32              6:48    Florida Blue         
  407    17    15  Matt Metz, 28              6:53    Out on the Prowl     
  542     4    16  Sidney Forrest, 29         6:55                         
  417    18    17  Harry Moore, 64            6:55    Foresight            
  462    19    18  Jason Pavlica, 39          6:56    Mayport Mafia        
  535    20    19  Erik Smith, 40             6:57    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  220     5        Susan Glaser, 38           6:58                         
  168    21    20  Hollis Donaldson, 31       7:00    Csx Climbers         
  433    22        Dylan Nelson, 12           7:01                         
  378    23    21  John Maroney, 36           7:02    Out on the Prowl     
  633    24    22  Scott Wittlinger, 47       7:03    Best Foot Forward    
  112    25    23  Sung ho Choi, 38           7:06    Prs                  
  574     6    24  Danielle Teel, 33          7:07    Prs                  
  483    26    25  Randy Prosswimmer, 11      7:11    Jacksonville Fire Fig 
  515     7    26  Katie Sawaya, 30           7:15    Prs                  
  197    27        Kevin Kipta, 55            7:22                         
  302    28    27  Matt Jirrels, 32           7:25    Merrill Edge         
  453     8    28  Kathleen Pajcic, 37        7:25    Prs                  
  376    29    29  Robert Manners, 31         7:32    Merrill Edge         
  555    30    30  Earl Storms, 40            7:36    Wells Fargo Climbers 
   79    31    31  Matthew Brown, 42          7:45    Flightin' High       
  230    32        Mark Grant, 49             7:50    Csx Climbers         
  118    33    32  Adam Clark, 31             7:54    Upsers: Fighting for 
  657    34    33  Dylan Dudones, 13          7:54    Csx Climbers         
  326    35    34  Joshua King, 30            7:55    Merrill Edge         
  127    36    35  Joseph Cona, 51            7:57    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  144    37    36  Blakely Daniels, 39        7:57    Csx Climbers         
  344    38    37  Eric Lathrop, 29           7:58    Merrill Edge         
  207    39    38  Alexander Foye, 26         8:03    Csx Climbers         
  386     9    39  Grace Mathis, 24           8:04    Csx Climbers         
  223    40    40  David Goedtke, 54          8:08    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  209    41    41  Sateesh Gaddam, 38         8:09    Csx Climbers         
  159    10    42  Aimee Dickerson, 39        8:09    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
  458    11    43  Manisha Patel, 32          8:09    Stepaholics          
   34    12    44  Lisa Balter, 49            8:09    Csx Climbers         
   47    13    45  Kirsten Benkert, 35        8:10    Prs                  
  521    42    46  Daniel Schwartz, 22        8:15    Csx Climbers         
   38    43    47  Barry Barnes, 38           8:19    Flightin' High       
  364    14    48  Leah Lynch, 46             8:19    Prs                  
  552    15    49  Allison Stocker, 30        8:20    Akerman Llp          
  108    44    50  Raghu Chatrathi, 45        8:20    Csx Climbers         
  342    16    51  Kim Lassiat                8:20    Prs                  
   95    17    52  Kellie Carney, 44          8:22    Prs                  
  226    45    53  Kyle Gorman, 28            8:26    Csx Climbers         
  661    46    54  Henry Hunter, 13           8:27    Prs                  
  435    47        Daniel Nichols, 39         8:30                         
  410    18    55  Casey Miller, 24           8:33    Csx Climbers         
  667    48        Alonzo Jackson, 22         8:34                         
    1    49        Paul Wagner, 46            8:34                         
  439    50    56  Thomas Norton, 32          8:35    Flight 42            
  475    51        Tim Sutherland, 40         8:35                         
  600    52    57  Paul Wagner, 46            8:35    Merrill Lynch        
  388    53    58  Winton Mays, 30            8:36    Merrill Edge         
  282    19    59  Mandy Hunter, 39           8:39    Prs                  
   66    20    60  Betsy Bonner, 51           8:42    Gate Petroleum       
  588    54    61  John Tuttle, 46            8:50    Csx Climbers         
  228    21        Theresa Graeser, 47        8:50                         
  629    55    62  Gerald Willits, 66         8:50    First Coast Ymca     
  347    22        Anne Le, 35                8:50                         
  447    56    63  Bob Opkins, 61             8:51    First Coast Ymca     
  375    23        Theresa Mann, 54           8:51                         
   33    57    64  Jason Baloy, 25            8:54    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
  654    58    65  Derwin Rimas, 42           8:54    Csx Climbers         
  628    59    66  J T. Williamson, 33        8:55    River City Athletics 
  304    24    67  Margaret Johnson, 50       8:55    Mayo Clinic          
  358    60        Steven Long, 65            9:00                         
   87    61    68  Ryan Bush, 31              9:03    Merrill Edge         
  513    25    69  Spring Sallette, 33        9:05    Stepaholics          
  530    26        Mary Sinex, 54             9:05                         
  372    62    70  Aqueel Majied, 27          9:06    Akerman Llp          
  339    27    71  Merriane Lahmeur, 33       9:07    Prs                  
  141    63    72  Ian Culver, 29             9:09    Hitron               
  301    64    73  Arvind Jha, 46             9:12    Csx Climbers         
  383    28    74  Kathleen Mathis, 50        9:14    Csx Climbers         
  353    29    75  Shana Lindsey, 37          9:14    Vertically Inclined  
  229    65    76  Clayton Grant, 12          9:14    Csx Climbers         
  586    66    77  Jeff Trudnak, 42           9:14    Csx Climbers         
  514    67    78  Brian Sallette, 32         9:15    Stepaholics          
  634    30    79  Tina Wittlinger, 43        9:15    Best Foot Forward    
  194    68        Fernando Fernandez, 47     9:16                         
  587    31    80  Madeline Trudnak, 15       9:17    Csx Climbers         
  331    69        Gary Harlow, 55            9:17                         
  224    32        Chelsey Goldstein, 31      9:18                         
  233    33    81  Jenny Green, 41            9:19    St. Johns Co Firefigh 
  413    34        Tina Mirmina, 29           9:22                         
  185    70    82  Jon Engle, 34              9:23    Csx Climbers         
  340    35        Kim Lamb, 47               9:24                         
  507    71    83  Rusty Russ, 41             9:24    Flight 42            
  149    36        Kristy Deegan, 27          9:25                         
  147    72    84  Doug Dayberry, 58          9:25    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  648    73    85  Oliver Formato, 40         9:25    Humana               
  638    37    86  Judith Yeager, 53          9:26    Gate Petroleum       
  476    38    87  Jennifer McNeill, 26       9:26                         
  161    74    88  Randy Dirkse, 60           9:26    Hiers Family Foundati 
  280    75    89  Matthew Huey, 30           9:26    Hitron               
  200    76    90  John Finn, 44              9:28    Flight 42            
  356    77    91  Paul Locke, 50             9:29    Csx Climbers         
  406    39    92  Amy Merrills, 39           9:29    Flightin' High       
  459    78    93  Priyesh Patel, 32          9:30    Stepaholics          
  121    79    94  Scott Coble, 51            9:32    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  333    40    95  Sarah Knight, 30           9:33    Debbie's Climbers    
   35    80    96  Aleksas Barauskas, 28      9:35    Akerman Llp          
  182    41    97  Ashley Ellison, 22         9:37    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  554    42        Jana Watford, 50           9:38                         
  361    43    98  Harley Lowe, 23            9:39    Mayport Mafia        
  260    44    99  Jennifer Heller, 46        9:40    Prs                  
  102    45   100  Gena Causer, 33            9:44    Merrill Edge         
  247    81   101  Dale Hardin, 47            9:47    Csx Climbers         
  510    46   102  Shana Ryan, 32             9:47    Steps For Sue        
  662    82        Brad King, 32              9:50                         
  579    83   103  Rick Thompson, 51          9:50    Csx Climbers         
  562    47   104  Emily Sutherland, 32       9:51    Stepaholics          
  311    48   105  Gabrielle Lutz, 18         9:51    JaCk                 
  509    84   106  Christopher Ryan, 41       9:51    Steps For Sue        
  268    85        Eric Holshouser, 60        9:53                         
  310    49   107  Annie Jones, 22            9:55    Merrill Edge         
  156    86   108  Benjamin DeRemer, 37       9:55    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
  169    87        Robert Doughty, 73         9:58                         
  442    88        derald sweatt, 48          10:00                         
   65    50   109  Dawn Boneham, 52           10:04    Best Foot Forward    
  583    89   110  Craig Tomlinson, 46        10:07    Csx Climbers         
  625    90   111  Clayton Wilde, 46          10:08    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  213    51   112  Amanda Gerdeman, 29        10:08    Stepaholics          
  646    91        Shannon Dixon, 35          10:10                         
  352    92   113  Kyle Lind, 27              10:11    Debbie's Climbers    
  436    52   114  Cindy Nobles, 58           10:12    Csx Climbers         
  328    93        Geoff Lutz, 35             10:12                         
   92    53   115  Britney Campbell, 14       10:14    Flight 42            
  534    54   116  Connie Smith, 56           10:17    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  479    94   117  Dheeraj Potti, 35          10:18    Csx Climbers         
  278    55   118  Jennifer Howell, 25        10:18    Lung Landers         
  400    56   119  Leslie McPartland, 34      10:19    McPartland           
  104    57   120  Chelsea Cerini, 25         10:21    Out on the Prowl     
  289    58        Leonor Lutz, 47            10:23                         
  593    59        Lauren Husband, 47         10:25                         
  450    60   121  Kathryn Oughton, 33        10:26    Debbie's Climbers    
  430    61        Jaylen Naylor, 45          10:28                         
  162    62   122  Barbara Dirkse, 54         10:29    Hiers Family Foundati 
  298    95   123  Cheidler Jean-Louis, 37    10:30    Team Titus           
  295    63        Sophia Lutz, 15            10:30                         
  145    64   124  Sheri Dart, 43             10:32    Revlon Racers        
  265    65   125  Jennifer Higginbotham, 35  10:32    Csx Climbers         
  113    66   126  Brandice Choi, 35          10:40    Prs                  
  187    96        Julio Esquilin, 47         10:43                         
  503    67        Teryn Romaine, 55          10:43                         
  351    97   127  Vitaliy Levine, 30         10:47    Merrill Edge         
  275    68   128  Margaret Ashley Houston, 38
                                               10:47    St. Johns Co Firefigh 
  414    98   129  Dave Montgomery, 39        10:47    Vertically Inclined  
  238    69   130  Amanda Gudaitis, 32        10:49    River City Athletics 
  528    70        Cynthia Simon, 57          10:50                         
  165    99   131  Chad Dixon, 42             10:51    Merrill Edge         
  368   100   132  Patrick Macabasco, 35      10:54    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  208    71   133  Daniela Furlanetto, 23     10:55    Csx Climbers         
   98    72   134  Stephanie Carr-Williams, 34
                                               10:56    Debbie's Climbers    
  319    73   135  Sarah Kelne, 37            10:57    Merrill Lynch        
  607   101   136  Wesley Ward, 29            10:57    Akerman Llp          
  578    74   137  Ronda Thompson, 53         11:01    Prs                  
  438    75   138  AliceSun Norman, 31        11:03    Florida Blue         
  192    76   139  Judy Farmer, 53            11:03    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  303    77   140  Katie Jirrels, 28          11:03    Merrill Edge         
  126    78   141  Tracy Collins, 47          11:06    Prs                  
  444    79        judy kaplan, 56            11:07                         
 1102   102        Dz81z3v                    11:08                         
  155    80   142  Anya Denbow, 23            11:08    Out on the Prowl     
  355    81   143  Brenda Lloyd, 25           11:10    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  332    82   144  Amanda Klinkatsis, 22      11:11    Csx Climbers         
  426    83   145  Kelsey Mummaw, 20          11:12    Mayport Mafia        
   71   103   146  Joseph McMillan, 54        11:13    Csx Climbers         
  285    84        Glareh Imani, 30           11:15                         
  205   104        Allan Ford, 29             11:17                         
  599    85   147  Cristi lee Wagner, 52      11:17    Prs                  
  313    86   148  Heather Julin-Pittman, 31  11:22    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  431   105        tony salazar, 13           11:23                         
  653    87   149  Chris Powell, 17           11:25    Mayo Clinic          
  536    88   150  Kelly Smith, 37            11:26    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  157    89   151  Autumn Devine, 26          11:29    Mayport Mafia        
  461    90   152  Catherine Patton, 47       11:29    Florida Blue         
  367   106   153  Michael Lynch, 10          11:29    Jacksonville Fire Fig 
   43   107   154  Kamal Bashir, 40           11:30    Csx Climbers         
  105    91        Susan Cervantes, 68        11:31                         
  539    92   155  Jennie Smith-Foerster, 34  11:37    Revlon Racers        
  614    93   156  Meredith Webb, 37          11:38    Prs                  
  135    94   157  Ashli Coram, 23            11:40    Jacksonville Fire Fig 
  488   108   158  Sharath Ramidi, 36         11:40    Csx Climbers         
  286    95   159  Cathy Ivancik              11:42    Prs                  
  518    96   160  Julie Schafer, 44          11:44    St. Johns Co Firefigh 
  236   109   161  Brendon Griggs, 15         11:47    Csx Climbers         
  443    97   162  Allison O'Brien, 28        11:47    Flight 42            
  613   110   163  Lennard Watson, 31         11:47    Merrill Edge         
   15   111   164  Rahman Ali, 54             11:54    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  456   112   165  Curtis Parker, 60          11:55    Csx Climbers         
  178   113   166  Chris DuBois II, 11        12:01    Csx Climbers         
  480   114   167  Dharma Prakash, 38         12:04    Csx Climbers         
  191   115        Taylor Evans, 25           12:05                         
  647   116   168  Tariq Fields, 17           12:12    Mayo Clinic          
  212    98   169  Mebraht Gebre-Michael, 30  12:16    Csx Climbers         
  577    99        Michelle Thomas, 33        12:18                         
  330   100   170  Stephanie Kirk, 28         12:19    Revlon Racers        
   30   117   171  Dave Baldwin, 48           12:22    The Baldwin Family   
  164   101   172  Jena Dirkse, 28            12:24    Hiers Family Foundati 
  237   102   173  Ashleigh Griggs, 14        12:24    Csx Climbers         
  314   103        Erin Juzapavicus, 32       12:28                         
  203   118        Ronald Fone, 47            12:28                         
   91   119        John Campbell, 65          12:29                         
  432   104   174  Kristen Nelson, 28         12:29    Debbie's Climbers    
  532   105   175  Sarah Skinner, 60          12:34    William H. Skinner Fa 
  428   106   176  Anna Murphy, 30            12:34    Stepaholics          
  602   107        Shana Lindsey, 37          12:36                         
  160   108   177  Miriam Dillard, 39         12:37    The Baldwin Family   
  669   109        alberta davis, 61          12:39                         
  139   120        Travon Cox, 32             12:40                         
  251   110   178  Lindsey Harrell, 15        12:41    Flight 42            
  384   111   179  kelsee hovanick, 13        12:41                         
  440   121   180  Sreedhar Nunna, 42         12:48    Csx Climbers         
  421   112   181  Anna Morgan, 60            12:52    Revlon Racers        
   31   122   182  David Baldwin, 15          12:54    The Baldwin Family   
  283   123   183  Jasen Hutchinson, 42       12:54    William H. Skinner Fa 
  287   113   184  Vinnesha Innes, 25         12:56    Jacksonville Fire Fig 
  380   124   185  Kiran Marru, 35            12:57    Csx Climbers         
  660   125   186  John Clements, 37          12:59    Humana               
  649   126   187  Charles Lewis, 46          13:01    Mayo Clinic          
  620   114   188  Jenna Westberry, 30        13:03    Debbie's Climbers    
  499   115   189  Dana Robles, 53            13:12    Csx Climbers         
  258   116   190  Maggie Hearon, 45          13:14    Akerman Llp          
  309   117        Hannah Johnson, 25         13:25                         
  216   118   191  Jessica Gibson, 26         13:25    Akerman Llp          
  179   119   192  Heather Dugan, 53          13:33    Prs                  
  349   120   193  Susie Leary, 33            13:36    Merrill Edge         
  338   127   194  Rith Kruy, 33              13:36    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
   80   121   195  Angela Brown, 29           13:37    #brownbrothers       
  136   122        Lauren Cortese, 37         13:37                         
  369   128   196  John Macdonald, 65         13:39    Akerman Llp          
  495   123   197  Lauren Rios, 33            13:41    Revlon Racers        
  401   129   198  David McPartland, 33       13:41    McPartland           
  221   130   199  Tom Glavin, 54             13:43    Gate Petroleum       
  635   124   200  Julie Wood, 55             13:45    Raintree Climbers    
  382   125        Kerry Martin, 27           13:46                         
  616   131   201  Keith Wechsler, 54         13:48    Csx Climbers         
  266   126   202  Lisa Hollis, 32            13:49    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  573   132   203  Goutham Teegala, 33        13:55    Csx Climbers         
   24   133   204  Jack Avery, 72             13:57    Flight 42            
  529   127   205  Donna Simons, 53           14:01    Gate Petroleum       
  427   134   206  Andrew Murphy, 31          14:03    Stepaholics          
  206   128   207  Stefanie Forness, 32       14:04    Climbing Gator Skins 
  255   129   208  Erin Harvill, 30           14:04    Jacksonville Fire Fig 
  390   130   209  Marklyn McCready, 33       14:08    St. Johns Co Firefigh 
  343   131   210  Cindy Laquidara, 57        14:10    Akerman Llp          
   62   132   211  Sandra Bohanan, 37         14:11    Akerman Llp          
  644   135        Michael Butler, 58         14:12                         
   40   133   212  Noel Barnwell, 36          14:17    St. Johns Co Firefigh 
   85   134   213  Donna Burris, 51           14:18    Akerman Llp          
  151   135        jessica deegan, 20         14:19                         
  533   136   214  Kinsey Sloss, 27           14:21    Out on the Prowl     
   16   137   215  Nelrae Ali, 44             14:23    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  395   138        kimberly butler, 49        14:29                         
   99   136   216  Roy Carter, 57             14:32    Csx Climbers         
   78   139   217  Becky Brothers, 37         14:42    #brownbrothers       
  531   137   218  Sanjeev Sinha, 54          14:56    Csx Climbers         
  176   140   219  Sheri Dubois, 51           15:13    Csx Climbers         
  445   141   220  Linda O'Brien, 23          15:19    Flight 42            
   12   142   221  Glover Adrienne, 35        15:21    Merrill Edge         
   97   143   222  Danielle Carpico, 37       15:24    Merrill Edge         
  569   144   223  Beverley Tablada, 56       15:24    Csx Climbers         
  492   145   224  Brenda Reeves, 39          15:27    Flight 42            
  143   146        Anita Dall, 58             15:28                         
  659   138   225  Greg Umberger, 59          15:28    Csx Climbers         
  494   147        Sandi Richmond, 70         15:39                         
  594   148   226  Laura VanZee, 51           15:42    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  405   149   227  terri umberger, 10         15:47                         
  218   150        Colleen Givens, 35         15:47                         
  257   151        Evelyn Haywood, 45         15:48                         
  397   152   228  Stephanie McKissic, 49     15:49    Wells Fargo Climbers 
  231   153        Sebrina Washington, 34     16:01                         
  452   139   229  Charles Pack, 49           16:16    Csx Climbers         
   56   154   230  Kaley Blackburn, 10        16:18    Prs                  
  163   155   231  Brenda Dirkse, 52          16:18    Hiers Family Foundati 
   41   156   232  Sherry Baron, 36           16:19    Team Titus           
   55   157   233  Shari Blackburn, 43        16:22    Prs                  
   58   158   234  Norine Blanton, 60         16:44    Csx Climbers         
  322   159   235  Carolyn Kernen, 33         16:45    Jacksonville Fire Fig 
  418   160   236  nikeisha townsend, 34      16:48                         
   48   161        Lauren Husband, 48         16:49                         
  511   140   237  John Salazar, 43           16:56    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
  129   162   238  Suzanne Conover, 43        17:18    Raintree Climbers    
  637   163   239  Kimberly Wootton, 26       17:21    Climbing Gator Skins 
  117   164   240  Joann Clark, 50            17:29    Csx Climbers         
  202   141   241  Jason Floyd, 41            17:30    Team Titus           
  551   165   242  Sage Stevens, 34           17:31    Jacksonville Fire Fig 
  408   166   243  Tracy Miller, 52           17:36    Raintree Climbers    
  581   167   244  Meredith Thornton, 37      17:42    St. Johns Co Firefigh 
  451   168   245  Malia Owen, 25             17:47    Climbing Gator Skins 
   14   142   246  Prejil Alexander, 30       17:55    Csx Climbers         
  152   143   247  Tim Defibaugh, 55          18:10    Revlon Racers        
   67   169   248  Monique Bosque, 35         18:16    Csx Climbers         
  567   144   249  Derald Sweatt, 48          18:21    Csx Climbers         
  631   145        Deangelo Wilson, 36        18:21                         
  267   170   250  Debbie Holmes, 54          18:22    Csx Climbers         
  643   171   251  Drea Bosque, 26            18:26    Csx Climbers         
  276   172   252  Chante Houston, 37         18:46    Team Titus           
  460   173   253  Lindsey Patillo, 24        19:16    Csx Climbers         
  455   174   254  Jennifer Paparelli, 32     19:40    Csx Climbers         
  345   175   255  samantha warn, 24          19:55    Prs                  
  365   176   256  Amy Lynch, 36              19:56    Jacksonville Fire Fig 
  175   146   257  Joseph DuBois, 58          19:57    Csx Climbers         
  243   177   258  Heather Haage, 33          20:09    Debbie's Climbers    
  211   178   259  Melissa Gayle, 35          20:17    Vertically Inclined  
  235   147   260  curtis green, 22           20:24    Vertically Inclined  
  181   148   261  James Eidson, 36           20:26    Akerman Llp          
   59   149   262  James Blanton, 59          20:29    Csx Climbers         
  299   179   263  Cheryl Jean-Louis, 10      20:30    Team Titus           
  177   150   264  Cori DuBois, 1             20:36    Csx Climbers         
   42   180   265  Melissa Baron, 30          21:20    Team Titus           
  125   181        April Coleman, 40          21:41                         
  296   182        Terri James, 49            21:47                         
  422   183        Trish Morris, 49           22:04                         
  297   184        Jazmine James, 25          22:05                         
    2   151        Bob Mosier, 50             22:21                         
    5   152        Tim Mosier, 46             22:39                         
  248   153        Mike Hargraves, 62         22:45                         
  563   154   266  David Sutherland, 30       23:07    Stepaholics          
  403   185   267  Melinda Mercer, 29         23:15    Akerman Llp          
   88   186        Kimberly Butler, 43        23:30                         
  120   187   268  Melinda Cobb, 36           23:40    Gate Petroleum       
  371   188   269  Carol Madison, 52          24:12    Mayo Clinic          
   37   189        gloria barnes, 76          24:41                         
  548   190   270  Aimee Stead, 38            25:09    Jacksonville Fire Fig 
  486   155   271  Anthony Rafael, 38         26:25    Vertically Inclined  
  651   191   272  Trenna Nelson, 46          27:56    Mayo Clinic          
  385   192   273  shelia restrepo, 39        27:59    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
  195   193        Tracie Fernandez, 45       29:43                         
  617   156   274  Rob Weiner, 50             31:02    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
  615   194   275  Megan Webster, 26          31:24    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
  624   195   276  Rachel Wiggins, 26         31:45    Fscj Respiratory Ther 
  463   157   277  Josh Payne, 35             54:16    Bring the Payne!     
  464   196   278  Kristen Payne, 35          54:37    Bring the Payne!     
6 finishers among Males (no age given)
1 finishers among Men Under 3
11 finishers among Men 3 - 18
19 finishers among Men 19 - 29
50 finishers among Men 30 - 39
37 finishers among Men 40 - 49
22 finishers among Men 50 - 59
11 finishers among Men 60 - 69
2 finishers among Men 70 & Up
11 finishers among Women 3 - 18
41 finishers among Women 19 - 29
71 finishers among Women 30 - 39
30 finishers among Women 40 - 49
32 finishers among Women 50 - 59
5 finishers among Women 60 - 69
2 finishers among Women 70 & Up
2 finishers among Females (no age given)
159 male finishers
194 female finishers
353 total finishers

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